Approved Cryokinesis Expanded


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
Discipline Name: Cryokinesis

Affiliation: Sith Order, Dark Side practitioners (primarily), though some neutral Force users may also explore this discipline.

Discipline Description: Cryokinesis is a rare and powerful Force discipline that allows practitioners to manipulate and control cold, ice, and freezing temperatures. This ability involves the absorption of heat energy from the environment, creating intense cold that can freeze objects, manipulate ice, and even slow down or immobilize opponents. While often associated with the Dark Side due to its destructive potential, some neutral Force users have also studied cryokinesis for defensive and practical applications.

Primary Abilities:
  • Ability: Frost Touch
    • Description: The user channels the Force to rapidly lower the temperature of a target, freezing it on contact. This ability can be used to encase objects or opponents in ice, rendering them immobile or causing damage through extreme cold.
    • Usage: Typically used in combat to immobilize opponents, freeze weapons, or create barriers of ice. Can also be applied in non-combat situations to preserve objects or create defensive structures.
  • Ability: Ice Shards
    • Description: The user condenses moisture in the air to form sharp ice shards, which can be hurled at enemies with precision using the Force. These shards can vary in size and sharpness, making them deadly projectiles or tools for carving through obstacles.
    • Usage: Commonly used in offensive combat to strike enemies from a distance. The shards can also be shaped and used for utility purposes, such as creating tools or opening pathways.

Training and Mastery:
  • Training Requirements: Mastery of Cryokinesis requires a deep understanding of the Force’s energy-manipulation aspects. Initial training focuses on basic temperature manipulation and requires significant meditation and concentration. Advanced practitioners must learn to control the cold without succumbing to its effects on themselves.
  • Mastery Level:
    • Apprentice: Basic ability to lower temperatures and create small amounts of ice.
    • Knight: Proficient in freezing larger targets and generating ice structures.
    • Master: Complete mastery over cold, able to alter the environment on a large scale, such as freezing entire bodies of water or summoning blizzards.
Philosophy and Ethics: Cryokinesis is often seen as a neutral discipline with a leaning toward the Dark Side, primarily due to its association with fear, control, and destruction. Practitioners must balance their emotions to avoid falling prey to the cold's isolating and destructive tendencies. The discipline teaches restraint and control, emphasizing that unchecked power can lead to self-destruction. Ethical considerations focus on the use of cold for preservation and defence, as opposed to wanton destruction.

Notable Practitioners:
History and Origins: The origins of Cryokinesis are shrouded in mystery, with its earliest known practitioners being associated with ancient Dark Side cults. The discipline was somehow brought to the Cha Kale system where the locals adapted it to their style of combat. Besides this other corners of the galaxy sooner or later discovered the practice. It remains one of the harder-to-master arts, with few seeing the use of cryokinesis in a world where force lighting and force choke kill faster.

Usage in Combat or Practice: In combat, Cryokinesis is a versatile tool for controlling the battlefield. Practitioners can immobilize enemies by freezing them in place, creating barriers of ice for defence, or launching ice projectiles to injure or kill. Outside of combat, Cryokinesis can be used for survival in harsh environments, preserving food, or creating shelters. However, its primary application remains in combat, where it is often used to instil fear and assert dominance over opponents.

Variants or Branches:
  • Icemancy: A specialized branch focusing on the creation and manipulation of elaborate ice structures, often used for defensive purposes.
  • Cryomancy: An advanced form of Cryokinesis, where practitioners can lower temperatures on a large scale, creating environmental effects such as blizzards or extreme cold fronts.
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