Guide Third Galactic War: A Galaxy Shattered

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
The sudden end to the Second Galactic War due to the rapid emergence of the Eternal Empire left a shock on the galactic powers. After years of conflicts and galactic-wide crisis, the hegemony of Zakuul was brought low, leaving an even greater void in the astropolitical scene. A void many were quick to take advantage of...

An Empire Divided

The Sith Empire, after losing its grip around the countless star systems that had conquered during the course of the Second Galactic War, due to its shameful defeat at the hands of the Eternal Empire, went into a period of infighting, which resulted to a new Empress, and a new Regime.
The Reconstituted Sith Empire under Darth Acina sought to purge the once feudal domains of the Sith Nobility known as the Powerbases, which had brought many inter-Sith conflicts throughout the years, and replace the archaic Sith Empire with a modernized and unified war machine consisting of Sith and Imperial forces not loyal to their individual overlords, but to the Empire itself. A change which saw little acceptance outside of the Sith Capital of Dromund Kaas, with many among the Sith whispering words of an uprising, viewing Darth Acina as a defiler of the Sith Order... Alas, with their resources nearly exhausted by the past wars, many lowered their heads and reluctantly accepted Acina's rule.
The period of tranquility among the Sith, however, was short-lived. As soon as the galaxy recovered from the onslaught of the Eternal Empire, and with Zakuul collapsing due to continuous pressure, uprisings and revolts, the Sith War Machine finally awoke again, with Darth Acina leading the charge against the Empire's arch-enemy: The Galactic Republic.
Although the initial invasions along the frontier sectors were proven a success, the Corellian Campaign resulted to a painful defeat for the Sith, which drastically shifted the odds of the Sith politics against the Imperial Palace, and gave the up to now struggling Galactic Republic a rallying cry that caused the support of hundreds of worlds to their side.
With the conflict entering a stalemate, the Sith begun turning against one another, as the many ideological and wealth differences brought the varying nobles and Imperials to a clashing point, and the Empire itself at the verge of Civil War...

A Fragile Republic
Across the Galaxy, from within the Core Worlds and all the way to the Outer Rim, the Galactic Republic, after having suffered humiliation and cruel legal reformations under the pressure of the Eternal Empire, many of the member worlds were subjected to increasingly frequent and violent pirate raids, foreign invasions and separatist movements, with the exhausted Republic military being unable to protect them, and the Jedi Order, once proud symbol of the Republic, were forced into exile by the Eternal Empire, leading to a chain of unrest and revolts.

After the collapse of the Eternal Empire, and the Republic slowly recovering, the Senate became ever more divided in terms of political ideologies, with more and more systems pressing for more independence, while their rival political entities demanded the reformation of the Republic's Navy and military so as to protect the member Systems that were suffering. The eventual invasion of the Sith Empire, further stretched the schism, within the senate, while many worlds reached the point of open rebellion against the Republic, seeing the state's incapability of offering protection.
The Sith defeat in Corellia, changed all this. In the view of the few heroes standing against the Imperial tide, an event that awoke dark memories of many Republic worlds from the past, caused a wave of patriotism across the Republic space. With the return of the once exiled Jedi Order from the Republic, the Force Sensitive champions were now returning in mass, ready to deploy in the darkest warzones and defend the Republic, as the war with the Sith and the many threats around them came ever closer.

The Beasts of the Underworld
While the Sith were at the verge of segmentation and the Republic struggled to reassert control over its own territories, the galactic-scale many-year crisis caused a spike in piracy. The underworld thrived, as more and more desperate, opportunist, and outlaws organized in systems beyond the major powers' influence, leading to entire pirate worlds emerging, and incursions becoming ever more frequent. The Hutt Cartel, capitalizing on the events, gradually begun engaging its neighbouring powers in skirmishes and pirate raids funded by the Hutt families, to weaken the trade routes and establish control of spice trade and industries, now that the Sith nor the Republic had the means to stop them.
Meanwhile, after the post-war conflicts of the Second Galactic War, and the rise of many powerful warlords that claimed the title of Lord Mandalore, with none truely wielding enough strength to establish as one, the Mandalorian clans, scattered across the stars, join the pirate fleets or lead their very own incursions and campaigns, in an effort to carve their very own colours on the astrographic charts.

A Hegemony Brought Low
The glory of the Galactic hegemony formed by the efforts of the Eternal Empire's capital world of Zakuul collapsed in utter contrast to how it emerged. Its lightning-speed war and its elite armies of specialized war-droids, highly trainned armies and legions of Knights were too much a foe to kill. It would take several years of consecutive uprisings, succession crisis and vassal revolts bled the Zakuulans to the point of exhaustion, while the war that followed against the rebels of the Eternal Alliance and their many allies, eventually cracked the golden armour of Zakuul. A period of chaos followed, with the Alliance forcing the election of a new government, which proved incapable of ruling over the vast domains of the once glorious Empire, while the loss of the tribute that was being collected by the many vassals, now denounced, caused a deep economy crisis that led to further unrest.
Many worlds of the Eternal Empire followed a path of secession, while others were annexed by foreign powers, leaving the few remnant loyalists of Zakuul in a fragmented and deeply scarred state. But the Zakuulan hearts were not yet spent. As the galaxy crawled to the turmoil of the Third Galactic War, Zakuul became isolated, licking their wounds and reforming, as the fractured factions of the Eternals prepared to pay their foes back for the shame brought upon them... With interest!
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