Diplomacy The After Dusk Masquerade | The Night Court Gathering

Despite the tension in the room or perhaps because of it Thorondir was enjoying himself. This was the game he loved the most played at the highest levels of power there was. It was also humbling an awe inspiring to see the most powerful cabal lords of the Night Court pay homage to the Vampire King himself. Which meant that the in effect the most powerful people in the world were here today in this room, all bowing before their lord, master and King.

An event like this was a rarity. Thorondir had never been to one in his two centuries of life, and he wondered if that was because on hadn’t been held in centuries, and wondered if they would become more frequent. A tactical cynical part of Thorondir, analysed that The Demon King provoked this display of power. To do so meant he threatened the Vampire King himself. It was a chilling thought. Thorondir had dedicated his life to serving the Night Court which meant serving the Night King himself. He had even secretly dreamed of being his heir someday, but the practical part o him knew he did not have enough magic to hold such a position no matter how much machievellian machinations he put in place.

Still maybe just maybe The Demon King did.

Thorondir’s attention turned to his kin his sister he supposed though only in name only. Thorondir had no real family. The Night Court was his home, and the Vampire King his father, but he had no family. Pretending otherwise was folly to the point of death.

“Sister” Thorondir turned with a charming and coy smile “I am whomever the Night King and the Night Court needs me to be. As always.”

Thorondir completed the turn with a courtly bow. Thorondir wasn’t sure he wanted a Blood witch, any blood witch as a guide. Especially this one. She was capricious and cruel and had tortured even the most powerful members of the Night Court. Still Thorondir could always use a powerful patron no matter how precarious.

“I am honoured that you would be my guide at such an important event and evening.” Thorondir responded the only way he could. Thorondir’s automatic response to such an offer at an event like this was to ask her to dance, but he stopped himself just in time. Not with this partner.

“Tell me do you have your eye on any particular prey” Thorondir asked with conspiratorial smirk.


The Night Court


“My dear girl we are all being kept by someone, what matters is if we grab our chains and force our master to submit to our whims…” She grunted as she spoke the last word, stepping forcefully into Vyona’s oncoming headbutt to meet the Orc woman blow for blow with a laugh. Now this was someone she could trust. A woman who wore her heart on her sleeve especially when it came to combat, which among the Night Court, with all its sneaking around, there wasn’t enough of. Too many half-truths and whole lies… no… if all of Vyona’s mercenary band was anything like her then not only would she be happy to have them work for her, but she would give them a home within Suthra if that was what they wanted,

“Hmm such an appealing offer…” Reaching up she told hold of Taillte and placed the smaller Abertrach on her feet at her side, and giving her sister a wink before turning back to the Orc women. What happened next would be felt by all magic users in the room, as it was a type of magic that only Sylvia among them had truly mastered. It was as though reality itself blinked, and the large woman was suddenly behind Vyona holding the orc woman in an affectionate bear hug. From Sylvia’s perspective though, everything around her stopped, and she just calmly walked over to the gladiator, gently spined around and curled her arms around the other pulling her close from behind. Resting her head on Vyona’s shoulder just as time resumed,

“Now why would I want to fight my newest ally… unless we are training for something?” As she spoke smoke came from Sylvia’s lips and out of her armor. The orc women wouldn’t feel any heat, but pain wracked the inside of the Grand Duchesses body. As the ability to freeze time, no reality itself, was a rather painful ability… yet it very well matched up the Abertach nature of liking the ‘cold’. The motherly side of Sylvia was on full display, with the way she laughed and nuzzled her cheek into that of the orc women, here as well towards Vyona who without even a second thought it looked like the Moon Mother had adopted into her fold,

“You know if you and your gladiators need a place to fight I can offer that. No I can offer you a place to build your guild halls on my lands, with our ships we can bring of your people to the Isles you like to join you in those halls. Maybe even some of the people who are among my tribes might join your guild, but do understand that if so… expect to see many culture changes among those in your guild.” She was of course talking about the worship of the Moon Mother, as in herself. She didn’t know much about the Orcs and their ways, but if they where anything like this one… then they sounded like a delectable… no… adorable group of ‘children’ to add to her family. It was though as she dotted on Vyona that her eyes finally lay on someone who shouldn’t have been at this event… someone whose presence made her glad she had come in person.

Vyona would feel the Iron Lady clinging tighter to her form as she grew angry. Rage building up as she laid eyes on that witch whom had dared to harm her family, “If I where to pay you right now… what did you say your name was again…” She realized she hadn’t caught it and would paused until the other gave it, “Vyona… if I where to pay you right now, then I have a job for you. Simply follow me, and when I say so I want you to help me torture one of the guest. If you don’t want to do that, then simply make sure no one stops me.” As she let go Sylvia began to cross the room, protectively placing herself between Taillte and Harrul so that Hildabrenna would have to go through her to even talk to them.

Anyone who blocked Sylvia’s path even on accident would find themselves harshly shoved aside, as according to all promises she had been given by Marcus. This was not supposed to be happening. The blood witch was not supposed to show herself in front of Taillte… not like this. The large woman was soon looming over the woman and the prince who Sylvia was quick to warn, “Get in my way boy and you will feel my wrath just as sure as she is about too.” In mid stride Sylvia grabbed hold of Hildabrenna by the neck, and slammed her rather audibly against the nearest wall. Not holding her up so that she was off her feet… yet. Her other hand came up and from the inside of her gauntlet, through a slit at the fingertip extended one of Sylvia’s claws… it was a sign of her bloodline. She had much longer claws than the average vampires… noticeably so. She extended it so that it pressed against the witches forehead and she drew it down to point at her eye,

“Why are you here you worm? Oh and believe me if I don’t like the answer I will be taking both of these…” Suddenly she raised another finger to bring a claw to point at either eye, “If I do like the answer or your master vouches for you… I will take one, but you have crossed a line. You stand in the presence of my sister again. You stand in the presence of my brother… my sire… King Harrul of the Northern Alliance. You where warned what the plenty would be, and I personally told you what I would do if I ever crossed paths with you again.” Her words where surprisingly cold for Sylvia and her normally passionate nature. She was now acting as her name sake as the Iron Lady, not as member of the Night Court, but as an Ulfbitenn. This was a direct insult on her house and it would require a punishment,

“Yes… I remember the delight I took punishing you… stripping you of your dignity just like what your minions did to my little sisters.” In that moment her savage side slipped through as she grinned, but instantly her face grew cold as she added, “Well… I am waiting…” In that moment also she began to focus her magic into her physical strength and any magical defensive barriers she might have. Anyone who grabbed her would find it was like grabbing a wall, and the blood witch wouldn’t find such a magic escape as easy as one might thing. Sylvia’s armor was a very powerful object created by the Moon Druids after all. The question she asked though ‘I am waiting’… had not just been placed to Heldabrinna, but to Marcus as well… it was why she spoke loudly. As a potential afront between the two blood lines had happened in her eyes. It would require correction…
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Nepheli recoiled slightly as Kokob raced off into the crowd. Her eyebrow quirked upward in confusion and she eyed her fellow Dhampir. It was safe to say that neither had the knowledge to handle such a situation. Shrugging, the Duchess turned her full attention to Agatha. Hearing the bald woman consider teaming up to be an honor pleased her to no end. The reputation that she had built for herself certainly preceded her.


