Diplomacy The After Dusk Masquerade | The Night Court Gathering

Agatha was ecstatic to see Lady Nepheli. She was a powerful figure within the night court and a woman who boasted respect. It also helped that she was also a dhampir like herself who knew what it meant to be such and the criticism that came along with being a half breed. When she would address her directly and say they would need to team up soon, Agatha smiled and nodded. "I agree my Lady, it would be an honor to ride alongside you." Nepheli commanded respect, but more importantly she actually cared for the people around her and that meant everything to those in the Night Court or even Espada that worked for her or with her. With Lady Kokob meeting Nepheli she was sure she would advise her properly. Agatha did get taken a back by her comment however regarding the King and almost spoke out but decided to excise restraint in her personal views as she was told many times by others of the Red Court. Agatha often was quick to defend the King and even attack someone if they insulted him. Nepheli and other inner members of the Night Court however she knew was harmless in their banter.

Seeing the King arrive to the ball alongside Lady Sylvia, another prominent member of the Night Court, Agatha would smile for a second before getting down on one knee and bowing before the King of Vampire's showing her deference and respect. This would also be a signal for many to do the same as the Red Court Mages in the room would all follow suit as well as the Noble vampires in the room that were invited. Whoever were purely guests not of the Vampiric race would see the deference they showed to the Progenitor of their race. Marcus was afterall the first of their kind, a pureblood vampire with immense power and strength. He was their god of sorts, at least he was created by the old gods as their champion of sorts.

"My liege...."
@Marcus Aumont et al

The hearts of the Eirish folk boiled. Regardless how ruthless they could become, or how often wars errupted over the perpetually competing fiefdoms of Eirelunn, Harrul worked hard to distance himself from such sentimental behavior. He could see the virtue, and the protective tendancies the Eirish had over their kin and theirs, yet he knew well this was darker a thought than what those who could notice believed. Especially with the Ulfbitenn. Especially with Harrul, and his long deceased father, Sichfrith...

To Harrul's mind, the ability to embrace a cold behavior, suppressing the sentiment that usually sparked most conflict, was to be able to evaluate and strategize in ways that never truly applied in Eirelunn. Now, with the curse that had at this point spread greatly within his mortal kin, he had begun accepting the new state of affairs, looking for ways to use the advantages the Ulfbitenn now possessed... And oh, it did work. More than he even anticipated.

The harsh tone in which his kin spoke to the Vampire King was yet a reminder of the Eirish way. Something that had dawned in Sylvia ever since he could remember, as a mortal still. Her ascension, however painful to his conciousness, was a blessing to her. Unlike Harrul, Sylvia was quick to embrace the Night, and so dine by the Moon she now was so close to, while Harrul spent countless nights in Ulbbitham's darkest cellars; A self-inflicted punishment, by his weaknesss to accept his new form. He eventually grew to terms with it... And yet, in times like these, his mind went adrift, by the whispering sound of the Beast Within...

The Duchess' approach, fearlessly and, some might say, mindlessly, threatening the King, was something he would never had done so, to such direct level. A moment he nodded to his kin. A nod of approval. The Ulfbitenn, unlike most of the Bloodlines in the Night Court, were the ones who held their ties with their Mortal kin. A challenging balance to maintain, and yet, what made their House; Their Bloodline awhole, what it was. Marcus would do well to remember, the Isles Cabal would never bend to a foreign rule, regardless the benefit. That, would be a choice his willpower, even if forced, would never be enough to enforce it to his own. Especially not upon Sylvia, the one who had bled the most, for him, worse so, on occasion, by his very own blade, during the cursed years of the Secession.

It was now both Taillte and Sylvia making the point clear, and thus, allowing Harrul to approach in a much more civilized, to his eyes, way. Applying enough pressure was sufficient, but overdoing it could alter entirely the diplomatic standing between the two Pureblood in the Night Court.

As his gaze met with Sylvia's, a slow nod was offered in acknowledgement. Harrul, unlike Taillte, was in favour of formalities and protocols, something that usually conflicted with Sylvia's somewhat affectionate behavior. Deep within, he craved it. But there was no way that he would express himself in that way. He had, for the better or worse, the agoge of a royal; Growing up with all eyes upon him, and any failure becoming a mark he could never rid himself off of. Taillte, as horrifying as it could be, had the misfortune of being taken by the claws of Hildrabrenna, being returned a deraged, crazed person more than anything. Sylvia? Well... She was the luckiest of all, and thus the one to pay arguably the greatest of prices, when it came to the cursed war that marked the line of Adrius.

"Sylvia" he intoned. "Always a pleasure having you in such occasions." His gloved arm fell, resting upon the pommel of the sword sheathed by the belt. "The Sparnish have a tendancy not having iron in places other than the battlefield, I hear..." his cold voice wet by the slight glimpse of irony. "I'd feel naked without the Iron Lady nearby..."

In Eirelunn, indeed, it was a formality not to bare arms in events, such as feasts and gatherings, save for those household guards who guaranteed the flow of the evening. Alas, the sword, should it bore the mark of one's own house, or order, was not considered a weapon, but a mark of honour, rendering requests for disarmement insulting. That being the case, violence in feasts was rather often in Eirelunn... And, with swords at hand, and drink in their bellies, nobles were sometimes quick to drop the act of nobility, for a good old brawl...

