Diplomacy The After Dusk Masquerade | The Night Court Gathering

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Reverence was in order.

Invitations had been sent out both physically and mentally to all that had been under the dominion of the Night Court. All Cabals, all of the leaders that knew of the Night court, and all of the vampires across Terra were invited. Every once and awhile, or perhaps more often than not, the Vampire loved to host events across Erova and entertain both day and night court members in his events. It was rare however for the Vampire King to call such a massive event of the night court all at once however and it happened mostly every few years to rally back in the vampiric communities under one house to celebrate with their established King. The Vampire King Marcus Aumont had been the established King for over 1000 years and had been the first vampire ever created, stemming back to the world before man. He had seen the world at its most turbulent times, and now guided society through his many influences through the cabals of the night court.

There were several purposes for calling all of the night court together, one was simply to party, enjoy the night, and give reverence to the King of Vampires and those of the upper echelon, but the other part was also creating further diplomacy with subsects he struggled to control, and their nations. Marcus had planned to have a Cabal meeting after the festivities also to announce his plans for what they would be doing in the upcoming year. Marcus had many plans in terms of who to unite, who to target their efforts against, and how to gain more influence and power. The night courts network was vast and stretched across Terra, but they still had areas they hadn't controlled, and newer factions that rose up and took over areas of interest and so they needed to discuss these types of dealings and how they would proceed. Another major player they needed to discuss was the Demon Lord who continued to fight back against their control, and wished to create carnage on Erova.

For the masquerade ball however they would simply enjoy themselves, the decorations, and the party favors who for vampires would be quite upscale. There would be many stations around the fortress set up where vampires could enjoy on fresh human blood, however could not drain the humans completely as was a main rule that Marcus had enforced with Night court agents set up around the event. He also had humans walking around obviously under his mind control serving blood wine, and other foods that their guests would be able to eat and drink. In private rooms were set up areas where one could quite very well enjoy themselves if they wished to indulge in further pleasures. The main dance floor would be reserved for classical dance, and chivalry.

Now it was time for the massive organization to meet, and indulge in their wildest desires for one night, while also preparing for what the Vampire King had to say.
To attend the Dusk Masquerade was considered a once in a lifetime opportunity. True for most, especially the short lived Human race. To those of the Abhartach subspecies, it came and went like any other event. However, it was still considered prestigious to receive an invitation. Even more so to receive it from the King of the Vampires in person.

Nepheli Nephandi Tzunidahr had known Marcus Aumont for almost as long as she could remember.

They had even shared a bed, once upon a time.

Receiving a personal visit from the man had come as something of a shock. He had dropped off the map for awhile, no doubt slumbering in some forgotten corner of the globe. She had given up on ever seeing him again, such was the length of his absence. It was a relief to see him alive and in one piece. They had spent the remainder of his visit catching up.

Her carriage pulled into the courtyard of his stronghold, a large building that loomed over everything in the area. It was hardly subtle. The Dhampir could not help but roll her eyes at the over the top extravagance on display. He had always been something of a show off, eager to parade his own superiority. Tzunidahr had cautioned him on more than one occasion that such behavior could serve to bite him in the end.

Not that he ever listened.

Marcus did an excellent job at making it appear as though he were, she reluctantly admitted.

The driver came around the side to open the door for her, allowing the woman to step out onto cobbled stone. The heels she had worn for the occasion clacked noisily against the ground. Her dress barely scraped the floor, a flowing green and gold gown that complimented her skin tone. Imported makeup coated her face, covering the few imperfections that she could lay claim to. Her lips, glistening a pale red with lipstick, quirked upward as she was escorted inside.

Nepheli inspected the interior with a keen eye, finding it just as extravagant as the exterior. She would need to have a word with the King on overspending. Immortal or not, a good budget would help the Night Court. Being as old as he was, the man should have some type of an idea for business. He would not find a willing volunteer in her, that was for sure.

The ballroom was… magnificent.

Her eyes glimmered with fascination, taking in the view.

Food on the move, tasteful music, potentially pleasant company?

Yes, please.

Nepheli slipped into the growing crowd without fuss or fanfare. Her presence unnoticed by all but a select few. Mirth filled her expression as she recognized a few key players and familiar faces. It was quite amusing to say the least. She took her time, flittering around the dance floor from partner to partner.

Agatha was stationed at the entrance greeting guests in behalf of the King and also informing them of all there was to offer at the masquerade ball. Aside from herself and a few of the attendants, everyone was masked. She noticed when Nepheli arrived and thought her to be absolutely stunning. She always had a certain down to earth flair about her as well as always seemed to have her eyes on the King. She was sure they had some type of affair in the past from the many visits from the woman, but she wouldn’t think about such things as she was helping the biggest vampiric event of the century go smoothly.