The visceral smile turned humorous, eyes the color of honey drinking in the lower ranked Dhampir’s posture. Agatha took her duty toward the King a tad too seriously in her own opinion. It was clear for all to see that she placed Marcus on an impossibly high pedestal. Having shared a bed with the aforementioned man and even baring him a son, Nepheli had every right to criticize him. She would never claim that he was a terrible person, of course.

Marcus had his moments.

Honestly, the Night Court more often than not forgot that the Pureblood started off just as Human as the rest of them had. He simply had the good fortune of being born in the Age of the Gods. Marcus had flaws like any of them. Immortal or no, he was just a man at the end of the day. Nepheli would maintain that opinion until her dying breath.

Spotting Marcus enter the room, the Dhampir bent slightly at the waist in deference with a hand to her chest. She refused to kneel before anyone. It helped that she did not claim any sort of lineage to the man himself. The rest could pretend as much as they liked, obedience to the Abhartach King ran in their very blood. It was literally impossible for them to disobey him.

Nepheli bid her fellow Dhampir to rise with a tap on the shoulder.

“As nauseating as it is to see, I have to respect such loyalty to the King,” the petite woman began. Whatever she meant to say afterward found itself cut off by Marcus’ speech. She clapped politely and raised her glass in toast to the monarch. Her attention was quickly returned to Agatha, however.

The Dhampir smiled more earnestly this time.

“Indeed. We’ll get together in the near future to discuss the specifics.”

Her piece said, she felt no offense as Agatha broke away to speak with the other guests. Inwardly, Nepheli sighed. All work and no play made for a dull affair. She would need to break the bald woman out of that unfortunate mentality of hers. Perhaps break her in more ways than one. Marcus had so many toys, after all. Surely he would not miss one?

Nepheli rolled her eyes as she moved about the ballroom, quietly sipping her wine.

Her supernatural hearing picked up a conversation between Agatha and Sylvia, a twitch of the ear all the indication anyone would receive that she was prying. Nepheli frowned deeply, hackles raised. The Duchess was often protective of the lesser Dhampir members of the Night Court, unafraid to oppose the more strategically important members on their behalf. To hear Sylvia talk down to Agatha irritated her to no end.

Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was the atmosphere. Either way, Nepheli made a choice. The goblet was left unattended on one of the tables as she made a beeline toward the gathering. Her feet carried her swiftly until she stood quietly behind Agatha, eyes of gold staring over her shoulder. Thankfully, her interference proved unnecessary.

Nepheli pivoted on her right foot and walked away, heels clicking loudly on the ground. Her figure vanished back into the crowd.

Let the others deal with the drama.
Queen Nephali 3.jpg

The grand hall of the Vampire King's castle was abuzz with the mingling of ancient bloodlines, the air thick with a palpable tension. Suddenly, the candles flickered, and the room's temperature seemed to drop. A spectral light began to shimmer at the center of the ballroom, drawing the attention of every vampire and mystical being present. The ethereal form of Queen Nephali, the revered Vodou Queen, materialized in an awe-inspiring display of magical prowess.

Queen Nephali's presence was undeniable, her aura commanding respect and instilling a sense of reverence among the gathered immortals. Her eyes, glowing with a mystic energy, scanned the room, taking in the chaos that had erupted. Whispers of dissent and visible discord among the vampire courtiers did not escape her notice.

"Vampire King," her voice resonated through the hall, both enchanting and admonishing. "I see your dominion is fraught with unrest. Your subjects, unruly and defiant, are a reflection of your waning grip on power. How can one claim to rule the night when they cannot even command their own?"

Her words were sharp, cutting through the superficial decorum like a blade.

"Order must be restored, lest your reign be reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory," she continued, her gaze unwavering. "Remember, true power lies not just in the fear you instill, but in the loyalty you inspire."

Queen Nephali had made her point clear: the strength of a ruler is measured by the harmony of their realm, and his had been found wanting.

Tag: @Harrul Ulfbitenn @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Thorondir Aumont @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr
Hildrabrenna felt the cold grip of Sylvia Ulfbiteen’s attack tighten around her, but she was no ordinary foe. With a swift incantation and a flourish of her hands, she dissolved into a swirl of shimmering mist, slipping effortlessly from Sylvia’s grasp.

Moments later, she materialized beside Thorondir, a playful smirk curling her lips.

"My, my, Sylvia," Hildrabrenna called out, her voice dripping with mockery. "Such aggression. Did I touch a nerve?"

She reached out and lightly tapped Thorondir’s shoulder with a gloved finger, her eyes never leaving Sylvia. "Perhaps you should learn from our dear Thorondir here. A bit of patience, a touch of charm, and you might find your attacks more effective."

With a twinkle of mischief in her gaze, she added, "But alas, some lessons can’t be taught, can they?" She laughed softly, her tone a perfect blend of taunt and amusement.

"Better luck next time, darling." With that Hildrabrenna would stay by Thorondir’s side and whisper into his ear. “She is my prey and you are my knight in shining armor, act more quickly next time, she is just a baby compared to you, I’m sure you can fend her off.” She would whisper into his ear, her voice playful and yet a hint of command laced in her words. With her knowing his secrets, she figured he would find the motivation to protect her now that he was woven into her dark web.

With the appearance of the Vodou Queen however, her once playful eyes would light up with excitement. The woman before them was probably the only other person besides herself and the Vampire King who held centuries of age on everyone in the room and extreme magics that could cripple most in the room.

Hildrabrenna was mid-laugh when , Queen Nephali, a presence so commanding that the room fell into an almost palpable silence. Her regal aura, laced with an air of danger, captivated everyone present. Hildrabrenna's eyes widened with genuine excitement at the sight of such a powerful figure.

"Queen Nephali." Hildrabrenna breathed.

Hildrabrenna’s initial excitement dimmed however, replaced by a flicker of dismay at the queen's harsh words. She straightened, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious tone as the air would grow darker and heavier. "Queen Nephali, I’m sure you jest lest you wish to have your head removed from your very shoulders…"

Hildrabrenna clenched her jaw, a surge of loyalty to her sire rising within her. "While your power is undeniable, Queen Nephali, do not forget that respect is a two-way street.”

As the tension between them simmered, Hildrabrenna couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of determination. Queen Nephali’s arrival had thrown the ball into a whirlwind, but Hildrabrenna was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Thorondir Aumont
Sylvia Ulfbiteen, a high-ranking member of the Vampire Night Court, had not only made a mockery of the Night court but also demeaned the very control the Vampire King held over the court by participating in violence at his esteemed event.

The Vampire King’s eyes, dark and intense, flickered with a mixture of anger and disappointment. He let out a measured sigh, his gaze steady as he addressed both Sylvia and the assembled guests.

"Queen Nephali's intrusion is audacious." he began, his tone laced with irritation. "Her critique, though biting, cannot be ignored. I had hoped tonight would showcase our unity and strength, yet it has instead exposed the rifts within our court."

His voice grew sharper, the anger more pronounced. "Sylvia, and all of you, hear me well, we have allowed rivalries and discord to weaken our dominion. This is unacceptable. The strength of our court must be restored, and it falls upon each of us to ensure our legacy remains unchallenged."

He then turned his attention to Queen Nephali, her presence still palpable in the room. "As for you, Queen Nephali," he said, his voice now cold and resolute, "Your attempt to belittle us in our own domain will not go unanswered. You speak of respect and loyalty, yet you sow discord."