His mouth openned, then, perhaps to speak of Vestvinfol... Maybe to address their plans in Sparnia...? None would ever know, with Harrul himself casting any thought he could have had from memory, upon seeing the, although in slight anticipation, unexpected gesture of Sylvia, outright -picking- the, comparably tinny, Taillte at hand and then lifting her enough for her to sit on Sylvia's shoulders.

Oh, the horror!!


"Weeeeeee!" Taillte bursted laughing, arguably out of her own crazed mind, exploding by the sudden spike of andrenaline, or by the influence of the drink she had, still half-emptied, unspilled, in her pale hands, now both razed up in cheering, as she danced to the sound of the music by the troubadours.

There was silence. Harrul turned his black eyes to Marcus, trying to remain cold, not to indicate his personal discomfort of the events unfolding... Unfortunatelly, for Harrul, Taillte had no intention of changing the new state of affairs, stretching her seemingly weightless body, held by apparently no effort by Sylvia, all the way back to grasp two glasses by a nearby servitour's disk, before equally acrobatically return to her straight posture, offering the drink to her beloved Sylvia.

"We should do this more often!" she jested, before drinking, casting her other, emptied goblet away, only for Harrul to "accidentally enough" be at its way, grasping it with a simple timed motion of his hand, before offering it to a passing servitour's disk.

"Right..." he muttered to himself.

With the King entering the ball room and everyone bowing down to him, the Ashirra leader Ahmad would reluctantly bow down before the King and the rest of the Ashirra who attended would follow suit. The Ashirra were a subsect, or rather its own cabal that ruled over the desert nations. They were an old vampire clan that served under a once powerful vampire pureblood by the name of Waahid. Like his name he was most incomparable to many of the other pureblood's as he was one of the more wise and stronger of the group handful of pureblood's that had roamed the earth. He was one of many Pureblood's that Marcus had slaughtered to prevent a challenge on his power. You see Waahid had been by the King's side since the beginning in the early days. That didn't go without saying that most pureblood's wanted the seat of power that Marcus sat on and betrayed him during his reign. Due to that action Marcus realized the danger that the Pureblood's posed to his power and eliminated them all.

Due to the actions of the King of Vampire's, some still did not accept his reign to unify them all. The Ashirra were the most vengeful however knew of the horrors that the King of Vampires brought with challenging him. In order to take on the other Pureblood's and wipe them out meant that the King was truly terrifying. That fear, that vengeance allowed most Vampiric clans to follow that man blindly. Some also said he had a sort of charm about himself as well. To Ahmad, he was nothing like Waahid, his true sire. With his sire gone, he needed to carry on his legacy and continue to do what was right for the Ashirra even if that meant submitting to someone he absolutely detested.

The Ashirra were very important to Marcus cause as they were the line of defense between the Voudou Queen and the Hobgoblins to the south. They were a powerful clan that alone could repel them at their borders. Keeping them happy was essential and was the life of the politics within the Night Court. Everyone played games of chess to a massive level, bribed, corrupted, lied, and cheated to get what they wanted. All of the nobles of the Night court played such games to assert power.
Marcus watched as Sylvia and Tallite continued their banter and also listened to Harrul as he made his statements. He remembered the days in the Isles to which fights would just erupt randomly. At the end of the brawls, everyone would be okay with each other afterwards as it was the culture of the Isles. The Sparnish however were a bit more elegant and classier. Weapons weren't exactly allowed in party settings. Of course they had guards stationed around that held weapons, but those attending other than probably Sylvia had not had weapons included on their person. Vampires themselves were weapons, and if needed could muster up enough strength, or magic to do battle against their enemies. Marcus thought it was more entertaining for those to focus on entertainment rather than warring against one another. Any that challenged him or one of his esteemed guests would be met with extreme prejudice regardless.

When the vampires around the room bowed down to him upon his appearance, Marcus would glance around briefly before staring directly at the Ashirra leader who had been one of his more difficult Cabal's to get under his control in the past. Their deep hatred for him that stemmed from him killing their Sire was noted and not necessarily a group that he full heartedly trusted. However, he had to note that besides the Isles Cabal, the Ashirra were one of his stronger cabals with a lot of influence though a lot of the nations and were heavy in their devotion to their ideals. Marcus knew that he needed them in the coming war against the Hobgoblins. They were what we're standing in-between them the illustrious Hobgoblins and therefore they knew that they were needed, however without the support of the north, even they could become overrun and defeated. Marcus would discuss such things in their Cabal meeting.

Looking directly at Ahmad and would acknowledge him first. "It is great to see your presence at this wondrous event, your devotion to the Night Court is duly noted." He commented as his voice echoed through the halls that exuded silence. He would need to further work on Ahmad, and win his favor to conquer the rest of Sparnia. He would rather meet the provinces to the south in an overwhelming take over with their alliance rather than stomp out the last of Waahid's grand line. While Marcus often played various games, when it came to betrayal he had no remorse for such things and would root out any who stood against him. Getting the Night court on one accord was his primary mission to expand their influence and allow them to go up against their foes to further the cause.

