Consolidation Reinforcing Breguer, Securing Our Flank

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Two figures stood on either side of a table, outside construction carried on as a long defensive wall was slowly being put up along Varracus’s border with the chaos that Pottaun had become. On that table was a series of war-map’s and battle plans that spelled out the slow troop movements and navel build up that they had been making over the last few weeks. Along with help from the Corsairs, what little of the royal navy had survived the break up of the High Kingdom was going to attempt its first major operation. It was a risky plan, but they needed to take Gallan and Noadaron in order to full secure the flank of what little land the royal family had managed to hold together.

To be fair they had a lot to be thankful for from their newest allies in the north creating this so called Northern Alliance. At least that was how Ryou saw it at the moment, given the situation. He understood that given their weakness that being a vassal to the larger kingdom would help keep them safe, but there was a sense of pride and honor that he felt. His beloved Queen had been bowed low by the fall of their High Kingdom, but he had never once seen her head lower even after the death of her husband. However he knew that today was not a day that they could focus on the past, but look forward towards the future.

Charles was here to help with the navies part of the plans and the Corsairs would be along as well. He himself had been surprised the Noemi seemed… no… given the situation he wasn’t surprised that his beloved wanted to lead the campaign herself. She was more than capable, and was good at taking advice from her advisors. Ryou knew that his own purpose as her bodyguard was a bit of a façade. She could take care of herself, but he felt good knowing that her provided her the ability to not have to always watch her back. That and he was the one who normally shared her bed… something they had not been able to do hardly at all in the past few months with all that had happened.

His spies where already doing their work preparing for the invasion… now they just had to do their part to plan it out and decide what they wanted to do. How far they wanted to take it. Given the limited military and especially naval power that Varracus had at the moment both he and Charles where in agreement that caution needed to be urged, but again that would be up to the queen herself.

@Noémi Belyea | @Charles Castex | OPEN

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Aymer Piloter | OPEN


The progress of the defenses was coming along nicely, though Noémi would have been quite happy if she could limit the reports by half. She found herself wondering if this was why her father chose to go to war to unite Pottaun. Out of boredom from the day to day of being in control. Noémi was thankful there were other things in the works that would stand in the way of the foreman’s constant updates.

As the High Queen entered the map room she smiled at the presence of the biggest barrier to boredom in her life, her bodyguard and consort. The map itself was not a source of major distraction. Today the discussion was of a plan brought forth by Admiral Castex and her cousin Aymer to use their ships to increase House Belyea’s influence in Vethonny. Though she had grown up quite close to the coast, Noémi had never had much interest in boats and what they could do. It would be an interesting dialogue, and though this was definitely a task she would delegate if possible at the present time she needed to be front and center.

The High Queen gave a respectful nod to Charles as she approached the map to stand beside Ryou. On her heels as was often the case was Alice. A brilliant, yet strange young woman that Noémi had saved from a life of misunderstood solitude. To be honest Noémi didn’t understand much of what Alice spoke about, but Alice needed help and beyond being a sweet girl to Noémi her mind was a great asset to House Belyea.

Once at the table Noémi smirked. She was as close as possible to Ryou, going so far as to place a hand on the small of his back. On the other side Alice was all but hugging her leg as they looked over the map.

”How do plans go, Admiral?" Noémi asked as she tried to decipher the map and guess at what action was coming next. As she spoke up she heard the tapping of boots against the ground as her cousin entered the room. ”I understand that Naodaron is the more immediate threat and that House Belyea has never been anything more than cordial with House Osment, but Baron Courtenay says that he should be able to open diplomatic channels. I think therefore that our initial naval show of force should be towards Gallen while our defenses here are secured…but you are the expert. Tell me your thoughts.”

Indeed calling Alice a sweet girl was bit of an understatement. The young woman felt that she was the best girl in everything she did in her efforts to help the royal family. Mainly it was using her many inventions in order to make thing’s better for the Queen and her people, but occasionally it was all about using her mind to come up with ideas that no one else would have. She was thankful for the life that Noemi had saved her from, and showed this by how loyal and protective she was to the royal family. Always at the woman’s side unless she was working with her inventions or doing something else, Alice could be a bit shy, as she didn’t always enjoy the insults that she heard people of the palace call her behind the royal families back.

