Approved The Whirlybird Mk1

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Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: The Whirly-Bird Mk 1
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: It is toped with a spinning roto-blades that are powered through a series of gears and ropes that attach up to the spinning blades. There is circle seat for people to sit on.

  • Main Stats
    • Armor: Average
      • Gear: Nothing much in the way of gear besides the wings and the things that turns the blades
    • Speed: High
    • Melee: Low
      • Weaponry: It can ram... it is more of a transport than a weapons platform
    • Ranged: N/A
      • Weaponry: N/A
    • Morale: Average
    • Size: Average (13-25 members)
    • Number: Semi-Unique
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: This is a protype unit built by Alice herself, and there are no more left as it is meant to be a test unit
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2

Spoiler: Point Cost Chart
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a Unit is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the unit is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
16-25Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
26-30Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
31-33Consolidation Thread (30+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)


VTOL: Vertical Take Off and Landing. This is what gives the Whirly-Bird power to be deployed anywhere that it is needed, and leave when it time to go. It also allows for surprise attacks and easy deployment in places without runways that would be required for most other flying machines.

Transport: The Whirlybird Mk1 is able to carry 3 people on board. Two of these are soldier's who will leave the vehicle and fight while the other is the pilot who shall stay behind to guard the helicopter should it potentially be captured.

Flight: These things given man the power of flight, especially to the Bel'yea Legacy who never had such machines before now. They will allow small groups of soldiers to go places and be transported behind enemy lines and right over said enemies heads without even having to bash there way through those pesky things we call armies.


Fragile: Given their rushed construction, and the newness of the tech for Bel'yea Legacy, these machines are not the most reliable. On top of that the materials used and the way that the copter blades are made out of thin material does not help things either.

Small Numbers: Being a prototype rushed into production there are only a few of them and they can't be replaced. This also means that if they break there are no spare parts, and the machine is out of commission. This newness and experimental nature of the few that their are is a weakness within itself, especially as Alice is already working on the Mk2. So once they are gone... they are gone.

A Treasure Trove: It is only able to transport three men at a time, and each Whirlybird is a treasure trove of information to nations that do not have such machines. This means that for each one that goes into combat must be protected leaving said squad's down one fighter. Also even the slightest chance of capture of the machine means it must be destroyed stranding the users.

Historical Information

Should man fly? The birds can do it, so why can't we? Jumping off a tree and flapping ones arms only ended up with a damaged, but well paid peasant, and eventually no more peasants wanted to be her test subjects so Alice decided... maybe man needs help to fly? We have no wings after all, and thus she began to work on this problem. What she got was two separate designs, and one of those is the Whirly-Bird Mk1. It uses a fixed rotor to take off vertically and then land in the same method as well as travel in a hovering motion. To be fair Alice is not hundred-percent sure of the physics behind all of it, but hey... if something works... then it isn't broken. So no need to fix it. With the basic design part down she would eventually build a few prototypes and have them ready to began testing...

With the upcoming invasion of Galla looming, and the need to present a show of force in front of the Grand Duchy of Journoix, in order to keep the De Journoix pretender's off balance and second guessing, High Queen Noemi's strength. Alice immediately rushed out the design of her whirly-bird copter. Just in time for the invasion to be used as transports for the spies that Ryou has trained in fair eastern arts of the ninja. Only a few where able to be made in time and though the first test seem promising Alice's feeling on the matter is that the Mark 1's are just a propaganda piece and that it isn't a good idea to show their hands so soon.

However she considers that she has enough other things hidden in the background that this should be used at this time when the crown is weakened enough that it needs everything it can get for a show of strength in these matters.
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