Looking at the other vampire factions and Cabal leaders in the room, Marcus would make a grand statement of welcome. "I want to welcome all my esteemed and honored family and guests..." He would go onto say before moving to the forefront of the room and making his presence known to the group. "Tonight, we celebrate, all of what we've accomplished, and our people.... I want all of you to enjoy this night, for there aren't many times we can congregate all together and be merry." Marcus loved parties and found that it was the one time they could all get together and play around and enjoy each other. The King's party was always the highlight of the year after all. Marcus had also planned to host his Cabal meeting after the party, so to plan out the initiatives of the Night Court for their future campaigns and expansion. With that he would move his hand for everyone to stand and to enjoy themselves at the party. He would make further announcements later throughout the party when it was needed. Right now, he wanted everyone to enjoy themselves and bask in the extasy that was his masquerade ball.
Vyona took a mistrustful sniff at her wine wondering if it was poisoned. Among her own people it would have been unthinkable, or atleast it had been before the Demon King began his wrath on her people. Who knew what that fiend was capable of. Vyona scowled and growled at the thought. One day she would eat his heart out. The thought somewhat mollified her nevertheless she put the wine down. Wishing she had curdled goats milk or at the very least some ale. At the thought she pulled aside a server.

“Ale” she demanded short and direct ignoring the flowery words of the other guests. She drunk it greedily.

The only time her people used more words then they needed was around the campfire in songs and tales of old. Myths, legends and tales of her tribe and her people. As a youngling she had taken them for granted. Now she wished she had remembered them more. By heart as the shamans had done. Even the boring ones.

Vyona huffed at her grimm mood. To her mind this was a grimm gathering where was the drinking, the fire, the song perhaps some sport to cheer on. Whatever else the gladiator arenas had been they had had a festive heir, and truth be told she had come to enjoy them even if some had had more ritual to them then the single combat affairs of her tribe.

Truthfully she wasn’t sure what she was doing here, her circus ringleader had received a mysterious invitation to these nights events the ringleader had initially refused no doubt trying to drive up the price. Then the bearer of the message had whispered something quietly. Vyona still did not know what but he had grown pale afraid trembling and insisted Vyona go to this affair despite being booked for a match this night.

Vyona had been skeptical. Being a gladiator wasn’t so bad once she had bought her freedom and gotten her share of the profits. She earned almost as much being the company for rich fat men and a few women wanting to show off to their friends. It’s not that she minded bed sport, or even a transactional affair but she was a proud orc and would be no ones chattel.

Her fame had spread until she was invited to events such as these.

Mostly they expected her to play up her role of a barbarian gladiator who grunted a lot and gave short answered which suited her fine. Let them think her an idiot and a fool. If she wanted her vengeance she would need money, and allies.

In her spare time she had begun to learn to read and write. She had started off with childrens stories but she was working her way up in time she would learn the military manuals that had forged such great empires. Her people were great- valiant- valiant was a more poetic word she had learnt- fighters but had little time for the Art of War as these people so poetically put it.

Vyona turned as the host welcomed everyone to the event. It was typical greeting lacking the warmth or laughter her father had used when gathering their tribe together and the roar of laughter and challenge that her tribe would have responded with. She missed him terribly, she missed all of her people. One day she would avenge him.

Vyona scowled as she turned to some of the guests.

“What will be the entertainment of this-“ Vyona scowled as she tried to think of a more poetical word that would suit as this wasn’t her idea of a party “gala? ball?”

Personally she found the stories with gala's and ball’s in them boring with silly girls who seemed to giggle a lot and have no real control of their fate.
Several events were transpiring after the King made his announcement. The various clans were socializing and some of the guests intermingling as the music played throughout the halls of the massive castle, or what some might say a stronghold. The castle was fortified with various magics and structures that could repel armies for months.

Turning to Nepheli, Agatha made sure to address her comment. “I would be honored to team up with you Lady Nepheli.” She bowed her head slightly showing her respect. Inwardly Agatha was like a fan girl just ecstatic that Nepheli wanted her on a campaign with her.

After returning to her senses, Agatha remembered her son purpose, to connect and to set up situations that involved potential political or social moves with the Night Court. Also she was tasked with engaging and connecting their esteemed guests such as Kokob with Nepheli and beyond. Her next sights were on Vyona of the wolf clan. While the King didn’t fully appreciate the company of beasts, he knew the importance of having them on their side, even if temporarily to combat the Demon King.

Walking over to the woman barbarian, Agatha would gradually wave towards the woman before making her presence fully in contrast to the woman. “Vyona the gladiator, how kind of you to join us at this event, I would love to speak with you on behalf of my King if you wouldn’t mind.” Agatha would await the woman’s invitation to join her first before further encroaching on her personal space. Speaking in behalf of the King she would attempt to recruit the woman into their armies to challenge the Demon King.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan
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The guests she had asked about the entertainment didn’t know anything and had mumbled their excuses. What this event really needed was a challenge circle or fight ring. That would liven things up a bit.

Vyona frowned and scowled at the purpose who interrupted her drinking. It was probably the only fun she was going to have that night after all. Vyona scoffed at the pilot introduction.

“Kind of me? The ringmaster nearly fated at the invitation.” Vyona grinned “I wasn’t sure I had a choice.”

“What is it you wish to speak of? One of my victories? Perhaps gossip about one of my… er companions? Or what’s best weapon to fight with?”

Vyona listed off the usual reasons someone asked to speak to her.

“One fight is much like another in the arena and I’m told I’m paid for my … er discretion as much as my company. I couldn’t tell you the fancy names of positions in flowery language or argue the point of which uselessly flashy parry is the most elegant.”

“Unfortunately my swordsmanship is adequate but I prefer an Axe, Mace or Hammer. I like something with strength and power behind my blows.”

“Does that cover the points on which you wish to speak?”