Marcus Aumont's eyes burned with intensity as he continued, "Know this, we will rise above this, stronger and more united. Your presence, though disruptive, has reminded us of the work we must do to solidify our reign. But do not mistake our resolve for weakness.”

The room fell silent, the weight of the King's words settling over the assembly. Queen Nephali's eyes glimmered with an enigmatic light, acknowledging the challenge without yielding ground. The tension was palpable, the future of the court hanging in the balance as both leaders stood firm in their convictions.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
So close.

Nepheli paused in the middle of her step, senses on the fritz as the Voodoo Queen made her appearance. She unconsciously bared her teeth before she could reign herself in. Perhaps she had made a slight oversight in her decision to attend the Masquerade? It would seem that the drama was beginning to gain momentum at this point in the night. Enough to cause the Duchess to regret her decision.

With a sigh, the Dhampir decided against giving her own rendition of an Eirelunn goodbye. It was for the best if she were being honest. Marcus would never let her hear the end of it if she simply left. Eternity felt much too long with a nagging ex-lover. Nepheli instead veered off to a table, claiming one of the chairs for herself. She carefully laid one leg over the other beneath the table cloth, maintaining perfect posture as one befitting her station.

If nothing else, Nepheli had been right.


Always with the drama.

Keeping to herself proved easy enough. She waved down one of the waiters for the event, offering them polite gratitude in exchange for a fresh goblet of wine. The fermented liquid left a soft tingle on the tongue and sent a thrill down her spine. Another vintage? Her eyes sought out the King in that moment, surprise more than a little evident in her gaze. They widened when he made his speech.

Nepheli felt a small pool of shame bubble in her stomach. Here she was, a leader of her people, running away to avoid dealing with the situation. It did not matter that it was no more than simple drama at a party, she owed it to her people to deal with any matter that might arise. Damn the King and his silver tongue.

Taking in a deep breath, Nepheli injected herself into the matter at hand. She raised her voice to be heard clearly across the ballroom.

“Words spoken in haste reveal the fragility of one's own throne. Unlike the feeble grasp you maintain, King Marcus's rule stands firm, built on loyalty and respect. Your mockery only serves to expose your own inadequacies as a ruler."

Her stare leveled itself at the Voodoo Queen.

“My allegiance to King Marcus remains steadfast, yet I perceive not weakness in his tolerance of free discourse among his subjects. Indeed, a monarch of true strength can withstand such liberties. Forcing submission through unyielding control breeds only discontent and rebellion amongst the populace, leading to a kingdom mired in stagnation and unrest,” the Dhampir argued.

Nepheli offered the woman a smile.

“To a long lived species, such as ourselves, stagnation is no different than death.”

Her piece to the Voodoo Queen said, her attention instead turned to Hildrabrenna and Sylvia. "Forgive the brazenness of Lady Sylvia, for her tongue often outpaces her wisdom. Known as the Iron Lady, her fiery spirit is both her strength and her flaw, driving her to defend her convictions with unwavering fervor. However, I beseech thee, Lady Hildrabrenna, to reflect upon thy actions. Deliberately provoking such discord does little to serve our shared goals and only stokes the flames of unnecessary conflict. Let us seek harmony through discourse, rather than strife through aggression."

Tag; @Marcus Aumont, @Sylvia Ulfbitenn, @Hildrabrenna, @Thorondir Aumont, @Harrul Ulfbitenn, @Queen Nephali
Vyona scowled but had to admit a respect for the woman forming in her heart. At the very least she stated her mind and didn’t skulk around with half words empty flatter and pretty flowery poems. Vyona missed the forthright nature of her own people where people spoke what they felt and backed it up by their actions. There was something of a brotherhood among Gladiators in that regard. Which is why Vyona felt confident she could mold them into a company worthy of their name. Still these sort of pretty dressed up evenings often seemed to drag in on pithy comments and a lot of giggling behind her back. Sylvia was a warrior like herself. If a bit more… refined. Than the ones she was used to.

The next thing she knew Sylvia’s head was gently rested on her shoulder like a lover after some good bed sport. Vyona grunted in surprise. Sylvia had clearly used magic. Vyona thought sourly at the unfairness of it. .

“Nice trick” Vyona grumbled.

She had specifically told her no magic. Still she was also clearly a Mage. Something Vyona had increasingly considered becoming. Doing so however felt like a betrayal to her people and her ways. The more time she spent away from her own people and the more she learnt of their ways of war, she was also inevitably learning philosophy.

"You'll have to teach me that one some time."

Magic was a part of warfare in this part of the world. Along with philosophy. Some of the more ancient sources considered themselves warrior poets and philosophers. In between useful advice on fighting forms came the inevitable flowery words and poems. Vyona didn’t understand much of it but some of it she couldn’t help agreeing with. Like the fury of battle and the sense of calm as if the whole world stopped just you and your adversary.

Attached to the philosophy were musing about magic, about it’s nature and usefulness in battle. Some of the tales seemed farfetched, but then there was time when the Undead had seemed just a bed time tale to frighten younglings yet here she was in a den of vampires. She had fought the undead in the arena a few times. They were tireless but the ones she had fought had been brittle. No one wanted to waste good Gladiators on a skeleton. They had been good warm up or for lighter matches though. Vyona could see them being useful on the field if only in mass numbers and waves

Vyona focused back to the conversation at hand as she considered Sylvia’s offer. A place to build a guild hall could be useful. Particularly if she had money and resources Sylvia offered atleast until she built enough of her own forces for her own fleet. Vyona had fantasised about having her own ship maybe go a pirating with fifty warriors, but this new contract seemed far more lucrative. She may even be able to build her own army. With it she could unite the people of the steppe’s starting with the other Orc Tribes and Clans. One day Vyona’s dream of having a Horde of her own to command could be possible.

“Having people’s from many culture’s isn’t an issue for me. I have met many in my time in the arena. Some of their natural abilities are quite useful, and I have learnt since leaving my own people that many other cultures have much to offer in the ways of war. If an idea is useful, I’ll use it. It does not matter to me where or who it comes from.” Vyona considered thoughtfully.

Vyona was still thinking about it when she was offered another job here and now. She frowned.

“As long as it doesn’t conflict with the contract I have already made with Agatha.” Vyona agreed cautiously. “I keep my word.”

Torture didn’t bother Vyona either as a means of getting revenge or vengeance or even justice. Doing it for fun or entertainment didn’t often appeal to her but it wasn’t her business what happened to othes or who else her employers chose to hurt. She was a hired arm, her job and role was violence who was she to tell her employer who to fight.

“I shall keep anyone from interfering from your feud though. Unless you tell me otherwise.” Vyona glanced at Agatha asking for confirmation. Vyona wasn’t sure what the order of ranking here was Agatha served the Vampire King but Sylvia seemed to outrank her. Vyona wasn’t sure what the structure of command was but she had given her word to Agatha first meaning it was her decision whether or not Vyona should interfere or take sides.

Still Vyona dutifully followed Sylvia to the confrontation but decided to heed her last words and only intervene if someone else did. Vyona didn’t fully understand all that happened next. It was clearly an internal feud of the Night Court, different powers and factions within seemed to have bitter rivalries. She found it interesting that they weren’t united. That was useful information in case they fractured later. If they did Vyona supposed she would prefer to take Sylvia a fellow warriors aside. Vyona briefly wondered if that broke her word to Agatha. Though then again Agatha seemed to have transferred the contract across to Sylvia and if so that meant Sylvia was whose commands she should follow.