The Dhampir however did know she was a high ranking member of the night court and would ultimately pay her respects as one. When she entered she would bow her head slightly to the side, acknowledging her high ranking, as a noble of the night court and vampiric race. She also admired her because like her she also was a Dhampir, however didn’t have the same stigmata like most Dhampir. You see to be a half breed was always the most troubling as you were not respected by either side. To vampires she was diluted and unpure, and to humans she was an abomination. She found refuge and a family however under the Vampire Kibg as he had taken her in at such a young age.

Continuing her duties at the masquerade, Agatha would make sure that no one uninvited would enter these walls to interrupt such a grand event. With her magics she would easily be able to tell if someone who wasn’t invited had stepped foot into the ball just by their magical signature. It was the beauty of sending out magical invitations ahead of time that had a special spell attached that would alert her to someone who hadn’t been invited. Such was the prowess of one for the top members of the red mages court.

Arrangements had been made, plans had been made, because for the Iron Lady… leaving her realm at this time was unacceptable. Not for a party… no… even if there were plans that had to do with Night Court being involved in the dead of night… she didn’t feel that she could comfortably leave Suthra or the side of her betrothed. So an alternate method by which she would come had been arranged that technically did not take her away from her home. A ritual was preformed that created the illusion of her presence, a spell that the Moon Druids were oh so good at producing. So instead of a cart coming up the path in front of Marcus’s castle carrying Sylvia… no… instead she just seemed to appear there in front of the door as though out of a cloud of mist and smoke. Out of the very shadows themselves, a facsimile, a transmission that would have to do.

She would wait until the door was opened for, and said nothing at first, adored in her battle armor, the woman made clear that despite the fact that this was a party. She was not here to play. If Sylvia wanted entertainment she had plenty of ways to make that happen back home. No she was here to listen and speak on the direction which the Night Court was going. It was her job as the Warmaster after all and so in that capacity she looked for Marcus. Finding the other, she looked over the Abdertach King with a playful smirk, “So I am to assume I need to wait until you are done with your little celebration before we get down to business?”

Marcus was still preparing himself for his grand entrance to the vampire ball as all vampires and creatures of the night and Allie’s of the night court started to arrive to the grand spectacle that was being held in his very lands. It was rather ironic as the primary part of the lands were human in nature and held no idea of the true nature of the King of all Vampires as the man walked among them and looked stunningly human. There were different types of their kind and many had a perception that was misleading for many which caught them in the web that was the top predator of the food chain.

In the private chambers of the King of Vampires held one close advisor from the night court that kept him informed of all affairs and various other red mages that were there not only for protection but also to serve any of his needs. The red mages were agents of the night court that were able to intermingle with society and carry out the King and the cabals wishes, they also were protectors of various members of the cabals and the King and served in many diffeeent capacities through the night court. Many of them were loyal however completely to the King as he hand picked them from young and made sure they were trained and taught directly under those he trusted or specifically by himself.

As Sylvia arrived via magic, the Red mages had already been alerted that she would be arriving in such a way and therefore when she arrived the King was alerted and she was ushered to his private chambers. When she arrived the man smiled seeing the women in his presence even if not completely there in the flesh. He longed for her forceful hugs ironically. “Sister, you should enjoy life more, battles and wars will still be there once you return… but you are correct, after this celebration we will talk business amongst the various cabals.” He spoke out to her as the servants that were in the room continued to get him ready for the event that had already started. The King liked grand entrances and flairs, so he wanted everyone to arrive before going out into the main event. This also allowed for mingling of the guests without being completely focused on him the entire time.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn

Location: Unknown estate, Sparnia
Outfit: Normal Black and White Cloak
Equipment: N/A
Tags: @Marcus Aumont | @Sylvia Ulfbitenn | @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr | @The Night Court


I had been stopped by the pale bald woman shortly after arriving at the estate. When she questioned whether I belonged or not I started to shake. I had heard from other attendees that this was the Vampires’ ball. I was not a vampire. My mother was a powerful being, but she was no vampire at all. When Agatha suggested that I was not invited I was about to turn and leave. I wasn’t sure what exactly happened, but the woman’s expression turned from scowl to a small smile and she waved me forward. Seemed that my mother did actually have some sway here. I was not sure how that was possible. The goddess Akanni had not left her tribe’s lands in generations.

Whatever had taken place I was now inside the ball. It was an energy that I had never felt before. Each and every being in this ballroom was overflowing with magical power. I was but a novice when it came to applying such powers. But my potential was great. That was the reason I was sent here. The great Night Court had ruled over much in days long past. Whispers reached my mother’s ears that the group was gaining in power once more. Still, it was odd to see a member of the Idan tribe in Erova. I looked over the people gathered and chuckled to myself as I noted their masks. I had not known one was a requirement, and didn’t think anyone would know me if they looked upon my true face. Still Agatha had insisted, so with a bit of magic my eyes, nose, forehead and cheeks were adorned with a mask of glowing aqua color in the fashion of the runes of my tribe.

