Message Correspondence between Sovereigns

Damian M. LeBlanc

King of the Demons
Jul 24, 2023
Galactic Credits
From the Desk of Damian Matthias Leblanc,
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

To Harrul Ulfbitten,
King of Eirelunn, Pureblood Abhartach

My esteemed King Harrul,

The realms of darkness have always been fraught with shifting alliances and intricate webs of power. It is within this ever-changing landscape that I write to you, my fellow sovereign, with a proposal that seeks to reshape our destinies and the fate of our people.

I am acutely aware of the rift that has formed between you and Marcus Aumont, King of the Abhartach. The incident at the Masquerade held by the Night Court, wherein Sylvia Ulfbitten's actions sparked this discord, has not gone unnoticed. The divide it has created between you and Marcus has exposed weaknesses that we, as leaders, must address with astute strategy and unyielding resolve.

Marcus, in his arrogance and short-sightedness, fails to see the greater vision that could elevate our kind. The time has come for the Abhartach to return to their rightful place alongside Demonkind, where they will thrive under a united front, powerful and unstoppable. Thus, I propose an alliance between our realms, forged not merely out of necessity but from a shared vision of dominance and strength.

To solidify this alliance, I suggest a union through marriage to an Ulfbitten woman of your choosing. This bond will not only seal our pact but also intertwine our lineages, ensuring that our combined might stands unchallenged. Such a union will be a testament to our commitment and an indomitable force against those who oppose us.

Moreover, I wish to assure you that this alliance will honor your sovereignty over the Isles. Your reign will remain unchallenged, and with our combined efforts, you will even have the opportunity to expand your dominion over Marcus' territory once he has been dealt with. Together, we will dismantle his rule and distribute his lands, bringing prosperity and power to our joined forces.

Let us not be blinded by the fleeting conflicts of the past but instead, seize this moment to forge a future where Demonkind and the Abhartach stand united, a formidable alliance that none would dare to defy. I await your response, confident that together we can carve a legacy of unparalleled strength and dominance.

In darkness and in power,

Damian Matthias Leblanc
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

Tag; @Harrul Ulfbitenn
Damian Matthias Leblanc,
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

It would be a lie to say that the receiving of your words caused mixed feelings to me, yet reading them openned a new prospect to me. Indeed, our kind has always been of ill-intent, and followed principles of diplomacy much more brutal and oftentimes more complex than those of the mortals. Alas, our dealings tend to be much more stable when unfolded.

The knowledge of the events mentioned act as further statement to the corrosion of the Night Court's castle of glass built by pride, not vision. The Abhartach have been rightly so faced with purges that achieved the supremacy the King of Night enjoys now, only to be disturbed by another pureblood's birth. It is a fool's vision that can read between the lines of this uncalled for elevation of the Isles, only to remain loyal until the time comes for yet another purge, restoring the King of Night as the one, single, divine line.
To allow such deceit would be to deny what is clear to many, from both sides of the western sea. It is my cause to see the Night freed of such insecurity, and the Isles Cabal being the agents of our patrons, common as they are between our kin, not through blind pride, but through strength and determination.

The offer of marriage shows the respect we both hold for one another, and to the traditions most sacret. It is an offer I cannot overlook and wish to delve into further. I presume it is already known between us, the Witch-Queen has already pledged her forces to the King of Night, through a similar practice. One can only expect for the night the King shall demand a tithe of metal and blood perhaps too heavy to offer, and too blasphemous to accept.

So long the benefit of me and mine satisfied, and the prospect of common path between our holds established, I am willing to talk in detail and, perhaps, in the future, in person. To commit a kin of mine in marriage, is to commit to a league of mutual understanding, and gain. A pact that binds the Isles Cabal to stand and protect the interest of the Demonkin, over any and all outsider threats, and see it consume the world of mortals, as a champion and ally. Loyalty and faith, for the Isles, is the highest of commodities and can not be spent lightly. Having no such pacts concluded with the King of Night, I rest my mind without treachery, and honour intact.

With restrained anticipation,

Harrul Ulfbitenn, The Red Angel
King of Eirelunn, Lord of the Isles Cabal

@Damian M. LeBlanc
From the Desk of Damian Matthias Leblanc,
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

To Harrul Ulfbitten,
King of Eirelunn, Pureblood Abhartach

My esteemed King Harrul,

Your reply has reached my hands with the weight of wisdom and foresight, as I anticipated it would. It is clear to me that you see the world of shadows as I do, where power is forged in the fires of conflict, and respect is won through action rather than hollow titles. I am gratified to know that you, too, recognize the glass house in which Marcus Aumont has chosen to dwell—a fragile construct built upon arrogance, not the strength that true leaders should possess.

You speak rightly of the precarious nature of the Night Court’s current supremacy, a throne that has remained unchallenged for far too long, maintained by fear and the blood of our kind. The balance it claims to uphold is an illusion, a ruse to keep us divided while Marcus schemes to extend his dominion further. Your insight into the impending demands of the Witch-Queen’s alliance with the King of Night is not lost on me. You see the folly in bowing to the capricious whims of one who views all others as expendable pawns.