Vyona grunted. Such philosophical quandaries about her word had never occurred to her before her reading of a warrior poem she had read that had stuck with her. These people were starting to rub off on her.


Sylvia Ulfbitenn

Thorondir bowed and retreated as Sylvia confronted her arch enemy within the Night Court. Thorondir knew his league, and knew that he wasn’t up to taking on these powerful cabl leaders, powerful mages with armies of their own to command. His job was to gather information and occasionally sow discord. Luckily the latter seemed in full swing at the Night Court. Particularly this evening.

Thorondir’s eyebrow quirked at Queen Nephali’s introduction. Even he with his limited abilities felt her presence and turned as she entered the room. Still it was bold of her to use the ensuing drama as a reflection on the King of Vampires himself. Any other person perhaps not a Queen would have suffered a fate worse than death for her criticism of the kings ‘waning’ power.

Still Thorondir filed it away for future reference. It may be that his next assignment would be to the Queen Nephali’s own court. On reflection Thorondir was glad he had worn a disguise and his jealousy of the powerful cabal leaders was momentarily negated. If he were powerful he would be noticed and challenged and wouldn’t be able to do his job effectively as a spy.

Thorondir inwardly sighed as he realised he thought too soon. Hildabrenna seemed to pick up on his thoughts and firmly invited him to participate. If he refused it would catch her ire and he could be punished for it later. Being punished by Hildebrenna was not something Thorondir would risk not even the wrath of Sylvia. She might kill, but she couldn’t make him wish he were dead. Atleast he hoped not.

“Sister’s- of the Night Court” Thorondir added the last part hastily and intervened obeying HIldebrenna’s command as neutrally as he could “This is not the time or the place to air old grievances this is an event of the Night Court and we are all guests and under the protection of the vampire king himself. We have come to celebrate the unity of the Night Court not to sow our own discord which are enemy The Demon King will undoubtedly take advantage of to try and conquer us.”

Thorondir hoped that invoking the names of guest right and protection of the night king not to mention the threat of the Demon King needing a united fron. Together it might put a damper on the violence that was almost certainly to boiling point, he could only hope that his intervention allowed enough pause for the vampire king himself to intervene.

Luckily that seemed to be the very case and Thorondir barely concealed a sigh of relief. Another night in the night court and he might just survive it without retribution.

“Well said my King” Thorondir praised raising a glass, hoping it wasn’t too much to presume to address the King directly.

Thorondir was pleased to see that others shared in his loyalty to the Night King as another Nepheli, wayed in on the growing situation that was on it’s way to becoming or atleast causing a diplomatic incident.

Which Thorondir supposed was inevitable with the Voudoo Queen, he just hoped tonight wouldn’t drive her into an alliance with the Demon King. Such a force together would be considerable and may even prompt the Ashirra and Ahmad to join them. Thorondir knew that he too chafed at having to bow to the Night King. As dukes did to kings everywhere.

*So this is the game played at the highest level* Thorondir thought slyly

“Now some music. This has become a sombre affair.” Thorondir put on a generous smile playing the role of dandy diplomat that he was pretending to be. “A toast to the Night King and the peace he brings to all in his realm. May the Night Court Guide us and indeed the world to better times under his rule.”

Thorondir raised his glass in a toast none could rightfully refuse- he hoped.

TAG: @Marcus Aumont, @Sylvia Ulfbitenn, @Hildrabrenna , @Harrul Ulfbitenn, @Queen Nephali , @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr

Sylvia knew better… oh despite the passionate nature she was known for the Iron Lady knew better. She could read a room, and it enraged her. She was careful not to let it show, not to let Hildrabrenna have any other victory against her beyond slipping through her fingers in a fine mist. There was not she could have done about it. Caoilfhionn was not here to stop it, nor was she carrying the proper magic equipment to have prevented it. Sighing softly as the words of those around asked for unity, chastised her, chastised the court, and chastised her simply became a blur. That was until she looked out of the corner of her eye to notice the presence of Vyona whom had said nothing… the Orc woman simply being ‘supportive’ despite the ‘job’ being short notice and full of risk.

As she turned she also laid eyes on Harrul and Taillte… and knew that she couldn’t take any action that might humiliate the Ulfbitenn name. She also knew that she couldn’t allow it to appear weak in front of an enemy. Many things had been laid bare to Sylvia that night. Marcus had gained her trust, but now that trust was in serious question, but for the sake of the Night Court did she not push it further. He would have to earn it back in a long private conversation as Hildrabrenna would have to answer for this afront in some form or fashion. Another was the loyalty of these Gladiators, whom she had only just met, and as she tended to be a rather affectionate person she reached out to rest a hand on Vyona’s shoulder,

“Thank you Vyona for standing with me, even in unknown territory. I will not forget what you have done here for my family and my honor. Consider yourself and your Gladiators to be one of the Moon Mother’s flock from this day forth.” She knew that the other might not understand the significant nature of what she was saying, but she tried her best to convey through her tone and body language. The way she seemed to completely forget about the situation with Hildrabrenna and focusing solely on the Orc in order to deliver this message to her. She then added, “Now I am about to use my little magic trick again, and I suspect they will not take to kindly to the result. I tell you this because you might want to be ready to defend yourself in case someone acts… silly…”

As she said these words Sylvia’s eyes glowed blue as she turned to look at Hildrabrenna. Oh she knew the witch had heard her and the Iron Lady’s mastery of Chrono magic was not a secret. The signs of it where the smoke that filtered from her mouth and her tear-ducts. What was less known was the magic she received directly from Moon Druids. The ability to see into the future in real time. Only a few seconds of course, but in combat… that was usually all you needed. It was what allowed her to react to Hildrabrenna’s attempt to escape if she did at all.

She would not use the Luner Eclipse only if her Moon Vision showed her that Hildrabrenna was seconds away from turning into mist and escaping… and there it was. She saw the vision of the Blood Witch doing so just after she had laid hands on her. With that, reality again blinked, and for everyone else they would only see the result. As for Sylvia, she would make it a reality. Unlike everyone else she had come armed, and the two daggers she pulled from her belt where examples of this. Grabbing the Blood Witches helpless form, she slammed her into the wall. She then grabbed her wrist and held her hand up high, stabbing her knife into so that the hilt pinned it firm against the wall. She then did the same with the other… feeling her own body burning from the use of the magic Sylvia would step back and admire her work.

Only letting things move again once she had come to Vyona’s side, and slipped an arm around the Orc women’s waist and guided the other to do the same. The moment time started to move again… she would feel why. The Iron Lady needing some level of support for repeated use of powerful magic as she was certainly not going to allow herself to look weak and was hoping her comrade would keep that from happening. As she felt that her point had also been made now that she had put Hildabrenna ‘on display’ for the moment, “If you feel the need boy to get in the way of things that you do not understand like it seems you desire to do. Then by all means clean up this mess. She is your problem to deal with.” Her sharp words were aimed at Thorondir, narrowing her eyes as she spoke.

