Guide Thread Prefixes and Rules


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
PUBLIC: A Public thread is a Public thread that any character can make an appearance, without player invitation. There are no minimum word limits or any other such conditions, during a Public Thread.

FACTION: When a State, or an Organization rallies for a narrative that revolves around their own Faction story, a Faction thread is used.

EVENT: During Site Events, certain happenings may be presented as EVENT threads. In the case of such, players can react to the happenings that unfold, by posting replies to the Event Thread. This type of thread is not linear and does not necessarily take place on a specific location.

DIPLOMACY: Diplomacy threads are used in the case that two or more Factions, Organizations, or States alike, interact in negotiations, arrangements or other such engagements. For this type of thread to be valid for use in the Map Conquest mechanics, certain parameters must be met:
  • Posts within the thread must consist of 150+ words.
  • The purpose of the thread must be clearly stated either in the title or in the opening post of the thread (example: [Sith Empire negotiations with Galactic Republic])
  • Only Faction Owners can submit Diplomacy threads for them to apply to the Map Conquest mechanics.
  • A Diplomacy thread must consist of at least 5 posts from each Realm, and 3 posts from each Guild participating in the thread, to be considered valid.
CONSOLIDATION: Perhaps the most diverse type of thread, the Consolidation threads can be used for various reasons.
  • Establishing of Military Units, or Items (Technological)
  • Wealth Upgrade: Consolidation threads can be used to upgrade the level of wealth a Sector (Hex) or POI has.
    • Each post must be 200+ words.
    • Depending on the number of posts, the Wealth Level changes. Upgrading a POI's or sector's Wealth level allows the sector to be connected via Trade Routes, as well as provides additional monthly yield in the form of Taxes, profit, or resource gathering:
      • Low: 30 Posts
        • Sector Monthly Yield: 200 Credits
        • POI Monthly Yield: 60 Credits
      • Average: 60 Posts
        • Sector Monthly Yield: 250 Credits
        • POI Monthly Yield: 100 Credits
      • High: 90 Posts
        • Sector Monthly Yield: 500 Credits
        • POI Monthly Yield: 170 Credits
      • Very High: 120 Posts
        • Sector Monthly Yield: 1000 Credits
        • POI Monthly Yield: 300 Credits
      • Extreme: 150 Posts
        • Sector Monthly Yield: 2000 Credits
        • POI Monthly Yield: 600 Credits
  • Defence Upgrade: To maintain control over sectors (hexes) is to be ready to repulse pirate raids, foreign attacks or even large scale invasions. In order to protect their sectors, the States of the Galaxy can run Consolidation threads, in which the defences of the sector, such as strongholds, drills, planetary defense forces, traps or any other defensive upgrade, is being either retrofitted, augmented, or established.
    • Each Post must be 200+ words.
    • Depending on the posting count of the thread, additional benefits can be gained in the case of an enemy attack, through Raid or Assault threads.
      • Low: 25 Posts
        • +1 to the Defender, in Raid threads.
      • Average: 50 Posts
        • +2 to the Defender, in Raid threads.
      • High: 75 Posts
        • +3 to the Defender, in Raid threads.
        • +1 to the Defender, in Assault threads against the sector.
      • Very High: 100 Posts
        • +4 to the Defender, in Raid threads.
        • +2 to the Defender, in Assault threads against the sector.
      • Extreme: 120 Posts
        • +5 to the Defender, in Raid threads.
        • +3 to the Defender, in Assault threads against the sector.
  • Siege Works: While the defending planets or astrographic strongpoints can benefit from Consolidation threads in the case of a Raid or an Assault launched, the attacking side can also initiate their own Consolidation thread, after the declaration of the Assault and before it takes place, or prior to the Raid, to construct trenches, walls, or any other siege engines, countering the Sector's or POI's Defence. Bare in mind, POIs cannot provide benefit to their sectors against an Assault, and they cannot be targeted by an Assault either.
    • Each Post must be 200+ words.
    • Depending on the posting count of the thread, additional benefits can be gained by the attacker:
      • Low: 25 Posts
        • +1 to the Attacker, in the following Raid Thread.
      • Average: 50 Posts
        • +2 to the Attacker, in the following Raid Thread.
      • High: 75 Posts
        • +3 to the Attacker, in the following Raid Thread.
        • +1 to the Attacker, in the following Assault Thread.
      • Very High: 100 Posts
        • +4 to the Attacker, in the following Raid Thread.
        • +2 to the Attacker, in the following Assault Thread.
      • Extreme: 120 Posts
        • +5 to the Attacker, in the following Raid Thread.
        • +3 to the Attacker, in the following Assault Thread.
EXPANSION: During an Expansion Thread, a State can initiate a takeover of up to 3 Sectors that has access, or shares border with.
  • For each Sector targeted, there have to be 30 posts to reflect how the sector entered the State's control, through either violent, or peaceful means.
  • Posts within the thread must be of 200+ words.
  • Expansion thread must be completed within 1 calendar month.
  • In the case of the time period expiration without the necessary post count reached, the State gains none of the targeted Sectors.