Vyona growled angrily and turned back to her drink only to find it empty. She cursed with feeling in her home language and grabbed another server.

“More Ale!” Vyona demanded angrily “Just leave the barrel!”

She cowled as she realised her angry rant hadn’t scared off the polite little thing that had interrupted her. She had hoped it would so she could drink alone. They’d be shocked and appalled and went to gossip with their friends about the Barbarian She-Orc Gladiator. Usually it worked.

“But yes I will be the trophy your King shows off for the night.” Vyona grunted reluctantly and sighed.


The Night Court

Agatha listened as the barbarian spoke about her triumphs and she cared not for the explanation as the King and the Night court had already done their research on the wolf woman. They knew her stats, and what she was able to do down to her fighting style. The King of Vampires wanted to know every detail of the ode he took an interest in after all and his Red Mages did such a fine job of giving him all of the details.

As the barbarian screamed at the server for more ale and to leave the barrel, Agatha inwardly frowned from the level of lack of decorum especially in the presence of the King even if he was so far away. Her poker face however wouldn't betray her feelings towards the matter. As she would find that the server wasn't as startled by her incent screaming, Agatha would nod towards the server to comply with her request as she would move a hand towards her chin to observe the woman a final time before speaking candidly. "Trophy?" Agatha called out to the wolf woman in almost a surprised tone. She honestly was confused on why she would imagine the very King that she served would parade a dog around as his trophy. She had to contain herself from the anger she could feel almost creeping out of her pores from the statement.

Regaining her posture, Agatha would correct her. "The King has no trophies here, only guests of which he holds in high regard, and some he wishes to hold in high regard...." She explained. "In your case he would love for you to join his efforts in the south to utilize your many talents of combat..." She explained. She knew her master would hate her talking too much business at his event, but it was the perfect opportunity to solidify an alliance with Vyona of the Wolf clan, or rather to purchase her services. "Of course, my King has already precured your services in advance in gold that you will find to be more than enough for your troubles." The Red Mage court had studied the woman and had known that she liked two things, fighting and coin, two things the Night court was offering in abundance. Agatha would await the reply of the woman of the wolf clan before revealing anymore information around their campaign as you could never be too sure of alliances.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan
Vyona tilted her head in curiosity at the surprise in the tone of trophy. Perhaps she had offended her delicate sensibilities and she was supposed to show more… decorum. That was the word. If so she achieved the offense she intended even if a little too easily for a satisfactory moment of victory from spite. That curiosity was peaked when she found out she was here for a future contract. The prospect was an interesting one. Vyona always loved a good fight. It sounded like she would be well compensated for it as well. This night might not be as much of a waist as she had first thought.

“Who would I be fighting?” Vyona asked curiously.

Not that it mattered from a moral stand point. She would fight whomever she was told to fight and she would honour the contract. Keeping her word was important. A fighter was nothing without their word. A coward and a traitor would break their solemn vows. Much like the one she had made to fight the Demon King. At that thought she wondered if she would ever find herself finding for the Demon King. The thought was repulsive, but she may learn a lot about how he fought, which could be useful in one day defeating him. She would have to honour the contract while she fought for him. Once the contract was expired however she would be free to fight for herself.

“And how much gold are we talking?” Vyona remembered to ask. She had little head for figures at the moment, for her it was an abstract concept but the more she read on war the more they insisted that it was imperative that logistics were just as if not more important than tactics and valour. Still she was trying to learn and had a vague understanding of weight as it applies to the distribution of coin.

If she were to fight the demon king she would need an army a force large enough to fight him of course but also one with weapons, armor, food, tents, fortifactions, trade routes, supply routes. In theory her losses would be recovered from the loot said army would gain from the conquest, but first she would need the capitol. In fact she would have to hire someone with a good head for figures to sort it all out for her. Perhaps this King would have the resources to make a good start on gaining all of those resources. Maybe even amenable to being a patron for such a conquest.

Vyona decided to change her attitude slightly. This could end up being a very profitable and important night for her.

“Well let’s meet this king then. I would be… grateful for the opportunity”

The words were hard to swallow but she felt they might be important to these stuffy people.

tag: The Night Court
Agatha saw the wolf woman’s interest peak and knew that she had finally gotten her attention. It was solidified through her employer that the woman would work for them, but what the King wanted was ultimately to buy her out and join his cause towards the demon king. They had studied her through and through and knew what motivations would sway her forward.

“The hobgoblins to the south…. A formidable force that wishes to expand to the north.” She explained briefly before turning towards the rest of the party and then back to the woman. “However ultimately we have many we will be fighting in the coming months, years and we would enjoy your employ…” When Vyona mentioned how much coin, Agatha smirked for a second. “Enough to elevate your status to that beyond just a gladiator, and further payments could yield you even further status…” With that she felt further enticement would sweeten the offer.

Agatha wanted Vyona’s complete loyalty or at least commitment for what was to come, not just a hired mercenary. They had plenty of those across the realm. “Our ultimate goal is to go against the Demon King himself, our King is currently the only one who stands in-between him and his domination of these here lands.” With that she heard the affirmation that she would like to meet with their King. Agatha however thought it a bit soon for her to meet with the King and she knew of her Kings aversions to the smell of dogs in his presence. She felt perhaps she would handle this agreement until Vyona proved herself worthy of the introduction. “The King is quite busy at the moment hosting this event, I’m sure in the future he would love an audience with you, for now I’m his eyes, ears, and lips.” With that Agatha had pretty much allowed Vyona to know that the deal would be finalized through her directly and she would be the main contact going forward. This was how the cabals and even those that served at the Kings side had the autonomy to do so that the Night court could grow at such a rapid pace. Trust your people and they executed at a higher level.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan
Vyona frowned as she considered the prospect of fighting hobgoblins. They were distant cousins to her kin. Just as goblins were cousins to them both. Vyona didn’t mind fighting her own kind as long as they weren’t from her Tribe or more broadly her Clan without reason. Since her tribe was all dead and her Clan had betrayed her, she didn’t really have any people to speak of. She’d fought them a few times in the arena. Vicious opponents but beatable.