Turning she would indicate for the other to guide her in the direction of Marcus to whom she spoke next, “You shall have the unity you want for now Marcus, but we will talk later. Promises that where made… have been broken and the Ulfbitenn do not forget. Queen Nephali is right about one thing… your part of the Night Court brother is full of unrest if you can’t even keep your pet under control.” There was a weakness to her voice, that came from overuse of strong magic even with a Abertach such as herself. She would indicate for Vyona to guide her to a place to sit nearby… and invite the Orc women to join her… as having someone pleasant sitting nearby did take the sting out of everything.
Nepheli stared blankly at the scene that played out in front of her. Already calculations were being made to run damage control. Rebuking the Ulfbitenn would prove ill advised at this critical moment in time. Allowing such behavior from Sylvia to continue unpunished, on the other hand, would only serve to weaken the King’s position. They were at a crossroads. Both parties had committed punishable offenses.

Frowning, the Dhampir rose from her seat. She opted to abandon her footwear to remain lithe in her movement. Her steady gait carried her across the ballroom to join the main host. Eyes the color of honey burned a radiant shade of gold, mystical energy swirling violently around her. Forsaking her own pride, the petite woman kneeled before the King in a show of obedience.

“Allow me to take the offending parties aside, my liege,” the Duchess requested. “I will handle the matter in your stead if it pleases you.”

As much as she wanted to await his response, the option was taken from her. Hildrabrenna had recovered in that time, a nearby servant having removed the knives, and chose that moment to make herself known. In a flash, Nepheli had risen to her feet and violently backhanded the other woman to the ground. Her teeth stood out in the light of the room as she bared her fangs at the Witch.

“You do not speak, Hildrabrenna. You will listen or I will discipline you like the child you have presented yourself as!”

Nepheli rounded on Sylvia. At any other time, such a scene would have proven comical; the Dhampir was two feet shorter than the Iron Lady. Instead she dragged up every ounce of magical energy that she had, feeding it into her own natural aura. It served to increase her presence, simulating a larger existence than the redheaded woman. “And you…”

“You have embarrassed yourself here tonight, Lady Sylvia. Hildrabrenna will receive her punishment in due time. You need only have waited, my Lady. Instead you allowed your passionate nature to get the better of you,”
the petite woman sucked in a breath. “You have infringed upon the spirit of this celebration. If it were up to me, I would see you thrown out into the street like the common rabble you act like.”

Harrul would have opposed her, of course.

Part of her relished the challenge.

“Instead I will simply fill in for the King in whatever punishment that he deems necessary. You are no longer fit to even lick the dirt off his shoes, let alone partake in his time.”

Nepheli looked over her shoulder at the King, eyes still aglow. Dealing with the Voodoo Queen had become a smaller issue. Something to possibly delegate to Agatha or one of the other servants. “I apologize for speaking out of turn, my liege. If I may, what would you like me to do?”

Tag; @Sylvia Ulfbitenn, @Marcus Aumont, @Hildrabrenna, @Harrul Ulfbitenn
Vyona nodded to Sylvia as she noticed her standing at her back. Vyona had been hired after all it was her job to do so. Agatha had seemingly transferred the contract to Sylvia, and if Vyona were to fight for her it seemed right that she might as well start immediately.

Vyona shrugged at Sylvia’s gratitude and the hand placed gently on her shoulder.

“It’s my job I was hired to fight for you. Thought I might as well start immediately” Vyona said with a reassuring nod. “As I said I keep my word. Besides you’ve shown spirit and heart and honour. Trust me I understand Blood Feuds. I'll be glad to have me and my Gladiators fight beside you. Your enemies are mine, atleast until the contract has been fulfilled.”Vyona said the last with a reassuring smile.

She’d fight as a hired arm, but she didn’t want to confuse the issue. Vyona refused any vows of oath or fealty. She intended to be a free person once more and never under any ones shackles ever again. Including the chains of bond such a vow would put upon her honour.

Such a vow would be more binding than any contract or even shackles of slavery. From both she could eventually free yourself but her own word was not given nor broken lightly. Vyona respected this woman but service for life was another matter entirely.

Vyona nodded firmly as she was given further orders. If anyone moved to harm Sylvia or herself in the next moments she would act accordingly. Vyoa doubted she could take any of the clearly very powerful mages in the room, but she had begun to get a feel for magic and doubted that the dandy attached to the Blood Witch didn’t have much. Come to think of it he was irritatingly familiar, he must have been at one of her matches.

Vyona didn’t see what happened next but the next thing she knew the Blood Witch had been impaled by a dagger and Sylvia was on her side and on her arm. Vyona sensed her vulnerability and tried to lend her her support of her strength holding her firmly to her side. Vyona thought it would look more like a gesture of support and solidarity than one of weakness. Vyona knew all about making sure you didn’t show weakness to your enemies.

Vyona stayed put offering her strength while eyeing the Blood Witches companion to make sure he made no move against her or her new employer. Fortunately he seemed sufficiently cowed as he bowed and backed away.

“Your enemies have been shown the errors of her ways” Vyona offered commandingly to the room while speaking to Sylvia. “Maybe we can find a corner and enjoy the rest of the evening together?”

Vyona said the last lovingly running a gentle hand around Sylvia’s waste pulling her firmly against her side. The move acted as a forward lover, but also leant Sylvia further support in case she needed it.

TAG: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn

That was the definition of what was occurring at this moment. The Vodou Queen, Sylvia, Hildrabrenna, and some random guests all intruding on the King of the Nights joyous occasion. All of them would pay for their insolence in one regard or another. As everything unfolded, Marcus almost had half a mind to step into the fray and disable Sylvia and scold Hildrabrenna, however such an action in such a public affair would only sow further discord, as well as create tensions among multiple factions that wished to end his reign. The mind of the Vampire King was swirling on what to do in the current environment. On one hand he needed to dispel the discord in the room and restore order before he looked weak, and on the other he needed to be careful not to cause civil war.

As Sylvia disrespected him in front of the Night court essentially, inwardly he would be angered by the treason in a sense. It seemed Sylvia didn't know how to act in front of the company of strangers. She would learn soon enough. Marcus would look to Harrul with a disapproving stare, waiting for him to act as her sire however he didn't act quickly enough before Nepheli had stepped in and took charge of the situation which was the best option. He would thank her later as his involvement might have called for a much larger event especially with dealing with high ranking members of the court.

The politics of the Night Court were intricate and disrupting such politics would also disrupt their unity. If he and the Ulfbiteen got into a civil war it would spell for disaster and chaos when their goal was to take over the world and to take down all in their way including the Demon King himself. As Nepheli stepped in and got Hildrabrenna down off his wall, he then would listen as she would scold the two. As she slapped Hildrabrenna inwardly the King shuddered figuring that perhaps she wasn't exactly helping with further violence. As she asked the King to take the two aside, Marcus responded with a commanding and a hint of angered tone. "Remove them..." He said towards Nepheli. He had to own the moment now, and regain his footing on the event.

"Nepheli, take them out of this room and do what you need to ensure that they are quite scolded, and prepare for our Cabal meeting for judgement." Using telepathy was such a useful tool when you didn't want others to hear what you needed to say to others. Turning to the Witch Queen, Marcus would address her directly.

The room was heavy with silence, the assembled vampires awaiting his response with bated breath. He stepped forward, his expression a mask of cold fury and somber resolve.

"Queen Nephali," he began, his voice low but carrying the weight of his authority, "your audacious intrusion into our gathering is both disrespectful and unwarranted. You have come here sowing discord and undermining the sanctity of our court."

