Approved Hoplite-Class Interceptor


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 12.5 meters
  • Width: 6 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: Very High
    • 2 Heavy Laser Cannons (Middle armaments)
    • 4 Laser Cannons (Wing Armaments)
    • 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)
  • Defenses: Average
    • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Squadron Count: 4-6
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
    • Advanced Repulsorlift Engines (Allows high maneuverability even under heavy gravity)
  • Speed Rating: High
    • Tripple Ion Engines
  • Hyperdrive Class: NA

  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Tripple Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Repulsorlift Engines (Allows high maneuverability even under heavy gravity)
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Starfighter Weapons: Laser Cannons, Heavy Laser Cannons, Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • Versatile, fast and heavily armed, the Hoplite starfighters are the ace squadrons launched by the Raider Fleets of the Athysian League. These heavy star-fighters, piloted by the Athysian most elite, stand out as a lethal force in both aerial and void dogfights.
  • Zealot pilots. Hoplites are given to the best of the pilots. It is a tradition for these pilots to seek the blessing of the Dark Adepts of their Host's Hegenima. These blessings are demonstrated by ritualistic tattoos on the Hoplite's hulls, as well as on the pilots themselves. Such pilots may refuse to withdraw from a fight, driven by their pride and determination.
  • Limited Numbers. Although on first sight the Hoplites seem rather heavy, which is deffenately the case, comparing the sheer firepower these interceptors wield. However, this does come to a great cost, as their armaments, armors and shield generators deny them ability to adjust Hyperdrives onto them, being forced to rely fully on their motherships for interstellar transportation, as well as escape, should the odds of battle turn grim. Should a warship launch Hoplite squadrons in the void and is then driven away, or forced to retreat into hyperspace, the remnant squadrons are all but undone. It is no rare occasion, should such event happens, to witness Hoplite pilots throwing their very crafts in high speed against enemy targets in suicide attacks.
  • Squadron Elite. Piloted by the Navy's most elite, each casualty in the battlefield costs to the Host a great deal. Therefore, these squadrons are not easily thrown into the battle, instead operate only as strategic odd-changing assets, oftentimes launched by several carrying vessels, in order to hide the very few Hoplites per squadron behind larger swarms.
  • No surrender. No Retreat. With their pride being at its peak, it is often for the Hoplite squadrons to refuse to retreat during combat, should the odds turn against the Host's favor. When such occurs, the host may be forced to escape in hyperspace, leaving entire squadrons to their doom, as they will push on the fight until they are all terminated, or throw their own ships at full speed against enemy targets, in a desperate attempt to die causing as much damage as possible to the enemy.
The thin, wide silhuettes of the Hoplite Interceptors are almost unmistakable, to someone who has already faced them. Wide, highly sophisticated wings, blending with the pilot in an amalgamation of armor and armaments. Their blood-red hulls painted in the colors of their Hegenika are decorated with a plethora of patterns, with each pilot usually modifying his or her starfighter to personal liking. Some carry spikes and iron representations of skulls, or weapons, to confuse or scare their enemies, while others are decorated with ritualistic marks and several writtings on them, "blessed" by Dark Adepts who perform rituals to both the ship and the pilot, in order to affect their performance in battle. Hoplite Squadrons are manned by the Athysian ace pilots, meant to operate as decisive blow against enemy aerial and void superiority.
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