“Hobgoblins do not trouble me.” Vyona claimed proudly "I have fought them many times in the arena" her mind already turning to future battles ahead, This was looking like it would be long term employment. She almost missed the next part of what the woman said. Vyona froze in shock. Glancing at the woman to see if she were being tricked or played in some way.

“The Demon King killed my people. I have sworn a Blood Oath against him.” Vyona growled with barely suppressed rage “If he is your enemy, you have my Axe gladly it will sing with your enemies blood.”

Vyona frowned as she thought on the new situation. This had been a gift from fate that her vengeance was pure. She would not turn her back on it.

Vyona stated chewing on one of her tusks. “I will need to know how many there are, where they are, their fortifications, what forces and weapons they bring to bear.”

“If I’m fighting hobgoblins and gold is plenty I will need a fighting force I know.”
Vyona frowned. “I would like the other Gladiators I fought with and perhaps some I fought against. They know me I have lead some of them in mock battles already, they are fierce warriors worth your coin and I already have their respect.”

“It is a fine ferocious fighting force ready made for battle. If all we need is gold and you have it. It will be a fine start to my service.”

“They are Gladiators however and will need to be paid handsomely their rewards in the arena are considerable and they won’t fight for nothing. They shall be my Mercenary Company and I vow as long as I am in your service they will be yours. I honour my oaths. If the Demon King is your enemy my service is not in question.”


The Night Court

Agatha smiled as she had gotten Vyona the champion barbarian in the Night Courts favor. This would be a moment to celebrate as this only meant the Night Courts growth. While business wasn't the primary focus of the Masquerade Ball, it did bring all in one place to have such talks. She was happy to be reassured that the Hobgoblins would be of no issue and then further to hear her disdain for the Demon King to which she knew all too well. Hearing her further devotion after her claims of going against the Demon King, Agatha would further listen to all she had to say before responding completely as she now knew the woman was intrigued into what they had to offer due to their common enemy.

It wasn't surprising however as the Demon King while fairly new to the fold in her King's opinion had created a lot of enemies and grew his influence quicker than most. His issue was now solidifying his hold on his lands and growing his armies to a force that would overtake the world. Luckily other groups wished to combat and prevent such things, especially the Night Court. The Night court had its own agendas on controlling the known world. Its power was different then the Demon Kin's power which was purely based on brute force, and fear, but through cooperation, manipulation, and shadow power. The Night court didn't wish to be in the light and only wished to control the world from the shadows. Maintaining a sense of humanity was key to control to letting the races think they had free will. That was the goal of a god anyways and Marcus way of thinking was of that as he had been during the periods the gods were still active in the world.

"The Demon King has done so much without cause to so many people... I understand your rage towards him." Oh yes what helped the Night Courts expansion most was the fear for the Demon King and hate towards him. With the talk of buying the remaining gladiators, Agatha figured that wouldn't be such a bad idea. They were elite fighters that could take on any such foe. While Vyona remained at the top, she did witness great fighters among the group and having an elite mercenary group that could eventually turn into another sect of their army, could prove useful. "I like the idea of employing the rest of the gladiators... lets do that and once we have solidified this group, we can all meet and war plan for the battle ahead and talk logistics.. for now lets drink more ale and be merry." With that Agatha motioned over the server who brought two barrels of ale to the table of Vyona. She would be a new champion of the Night court and therefore would need to be treated to whatever she wished at the party. Another server would bring over more food as well for the woman to enjoy herself.

"Tell me, how fast can you amass this group of yours, as we will need to continue our conquest first before going after the hobgoblins to a mass more forces." Agatha's plan was to take over more territories for the Espada and Night Court and therefore growing their armies to much bigger levels. There were already talks of the Hobgoblins expanding and they would need to cut them off in the south and push them back from the Espadian Lands.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan
Vyona was heartened to hear her idea accepted so readily. It lifted her heart something she hadn’t thought possible since the death of her people. The only thing that had drived her was her blood oath and thought of revenge. Many times she had wondered if the honourable thing to do might not be just ending it killing herself, but that had seemed selfish for her people would have remained unavenged. Now for the first time it appeared that may not be so. Now it seemed she had taken a significant step towards that goal and gained not only a powerful new ally and her own force of fighter but a sense of purpose. Rather than the drifting aimlessly that had been her lot since her people had been slaughtered and she had been sold into being a Gladiator.

Vyona felt a fierce genuine grin spread across her face.

“Indeed let us drink and be merry to celebrate this new pact!” Vyona laughed a genuine signed and let out a whoop that was almost that of a yip of a cheerful wolf celebrating with it’s pack. It was the sound her tribe had made in imitation of it’s chosen animal totem the Wolf in agreement

“I’ll admit I’m a fierce fighter and I can lead our forces into battle, but logistics get the better of me.” Vyona said with a shrug “but I am trying to learn any manuals of war would also be useful. I have learnt if I am going to defeat the Demon King I am going to need to learn more of the ways of war that just how to fight.”