His tone hardened, the disappointment and anger evident. "You speak of respect and loyalty, yet your actions betray a desire to destabilize and demean. Such behavior is unbecoming of one who claims wisdom and power."

The room remained tense, every vampire attuned to the gravity of his words. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he turned his back to her, signaling the end of their exchange. "Now, let us resume the evening’s festivities," he commanded, his voice regaining its composed authority. "We shall not let this disruption mar our night."

The vampires, with a mix of relief and resolve, returned to their revelry, though the underlying tension remained. King Marcus watched for a moment, ensuring the ball continued smoothly, before signaling to his most trusted advisors.

"Prepare for the cabal meeting," he instructed, his voice cold and somber. "We have much to discuss and actions to take. Tonight’s events have shown us where we must strengthen our resolve."

As the court resumed its grandeur, the King retreated to his private chambers, his mind already strategizing for the crucial meeting ahead. The path forward would be fraught with challenges, but he was determined to lead with an iron will and unwavering determination.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr @Vyona of the Wolf Clan @Thorondir Aumont
Thorondir waited frozen as his escort for the night was impaled on a dagger. How would this effect his standing in the court? Would tonight see him firmly entrenched in the Blood Witches camp? Would he forever be known as one of her implemenets? A tool to be used by her hand? Would he forever earn the enmity of Sylvia and by extension the entire Ulfbitten Clan. They were a powerful cabal in their own right with strong holdingto the north. Thorondir was not yet in a position in which he could risk their wrath openly. Perhaps his only option was to cleave to the Blood Witch and seek her protection. She already had their ire after all, perhaps he would be over looked.

The decision was taen away from him as Sylvia’s Orc thug made a move to threaten him directly Thorondir bowed and retreated. He could use the sanctity of the Night Court’s guest right and the august protection of the Night King himself as cover for refusing to enter into an outright brawl. It was an ideal excuse to remove himself from the situation. Hopefully the unpredictable Hildebrenna would not take offense at his lack of action or take it to mean an act of disloyalty. Having her as an enemy was no better than the Ulfbitten only he wouldn’t have their patronage to shield him from her wrath. Such was the game. A Game of Thrones.

Thorondir waited along with the rest of the enrapt audience as the Night King took hold and power back from the situation. At the very least he proved himself no fool, he correctly identified Queen Nephali’s actions as being designed to sow discord and strife within the Night Court, and rather than covering it with empty flattery or peaceful sentiments like some rulers would hold to when dealing with fractured elements of their own Court. The Vampire King called her on it with commanding power and respect for his domain.

If it weren’t for the protections of society of the evening Thorondir had little doubt that she would be dealt with harshly and in time she would be. It would seem a battle between the two was inevitable. Thorondir just hoped she wasn’t driven into an open alliance with the Demon King. Such an alliance would tie up the Night Court’s own forces in the South while the Demon King engaged them elsewhere. Even if Queen Nephali’s forces only proved a distraction it could be tactically disastrous.

If any of the other Cabal leaders sensed weakness within the Night Court’s own ranks it could create a divide and irreparable damage. Even if they only dared sit on the sidelines, others might think of playing both or in this cade many sides for their own advantage. Ahmad for instance may senze ans sieze the opportunity. Much like Thorondir supposed he himself was doing. Admittedly the difference was Thorondir fully intended to serve the Night Court as the guiding hand of civilisation, not just his own ambitions. Fortunately as far as he was concerned the two went hand in hand.

“Indeed.” Thorondir broke into the silence before the evening began again in fool flow. “Let us enjoy the evening once more, with no more interruptions.”

Thorondir searched for a group of handsome men or beautiful women to engage in flattering conversation with as the night continued. Albeit in a much more hushed whisper the tension on a knife edge.

TAG: @Marcus Aumont, @Sylvia Ulfbitenn, @Hildrabrenna , @Harrul Ulfbitenn, @Queen Nephali , @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr
“Yes, my King,” the Dhampir responded obediently along with a small nod.

Nepheli gripped the front of Hildrabrenna’s robe and pulled her in, hauling the woman over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It could be considered highly embarrassing on the Witch’s part. To be treated no different than an unruly child. Word would spread throughout the Night Court of what happened here. Hildrabrenna’s reputation may even suffer for it momentarily.

Not that the Duchess particularly cared.

“Act like a child, be treated as one.”

Her patience had reached an unfortunate end, due in no small part to these two. Having to rush to Marcus’ defense only served to add fuel onto the fire. Turning to Sylvia, the petite brunette looked at the Orc woman accompanying the redhead. As she recalled overhearing, Vyona had sworn fealty to the Iron Lady in the name of a contract. To find someone so honor bound in this day and age was… refreshing, to say the least. However, as needs must and all that nonsense.

“You are welcome to accompany us, it appears that the Lady Sylvia requires the support.”

Nepheli frowned.

“I will not ask you to breech whatever agreement you have made to the Ulfbitenn, only that she be made to leave the immediate area.”

While she felt confident in saying that she could physically match the Orc, the Dhampir wished to avoid a direct confrontation. At least in the ballroom. It was much easier to pursue cooperation and hopefully the large woman could see the sense in that. Nepheli had rarely dealt with the Orcish people and had no context to fall back on with regards to Vyona’s temperament. Being a Gladiator for hire, she could wager a guess that the Orc was at least well versed in some type of strategy and leadership style.

Satisfied, the Dhampir made her way to the door with Hildrabrenna in hand. She paused at the halfway point to look back at the Abhartach-Orc pair with an expectant glance. Only with a party of four would she leave, all that remained was to see if Vyona and Sylvia would put up a struggle. For a brief second, her stare slipped to Harrul’s own. Long enough to try gauging his thoughts. Then her vibrant gold stare returned to her charges.

They would need to leave the ballroom and cross the majority of the building, descending a set of stairs to the meeting room below the main floor. Only then could the Duchess properly chastise the Witch and the Iron Lady. Enough damage had been done, the King thoroughly embarrassed. Already a headache could be felt coming on. Dealing with Marcus in the immediate future would no doubt prove stressful.

Nepheli cursed the two in the safety of her own mind.

Raising Darius had been so much easier.

Tag; @Marcus Aumont, @Hildrabrenna, @Harrul Ulfbitenn, @Vyona of the Wolf Clan, @Thorondir Aumont, @Sylvia Ulfbitenn

