Character Vodou Queen Nephali

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Queen Nepfali
Credits: Marvel, Black Panther,
Consolidation Thread: NA
Appearance: Golden brown fair skinned woman, with a regal nobility look to her. Always found in the finest attire in various jewelry. She often wears long ceremonial dresses when in her kingdom or if out attending a function, however also wears tight fitting battle gear when engaging in battle. Most of the time her battle gear is under her dress ready for any occasion.
Character: Born into royalty, the Queen had a high air to herself that marks the station of her status. She is very cunning and wise as she has lived a very long time and has experienced many eras to which she has experienced many hardships and victories which have hardened her. She oftentimes can be outwardly cold and relentless towards outsiders but to her people she can be described as overly protective and a mother figure. Often described as the mother of their very realm, many of the people respect her and look up to her as not only as a mother but a goddess. Calculating and an excellent tactician, she is feared amongst many of the nations due to her cunning and prowess in the art of war. Many fear going against the mighty realm of witches and most importantly it’s Queen.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: (Choose between: Low
      • Gear: Usually dressed elegantly in dresses however wears tight fitting primitive armor under her dresses that are fortified by magic.
    • Speed: High
    • Melee: Average
      • Weaponry: A golden staff fortified by magic.
    • Ranged: Extreme
      • Weaponry: N/A
    • Morale: Extreme
    • Magic: Extreme
  • TvM Requirement: 1-5
  • Affiliation: lives in the Flying Fortress above her kingdoms.
Nephali has great leadership ability being alive for so long she has been able to hone her leadership ability and inspire her people with the courage that they can do anything together. She inspires her people with just a few words and is an accomplished diplomat and negotiator. Physically she is agile and able to avoid most attacks to give herself time to initiate her spells. Trained for years in magical battle combat she is peerless when it comes to her magical ability.

Physical Combat. While the Queen is agile and able to avoid attacks, this makes up for her lack of advanced hand to hand combat ability to which if placed against someone of incredible skill she could be overpowered.

Depletion of magic reserves. Should the queen ever be placed in a magical negation field or lose access to her magic she is pretty much powerless against her foe.

Historical Information
More revealed in plot.
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