Now the question was who I needed to contact to gain a guide to this new underworld society. Someone who would accept me and sponsor me in joining the Night Court. Someone who could mentor my growth and place me in a position of power. My mother wanted a seat in the Night Court. I needed a mentor to gain that seat. Who would that be?


Agatha noticed when all arrived especially their special guest from Africa who had been sent a special invite. At first she hadn’t recognized her as a member of the night court but then had remembered that their King had specially invited Idan tribal leaders to his vampire ball to speak with them in person about joining the Night court. You see the night court wasn’t only comprised of vampires, but also all magical beings and humans who were Allie’s of the court.

Marcus had taken an interest in powerful magical beings, covens, and tribes to further bolster the power of the night court to be on equal playing fields with many of the other dominant figures one in particular being the demon king. The man was particularly powerful and was not someone you could easily deal with and so Marcus stacked his cards to eventually face him and take him out of power as he was starting to make movement in the north which concerned him, and it would do well for many to be concerned. The demon kings territory was vast and he was gaining more power as they wined and dined even now.

Agatha had made sure that her prime job was to ensure the daughter of the powerful being was taken care of and that she felt welcomed in this ball of powerful figures. “Kokob was it, you have travelled a long ways from home, could I help you with anything?” Agatha spoke out to the young girl happy to help her with any desire including learning of anyone in particular she wished to come into contact with.

Nepheli had never encountered a woman, a young girl in truth, of the Idan tribe. Her information network kept her apprised of current events but they had merely glossed over the indigenous folk. Even with the mask, the newcomer’s deific beauty made itself readily apparent. Eyes darkening, the Dhampir made a note to discipline whoever had failed her on this matter. It was easy to feel the magical potential contained within her.

Allies, as always, were important.

They more often than not dictated who may win or lose an important battle.

Agatha made herself known a moment later, greeting the tribal woman.

Humming, the superior Dhampir stalked away. There would be time yet to endear herself to the newcomer. Agatha proved a trustworthy companion, surprisingly adept at navigating a social setting. She would introduce the girl to the rest of the Night Court. Or perhaps… no, Marcus would never stoop so low. Perish the thought!

Nepheli grabbed a small goblet of blood wine, a delicacy that she seldom enjoyed. Inebriation did not appeal to her as it once had. There was far too much to say or do on a regular basis to risk making a fool of herself. Worse than that, her guard would be lowered for a time. All it would take was some opportunistic assassin to kill her at that point, ruining over a century of planning. No, it was best to restrict drinking to such occasions as this.

It was sweet on the tongue and rather tantalizingly aromatic.

She had to fight every single fiber of her being to stop herself from downing the entire goblet. Instead she settled for a polite sip to maintain her dignity, returning to her people watching. It was but a matter of time now, she wagered. Marcus would make his appearance.

Location: Unknown estate, Sparnia
Outfit: Normal Black and White Cloak
Equipment: N/A
Interacting with: @The Night Court
Close proximity to: @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr
Tag: @Marcus Aumont | @Sylvia Ulfbitenn


I smiled at being recognized. I was not as powerful politically as some of my siblings. Not even a visible figure even in my home. My mother was the revered goddess of the tribe and my father was the current chieftain, but that lineage was held a close secret. While I might be blessed with magical gifts inherited from my mother which would make me strong one day, I was just learning the extent of them now. My mother, Akanni, was curious what the powers within the Night Court would be able to teach me. But I was just glad to finally be allowed outside of the bubble that was my short existence.

”You are well informed,” I responded to Agatha. ”Not everyone in my own village knows my identity. The wealth of knowledge at the fingertips of the Night Court must be quite extensive,” the last sentence was stated in a soft tone that would only be heard by Agatha using “normal” hearing. I was quite sure that everyone invited to this party was aware of the Night Court, but if not the bald woman could correct my openness to avoid revealing too much.

”I thank you for the welcome,” I said with a smile. ”To be honest I’m not sure how you can help. I will need to have the lay of the land so to speak. Not sure if your duties allow introductions for a newcomer? If not pointing me in the direction of someone who could arrange such. I’ve lived my life as an observer. But I don’t think that my mother wishes that to continue. That said, habits are hard to break. My understanding is that my invitation was extended by Marcus Aumont, but I am also to understand that he is a man of power. I suspect someone else would be my first guide, though I’m not sure who.”

I met the brief greeting from the Damphir with a smile and a nod of my head. I could sense a degree of power within her, but seeing as I would not be able to identify the man who had invited me, I certainly was unsure what sway over this group Nepheli had. As was the case I waited for Agatha to make the next move. Guide me into the workings of the Night Court, or merely give direction where I could start myself.


It seemed the young women was rather surprised that she had known as much as she had. Perhaps the women was made to be kept a secret for whatever reason. Learning more about the foreign woman would only help her understand more about her alliegances to ensure that if they made the decision to let her clan join the Night court that they could truly be trusted. What was their motive anyway she wondered. Agatha was sure that the King would sniff out any deception if there was any on anyone present this night.