So as she entered the room and she would hide slightly behind her back, giving a soft smile to Ryou, but hiding even further from Charles. The Admiral understood Alice’s usefulness, but he did find her to be annoying sometimes… and something about the man scared the young woman. Given that she didn’t know much about she would crouch next to Noemi, and pull out one of her wheellock pistols that was cleaned and unloaded. She hardly listened to the conversation going on around her, and eventually people would hear the ping as the weapon feel apart, but soon the pieces of it where floating up and around Alice’s head. The young woman laughing playfully as she pulled parts into her hand and thoughtfully examined them,

“Hmm Mom… I mean… Your Highness. If what I have read is true the Baron may be on to something. There is precedent that House Osment can negotiate a treaty with the Baron in Naodaron with a few trade deals of food and wood that they have been needing… well… maybe. Lumber production in Naodaron has dropped at a rate of 10 percent per year recently and their ability to make ships…” She only giggled as a piece of the gun would float up to gentle land in such a way over the province that it pointed what had been the metal piece that made up the barrel... at the province in question, “Not a shot fired…”

Oh she could come up with ideas when she wanted to, and it showed that she wasn’t always reading just books that helped her come up with new inventions. Alice made it her personal goal to check anything that had to do with money and natural resources that could be used against or for House Bel’yea… in private. Among any other details. She was never one to usurp peoples positions or jobs, but she knew the people in the room where not exactly the type to get annoyed just because someone else came up with a good idea that fell under their preview. As she finished speaking she would lay her head in Noemi’s lap, almost like a puppy who wanted to be scratched behind the ears. Ryou couldn’t help the gentle chuckle at the sight, as he himself put his hand on Noemi’s upper back and gave her an affection smile.
The Admiral had been studying the table closely drawing out various plans on exactly how their invasion could go that he had not even heard the queen come in until the door closed behind her. Suddenly giving her his full attention the man bowed lowed, eyeing Alice for a second. He wondered why Noemi insisted on bringing that girl with her to meeting such as this, but even he couldn’t deny that she came up with something useful every now and then. Nodded his head he waited until the Queen was sitting down and pointed at the map, specifically at the island that they where talking about… and he was just about to mention his plans for an assault on Naodaron and that was when Alice spoke up. Causing him to look back over his plans again,

“Now that I look at it, she is right. Don’t worry my plans have been going well your Highness and can be changed up if you wish to take Alice’s suggested route. I admit that would free up more ships to go after Gallen, and place less of a strain on our weakened navy and battered army. We would lose less in the long run as well if we can get Naodaron under our influence in a bloodless diplomatic manner.” He paused as he wanted to give her all the options and let the Queen decide for herself once she had heard from all of her advisors on what they could possibly do. So he added,

“At the same time I have managed to plan out an attack on both provinces that uses all of our forces. It may be more costly, but it will give the royal house’s enemy pause as they will see that we are not as weak as they thought. Giving us time to strength our defenses and our relationship with our new friends in the North? I admit that this is the risker play, but I believe that the navy can do it. So while having a better upside… we will also lose almost everything if we fail giving how much weaker it will make us look…”

He never specifically gave Noemi an answer on which would be the better choice, because he felt that over time she needed to learn and gain confidence when it came to military command on some level. If she one day took those skills and won a great victory in the field that they could use as propaganda then so much the better. However if she looked to him for advice and wanted to know which one was better he would tell her, “In the end your highness the decision is yours…”

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Basic Leathers
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Noémi Belyea | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Alice Carndous


Aymer was a little disappointed that more of the expected crowd had not arrived prior to him. He expected to see House Courtenay and perhaps even his young cousin Ysabelle. Though he hadn’t seen a ship come over from Zallan so it was quite possible that Ysa was dealing with her own domain and didn’t have time to visit on the mainland. At least he hadn’t gotten to the meeting before the Admiral and most of all Aymer was glad that he would not have to wait on his other cousin, the High Queen.

Working with Charles had been surprisingly pleasant for Aymer. When his cousin had suggested working with the navy, Aymer had expected a stiff, measured approach. It seemed however desperate times made things much looser. Or perhaps Charles was just not the typical noble military commander. Either way it seemed that Aymer’s pirates and Charles’ navy had come together nicely and had formed a good plan to absorb the last two Vethonny holdouts to Queen Noémi’s rule.

As he stepped inside Aymer saw the Queen’s lap dog. He rolled his eyes a bit, but he knew better than to discount Alice’s contributions just because she was a bit on the weird and clingy side of things. He couldn’t imagine how Noémi was able to put up with it, but he wasn’t going to try to break that bond as Alice might end up sticking to him instead.

”House Courtenay has a good relationship with House Osment, who in turn has a good deal of respect built up with House Dufour in Naodaron,” Aymer added to the conversation before the Queen could respond to Charles. ”And I would never doubt the information that Lady Alice provides. However another approach using House Courtenay might lie in the bodyguard of Lady Raîne. I know Aveline has been separated from her family for some time, but House Brinon is bannermen of Baron Dufour. Might be sending in family will help increase the odds of successful diplomacy. Either way it is better to try words before spilling blood. Especially our own blood.” Aymer looked over to the Admiral and smirked. ”Though, as the Admiral has stated our plan to take both provinces by force is sound if it comes to that.”


Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Aymer Piloter | @Alice Carndous | OPEN


Noémi was always somehow surprised by how close Alice was to her. When the young woman called her Mom at first there was the beginning of a corrective glare, but Alice corrected herself which got a smile and tap on the shoulder from the High Queen. The information provided by the young inventor was quite thorough which was not a surprise in the least. When Alice put her mind to something the results were always impressive and when that something benefitted Noémi or House Belyea it could be counted upon completely.

