Character Yvanne Le Maistre

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Yvanne Castex


Name: Yvanne Le Maistre
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Gerneau, Vethonny, Pottaun

Physical Information
Eye Color:
Crystal Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140 lbs
Brief Description: Yvanne is a young Albion woman who looks quite out of place as a member of a privateer crew. Though her brow hair is often windblown, somehow it always seems as though it was by design. Her crystal blue eyes can bring you in and warm your heart, but they can just as easily ice over and freeze you with a cold glare.

Social Information
Corsaires, Belyea Legacy
Ranks and Titles: Quartermaster of Le Tentacule Huileux
House: Castex

Yvanne was born on the docks of Bryste in Gerneau province of Vethonny. She has no memories or knowledge of her parents as they were both gone from before she could recall. As a young child she found work on the docks and managed to find enough shelter and food to survive. But her first clear memory was of the ship that she snuck aboard when she was eight years old and was adopted by the crew. She learned how to tend a ship and became a capable sailor.

When adolescence hit the crew seemed less willing to help her grow as a sailor. Some wanted to take her innocence and others would try to convince Yvanne that she was pretty enough to catch a rich husband who would take care of her. Yvanne was not impressed with that proposition. She wanted to be a sailor. She didn’t want to live the rest of her life taking care of a household and children. Did she want a family? Sure that would be nice, but she wanted to still be her, not just someone’s wife and mother.

In her travels she joined the pirate company of @Aymer Piloter. Amongst the Corsaires she continued to struggle to get beyond a low ranking crew member until she was taken on by Captain Albani of Le Tentacule Huileux. Once given a chance Yvanne excelled and quickly earned the role of Quartermaster aboard the ship. Even though the Corsaires mostly participated in business outside the law, they were hired on by Duchess Sylvia of Suthra. In the taking of the Eilish woman’s new lands Yvanne met the Pottaunese Admiral @Charles Castex and the two began a relationship. Now they are working together again to reunite the fractured countries of Pottaun.

Holdings / Possessions:
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