Agatha would flash a quick smirk as she commented on the extensive knowledge of the Night Court. She wasn’t at all wrong, as the night court stretched across erova in a web of networks that controlled the lands from the shadows and their King was at the helm. “There is nothing our King does not know…” She commented in reply to her statement regarding the knowledge of the Night Court.

“My entire role is to remained informed for our King.”

With just a statement of her loyalty, Agatha changed the subject after Kokob shifted gears to meeting more members of the night court. Her true purpose was to form an alliance with the King of Vampires however she knew that she couldn’t just jump into meeting him right away and should work through the upper echelon of the Night Court.

The Night Court was comprised was the Vampire King at the helm and the Cabal Leaders who controlled territories of influence and had a direct war to the King. Mostly all nobility of some sort or extremely trusted by the King. Unfortunately the identity of the Cabal leaders were just as secret as the organization. Not even some of the cabal leaders knew of each other save Sylvia and Harrul who had been a major part of the Cabals and worked extensively together in their territories.

When she asked for introductions, Agatha nodded. “How rude of me, let me introduce you to our Duchess @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr.” She would usher Kokob over to the Duchess to introduce them. Taking a slight bow to Nepheli, Agatha would point to Kokob. “This is Lady Kokob, she was specially invited by the King himself, Lady @Kokob this is Duchess Nepheli Tzunidahr.” She finished awaiting the two to make their acquaintances.

Cocking her eye a playful smile slipped over the Grand Duchesses face as she made her way over to relax on a nearby couch. One had to wonder if the illusion she claimed to have use… was really that. There where magics that allowed one to shift between a transmitted image to suddenly have themselves transported to the place they where now at. The problem was… the toll it took on the body. It wasn’t normally done among humans or ‘lesser races’ for that reasons due to the life it could take off you. However for Sylvia… who had eternity… it became a military tool, “Alright Marcus you have your wish, but if my lands need me I will leave you in the lurch if I have to. Your pride is not my concern, and I am sure you can understand why… I hold on to our newest frontier after all… and I must be vigilant.”

Capturing the whole of the Isles would be the biggest boon to their kind. As at that point all they would need to do is build up a navy that could prevent any invasion and as such… they would have their own haven from which to strike their enemies or hide if they had to. Sighing softly her eyes turned to one of the more feminine male servants that passed by the room for only a moment before turning her gaze back to her brother, “Enjoy life… really now what do you take me for my dear. Do you think I keep my betrothed and all his adorable retainers just because I like their advice? Or that Orako, yes I know what you call her and I better not hear that insult again, and me have grown so close.”

A rueful chuckle slipped from her lips as she for a moment gave Marcus that same look that made one wonder if even he was safe her… desires, “In many of the tribes around Vestvinfol if a woman wants to take a mate she does. Numbers are rarely relevant as long as numbers in the tribe continue to grow and all the proper rituals are followed. To make a long story short. War is not the only satisfaction I have… and I enjoy my life quite a bit thank you.” Pausing on that note the Grand Duchess’s gaze grew more serious as she looked over at the Vampire King, “Tell me Marcus is there anyone you expect to show up tonight who will cause issues. This is the first time I have been among your court like this, and so I would ask your permission as the Warmaster to… how show I put this. Show dominance on your part if need be…”

She realized how this sounded and that if she did so it might make the Vampire King look weak, but she had practice on how this was done. She had always represented Harrul in the same light. So if Marcus wanted the concept of these Cabal’s to work then she needed a chance to put her foot on someone’s neck if the moment arose. To remind them that if they fucked with the Night Court, then they would have to deal with her long before they reached the Vampire King. So she added, “Think of it like this. They see my strength that is put in service to you. So that makes them wonder… how strong are you that you have someone like me leading your armies. Speaking of which… how does things go here… in your own realms military expansions?”

Location: Unknown estate, Sparnia
Outfit: Normal Black and White Cloak
Equipment: N/A
Interacting with: @The Night Court | @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr
Close proximity to:
Tag: @Marcus Aumont | @Sylvia Ulfbitenn


I noted the joy that my surprise of the Night Court’s knowledge seemed to bring to Agatha. I wasn’t sure what to do with the mirth that brought. I should have guessed that my hosts would know more than the average villager back home. After all, my task was not to learn about the Night Court from the shadows and report. I was supposed to become one of them. Learn what they could teach me about magic and how my mother could use their exploits in Erova to her advantage. I had never had a close teacher. Never had a really close friend. Things were going to be different here. Hopefully the fact that they knew about me would mean that they would be able to guide my lessons well.

The boast that the King of the Night Court knew everything was a bit boisterous to my taste, but I did my best not to let my doubt show. The thought that this King had intimate knowledge of my tribe and that my mother allowed him to know more than she willed seemed far-fetched for sure. The fact that Agatha viewed herself as a good source of information for the King was a good note to make to myself. Kings rarely made themselves available to just anyone. In his absence I could come to Agatha with questions.