Noémi was happy to hear that her diplomacy approach was not without merit. Even though she also knew that Charles wished to make her into a well rounded Queen with full understanding and respect of the military. That day would certainly come as there was a lot of land that had been lost upon the deaths of her father and husband. And even more out there that was available to be taken. Noémi would have many opportunities to show her strength and she would not shy away from them when they were there.

The little trick Alice did with her gun was amusing and got a bit of a giggle from the High Queen. The girl had gifts beyond her intellect; it was just a matter of bringing them out to the forefront if possible. Noémi could be the one to teach such things in good time. If she did not allow herself to become completely distracted by the quest to regain her father’s kingdom. As if on cue Admiral Castex spoke up and gave a confident report of his belief that they could take the island provinces by force, but he did not openly look to dissuade the Queen from seeking a bloodless option.

After Charles, Noémi’s bastard cousin joined the conversation after hiding in the doorway for a bit. He reminded the Queen of another asset in convincing House Dufour to join the cause without shedding blood. There had been so many moving parts in Vethonny while Noémi had been away in Bayenn and school before that. She was glad to have advisors who knew the local politics a bit better. She hoped that the Courtenays and her young cousin the Baroness of Zallan would prove as valuable.

”Admiral, we should prepare to move forward with plans to invade Gallan when all is ready. Sarle Bonner is not going to give up his lands without a fight,” the Queen gave a smile to her highest ranking military leader. She hoped to do him proud and find a way to win back his lands as quick as possible even though they were quite far from the current power of House Belyea. ”We’ll leave the initial contact with Naodaron to Count Henri and Lady Nora to organize. There will be many opportunities to show our might. We will want to show that we can be mighty, merciful and smart if we’re to win over my father’s lands and keep them. How soon can your plan for Gallan be ready?”

Ryou quietly listened to everyone around him, watchful eyes scanning the room that only stopped when Noemi entered. He found himself transfixed by her presence for a moment, allowing him a brief respite that just being near her gave his troubled soul, before returning to his duties as the Queen’s body-guard and spymaster. As she sat down next to where he was standing, a soft blush appeared across the male’s features as the woman rested her hand on the small of his back. Ah yes his other duty, no… privilege…, no that didn’t describe it either. Officially yes the title would be that he was the Queen’s consort, but the two of them were so much closer than that. He found the fact that society among the nobles in Pottaun didn’t mind their relationship to be a god send,

“My spies confirm this information about the leaning of the Baron of Naodaron. House Dufour doesn’t seem to be too eager to go to war… despite some urging on the part of the De Journoix noble family. I have a feeling that what Alice says may be the reason for this. It is also probably the reason that Sarle Bonner is willing to resist.” Ryou pulled out some papers from his kimono and placed them out on the table,

“According to my spy network that I have built up, the De Journoix are probably using our invasion of Gallan as a way to measure our relative strength. If we have any new tricks we wish to show… now is the time. Give them a good show as it were. I don’t believe that the De Journoix will get involved despite their promises to Sarle Bonner. How hard he will fight once he realized his allies have abandoned him… that is hard to say.” Ryou could see out of the corner of her eye what looked to be Alice giving him the most playful look in the world as though what he had said had just sparked an idea in her… or she had already planned for what she was going to say anyway and the samurai had just given her the opening that she needed.
Standing up from her position of simply crouching by the Queen’s side with her head in the woman’s lap Alice would raise to her full height as she reached into her clothes and pulled out a miniature of one of her newest creations. The Whirly-Bird Mk 1, something that she recently designing, but rushed a few finished products to be used in this invasion. Then with a twirl of her finger the young woman used her telekinesis to make the little thing float, all of its mechanisms spinning and working as though it was flying. True she knew that the real ones wouldn’t be able to fly around the table in such a fancy manner as this, but she would get up to that… they had to start somewhere after all,

“We want to show those silly bastards of the De Journoix how strong we really are. Then lets remind them that they are up against the rightful Royal family of Pottuan. That we are always at the cutting edge of technology and will continue to be so for the far future. I understand that this may be playing one of our hands a little early, but I was thinking your Highness, that if we let some of Ryou’s spies… get flown over in the small group of them that I have made, then they can appear from no where deep behind Sarle Bonner’s lines… cause some mischief… and be gone like ghost.”

She would let the small device land on Galla on the map as she continued, Alice knew that her idea of a military raid wouldn’t amount to much in the grand scheme, but it was meant to send a political message. She looked over at Ryou and then at the Queen before looking at the other people in the room, “Pick a target… somewhere they would never expect… a place… or a person. These things can carry three people a piece after all. Remind the good Baron maybe that no one is safe from the Queen’s force’s plucking them up should they resist?” She wondered how her little devices would be received. Oh she planned to expand them to be able to carry weapons like explosive pots of gunpowder in future versions that could bomb from the sky… however these where not properly designed for that… no… they needed a different use.

