Consolidation Reinforcing Breguer, Securing Our Flank


Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Alice Carndous


Noémi gave respectful nods to each of her advisors as they left. The news that Camille had given about their intended kidnapping target made Noémi even more determined to see the man removed from his position of power. The High Queen was glad to hear that Camille had extricated her people from his grasp, but they could do better than merely freeing the oppressed. There needed to be punishment given out.

When the door had been shut behind Aymer, Noémi listened to the information that Ryou and Sylvie had both had similar dreams that Ryou thought they were based in magic. The Queen gave her daughter and her consort a long look. She was a little disappointed that this was the first she had heard of it from either of them. But since they talked amongst themselves, she assumed that was the reason for it. She wasn’t nearly as surprised that she did not have the same dream. Her mind was busy even during sleep. To be able to connect with a person’s consciousness in dreams requires them to be at least somewhat restful. Sylvie hardly slept, but when she did she really slept. That made her a good target for this sort of magic. Ryou slept more often and Noémi was sure that he would be at ease before sleep at least some of the time.

”I am sorry that this is the first that I am hearing of such dreams,” Noémi responded with a sigh. ”My thoughts have been so busy of late. And dream magic is usually at least a little targeted. I’ve never heard of someone powerful enough to just broadcast to anyone who was sleeping.

With her confirmation that she’d not experienced the dreams Ryou continued. Noémi could not help a bit of a giggle when Ryou described a nun as ‘he’. It quickly turned serious however, talking about how the group that this Magnus was with was looking to repress magic. And they would send those who were not successful in such a thing for experimentation. ”Why would anyone want to repress magic? It is the ultimate gift to any form of life on Terra Firma. I understand those that look to make it into a weapon. But we must stop that practice.”

When Ryou said that Sylvie had better details, that didn’t surprise the Queen given her previous expectation that her daughter was more available during her rare sleep. The Queen turned her eyes on her daughter waiting for further news.

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: La Chat d’Ombre
Equipment: Daggers (2)
Tags: @Noémi Belyea | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Alice Carndous


”I’m sure we can make it work with ten agents and five pilots…right Ryou?” Sylvie responded to the numbers available for their Raven mission. ”Especially if we feel comfortable with magic and less than one guard per machine to keep them safe while we’re off taking care of business.”

Sylvie wasn’t sure why Alice was still here. Probably because Ryou intended to use one of her machines in a mission. The Princess hated to admit that she was jealous of the attention Alice got from her mother, but now that Sylvie’s father was gone it was hard to replace that attention. The young Princess certainly wasn’t looking to replace it with romance at the moment. Though if the High Queen would allow her to date Aymeri perhaps that would do the trick. The co-leader of her little gang was a commoner though. A Princess would not be allowed to court him, at least not in public.

Ryou revealed their dream encounters with Magnus to the High Queen. Sylvie could see the disappointment in her mother’s face at not being consulted about them. To be truthful Sylvie didn’t realize there was something to them until Ryou had mentioned something. Sylvie thought it was a little cute that Ryou went to her before Noémi, and smirked wondering if that would cause any bedroom punishment for her mentor.

”I saw several of the ’nuns’ that have taken these mages,” Sylvie started with her review of her own dream. ”And it seemed like they were preparing their captives to be sent off to the De Journoix. They will be leaving from the Southern shores of Naodaron. It is important that we move fast and quiet.” Sylvie gave Ryou a look and cocked her head to the side. ”Are you suggesting Mom should come along with us to save the mages? Also, it should be stated that I don’t think that Magnus is really with them. Just trying to find a way to help honestly. Even though as Ryou said the intention of the nuns does not seem to be to harm, they all have been affected by magic in some tragic way. They will fight hard for the idea that magic does harm. We’ll have to convince him there are different kinds of magic.”

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“It is risky no doubt, though do understand your Highness that if there is a chance that these machines would be captured then we will have to escape on foot all the way back to the front lines. That is if the military is able to make a landing. All I can do is promise with my life that Sylvie won’t be captured under circumstances.” The made sure to look over at the princess and then the Queen as he said this. Letting them both understand the gravity of his words. The entire kingdom was in too weak of a state right now to suffer a princess falling into enemy hands… and the political coup that would be for their enemies. Mostly Ryou was implying that he would die before letting it happen, but there was always the risk that they would have to take their own lives to avoid capture if worse came to worse,