I dismissed Agatha’s statement with a smile. ”There is no need for apologies. I’m sure there are many things on your mind. And most present likely know each other already.” Agatha introduced me to the woman who had already passed by and gave a brief greeting before finding a glass of wine. I smiled bashfully at the apparently young woman. I was too well informed to take looks as an indication of age. But when one tried to look young it was often the case that they acted it as well. Or at least wished to fit in with the young crowd.
”It is good to meet you Duchess,” I said with a nod of my head. I could feel the magic radiating off the Duchess, but my inexperience didn’t let me know what to make of the sensation. I was here to learn and be guided. I would let the Night Court take the initiative, and hope that my naivité would not be taken advantage of.

Each step brought the Abhartach forth into the maze of flesh that was the grand ball. So different were the ways of the Sparnish that, to him, they were alien entirely. A grand wealth found beneath the stone and sweat of the many who worked the mines, now fountaining over a deeply divided and corrupt country... And yet, what was truly different with Oirtheroch, from whence he had sailed from? Barely a shade of linen, and a curved line of the blade.

Eirlunn was a backwater land. He had worked tirelessly for years to change that, and yet, truth was so bright not even he could deny; More so, to his own self.
The blood-red linen over his pale skin was far more flamboyant compared to the rather simplistic fashion of the Isles. To him, it felt exactly what it served: A custome. In this grand masquarade of deception that was, the Night Court.

Harrul was many things, yet fool, to the best of his abilities, he tried to steer clear of. He knew that the Aumont were perhaps a most powerful clan among the Night Court. Allied he may be, it was known to him that he would have to preserve a balanced relation between them and his line from Eirlunn, if he wanted to benefit from the transaction. This was all what the Night Court was, to him, after all. Business, as the boy-count Emathil would name it.

"Crack a smile, brother, for once! You may find out you like it, over that rock of a face..."

Her voice invaded his head like a spear, causing the very Beast Within to growl in defiance of her psychic touch. It still hurt him greatly, that he had to accept another's line in his own flesh and blood. Taillte had been through alot, and in each such touch, Harrul was reminded the depth of the hated witch's bite...

A bite, he could never banish from his kin...

Alas, to his surprise, Taillte always found a strange energy in her madness; Never hesitating to find an exciting factor or even a reason to seemingly enjoy herself in almost any situation. Her tendancy to chaos was a constant risk Harrul was taking, yet this time, he felt it would not prove a mistake, given they were attending the very centre of the Night; The Vampire King's own halls, in a grand assembly...
paris of troy 1.jpg

Marcus listened to the Duchess as she played around with her words. He knew all well of her playthings as well as what she liked to do with them. The Vampire King kept a close eye on all in the Night court. One part was to ensure that no one betrayed him, and another was simply to always keep tabs on his closest allies so that he could respond if needed to a threat. As she spoke about her campaign, Marcus knew it was the main reason she couldn't physically be in person as she was leading a front on behalf of the Night court to expand the overall territories of the Court. Each Cabal had a role to play and Sylvia most certainly was one of the more important parts of the puzzle. She was in fact the War master of the entire operation and held a very high status among even the Cabals themselves. The only other that was on that level if not higher was Harrul Ulfbitten who he held a major alliance with in regards to the Ulfbitten and Aumont clans. Just like the noble system of the humans, the vampire system was very much similar. You needed the nobles to run your empire and keep the masses in check, as one person couldn't be in every place at every time.

As Sylvia mentioned Orako, he refrained from frowning. The woman was a part of the Night Court and someone very trusted by Sylvia which in turn made the Vampire King trust her, however it was something about the smell of a dog in his presence which utterly turned him off. However he did admit that having werewolves in the Night Court bolstered its physical might when needed. "I will try to refrain from insults in both of your presence.... now I cannot promise the other wolves that might enter into my graces." He commented. Sylvia couldn't expect him to not share his feelings regarding the entire werewolf line, but he could make an exception on Orako as she was someone who helped control the wolf division.

When the conversation took a turn and Sylvia asked if there was anyone that might show up who might cause issues, the Vampire King smirked. It was no secret that he had many enemies, the most notorious being the Demon King himself. But there was also the humans that somehow could have learned of his event, the Hobgoblins he doubted because they weren't smart enough to gain intel of any kind on his secretive group, but then he had personally invited the Vodou Queen herself as he had wanted to gain an unholy alliance with her in order to gain more power for the Night Court and be a force that could unilaterally stand up against the Demon King's kingdom. If it had been a one-on-one battle, he could contend, but when war was involved, the Demon King most certainly had the largest lands and armies. The Night court simply had several allies that could put up a force against them. The Vampire King's intel had suggested that the Demon King currently was focused on building up his forces by now precuring rare specimens or creatures. To this degree he felt either the Demon King could be disruptive to get a chance at him to learn his bodies secrets, or the Voudou Queen could be disruptive during her open invitation. "I would imagine that we might meet some disruption from the Voudou Queen or the Demon King... I wouldn't anticipate any resistance within the Night Court as it would be suicide..." The Night court was feared and revered, and if any lowly vampire or other magical being stepped to the Vampire King and his court, they would be met with extreme prejudice and wouldn't make it out alive.