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Basic Leathers
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Noémi Belyea | @Alice Carndous | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex


The High Queen gave her orders to move forward with the attack on Gallan, but wished to work things diplomatically with Naodaron. Aymer could understand the strategy. As Noémi stated it was important for her and those who followed her to be seen as more than just a hammer brought down on anyone who opposed her. That sort of rule was absolute for a period of time. And in that time that fear of royal action kept the other nobles in line it worked out great, but the moment that there was a perceived chink in royal armor all bets were off. It was much better to be seen as smart above all else, strong when required and merciful when the situation called for it. Noémi was wise to recognize that.

The Queen’s consort was quick to support her with word from his spies. Aymer’s information backed up what everyone had said, but he didn’t call his informants spies. They were merely sources. Sources you didn’t have to worry about a blade ending up in your back. Spies by nature came with that risk. Aymer’s relationship with Noémi made him less wary of Ryou, but Ryou’s relationship with the Queen made Aymer wonder if Ryou’s spy information was tailored to support the High Queen’s viewpoint. In the end it didn’t matter since they would act on Noémi’s request.

Alice’s input could always be depended upon to back Noémi as well. Though Aymer had a sneaking suspicion that Alice did voice opposing opinions in private. The mention by both Ryou and Alice of House De Journoix in Aquilonne brought a sneer to Aymer’s mouth. The Grand Duchy had secured a large amount of land and support, while House Belyea was forced to retreat. For years under High King Arnulf Aymer had raided De Journoix ships and ports to keep pressure on them. Since the High King’s death Aymer was required to be more careful on his exploits of the Aquilonne coast. Now they were being considered in the plans to complete unification of Vethonny? It was a disappointment to be sure.

”Your toys are intriguing…Alice,” something about the young woman always had Aymer on the verge of an insult. Perhaps it was a bit of jealousy towards her brilliance in things he couldn’t understand in the least. Some was probably just human nature to lash out at anything a bit different. But Aymer knew that his cousin protected the girl, and so he did his best to remain civil.

”How many of these things do you have available? I’m sure that between the Queen, the Admiral and I we can think of some target that would make the right statement to the De Journoix. And if we time things right it could be used to accentuate our naval strike. After all flying your little spinning things to someplace that our ships can target doesn’t make a good display of their usefulness.”

“The fleet can be ready at a moment’s notice your Highness, but the army I am not so sure about. We will need to consult with Camille on the state of the army and how soon she will have it ready to go. The risk is obvious that taking part of the army away from the defense of Vethony for this invasion is that we will be left open… however I don’t believe our enemies are in any position to do anything about it.” The newest leader of the army was a odd one, who had recently risen up through the ranks from her both her masterful strategic retreat that allowed a good portion of the army under her command to survive and serve the Queen in Vethony. She had also helped Prince Aubin command the force’s in Suthra alongside Duchess Sylvia for a time, so her skill wasn’t something that could be discounted,

“Depending on how soon we want to strike, I can start the preparation of the fleet’s transports, and maybe whip something up that can carry Alice’s new devices closer to Galla. I believe that they will be best deployed during a dawn raid, on a less defended target, but I would do it against one that is on the other side of Galla… at the maximum range of these things. I know they have a lookout tower in this area that it will be hard for us to get to without a landing. If we can take it out with a raid using these things… well that is one possible target?... Unless anyone wants to try and kidnap a noble or general or someone of that sort…”

He looked to the Queen to see if she might have heard of any rumors of a noble who maybe they could take captive. Someone who could spread the word among nobility of what happened to them… now that would be a real propaganda victory. Nobles would have to be scare of these things no matter how far behind the front lines they were. The reason he had looked to Noemi is that she seemed to have better finger on the pulse on the local nobility and could pick the target that had the biggest, ‘mouth’, as it were. As someone who didn’t talk about what had happened to them wouldn’t be the best person to kidnap,

“As for my plans for the navy I believe that if we move quick enough we can take out their own navy in port, as well as have troops on the ground through a landing. Aymer I believe that your ships who are used to striking fast and hard should be assigned the task of hitting their navy with a night raid right before our dawn landing? The Corsairs have the training to do this… and I think the Royal Navy should focus on the heavy lift when it comes to clearing a beachhead and carrying troops.” As he said this he would look to Aymer, wanting the other man’s opinion on this. The Admiral always found Aymer to be a pleasure to work with, and a real credit to the Bel’yea name… even if he was a ‘bastard’… such silly things didn’t concern the man.
“Oh you don’t have to worry about the Army I have made sure the boys are ready to go whenever her Highness gives the order.” As if on cue the always formally dressed, feline form of Camillie slipped into the room. Giving a respectful bow to the queen and a playful smirk towards the men in the room as she leaned against the nearby wall. Looking towards Noemi as she began to remark, “Just got back from my last inspection in Suthra a few days ago, and that is quiet a woman your son decided to marry, but she makes my job easier. Considering this plan, we are cooking up, having all the veterans from the Suthran campaign here to help with their experience should help our chances.”