Vyona considered the problem of how fast she could assemble the fighters.

“Depending on how long we can buy their contracts and get them to an assembled location- here? Or would you prefer we gather somewhere else?” Vyona asked. “Is this location suitable or might it only be suited to gala’s and balls after all or is there another more practical location you’d prefer?”

“A month? Perhaps.”
Vyona tried to guess wishing she could calculate the time it would take to assemble such a force. “Once we have bought their contracts we should sign them to five or ten year terms of service before being granted their leave. By then hopefully we should have enough of a reputation and time to recruit more into a significant sizeable force.”

“Huh! The Gladiator circuit may be devoid of decent stock for some time!” Vyona grunted in amusement at the thought. Let the crowds be pleased with the bread and circuses for awhile without people fighting for their entertainment.

“We can use the battle against the hobgoblins as a measure of their skills see who is useful where. Some may be more suited to single combat than fighting in battle lines, others may be useful for scouting and the like. We could use some help with those logistics, a quartermaster maybe some clerks of some sort to manage pay, weapons, supplies, the enlistment rolls.”

“Luckily. Our name has already been chosen by fate. The Gladiators makes a fine name for a Mercenary Company don’t you think?”

“We shall strike fear into the heart of our enemies as soon as they hear of us! Before they even set sight on us and we shall be a sight! huh!”

“How many hobgoblins will we be fighting?”
Vyona asked “I would say a good Gladiator is worth ten of them but I’ll need to know the size of their forces and the size of my own before I commit to battle or a campaign.”


The Night Court

Agatha loved the initiative and excitement for the battle ahead. What Vyona needed to understand that what she was joining was now bigger than herself and they had multiple different leaders of different departments that they all reported to. One she wanted to introduce Vyona to especially was none other than their Warmaster herself the Iron Lady @Sylvia Ulfbitenn and such an introduction would be grand for her to know she had another powerful force under her leadership under the Night Court. Sylvia was the one who planned out and coordinated all of their efforts. As in the name, she was a master of war and very feared in the north. She also had another wolf woman who might vibe well with Vyona who she enjoyed in her company. "I would love to connect you with our War master to discuss logistics... she alone could teach you and your company the art of war." She explained quickly before pointing over towards the massive, towering lady in armor across the room.

Sylvia was a cabal leader, but also someone within the inner circle of the Night Court towering even above most Cabal leaders. Introducing the two would be grand as she knew the woman would appreciate another strong woman. When Vyona said she could assemble within the month, Agatha who wasn't one for smiles had smiled yet again this night. "That is excellent, I will provide all the coin and contractual resources you will need to employ the gladiators." It was a done deal and Agatha would ensure one of those employed under her would work on such a massive deal and undertaking. "As far as the size of the Hobgoblins, they are massive as they are a nation of Hobgoblins that are a fearsome force... Sylvia can also assess the strategy and logistics around the strengths and weaknesses among your men and women." She explained before turning to Sylvia. Using her powers of telepathy, she would communicate directly with the Lady.

"Lady Sylvia, I have a guest here, or rather a new ally that I think you would be excited to meet, she herself is a gladiator that wishes to join the efforts of the Night Court and brings with her a mercenary company of gladiators that will also join our cause... however they need your direction of course." She spoke mentally to the woman. Turning back to Vyona, Agatha would await Sylvia and Vyona's replies before speaking further. With Sylvia's tutelage the mercenary group would be a force to be reckoned with.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
Vyona looked with interest as the topic turned to that of a War master. Vyona’s gaze turned to the warrior Agatha pointed out. If nothing else her armor was impressive. Vyona tried to reserve judgement of a warrior before she had seen them in battle but she sensed this was a warrior not to be crossed lightly. Vyona approved. If she were to learn of logistics she would rather it be from a warrior not some dusty scholar with pinched glasses who had never held a sword in his life. The thought was one that concerned her she was glad that that wasn’t the case.

It was also refreshing that it was a woman at that Vyona had thought women warriors a rarity in this part of the world, a tradition she found ridiculous. Women could fight just as well as men and often had clearer heads. Although admittedly to Vyona even most of the men in this strange part of the world often seemed weak and pathetic. Still somehow they managed to not only carve out an existence but conquer much of the world, sadly her own people included. Mostly by getting others to fight for them. Vyona had learnt that lesson the hard way and now it seemed she would be one of those others fighting for them.

Vyona’s attention turned back to Agatha as she explained the nature of the Hobgoblins forces Vyona frowned with concentration.

“I had been hoping for a smaller force to initially test my Gladiators against. Perhaps a small band or mercenaries. As I said they fight well, but they haven’t fought together in a large group unless of course you consider the mock battle in the arena which often just devolved into smaller groups or single combat in any case.”

Vyona frowned as she considered the problem.

“Still perhaps a longer campaign could prove beneficial in learning how your people make war. It will teach Gladiators how to live on campaign and all those other matters of war that seem confusingly nothing to do with fighting. I hope this War Master of yours is an able mentor.” Vyona queried “My learning is… coming along but incomplete my people had no need of written words or education even on the subject of war other than for the runes and spells of the Shamans.”

“Should we not go over to her and make introductions?”