“Overall though I believe that it is a solid plan and given how much time we have before it happens. I might be able to use my spy network in the area to make things a tad less risky.” He gave a soft smile to reassure the pair as the topic slowly moved on to that of the nuns and this potential new ally that they had… this… Magnus, “I will be the first to admit that I am not hundred percent sure if we can trust him, but based on the risk he took sending this message in this manner… I believe that we should check it out.” The samurai actually preferred the idea if possible that they would be able to recruit these nuns to their side, rather than simply stealing the man out from under them whom they where going to rescue,

“I apologize for the confusion Lady Sylvie, but that was not what I was implying. I was actually talking about her leading the army into battle to secure this Barony for us. A chance to show off that she can be a warrior Queen if she has too and why her magic should be feared…” This Magnus if he was actually a powerful wizard could actually help Noemi get stronger on top of other things, “I am wondering if maybe we can use Magnus to convince these nuns to help us? We must figure out how he came to live among them, and why they have taken a male… magic user in of all people. If he is as powerful as her Highness implies then surly, they would have known. It seems that they are taking great care and great risk to even hide him from the De Journoix that they are sending the magic users off to.”

He paused for a moment considered the different reasons, “Maybe he was raised by them or adds them in tracking mages… if I am correct your Highness wouldn’t the nuns need a magic user to find other magic users? Unless they have some kind of device of course….” He wondered if Noemi had some of ability to reach out and contact Magnus. The Queen was powerful, but he was still coming to fully understand all of her abilities himself, “Your Highness if he is so powerful is there a way you could reach out and send another message to him… contact him…?”

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Alice Carndous


The High Queen of Pottaun listened to her daughter and her consort as they went further into detail about this idea to help with the captives that the nuns had made away with. Sylvie seemed like she was quite informed about the operation. The fact that information was coming through dreams and her daughter ended up knowing more than her spymaster consort made Noémi believe the information.

Noémi was relieved to hear that Ryou intended her to lead the invasion of Gallan and not the retrieval of the kidnapped mages. Though neither of them seemed like very much of a good idea, the High Queen knew that Ryou was right that she needed to be seen on the front lines of any war. Anything less and she would not be seen as the conqueror, but rather the figurehead most likely used by the military because of who her father was.

”It is indeed the formation of a strong plan. And both your confidence in it makes me confident as well,” Noémi specifically smiled at Ryou who she knew would keep Sylvie out of trouble if push came to shove. ”Whatever the motivation of this Magnus is we want to be sure that he is contacted and that these nuns are told what De Journoix is doing with the mages they are providing. If it is true that these nuns are not looking to harm the mages, but have other motives they might end up being allies in the end.”

Her eyes looked down to her lap where Alice still laid her head. The High Queen looked back up and gave her daughter an apologetic smile before returning her attention to the young inventor. ”What do you think of the practicality of using your Whirlybirds in the presented stealth missions?” she asked patting Alice on the cheek. ”And what of using magic to keep them safe? I know not every machine can have a mage, but three agents going after Lord Gozelin while Sylvie’s magic keeps the machine hidden would put my mind at ease just a bit.”

Alice simply kept her head in Noemi’s lap making a gentle purring-esque sound. A smile spread over her features whenever she could feel the Queen’s hand caressing her cheek. What she was most thankful for was that she had not been corrected whenever she had called the other… mom. Noemi was truly the closest thing she had ever had to a mother. It was the reason that she was so clingy because it all seemed just like a dream that would slip away if she let go of it. Her mind was a bit lost in thought until the woman snapped her back to reality causing the inventor to look up curiously, and for a moment she seemed rather unsure of herself… however this quickly faded. A wide smile covering her face,

“Oh uh… yes I think that we could use them for a stealth mission, but I have to warn you that they are still prototypes so it will be risky. I would make sure not to fly them too high and keep low to the water the entire way there just incase the silly thing gives out. I don’t know if you have some sort of magic your Highness that they could use that would allow them to fall slowly to the ground if things go wrong, but you might want to look into making something like that before the mission…” Looking curiously over at Sylvie and then back up at Noemi she nodded her head in excitement as the worried look was replaced with one of excitement again,

“Sylvie can certainly use the first mission to test things out on how well they can be hidden before the true combat mission. Also if the pair of you don’t mind then you can give me an after-action report on how well the machine did so I can make any last minute improvements that might be needed before we make our assault. As for if you should take an extra wizard… I leave that judgement up to you mom.” Cooing gently the young woman nuzzled into Noemi’s hand were it rested on her cheek as she closed her eyes slowly. It was adorable how content she seemed in that moment… and the way she just relax against the Queen showed that she didn’t really want to be anywhere else at the moment despite the amount of work that they had to do.
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