Giggling softly, she added, “As fiercely as I believe that Duchess would protect the Lord Prince I felt safe leaving him with a skeleton force of our men. After all, if he is going to be the Duke of Suthra one day, he needs to learn to command the troops that tend to flock to his betrothed banner anyway.” Camille could be known to be a flirtatious little minx, her tail waging back and forth behind her before wrapping around her waist as she spoke. Oh and Prince Aubin had received his fair share of the General’s attention, though to her it had all been in good fun. Her eyes had always been too focused on the prize when it came to reaching the rank she now held to really seriously consider marriage or much less a relationship of that sort,

“It will take me a short time to get everything together so that we have enough troops to invade Galla, but still have a strong defense here in Vethony. Still I don’t see this being a major problem your Highness. With the help of the Admiral I can assemble the army for an invasion potentially over the next two weeks, luckily most of the troops I brought back from Suthra still have not been sent back home. They will make up roughly fifty percent of our forces. Most of them make their living as dedicated soldiers for their town according to the system I recently installed in order to maintain our militaries professional standards due to its smaller size.” Sighing she knew that there was a small hitch that they would have to deal with, but this invasion was too important for that to be an issue,

“However, they will demand more pay for extending their service for another campaign and believe me this won’t come cheap. So I do suggest we don’t turn this into a drawn out conflict. Unless we have some other way to pay… maybe something expensive to take apart.” She shot a meancing glance at Alice that was clearly a joking reference to her pet project Diablo, and got what could only be described as an angry hiss out of the young woman in response… just like an angry cat as she returned to kneeling by Noemi’s side with her head back in her lap, “Well however you come up with the funds… I am sure we can think of something… I don’t see Galla dragging out this war for too long if what I heard while waiting for the moment of my grand entrance was true.”

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Aymer Piloter | @Alice Carndous | @Camille Karfis


The High Queen listened with added confidence when the reports of Ryou’s spies had supported her thoughts. When Alice let loose her model and suggested that they use spies and her new creations to show a new asset in warfare she was quite proud. Noémi again patted Alice on the shoulder. ”Wonderful machines dear,” Noémi praised putting an arm around the young woman and pulling Alice close. ”They will be quite useful. We’ll see what Ryou and Sylvie can come up with for a plan. Or perhaps Camille has a small elite unit that can make use of them. Whatever the use, De Journoix will hear of it and they will be scared.”

The Queen was doubly pleased to hear from both her lead Admiral and lead General that her troops would be ready in a timely manner for whenever she needed them. The news that an invasion of Gallan would cost the coin was no surprise. But the obvious suggestion from Camille that they scrap Alice’s ship and the hiss that followed was answered by a gentle pat of Alice’s head by the Queen. ”We will find the means to pay our troops. If we are successful in our pursuit of control in Gallan and Naodaron we will have more assets to put into play. My sources also tell me that House Desmare would listen to diplomatic words. And might be willing to extend the crown a loan. But by all means we should keep this invasion as quick and cheap as possible, both in coins and blood spent.”

The Queen’s eyes went back to her consort, bodyguard and spymaster and gave Ryou a smile then he looked over to Charles and Aymer, then finally to Alice when she gave the young woman a smile as well. ”I wish for your four and my daughter to devise a plan to use Alice’s machines to the highest effectiveness. If that means the mentioned lookout tower or something that will travel more loudly. @Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur knows the nobles of Gallan better than I. If there is a strategic target that is sure to reach the ears of De Journoix she will know it. For the details of the main assault I will trust your guidance, but Admiral and General, I want to be at the front of things. As has been stated I need to be seen as strong, not pulling strings behind the scenes. Is there anything else?”

As the mention of paying the troops and how they would do it kept coming up, and what she considered a risk to her ship… despite the fact it had been a teasing joke by Camille. Who coincidentally had played a huge role in its original rescue, Alice found herself feeling slightly cornered. It was a matter of guilt when it came to something she had used her powers to steal from the diplomatic office of Gallan before they had packed up and left. She was going to admit what she did in private to the Queen, as she knew if it was found out she had stolen this document it would be a stain on the honor of the royal family when it came to foreign dignitaries. However, given their situation… and the details it contained now that she had seen it… it was too important not to say something,

“General Camille I believe I have a solution to make sure that your troops are adequately paid. We will need to take a temporary hit in the royal coffers, but I have acquired information that we have a surefire way to make it back.” That was when the young woman who had practically melted into Noemi’s form, relaxing into the protective embrace the queen provided her despite the puppy-dog eyes of guilt she now turned towards the High Queen. Worried that the woman would get made at her for what she had done, she pulled from her cloths a rolled up document, and held it out to the other while turning her gaze away from Noemi in a guilty manner,

