Character Ysabelle d'Isles

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Ysabette d'Isles


Name: Ysabette d’Isles
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Varracas, Vethonny, Pottaun

Physical Information
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Auburn
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 110 lbs
Brief Description: Ysabeta is a young attractive woman with long auburn hair and pale blue eyes. She has a thin, but shapely build and is very aware of the looks she gets from men and plays into that both to be playfully flirty and to use to her advantage in diplomacy.

Social Information
Belyea Legacy
Ranks and Titles: Baroness of Zallan
House: House d’Isles (branch of House Belyea)

Ysabette is the daughter of Baron Étienne d’Isles of Zallan. She is part of the Belyea bloodline through her grandmother. Her father died shortly after her birth leaving her as an infant as Baroness. Her lands were managed by a steward and she was entered into a deep and wide education of everything she would need to rule her lands as well as side teachings in the heritage she inherited hidden in her Belyea blood…magic.

Many of her adolescent days were spent in the tide pools of the coast of Zallan practicing her gifts. Ysabelle’s connection to magic was great, but it seemed mostly focused on manipulation of water. Of course water is in so many things that there were quite a few applications outside of moving pure water around. Her connection to water was nearly as great as her connection to magic. In fact they were pretty intertwined. When Ysabelle moved too far from a significant source of water she became physically weak, to the point she would get ill, and her magic would be almost unreachable.

At the age of eighteen Ysabeta was deemed ready to take on the duties of her title and has been in charge of Zallan, the land the d’Isles family has controlled for hundreds of years. She has been able to build up a small navy as well as successful trade with the mainland.

Holdings / Possessions:
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