"Sylvia, I would be interested to see you as you are, stop a threat without much effort, It would be quite amusing actually." He snickered, before turning to his wardrobe, and changing into his most extravagant robes for the evening, and a black and gold mask fit for a King. "We must get to the party, I sense our guests are quite restless, and Harrul has just arrived, and we know how impatient he can be." He commented before turning towards the door and leading the 'projected' duchess down to the main ball room. As they exited the room immediately the sounds of music would plague them. As they moved through the halls towards the main room the music would intensify until they were finally at the top of the spiral steps. As they arrived, for just a moment the music would stop its chipper beat, and then turn to one more fitting of the Vampire King's arrival. It was dark, seductive, and fitting of the arrival of such a monarch. At his side was Lady Sylvia Ulfbitten who had created a rather intimidating and respected name for herself. As the two cascaded down the flight of steps, several eyes of the guests would be enthralled by the presence of the two, especially the Vampire King. Not many ever got to see him regularly, and when they did his pure blood allure captivated them.

Those alluring eyes, blood red... captured them.

Scanning the room without a hint of betrayal of his facial features that he was doing so, the Vampire King noticed very notable people in his court as well as guests not quite in the court yet. From the court he instantly noticed @Harrul Ulbitenn who's presence was notable like his own. He was a King in his own right rather all. He also noticed @Nepheli N. Tzunidahr who had been one of his most trusted in his court, partly because of his relations with her in the past, but also because she was extremely loyal. On the notable guest list, he noticed @Kobob who he had personally invited to represent her mother of a very powerful and notable clan of magical beings. He wanted to recruit them into the Night Court and only further bolster his magical forces. When deciding who to engage with, it could be very delicate as it could rub some the wrong way, or slight other parties, however when deciding such power moves, the King always went with the most just and sound one which was go with the one who held the highest value first and then move around the party. The natural answer no doubt was to go to Harrul first.

Descending gracefully down the staircase, Marcus looked as if he was dancing with every movement. As he approached Harrul, he would stop in front of him with a rather stoic look. The King was rather playful normally, but around their guests, of the night court he often times showed no emotions. If an emotion was shown it was either when he was being playful or when he was angry which was dangerous. "Sir Harrul Ulfbitenn, such a pleasure to have you at such a wondrous event...I hope the travel hasn't worn you down at all." With that he would focus his gaze on the man. Their conversation was truly farce, they knew what they were doing showing the court their relations, but if they had truly been in a room privately, the man would see his true personality. "There are several auspicious people here that will only further bolster the power of the Night Court, what are your thoughts?" He asked truly wondering of the man's opinion.
The flamboyant mask covering the upper part of Taillte's face matched perfectly with the excessly luxurious velvet of her dress. Her hands were gracefully embraced by the thin gloves of black linen, all the way up her elbow, as she reached out for one of the glasses carried by the servant nearby, as she and her brother approached the very host of the grand feast.
It was inappropriate, to say the least, for such a gathering, in such manner, to be held in the Isles... Taillte was expectedly so thrilled to attend one here, in Sparnia. In her eyes, this nation knew war, as much as they knew pleasure, unlike the Eirish.

"A fine gathering, indeed, your elegant lordship" she spoke in playful tone, as soon as the Vampire King was in reach, before sipping of the drink. "A celebration of life, to those who know its value best!"

Part of her spoke in such manner simply to enjoy the irritation caused to her brother by her, "inappropriate" behavior. Another part of her, simply to remind those around her that masks were yet not enough to hide one's true self from the madness of realization. It was her own Siress herself who had taught her that. Through her torments and struggles, depravity and abuse, eventually she had learned the price of immortality, and meaning of character. To her?

There was none.

"I kept hearing of ill tidings on the wars of the Southerner realms, mighty lord!" she emphasized the last few words, as she kept her focus on Marcus, knowing well he fancied himself a King... "I see enough luxuries to believe these were just rumours of the envious. See, brother?" she concluded, being paid for her endeavour by the sudden glare of Harrul's worried eyes of what possible unforseen inappropriate comment she would throw next.

"Our friends are prosperous!" her twisted eyes sparked, as she refocused them on Marcus, offering him a lustful smile. "We are, friends, are we, great lord?"

Her lims slit, allowing the drink to flow in her mouth, as her eyes remained pinned on the Vampire King. The Beast Within, recognizing its Sire, growled, as she toyed with words that, to her, were formalities of ghosts, in this dance of paintings drawn on the backs of cattle, for canvas.

@Marcus Aumont
The King's black eyes rested on the view, as his hearing received enough stimulous to cause him a headache. Such events found little acceptance, in Harrul. He favoured the solitude and the greyness of the Eirish land, over the grand palaces of the South, even if he knew, eventually, he would have to engage them, should he wanted to remain a player in the chess of nations played by the Night's dwellers.