CONFRONTATION: During a Confrontation thread, two or more States can claim two or more Sectors. Either through a narrativelly joint effort, or through a proxy war, each State can claim additional territories on the map, so long that certain parametrs are met throughout the thread:
  • Posts within the thread must be of 200+ words.
  • Each State can claim any number of provinces that are adjacent to eachother.
  • Post count of the thread, by completion must be 25 x the number of provinces claimed by both factions.
  • A Confrontation thread can remain active for 1 Calendar month. If the minimum posting count, and the narrative conclusion hasn't been reached until the due date, the Confrontation is considered failed, and neither side can claim any new Sectors.

ASSAULT: In the case an Assault attempts to gain control over a Sector, or Sectors, controlled by another State, an Assault Thread is launched. PVP, in nature, the Assault Threads are wars over territory, and they involve a number of mechanics that can aid, or cause struggle, to the warring sides. In the case of no pre-arranged terms and conditions between the two sides, a Staff Member will be overseeing the progress and deal with any disputes, complaints, or questions that may arise throughout the event. Given no other arrangements are made, AoD's standard Assault mechanics are in effect:
  • Posts within the thread must be of 200+ words.
  • Up to 5 Sectors can be targeted within 1 calendar month through the use of Assault Threads.
  • The Assault Thread, mechanically, lasts for a duration of up to 2 weeks, and the post count of the thread to be considered completed, varies, depending the number of targeted Sectors. Each Targeted Sector adds 30 posts. If the necessary post count hasn't been reached by the end of the 2nd week, the Assault is considered failed, unless the warring sides decide to an extension.
  • The Attacker (Being a State or Organization alike) must declare the targeted sector(s) at least 1 week before the Assault thread drops in.
  • The attacker must be either adjacent, or have access to the targeted provinces.
  • Targeted provinces must be adjacent to one another.
  • Assault threads are resolved via dice rolling by the two opposing leaders, or designated champions:
    • 1st Roll: Before the beginning of the thread, which determines which of the two sides has the starting advantage.
    • 2nd Roll: In the middle of the Thread, when half the posting count required has been achieved.
    • 3rd Roll: At the very end of the Thread, when the posting requirement has been achieved.
  • For every 4 players fielded, the side they fight under gains a +1 modifier for participation in their roll. For this modifier to apply, there must be a supportive Diplomacy thread in which each of the participating characters has at least one post of 200+ words in.
  • If the defender fails to field any writers to the defence of the Sector, until the next roll, then the roll is considered automatically won.
  • In the case posting count has been achieved within the due time, and the Attacker has achieved victory, the Sector is consider taken, and the attacker has the following options:
    • Assimilate: The Attacker State claims control. Prior Sector Defence is reduced three steps, if applicable, and Wealth reduced two, if applicable.
    • Plunder: The Attacker gains the monthly tax yield of the province for each Wealth Level the Sector had, Defences and Wealth are brought to zero and the sector becomes neutral.
    • Raze the Sector: BASE DELTA ZERO! The Sector(s) are left barren until it becomes Recolonized (50 posts Consolidation Thread required).
During an Assault thread, the opposing sides cast a d10 die 3 times, to determine the winner. After each time, the result is added to the previous results, and any bonuses from Consolidation threads, if applicable, or other sources, are added.

  • First Dice Roll
    • Defender: (d10) 4 + 1 (Defense Level: High)
    • Attacker: (d10) 6 + 0 (No siege works)
  • Second Dice Roll
    • Defender: (d10) 8 + 1
    • Attacker: (d10) 2 + 0
    • So, results:
      • Defender Total: 14
      • Attacker Total: 8
      • (Attackers had the advantage but the tide seems to be turning)
  • Third Dice Roll
    • Defender: (d10) 7 + 1
    • Attacker: (d10) 5 + 0
    • So, results:
      • Defender Total: 22
      • Attacker Total: 13
      • (Defender achieved victory)

RAID: A State or Organization, or individual players can initiate a Raid Thread against any number of Sectors held by a Realm on the Galactic map and are adjacent to eachother. This type of threads last for up to 2 calendar weeks, or up until the posting count is reached (30 x Targeted Province number). The same mechanics of dice roll resolution apply.
  • Posts within the thread must be 150+ words.
  • In the case of Attacker victory, the following actions can be taken:
    • Plunder: The Attacker gains the monthly tax yield of the Sector for each Wealth Level, Defences and Wealth are brought to zero.
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