Vyona frowned unaware of the silent communication that had passed between the two women.

tag: The Night Court Sylvia Ulfbitenn


Thorondir was uncomfortable. Balls were nothing new for him. In fact one of his favourite guises was as an effacious charming dandy who loved events such as this were a barbed word could be just as lethal as a sharpened dagger. The wrong thing said to the wrong person at the wrong time could end lives and change the course of history. Thorondir had lived long enough to realize that. It was that his ball had even more potential for that than most.

Thorondir was honoured that he had been on the guest list at all. Perhaps his dream of being appointed to the Court itself as it’s spymaster was not out too for out of reach. It had been centuries but here he was.

This was a gathering of the Night Court. Such gatherings were a rare enough event given the amount of time it took to travel the world and collect all the important members together. This was a room of the world’s most powerful and influential people in it. Thorondir had been surprised he himself had been invited.

Of course he was taking note of the most important guests as they would be major players in the Court and indeed the world, and even some of the minor ones in case they became important players later on. The fact that they had been invited at all suggested some potential or influence no matter how slight.

The Ulbiten clan were of course prominent. A powerful wolf and vampire clan that was not to be crossed lightly from the north. Thorondir had spent some time in the Isle’s years ago though he could not quite remember when and was glad that the Ulbittens were introducing civilisation to it’s barbaric peoples. Events did seem to be developing in the Isle’s, perhaps Thorondir should visit them again soon. The Baron might be a welcome addition to the Night Court’s activities there. The Isle’s always needed strong warriors.

Agatha the Vampire King’s chosen representative was making her way through the crowds and seemed to be enticing a She-Orc Gladiator that had been making the rounds into the King’s service. Thorondir had attended one of the gladiators matches and had to admit she was a fearsome warrior. If she could be recruited into the Night Court’s Service she would be a useful addition to their forces. Sometimes a hammer was needed as much as the dagger he considered himself to be.

Ahmad The Ashirra cabal from the desert lands was in attendance. Thorondir doubted his pledge of loyalty was sincere but they were an ancient and powerful vampire clan to be respected and watched. Still strategically important. The Desertlands were rife with strife and with it opportunity in the ever shifting world. The Voudou Queen was a constant threat and Thorondir had heard in his travels the Hobgoblins to the south were acting up again. They would have to be dealt with before they became too troublesome.

Thorondir might enjoy a trip to the desertlands, he had skimmed the edges during his time but rarely ventioned further than the ports. Always on the move. Perhaps some time spent in the deep desert there would be an adventure. Still Thorondir would go wheever benefited the Night Court and the Vampire King the most. Wherever he was sent next he would go willingly and ably.

Approaching the Night King directly seemed clumsy and poor formed not to mention poorly played, he would of course be moved on. The Ulfbitens were… a forceful clan at the best of times. The Ashirra was looking grand and imperious as if he were the Vampire King’s equal. Agatha seemed engaged with the Gladiator. Thorondir doubted she would recognise him from her matches, but he might be sent to keep an eye on her wherever she was sent.

Thorondir sipped at his wine wondering who he should be making his introductions to in order to curry favour or best serve the Night Court.

These where the moments that she lived for, what missed so much, as she held Taillte aloft on her shoulders as the young Abertrach celebrated. Back in Eirelunn things had become one war after another and left her very little time for her family. Taillte lived with the Pureblood of her line, Marcus, which kept Sylvia separated from her younger sister much to the Duchess’s annoyance. Right now though that was hardly on her mind as she held the other aloft with ease, even as she bent backwards and retrieved them both some drinks. Before she had denied herself the beverage when it was offered by the Vampire king, but now… she took it and drank form the glass… the warm liquid hardly effected the large woman even as she silently gave a toast towards her brother’s presence.

The cheeky look in her eye said it all. Yes I know what I am doing, no I don’t care, and yes I will do it again to hear her laughter. Outwardly she only answered Taillte, “Yes we should, maybe create our own celebration up in the North. A regular family get together…” Sighing happily she knew this was easier said than done given the situation, plus it seemed like indeed Marcus was a natural when it came to throwing parties like this. The Moon Mother’s attention was completely on the entertainment of her little sister in that moment, rather than any speech or such that the Vampire King gave. In fact it would only be the direct interruption of Agatha into her mind that brought Sylvia out of the nostalgia of the moment… an act which turned a gaze of ire towards the mage… and the person she could only assume she had been interrupted about,

“You know Agatha if you want to get my attention while I am spending time with my sister then next time you might show some respect and approach me. This includes the matter of bringing the guest to me.” The large woman still had Taillte purched up on her shoulder and in fact seemed to be easily capable of doing it with just one hand as she face palmed in annoyance while speaking to the mage, “I think you Night Court mages forget who you serve sometimes, but we will have that discussion later. I will not run the good time of Taillte and our guest.”

She gave a rather toothy grin to the ork woman, and held out her hand, “So you are the one who wishes to help me smash my enemies in the North. Well I can’t say I am too impressed yet, but we shall see… hmm no there is a better way to say hello… Taillte my dear… hold on tight.” Without anymore warning than that, once the other took her hand… Sylvia would suddenly pull Vyona into a violent headbutt. Hard enough that she knew it would cave the skull of a human, but not these creatures. Laughing boisterously as the dull thud rang out through the room the woman stared at the other with a wild eyed look, blood running down her forehead from where they had collided, “You know what… I like this one… she is strong… we will keep her.”
Agatha awaited for Sylvia's cue when she spoke out to her fairly loudly breaking the communication of telepathy all together. It seemed she had appreciated more formality despite being distracted by her cousin who she had embraced just moments ago. "My apologies Lady Sylvia, I just didn't want to interrupt physically without your consent such an adorable display between you and Lady Taillte." She explained to the towering woman. She wouldn't want naturally to get on the bad side of Sylvia Ulfbiteen.