“As you can see from this document the Baron of Gallan has stumbled on… well… lets face it a large gold deposit. They have not even told the De Journoix about this due to fears of invasion. Mom… if I am right this is one if not the largest gold deposit yet discovered in Pottaun since its founding. I will have to invent some new mining tech in order to get all of it out of the ground, but from what we can gather… we can practically fund the war to take back the High Kingdom and maybe more.” Alice seemed to be dancing around she got around how she of all people might have gotten ahold of such a top secret document. The fact that it had a seal from the Baron’s diplomat on top of it was not a good sign,

“The night Antoine left I managed to… secure these from his quarters. If you remember how I was really sick for a few days… it was because I over used my magic to steal this. Please forgive me, but I overheard him mention something about the deposit and needed to find if there was any proof and well… here it is.” What Alice was implying by what she had accomplished went beyond that potential act she had done. Noemi as a mage would recognize it. How would the girl have known which document she was looking for or where it was? It was a sign of untapped divination magic. Something that if it could be trained and unlocked would take her ability to invent things for the Northern Alliance to levels beyond her genius abilities.
Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: La Chat d’Ombre
Equipment: Daggers (2)
Tags: @Noémi Belyea | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Aymer Piloter | @Alice Carndous | @Camille Karfis


Sylvie snuck quietly into the meeting room. It was more than quiet actually as she was using magic to silence her already soft steps. She listened for a short time to the exchange before she moved to stand next to Ryou. She looked at Alice and gave a bit of a glare at the young woman tucked up in Sylvie’s mother’s lap. The princess could remember a time when she had done that. Now she had other things that filled her time, still it stung a little to see her mother dote on Alice.

Though there was obvious jealousy on Sylvie’s part she tried her best to make it seem like a playful rivalry for the Queen’s attention. Now that the crown prince had seemingly taken up residence in the Brython Isles there was more attention to spread around. And truthfully Sylvie found Alice’s inventions fascinating and in another situation probably would have tried to be friends. Maybe there was still time for that. When Alice had stated that her Whirly-Birds were ready to see action. And that the assembled committee didn’t shoot the idea down right away, it had Sylvie’s mind running through scenarios. And when her mother said that Sylvie would know of better living targets for a mission than the Queen it was time to pounce.

Before she could make her presence known however Alice made an announcement concerning how to make good on the cost of the invasion of Gallan. Sylvie recognized the source of the document that Alice produced and she smiled. Perhaps Alice and her should be better friends after all if she was able to steal from under the nose of a fleeing diplomat. Taking the new gold mines of Gallan would certainly help out the efforts to unite Vethonny and all of Pottaun. Sylvie hissed a bit, the first sound she had made since entering, when Alice called the Queen “Mom”, but she had to admit she was impressed.

”I am sure that Mother will find it in her heart to forgive you Alice,” Sylvie finally spoke with a smile on her face. ”This is valuable information and it’s not as if Antoine’s liege is a true friend.” Sylvie’s eyes shifted to Charles and she looked at the map. ”Admiral, how close is this lookout tower to Treslaun? The best target for a kidnapping is Lord Gozelin Grimoult. We could likely target both with a strong enough team. I think Ryou and me can assemble something. How many total are your machines able to take Alice?”

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As Ryou listened to the suggestions that where being made, and the demonstration of Alice’s Whirly-Birds, the man began to become slightly nervous. The presence of his apprentice entering the room helped only a little, but he knew where this was all going… and to be fair while he could see the plan working. What he wasn’t sure of is if the men that he had been training for these type of operations would be ready to carry them out before they had to be put into play. Noemi would be able to tell that the male was growing slightly nervous, as the Queen always was able to read her consort so well. Whenever even the smallest thing was bothering him, it was like she knew, before anyone else,

“I am sorry Lady Sylvie they can only three people a piece and there are five of them that I have created so about fifteen in total. Not counting the pilots for each one, though if you want I can teach you or Ryou how to fly them if you need them for any other missions? Do understand that you will need to have men stay behind and guard them. We can’t let them fall into enemy hands after all.” Alice suddenly spoke up to answer the princess’s question which when considering the numbers it didn’t allow any room for error. She nervously seemed like she was trying to hide her face in her hands as she realized that in multiple ways she was making things hard on everyone… just as much as she was helping.