His mouth hasted to open, if only for Taillte's intervention. He knew the risks of taking her with him in this journey, and yet, the risk of leaving her behind, to him, were far greater. It was Harrul's belief that, after the events on the Isles, and the evident blood ties between him, Taillte and Marcus, the position of the Ulfbitenn in the Night Court were naturally aligned with Marcus. The latter's gravity, however, always signified the possibility of a vassalization. Harrul would not give in to such, so easily. Playing his part, and using what he had, to his advantage, was all he could do. And by the Moon, he had plans already...

"A pleasure to be here, in this wonderful occasion, King Marcus".

Acknowledgement. It was what he was after, and thus, what he offered in return. Both Espada and Laighin were bound to expand, in no conflicting manner. To aid one another, was an investment which, until now, had not proven in vain.

"It is a fine opportunity to familiarize one another with the happenings and participants of the Court."

Sighing softly Sylvia shook her head as Marcus would be able to sense a magical force filling up the room, and passing over the body of the Grand Duchess. A bright blue light, moved from her head down to her feet, and as it passed away there was a gentle sound of a thud… and a weight that surrounded the woman’s presence. No longer was she an illusion, she was in the room with the Vampire King, and the look that she gave him as she narrowed her eyes and closed the distance was not pleased, “Marcus if you wish the peace in this family you claim, you will do more than try. Furthermore you will refrain from insulting anyone under my command whom Orako choses to turn into a werewolf…”

As she had said this she had placed her hand on his shoulder giving a firm squeeze as she bent down to eye level. It was one of the few times she had so blatantly threatened the man, since he had first appeared among them. In this moment the mother bear side of the Duchess showed through as she knew of the way that Abhartach spoke of those with the werewolf blood in their veins… it went beyond simple insults. However just as quickly as the tension entered her features it would also leave them, “Hmm now that we have had that discussion behind us for the moment, and you have me here like you wanted… why don’t we attend that party. Oh and I wouldn’t be too sure that you don’t have some enemies after all these years… everyone does Marcus.”

She would leave it at that as she followed him into the ballroom… Sylvia as far as the guest went stood out enough, especially in her chosen style of dress. The Iron Lady looked more like she was dressed for war… well… to an extent. She was carrying her sword over her back, but instead of the plate she was so fond of, she wore a more relaxed brigandine. Having decided if she was going to dance then she might as well remain flexible. She also didn’t wear a mask, as her frame tended to stand out in crowd anyway, and she found the idea to be rather silly at best.

Sighing softly, it was then she noticed the presence of Harrul among the crowd, a bit surprised as he like her had other things to deal with. Of course, that was also when her gaze fell on her little sister Taillte whom she had not seen in awhile since she had began spending so much time at the front. Her reaction of seeing members of her family was an obvious one, but tonight she decided to spare Harrul one of her usual hugs as she had a felling that her Sire wasn’t exactly in a good mood among such a bacchanal of wine, dance, and music,

“Why brother, sister, what a pleasant surprise…” The words were spoken as with a gentle playfulness as she realized with amusement that her Sire hadn’t noticed her presence. It was to be expected, Sylvia was never one to show up at these types of events. The fact she did so with a war going on… would catch anyone off guard. She also didn’t waste the opportunity that presented itself, stepping forward and wrapping Taillte in a bear hug, that would sweep the smaller Abhertach off her feet and into her sister’s arms. Sylvia was carful to take hold of the bottom of the other’s drink so it wouldn’t spill as she spoke, “It is so good to see you both… especially you Taillte. You really should come and visit me more in Vestvinfol, I have some interesting projects you might wish to take a look at.”

Without any hesitation Sylvia would shift Taillte into a bridal carry before pausing a minute, “No this won’t do… ah of course…” Then after a realization crossed her eyes she moved the smaller Abhertach up to a perch on her shoulders, “There we go… now you have the best seat in the house Taillte.” Chuckling playfully the woman did find the presence of her closest family members made this event tolerable for her. Though she knew that afterward she would probably be spending time in Vestvinfol either working her stress out through conquering her enemies, or indulging herself in the comforts that her finance brought her.
Nepheli had done much in her time, seen and experienced such wonderful things.

Her interest peaked at the polite nod from Kokob, however. It took everything she had not to inject herself into the conversation. Thankfully, the decision was taken from her as Agatha led the young woman over to her. The smile that glimpsed her face seemed far more enthused than normal. Perhaps she was getting old and lonely? No, certainly not. Perish the thought.

“It is quite a pleasure to meet you, Lady Kokob,” the Dhampir greeted. She extended a hand to shake, eyes boring into those of the newcomer. “Invited by the King? Interesting. Try to remain cautious whenever you meet the King himself. I am sure we both know the ways of men, especially of those in power.”