P̴̑̀̕͜ḻ̶͈̱̣̰͉͚̃͊̌͛̆̾̈́̾̉̏͐̀̃̈́̚a̴̢̼͓͚̤̲̪̝̅̋̓̕͝ȳ̵̢̛̛̘̳̤̞͍̝͙̗̈́͒̿̓̔̓̾̐͗͌͝͝ͅ ̴͓̗̠̮̟̩̫̱͍͎͎͛̓̍̿͗̍̿͋̚͠ͅͅt̵͚͍̩̹͈̣̩̱̭̻̥́͌͋̚h̸̳̝̟̱̬͚̲̱̞̪͖͒̒̆̎̓̾ͅê̵͔̤̌͒̋͌̆͒̓̒̕͘͝ ̴͎̗͕̟̜̟̤͇͕̳͓̌̂̆͌̃͂̏͌͛̍̊͘͜͠͝f̵̛͇̫̟̘̫͍̥̯͕̖̝̩̃̄̍̅̊̑͒̾̈́͗̔̚͝͠ͅͅö̷̧̟͈̺̼̘̙͙̝̺́̈́̀́̐͋̆̇̋̈́o̷̖̜̣̰̩̘̞̹͍̯̎͐̈́̔̿̿̕͠ļ̶̙̳̙̝̜̟̦̬̦̼̼̾͛̿̈́͋͛̚ͅ ̵̜͐̀̈̄͂̃̾͠a̵̦̪̻͍̗̓͝ͅn̵͓̣̳͔͂̋̎̌̑̕͝ḑ̴̡̩̤̬̬̹̳͔̰̻̻̈́͑̈ͅ ̴̮̻̟͍̯̻͓̙̚͝ͅͅy̵̡͎͔͉̲̦͚͉͙̤̤̦̞̙̓̇̃̀̋̿̊ơ̵̢̦͈͐̅̏͋͆̽͗̑͋̂̂̽̚͜u̴͔̰͔̺̐̈͗̓̅̑̓͑̒̓̅̑͛̈͜͠ ̵̼̳́͑w̶̯̜̥͖̥̩̯̝̻̞͓̙͒͋͑͒̌̒͘͜i̶̡̛̛͍̝͔͑̊͆͌̉̋́͘͘ļ̶̬͓̰̩̱̱̲̥̲̙̼̪̖̥̃̓͒̂̈́̾͊͊̈́̊͝͝͝l̵̢͓͒̍ ̵̨̠̣̳̤̘̤̮̹͙͔̥͈͕̈́̑̍͗̑̆̌̏̒́͘̚ͅb̶̨̹͇͊͂͋̇̓͐̈́͒̉̓̕̚e̵̺̓͒̔̂͐͂͆́̈́̃̕ ̴̳̠͔͎͓͕̙̲͓͒͒̊̅̒̀̕̚͠b̶̧̨̙̭̪̹̝̯̬̘͔̞͉͔̅͆̆͊́̏̓̾̆̔̓̃̕͜î̶̢̛̜̺̯̙̮̳̈́̑̐̔̎͝t̷͕͕̺͆ͅt̴̛̟̝̱̼̰̐͂͗̍̊̊̄͋͗̐̃̽̋͘ė̷̢͚̝̹̞̝̘͇͚̘̤̙̲̗̇̒́͘n̴̨̡͉̯̘̦͇̪̞̅̍͐̿̽̈̿͠͝ͅ ̵̙̻͙̠̯̠̥̮͎̙͖̟̓͐͑̍͊͒̀͘͠b̵̩͕͙̈́͗͐̓̍͑̾͠y̴̛͇͙͎̳̣̺̜͈̌̋̏ ̸̳͚̦͔̿t̵̺̹̯̺̫͒̈́̀̾̒͆̀̅͒͊̊̎̒͛h̵̢̪͕͇͙͇̟̫̫̣͆̅̀̎́e̴̢̠͖̜͇͍͛ ̵̧̡͙͉̥̜̩̣́̃̈́́̕͜d̶̡̮͓̔̾ō̴͎̣̯̠͒̄͒̋̿̓̀̊̚̕͝g̷̙͛̍̽͗̈͆̌̋̊̂̈́

The Beast Within laughed loudly. The King's chest burned as the invisible claws caved him from within, as his black eyes could see the very tendrils that twisted his mind in echoes and thoughts of cataclysm, as the ball around him devolved into a horrifying herald of violence constrained. His hand reached to his forehead, where he applied pressure to it; A pointless habbit, once meant to serve as a slight pain relief, now, an Abhartach, a simple string from the past that reminded Harrul his mortal shell's long lost humanity.

Throughout the years, the Isles Cabal was built from the ashes of past errors, while facing numberless threats from Northmen raiders and horrid creatures, to realms and barbarian hordes, it was His doing, Harrul's sacrifice, which had seen the chaotic Isles brought into the closest resemblance of unity they had ever been. A daily struggle to flay off the long "savage" label put by the rest of Erova upon the Eirish, and build a realm worthy dying for. All this struggle, all this pain, had led him to the Night's masquarade; The tolerance of foes and the acceptance of strange customs, all but unknown and ill-respected in the Isles.
He knew the volatile nature of his companions, and yet, he chose to press them into the mold of civilization; Present them to the wider Night Court, which he had managed to include his line in, as one among equals.

The look in Sylvia's eyes, when that vile abomination that was @Hildrabrenna and his very own relentless hate for the she-fiend that had bled a wound deeper than any other in his mortal family had him succumb to the Beast's corruptive whispers. Moments, it took, for all to blend from an orchestra of creation, to a cacophony of catastrophy. And Harrul, to his regret, spoke naught, to change it.

As blood dripped from Hildrabrenna's palms, Harrul's hand moved to the pommel of his sheathed sword almost instinctivelly. Politics, was something the Eirish had little understanding about, as their ways were far more primitive and their mentality much less sophisticated. But violence....

Oh, they knew pleanty about that!

Sylvia's words to Marcus echoed like black chants in Harrul's mind, while the Vampire King's response was all but expected. Instead of addressing the matter then and there, Marcus chose to swallow his pride, in Harrul's eyes, and reassert stability. He was a leader, who sought to pursue the longer game, rather than engage in boiling blood...
That... Or an Abhartach who had believed himself a god to be merely humbled by his own pride. Harrul could only guess which of the two it could be.

"What have you done...?" Harrul muttered in the Eirish tongue, as his eyes locked on Sylvia.

The Eirish King's mind was spinning; He could not allow such a disrespectful act go unpunished. Sylvia, in a single instant, had destroyed his efforts of elevating the Isles Cabal in the eyes of their peers. Or....

Did she...?

Harrul's eyes narrowed, as he turned to Marcus. The very thought crossing his mind caused the Beast to fall silent, suddenly regainning his mental control.

"We need to speak of this, Marcus." he declared, approaching the King's side. "In private."

Enough attention had been brought upon his bloodline already, by the cruel act of his cousin and spawn. But, alas, it was not in vain... Sylvia, in her own sentiment-infused way, had tiled the path for Harrul to capitalize on this extreme event.

"Cousin." his voice sounded dictating, loud. He would speak to Sylvia in manner suiting a King's speech towards a vassal noble, as it was the custom on the Isles. For this, regardless how Marcus could brand it, WAS an Isles affair...
The King's head high, his black eyes descending upon the tall figure of his cousin.
"There will be no knives this Night. No more."

How much he too craved to see Hildrabrenna's skin as a banner, only he knew truely. But this, regardless how just, could not be so, amidst the Night Court. Not, unless he was willing to bring the Isles and the Sparnish Cabals in collision course...

Sacrifice. If there was one word that could describe what the Iron Lady went through for her family, it was thus. She gave everything for them with each and every action, both methodical and calculated ones to those born of her blinding passion. Sylvia always did what she had to in order to take care of the Ulfbitenn’s. She cared not that those around her might see her as uncouth, but if anything they would fear her wrath, and that was why she had to make Hildrabrenna into an example. To do so would show weakness and in the north, the weak were conquered.