Sylvia was one of the higher ranked members of the night court and someone close to her King. In her overearnest spirit she had essentially cut her own foot off by not sticking to formalities with the woman. She would note for future engagements. As Sylvia approached Vyona however she was about to officially introduce the two when Sylvia jumped straight into the fray and spoke directly to the woman casually. Figuring she would keep out of the conversation now that she had upset the woman, Agatha moved slightly backwards when she then saw Sylvia headbutt the woman.

Completely taken a back and surprised by the action, again Agatha naturally jumped to want to assist in the clash, but refrained against it again due to knowing that Sylvia would frown upon such actions.

From the looks of the interaction after the two collided it seemed that Sylvia was testing the woman's strength to which she hadn't moved been too moved by the encounter. Agatha had heard that the northerners were more barbaric and now she was getting front row seats to the carnage. In Sparnia, everything was elegant and refined, and yet in the north it was violent, and loud. Now those two worlds would collide at the Masquerade Ball of the Night King.

Tag: @Vyona of the Wolf Clan @Sylvia Ulfbitenn

The opulent ballroom was alive with the flicker of candlelight and the hushed whispers of attendees masked in finery. The air was thick with the scent of aged wine and the underlying tension of unspoken secrets. The Masquerade Ball was in full swing, a night of decadence and intrigue hosted by the King of Vampires himself.

Through the ornate doors glided a figure who seemed to command the very shadows. She was cloaked in flowing, midnight-hued robes adorned with ancient symbols that hinted at her shamanic powers. Her mask, a delicate creation of silver filigree and onyx, revealed nothing of her true identity but suggested a haunting beauty beneath.

As she moved through the crowd, a path seemed to open before her, as if the very air parted in reverence. All eyes followed her, drawn to her aura of dark enchantment and the whisper of power that clung to her every step.

Finally, she approached the son of the Vampire King Thorondir, who stood with the regality befitting his lineage. He was a vision of noble strength and quiet authority, yet there was an innocence to him that belied his immortal age.

With a playful glint in her eye, the witch tilted her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Ah, my dear brother," she purred, her voice a velvety caress. "Or are you the King this day?”

There was an undeniable connection, an echo of ancient ties that he would fully grasp.

She chuckled softly, a sound that was both inviting and chilling. "I guess it matters not, little prince? I am one who knows your secrets, your fears, and your dreams. And tonight," she stepped closer, her presence almost intoxicating, "I am your guide through the shadows of this masquerade."

As the music swelled and the dance continued around them, the prince found himself drawn into her orbit, caught in the web of her mysterious allure. The night promised many revelations, and the witch's playful yet evil attitude hinted at the dark delights yet to come.

The ball was just beginning, and with the shaman witch’s arrival, the real game of power and seduction had begun.

Tag: @Thorondir Aumont
Vyona grunted at the so called War Masters arrogant attitude. Although she supposed she wouldn’t respect her if she were a meek dandy like some present. Still by now Vyona was used to an assessing gaze when trying to judge her combat skills on first glance. It was part of being a Gladiator being inspected before each match by whomever was holding it, the trainers, merchants and gambling brokers or just someone who wanted a look at the Gladiators before the match itself.

While she was being assessed Vyona turned an assessing gaze of her own at the War Master. Her armour seemed excessive but effective it would be hard to penetrate with a mere blade. If it were normal steel Vyona expected she could hack through it with one of her preferred heavy weapons Mace, Warhammer or Axe. Still Vyona felt a vibrant hum coming off it and suspected she would need magic of some sort to pierce the armour. Vyona wouldn’t be surprised if the Warrior herself was mage of some skill. An enemy not to be taken lightly without magic of her own.

Unfortunately despite the Shamans saying she had inane talent Vyona had foregone the spiritual arts as being too boring preferring the martial over the magical. Recently she had begun to consider that foolish. The Demon King certainly used mages and magic of caliber and it would appear all warfare did to some extent. Not to mention she expected she would face mystical opponents not all of whom would be honourable enough to take her in only martial combat.

Vyona grunted in surprise t the sudden attack. Caught of guard she could do little but brace herself from being rocked back. It wasn’t enough to hurt her but it was a moment of surprise. Vyona scowled. She was satisfied atleast that the Lady Warrior was bleeding from her own foolishness.

“I’m not being ‘kept’ by anyone else ever again.” Vyona responded to the attack with one of her own putting much more force into her head butt turning into a charge. “If You want a fight I’ll gladly give one to you, but I am unarmed. Hand to hand. No magic.”

“Here now!”


Sylvia Ulfbitenn The Night Court

Vyona continued to scowl as she took off the ridiculous furs her Ring Master had insisted she wear to events like this. Apparently it was supposed to represent the image these people had of a warrior chieftainess. Vyona found them fluffy but impractical for fighting. Tossing it aside to Agatha, Vyona took up a ready stance her hands open to grapple or shift into a punch easily.

“Unless of course you’d prefer not to.” Vyona asked with a challenging grin knowing no warrior worth their salt would ever turn down a challenge. “All you need do is apologies.”
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