Not necessarily true. Marcus had more to fear of Nepheli’s machinations in that aspect than anything he could concoct on his own. He had given her a taste in days past and he would never be rid of her now. If she could scare a potential rival off, all the better. “I must admit that I have not heard much of your people, my Lady.”

Nepheli leaned in closer.

“Would you care to rectify that?” the Duchess whispered, eyes glimmering a vibrant shade of gold.

She refrained from using any magic in the exchange, fearful of turning the other woman away. Instead she relied upon her own charm and mystique to draw the woman in. It had been some time since she had done so, the rust apparent in her behavior. With any luck, Kokob would either look past it or fail to recognize it entirely.

Ah… but there was another, wasn’t there?

Nepheli glanced in Agatha’s direction, the smile turning a bit more visceral. “Agatha, always so good to see you. Perhaps you and I might consider teaming up in the near future. One Dhampir is fun, two is extraordinary after all.”
paris of troy 2.jpg

The masquerade ball was all that he dreamt it to be. All of those of the Night Court had attended even his upper echelon the nobles and cabal leaders. Sylvia had been right that you could never be too sure of your enemies, however Marcus knew that those of his cabal that led them, were enjoying freedom, luxuries, and power within them and wouldn't upset the balance only to war over control. Once the Vampire King was out of play he was sure that many would war over territories and power within the court. The power vacuum was rather scary in fact to think of. To think that the other forces that were a real threat on the King's mind however was those that held blood of the old gods. The Voudou Queen, The Demon Lord, and the Hobgoblin King were all threats in his eyes in one way or another. Humans also could not be underestimated in his opinion. They were smart and resourceful, but due to their physical weakness it made them able to overcome adversity. They would need to be dealt with eventually in his opinion as they were another card that could be played outside of the confines of their little war.

With Harrul present, it showed a good show of power as the two were currently the two only Pureblood's in Terra Firma. Originally Marcus had eradicated the original Pure blood's that had come from the blood of the god of chaos however Harrul was a special case that recently emerged. A new Pureblood that had been created by other means than the original demigods. Instead of warring with another faction, Marcus took the route of uniting so that there wouldn't be much discord or strife among the Vampiric race. With two Pureblood's the power dynamics could easily shift with the nobles and even lesser vampires siding with a specific ruler. That was what the Pureblood's were afterall, Monarch's among their race that could do things that even regular Albartach's couldn't do.

Hearing Taillte address him and talk about the issues in the south, Marcus made no inkling in his visible emotions that anything was gone awry. The Hobgoblins were obviously a threat in the south, and if he didn't take over the entirety of Sparna first and unite the country, it would allow the hobgoblins to cross over into the mainland and then be able to take over the territory and bring massive war to the mainland. Marcus was the gatekeeper in this situation that he had to grow his human army in order to stop the Hobgoblins further. "Yes, the war effort is going quite nicely... humans don't often put up too much a fight to those of our kind... especially with leading the campaign personally." It couldn't be handled any other way because he had such a stake in unifying the country under his rule for more visible power.

Taillte had come along way from her inherit madness that his daughter Hildrabrenna had cast on her. She was still quite mad, but many in his bloodline were. The circumstances however were extreme due to what she was subjected too during her time with Hildrabrenna. Marcus loved that side of her however and embraced her madness, because madness was often mistaken for true freedom. "We are friends, Taillte... don't you forget that fact." He voiced with a small smile before turning to Harrul who had addressed and replied back to him. "I would agree, how are things in Laighin?"

The King would be cut off before Sylvia not only brought herself in the flesh but proceeded to pick up Taillte and swing her around bridal style before placing her on her shoulders. At a normal ball it would be frowned upon, but amongst Vampires they seemed playful and enjoying life. There were still those that frowned upon such behavior, but the Vampire King knew of the twos relationship and thought it to be admirable. They were apart of the noble class and ruling class so he doubted anyone would challenge the feared Iron Lady and Warmaster of the Night court. The woman could be particularly scary due to her size, stature, and power that she boasted. Harrul as his trusted advisor was also someone who should have been feared among the court and with all of them together he doubted anyone amongst the court would try them for fear of suicide.

The ball was meant to unite his people, have fun, and network to only further expand their influence. In some way it also was to show their dominance among the world. After the festivities the King would also throw his Cabal meeting that was secret amongst most within the night court. This was where he would make formal addresses to the cabal on what needed to be carried out on a global scale. Before that however, the King would hold a speech to the general public talking about his basic plans, and efforts to communicate to his community what he was working on and what their role in all of this was. It was a chance for the King to talk to the various nobles and movers and shakers. If a threat arose, Sylvia would surely handle it especially now that she was in person. Marcus would make sure not to raise a finger unless it went beyond Sylvia's domain which he doubted.

Tags: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Harrul Ulfbitenn @Taillte Ulfbitenn
As Kokob stood listening to the Duchess the runes painted into her face began to glow an eerie green. The young woman hissed and then gave out a shriek. Before any one could react to led any possible aid to the woman she was gone.
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