Ryou while he didn’t want to put Alice down, couldn’t help sighing, and face palming as he realized how dangerous the mission was that was being suggested. Adding his two cents he continued, “You must understand the Raven Guard are not ready for military deployment. My sister scoffed at the idea of starting to teach them ‘The Way of the Wind’. True the Gallan military isn’t armed with guns, but being able to catch arrows will prevent loses.” The martial art in question allowed one with good observation and hearing to use their five senses and quick movement to dodge bullets,

“Sylvie if you are hundred percent sure about this then I will start preparing the mission on my end, but I do think that it will be risky.” Then a playful smirk appeared on the samurai’s face as he knew that his beloved’s kingdom would not return without risk, nor would Sylvie reach her full potential, “However I say we go for it. Get Sylvie some experience in the field and test Alice’s new machines…” It was on that topic that he leaned down and whispered into the queen’s ear, “Noemi after the meeting me and Sylvie need to speak with you in private. I know this diplomatic mission will be delicate, but it seems that there is a hitch that needs to be talked about… just the three of us… and Alice as well…”

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Dress
Tags: @Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Aymer Piloter | @Alice Carndous | @Camille Karfis


Noémi listened carefully as Ryou, Alice and her young daughter discussed plans of how to use Alice’s machines to shock Sarle Bonner and De Journoix and gain an advantage in taking Gallan’s lands back into the service of House Belyea. She knew that she should be upset with Alice for stealing the documents of a visiting diplomat. But as Sylvie had said it was not like the Gallan representative was actually sent here to make peace. It was more to draw a line in the sand. And if Sarle was dumb enough to allow privileged information inside House Belyea’s camp he deserved to have it taken from him.

”This mine will indeed be very useful in what we have planned for our future,” The High Queen stated with a smile and gently stroked Alice’s cheek with pride. ”That was good work Alice. But if anyone should question how we knew about its existence we will all need to deny the knowledge of these papers. House Bonner may not be a friend, but if our friends hear that sensitive information isn’t treated with respect in House Belyea that will mean for bad things. We’ll just have to happen upon the mine during our invasion.”

A wide smile played on the Queen’s face when her daughter decided to speak up. Noémi was more powerful and better trained than Sylvie, so while she couldn’t hear her daughter’s footsteps she could feel the use of magic so near and could sense who was using it. Though the Queen knew that Sylvie’s goals were to be a great spy and handle the less reputable things that needed to be done to regain the family’s hold on Pottaun, Noémi had hoped that she would accept the noble meetings and other responsibilities all the same. At least Sylvie’s goals made it so she had to know the courts of all the nobles. Hopefully that would lead to something gaining her attention and turning Sylvie into more of a princess-spy instead of a spy-princess.

”Lord Gozelin…” Noémi hummed and smiled. ”I had not considered him. He has strong trade ties to the De Journoix. And he doesn’t have the same defenses as House Bonner does. He thinks he is well protected by his little valley. If the Whirly-Birds can get you into the valley, Gozelin’s disappearance would surely make its way to the De Journoix.”

Ryou was worried as the talk came to using his new trainees. Noémi reached out her hand and patted his shoulder. He expressed the need to speak privately with the Queen and Sylvie. ”If the Raven Guard is prepared for such a mission. We should try, I know it will be a risk, but we need to take risks. We don’t need to be stupid. I will require convincing that this will work.” She smiled at Ryou and turned to return his whisper. ”We will talk after the meeting,” she promised.

”Is there any other business that requires my attention for the navy or the army? It sounds as if there are preparation to see to before we solidify our plan of attack.”

Camille could tell that the conversation was winding down at least when it came to the needs of the Army, and to be honest she had a lot of planning that needed to be done. The woman wasn’t very skilled when it came to the matter of secret operations like Sylvie and Ryou. No she had always believed that when you where going to fight your enemy you should do it head on… or at least find other ways to out think them. She left it up to those where better at it to do thing like what the Raven Guard were supposed to do,

“I can have maps forwarded to the Raven Guard to give Ryou and Sylvie a perfect layout of the area around Lord Gozelin’s castle. I would ask as a personal favor that you rough the man up a bit. He has kept a few of my people in his household as pets for a few years, before I lead an operation that freed them. His family known for… well… I have been at the receiving end of it Noemi…” It was unusual for Camille to break protocol and call the Queen by her name, and was usually only done in more private situations like this when she was asking for a personal favor. She also wasn’t one to talk about her past, and it was a way to indicate that she herself probably wanted a private meeting with the Queen in regards to how to handle this certain Lord. If the implication was anything… it was probably best not to let Camille get ahold of him as her kind were known to be very vicious to those who had wronged them or those they cared about,

“Ryou I know that you don’t believe the Raven Guard are ready, but from my own observations during their last training exercise you had them conduct with my men… I would say that they should do well in a small operation. If you like I can have some of my fastest riders cut through enemy lines to provide support for them just incase anything goes wrong? You know that the Outriders are known for their abilities to conduct similar operations to the Raven Guard as many recruits for the Raven Guard come from their number…” The cat woman did open that her worlds would be enough to help ease the worries of the Queen’s consort.

