Character Yelena Ulfbitenn

Sep 5, 2024
Galactic Credits
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Full Name: Yelena Ulfbitenn
Name: Yelenna
Surname(s): Ulfbitenn
Age: 29
Nickname(s): Lenna, Lenny
Sex: Female

Appearance: Yelena's sharp, angular features bear a striking resemblance to her father, Euric, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that give her an air of severity. Her smoky green eyes, cool and calculating, seem to pierce through anyone who meets her gaze, reflecting the cold detachment she has cultivated over the years. Long, chestnut-brown hair cascades down her back, though she almost always keeps it tied tightly in a practical hairdo leaving no room for vanity.

Her build is lean and athletic, a testament to her years of training. Every movement she makes is purposeful, with the grace of someone who knows how to wield both a sword and authority. Yelara favors practical, well-tailored clothing, usually dark and red in color, designed for ease of movement, always ready for battle or travel.

Magic Affinity: Average
Strengths: Competent, strategic, calculated charm and confidence, resolve, calmness, can handle a sword.
Weaknesses: Isolated, emotionally scarred, distrustful, easy to lie, deceive and use those who are not family.


Raised in the dark a cruel shadow of Euric Ulfbitenn, Yelanna was denied the gentleness and idealism granted to some of her cousins. From a young age, she was molded into a weapon of ambition, her father’s love as cold and conditional as winter’s breath. Affection was a foreign concept in the Ulfbitenn household, replaced by relentless expectations and harsh discipline. To serve the family’s interests was her only purpose, and any sign of weakness was swiftly and ruthlessly stamped out. Under Euric’s unforgiving gaze, Yelanna was forged into a woman of steel, her mind and spirit tempered by the fires of necessity and survival.

Her upbringing was a battlefield of power struggles and political intrigue, where the stakes were always life and death, and the only rule was to emerge victorious. Devoid of warmth, Yelanna’s childhood was a grueling regimen of training and lessons, where she was taught to regard emotions as liabilities, vulnerabilities that had no place in the life of an Ulfbitenn. Love, in all its forms, was dismissed as a folly of the weak, a distraction from the pursuit of power.

Isolated from all but the most transactional of relationships, Yelanna grew into a woman as cold and calculating as her father could have wished. Few could penetrate the fortress she had built around her heart, and those who tried were met with icy indifference. She became highly competent to hold herself almost anywhere, her mind a sharp instrument honed for the complexities of her world. Yet, beneath her formidable exterior, Yelanna was emotionally scarred, her heart an empty chamber echoing with only the fear of still not being enough. In the darkest hours, she could feel the weight of this emptiness, a void she neither understood nor knew how to fill. Distrustful of others and of herself, Yelanna walked through life armored against a world that had never shown her kindness, yet still secretly yearning for something she could not name.
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