Your acceptance of the prospect of marriage speaks well of your regard for our shared traditions, and your understanding that it is a bond forged not just between individuals, but between realms. The strength of this union lies not in sentiment but in mutual gain, in a strategy that allows both our peoples to flourish and strike fear into the hearts of all who dare oppose us. This is a pact I, too, would take seriously, with full knowledge of the significance it holds in the eyes of our kin.

I welcome the chance to discuss the terms of our alliance in more detail. Let us speak of the path we might tread together, as allies, and, perhaps one day soon, as brothers in arms. The Isles Cabal and the House of Darkholme will stand as a fortress against any who would threaten us, whether they are mortal or otherwise. Together, we will reshape the dark realms in our image, casting aside the false gods who cling to power through deceit and fear.

I extend an invitation for you to visit Darkholme at a time of your choosing, where we can discuss the finer points of our accord face-to-face, without the shadows of uncertainty. Let us craft an alliance that is unbreakable, one that honors our commitment to power, wisdom, and a shared destiny. Your terms of loyalty and mutual understanding shall be met with the respect they deserve, for I seek no sycophants, only equals in strength and ambition.

I look forward to our meeting with the highest of expectations. Let us build a future that will be remembered in the annals of darkness for generations to come.

In strength and in certainty,

Damian Matthias Leblanc
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

Tag; @Harrul Ulfbitenn
Damian Matthias Leblanc,
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

It is I dare say pleasing to me to entertain the ideas of which you spoke in our latest correspondance. The Isles Cabal is a place of honour, valor, and most importantly, loyalty. Therefore, I believe it is not custom to the kin which, for the part of my mortal life, grew to adopt several aspects of their simplistic, regardless how ignorant, ways. The alliance suggested, if achievable as suggested, which may only be the result of a long cooperation of both sides of the Kraken Sea, could be of far greater benefit to those involved in it, regardless their stature, as the Winter cold is by the summer's heat, and the falling leaves are to the sprouting seed.

Your invitation is received as well; An honest and immediate approach to the potential of this endeavour, which I look forward seeing the actions over the written words being, as decisive as the will with which their words were written with. Before, however, I have tranquility of mind to endorse such an expedition, I believe the first tiles should be laid for us to walk the path of peace and, hopefully, prosperity.

House Ulfbitenn, and those under its influence, protectorates and domains alike, by my word, are to refrain from any violent acts of raiding, theft, or destruction, towards any and all domains, or protectorates of, the House of Darkholme holds claims over. Such a decree, I am willing to enforce the same decree in return. The Kraken Sea has been for eons a haven of piracy. A common enemy to all who hold ports, or shorelines richer than the vermintide from the North. A common pact, thus, would provide reassurance and certainty enough, for me to consider in willing tone, a meeting of which I believe we may share anticipation for.

I lok forward receiving your word, and seeing the fruits of this most welcomed seeding of our common field.

With restrained anticipation,

Harrul Ulfbitenn, The Red Angel
King of Eirelunn, Lord of the Isles Cabal
From the Desk of Damian Matthias Leblanc,
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme

To Harrul Ulfbitten,
King of Eirelunn, Lord of the Isles Cabal

King Harrul,

Your response is as eloquent as it is shrewd. I welcome your deliberations and the steps toward cooperation that your letter outlines. I agree wholeheartedly that the success of this alliance depends not only on shared interests but also on mutual respect and the abandonment of old habits that do not serve our future goals.

The Kraken Sea has, indeed, long been a breeding ground for piracy and chaos, weakening our shores and consuming resources that could otherwise fuel our strength. Your decree, enforcing peace between the House of Ulfbitenn and Darkholme, is the first of many necessary strides toward stability. I accept this pact without hesitation and will enforce the same within my own domains. My fleets will ensure that no raider under my banner disturbs the waters or lands that you claim. In this, I believe we can begin to tame the Kraken Sea, not by force alone, but through our unified will to restore order.

These initial steps, modest as they may seem, will serve as the foundation upon which our greater ambitions will be built. There is much to gain from this cooperation, and I agree with your vision: like the turning of seasons, this period of reconciliation between our houses will lead to a new bloom of power, one that neither Marcus Aumont nor any other enemy could hope to stifle.

As we prepare to lay these first stones upon the path, I propose a formal meeting between us. I believe there is no substitute for face-to-face discussion when binding such a potent alliance, and I am confident that, after our talks, our shared goals will be clearer than ever. Let us convene at a location of your choosing, whether upon the shores of Eirelunn or at a neutral site where we may speak plainly, without the formalities of court politics.

Before I close, I must also inform you of a development that may prove beneficial to our growing relationship. My daughter, Farah Mousavi, Princess of the Abyss, has taken an interest in meeting you and exploring the lands under your protection. She is drawn to the rich history of House Ulfbitenn and the power that courses through your domain. I trust that her presence will serve not only as a gesture of goodwill but also as an opportunity for further understanding between our houses. Farah is as astute as she is formidable, and her insights may prove valuable to you, as I believe yours will be to her.

I look forward to your reply and to witnessing the fruits of this alliance take root. In the shadows, we will thrive.

In darkness and unity,

Damian Matthias Leblanc
King of the Demons, Lord of Darkholme
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