Considering it was probably best to take her leave so that her comrades could get to work, the woman bowed gently and made her way towards the door, giving Noemi a gentle pat on the shoulder as she said, “I believe you know where to find me your Highness.” Hoping that she would get said visit later so that the two could talk and Noemi could make an inspect of the Outriders before the mission got underway.
“I agree that Lord Gozelin will be a prefect target, for reasons stated by your Highness and Lady Camille. When our Kingdom was united… he was never considered a reputable character among the nobility, because of his pension for gossip which is why I know anything that happens to him will get back to the De Journoix. As well as his treatment for the Chattinae people who live in his area… it is almost embarrassing to talk about in front of you my Highness. However let’s just say that even Duke Henri was disgusted with the man, but could do little because of his connections.”

It was certainly not in Charles nature to talk about someone so negatively so this actually said something about whom they where dealing with. Beyond that he did have quiet a bit of work to do when it came to getting the navy ready and he had to coordinate all of this with Camille and Yvanne. The young woman whom he had grown so close to after the Suthra campaign’s that his plans to make her a Duchess one day wasn’t exactly a secret. A smile was brought to his face under his cloth mask as he thought about her and so he gave a gentle bow in the direction of the Queen saying,

“I hope you have a good day your Highness as I am sure our future will go well. I will keep you up to date on the readiness of the navy and once we are able to launch the invasion we will.” With those words he also retreated from the room in order to head out and get the navy ready for the invasion to come.
Ryou wouldn’t really say much as the other two would leave, and he would only began his little spill to the Queen once Aymer had exited the room as well. He gave the man anytime that he needed to say his spill as well, but he did give the other a look that spoke of the seriousness of the situation that he needed to talk about with Noemi, Alice, and Sylvie. One that he was sure the Princess already knew about given their own private conversation on the matter, and that he needed to talk to the little inventor because he needed to know how to drive one of her machines. However given the nature of who they needed to capture he couldn’t agree more if what Camille was saying was true. In fact a few of the Raven Guard where Chattinae themselves… as their kind where known for their stealth.

Once they had the room, he would look back to Sylvie and nod his head before he sat on the table, and look at the Queen with a bit of worry on his face. Given the present company he used her name… which like Camille, “Noemi… I believe we have a problem. Sylvie will know what I am talking about as we have both received the same dream. I am not as well versed in magic as either of you, so I don’t know how this happened… or if you have happened to receive the dream as well is why I ask.” He would wait to see if she had received the dream from a young male nun calling himself Mangus, who worked for a group of nuns trying to cure mages, and now he wanted to receive some help saving them,

“These dreams come from a young nun whose name is Magnus. He is a mage, whom works for a group of nuns that believe they can cure mages of their magic. I don’t believe the nuns are trying to harm anyone, but they are somehow connected to the De Journoix, and if what Magnus said is to be believe. Then when these poor mages get shipped off it means that they will become experiments. Personally it is my believe they are looking for someone who can counter you on the field of battle my Queen. Though you haven’t seriously stepped out as a battle mage yet… believe they are scared you will.” In that same vein he had an idea, as he knew that Noemi would need to be there and lead the army somewhat whenever they invaded,

“I think it is also for that reason you should be there to assist with your magic abilities on the field of battle, but at the same time. During the diplomatic mission… we need to sneak in and rescue Magnus. Sylvie was the one who had a more detailed dream than I did so she can speak more on the whole thing…” He looked at her curiously as she had been the one to come with him on the information.

Location: House Belyea stronghold on border of Varracas
Outfit: Basic Leathers
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Noémi Belyea | @Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur | @Ryou Kurosawa | @Charles Castex | @Alice Carndous | @Camille Karfis


Though Aymer had little to add to the meeting, he was too smart to leave without being bid to do so. Any information he gained would be valuable. After all, the bastard cousin was invested in seeing Noémi installed back on her father’s throne, but his true loyalties were to himself first, his pirate company second and House Belyea third. Noémi, Lohier and Ysabitte treated him much more like family than he had ever been by his father’s generation, or his half-brother and cousin Isabeau. But prior to the High King’s death Aymer was the black sheep. He had made the best of it, but it had caused some hurt feelings. So if he was able to obtain even the smallest bit of intel that would profit him in the long run Aymer was going to stay and listen.

Rather quickly the meeting seemed to be over with. Charles and Camille took their leave. That meant that Aymer was the only one in the room that wasn’t a part of Noémi’s true inner circle. The fact that Ryou had just requested a private talk suggested that the wide meeting was over. Aymer would have loved to stick around and hear the private side of the upcoming missions to claim the fealty of Gallan and Naodaron, but he knew full well it would not start while he was in the room.

”Gozelin Grimoult…” the pirate gave a chuckle. ”That guy makes me look prim and proper. And yet I’m the outlaw bastard.” He gave Noémi a smile that said he didn’t blame her and had long accepted his position in life. ”If you need a back up extraction plan let me know. The Corsaires will be just as capable as the Outriders and Camille can use her numbers elsewhere. I guess I’m to be leaving now. I’ll shut the door on my way out.” He gave Sylvie a wink and a nod before a bow was offered to Noémi. With no other words Aymer was out the door and the rest of the meeting was held in privacy.

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