It was in the performance of this act of punishment that Sylvia had to sacrifice something. The light in her eyes was gone. Magic had a cost, and as Caoilfhionn warned her about casting her vision into the future upon the light of the moon. When your eyes return to you, they can offer you sight no longer. Such a magic was of no use to a human, but an Abhartach with the ability to heal, now that was a different story. Yes her sight would return in time, but for now she depended on not just her other senses, but Vyona to whom she whispered low, ignoring the chastising words of Nepheli,

“That magic takes a little more out of me than I would care to admit. You will have to help me cover for my temporary blindness. I cannot show weakness you understand…” She was perfectly timing each whispered syllable so that the noise of the room would drown out anyone trying to listen in. She used her long hair to her advantage to cover her face, but Vyona would hear… she would get the message. As for addressing Nepheli though, no help was required,

“What I have done is show before the Night Court what happens to those who spit on my families name. Hildrabrenna was not to come before us, Marcus promised us that. This is not something that will be handled by you… this is between the purebloods.” There was a low growl in her voice that indicated the end of the discussion. Sylvia’s blank eyes turned to look in Marcus’s direction as for some reason even without sight both him and Harrul were there… bright silhouettes in the darkness.

She knew that she had overstepped a bound, but Harrul had been… slow… to act. In the Isle’s such could be a sign of weakness. She looked towards him, her face a strange mix of rage and apologetic. This was the reason that it was usually Nora who attended these events or at least came along with her mother. Sylvia’s unplanned foray aways from the Isle’s wasn’t exactly turning out to be the best idea in the world. She would have reached out to him and explained herself. She would have told him the reason, but to debate in such a way in front of others would make the Ulfbitenn look weak and divided. She would not even each reach out and talk to him telepathically to tell her brother what they both already knew. What was done was done… and the moment that her brother spoken in a commanding tone, she knew that anything that happened next would be decided between Marcus and Harrul,

“Yes, your grace…” She gave him a gentle nod of agreement, as Ulfbittenn did not bow, she indicated for Vyona to following along after Nepheli to the site of the meeting. The Grand Duchess continued to use the Orc for support, having to admit that it was nice to have a strong form at her side, especially in the darkness created by the temporary loss of her sight. Once they where in the meeting room, wherever that may have been, she would indicate for her support to guide her to a chair… or preferably somewhere the two could sit together. If there were chairs that surrounded a table, then it suited Sylvia just as well. Given she could simply lean forward and rest her chin on her hands, again… hiding ones weakness.
Marcus the Vampire King: Cabal Meeting


The grand hall of the Night Court was shrouded in darkness, lit only by the flickering flames of torches mounted on the walls. Shadows danced across the ancient stone as Marcus, the Vampire King, took his place at the head of a long, ornate table. The room was silent, save for the subtle rustling of robes and the soft footfalls of the cabal members as they emerged from the shadows, each adorned in elaborate masks that concealed their identities. All who were not apart of the Cabal would be removed by a very large orge who was one of Marcus champions. They wouldn’t allow those not in the cabals to attend such meetings and learn their secrets and so Vyona would be escorted out first before the meeting would start.

Marcus, his regal bearing now replaced by a cold and calculated demeanor, surveyed the assembly. His mask, a masterpiece of dark artistry, glittered menacingly in the dim light.

"Welcome, my esteemed cabal," Marcus began, his voice a chilling whisper that cut through the silence. "We gather tonight to discuss matters of great importance. First among them, the issue of Hildrabrenna and Sylvia."

The masked figures shifted slightly, their eyes—glowing faintly behind their disguises—fixing on their king.

"Hildrabrenna," Marcus continued, "Has shown herself to be a thorn in our side. Her actions threaten the stability of our court. As for Sylvia, her zeal and overconfidence have become a liability. We cannot afford to let their transgressions go unpunished."

One of the cabal members, a figure with a mask resembling a snarling beast, spoke up. "What do you propose, my lord?"

Marcus's eyes gleamed with a ruthless intensity. "For Hildrabrenna, I propose a public display of our power. She will be subject to draining of her blood from her body and placed into a deep slumber for a month." That would keep her quiet for a while and also remember her place. When he gave an order he expected her to follow through and he she knew all too well how ruthless the King could be.

A murmur of approval rippled through the assembly. Marcus's gaze then shifted to another masked figure, this one wearing a mask adorned with intricate, serpentine patterns.

"And Sylvia," Marcus continued, his voice growing colder, "Will face a more subtle punishment. she will be stripped of her title of War master of the night court and reduced to a regular member of this court... for her behavior and public disrespect towards this court…and effective immediately Nepheli will take her place."

The cabal members nodded, their masked faces betraying no emotion. Marcus leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.

"These measures," he said, his tone final. "Will serve as a reminder to all who dare to challenge my authority. We are the Night Court, and our power is absolute. Let none forget it."

The meeting continued, each member contributing to the discussion, but the shadow of punishment loomed large over the proceedings. Marcus, ever vigilant and ruthless, ensured that his grip on the Night Court remained unyielding. In the darkness, his masked visage was a testament to the cold, calculated, and relentless nature of his reign.

Turning to the rest of the Cabal, he went on to his next topic. “As we move into our next discussion I would like to bring up the issue of our three rival nations, the Vodou Queen, the Hobgoblins, and the Demon King… let’s start out with intel we have on the three sects.” He changed the subject knowing that he and Harrul would further discuss any additional issues later.

Marcus decision was the least disruptive to what could have been a civil war. Removing Sylvia from war master was however a direct move to lessen the power among the Ulfbittenn among the Night court due to her actions.

Tag: @Harrul Ulfbitenn @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Vyona of the Wolf Clan @The Night Court @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr @Hildrabrenna

The Vampire King stood at the head of a long dimly-lit table, his crimson eyes surveying the masked figures seated before him. The air was thick with anticipation and filled with the scent of old blood.

The first masked figure with horns adorned upon the mask spoke first regarding her intel. “The Demon Kings forces are gathering in strength in the northern regions. They are amassing an army of dark creatures, and preparing for something significant.” The first figure reported.

The second masked figure was adorned in a spider web like design mask. He would be the second to speak. “While the Vodou queen speaks of such vulgar things about the Night Courts influence waning, it would seem her own influence is waning. Her power is formidable but with her influence dwindling we can exploit.” With her report the rest of the room would look at the third figure.

The third figure was adorned with a wolf patterned mask and would reveal the final intel regarding the hobgoblins. “The hobgoblins in the south have fortified their positions. They are numerous and brutal, but their leadership is fragmented. They may not withstand a coordinated assault.”

With that Marcus nodded and would absorb the information before responding with what would happen next. “Excellent. here is our plan. We will wage war against the Hobgoblins in the south. their fragmented leadership makes them vulnerable, and we will crush them swiftly, however first…” He trailed off thinking to the Vodou Queen.

The woman was indeed powerful and had her own powerful Kingdom of her own that could turn the tides in the war. “We will set up our armies in the south and await my commands to move forward against the Hobgoblins. We set up a defensive parameter for now with the Ashirra at the head to push them back, while I will go directly to the Vodou Queen herself to force her hand in marriage.”

Marcus trailed off for a moment. He would not let her disrespect go without retribution. No she would be conquered, defeated, and a trophy for the Vampire King. “Her power and influence will be ours to command, and her divided subjects will be ours to rule.”

With that plan spoken to the Night Courts very inner circle the cabal leaders, the room went silent the masked figures nodding in agreement to this strategy. Marcus gaze swept over them his mind already strategizing their next moves. “Prepare our forces, the time for action is now.”

With that, the end of the crimson night. The Night Court members would all disperse into the night, each ready to play a part in Marcus grand design.

Tag: @Harrul Ulfbitenn @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr
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