Expansion The Future of Warfare | Vestvinfol Expansion Into Sellath


As the hours of the day went on and faded into the twilight, the moment to strike would be at hand. Sylvia had been very careful in how she planned everything out, making sure that the tunnels would emerge into the fort in places that where out of the way, and had less foot traffic. Allowing her forces to create foothold whenever they emerged, not just in one place, but in many at the same time. At the same time she would have archers unleash massed volleys of arrows, mixed with Aamon’s mages unleashing precision attacks from the outside of the fort onto the defenders who held the walls.

The main goal of her attack was to capture the fort intact, which is why she didn’t simply have the Red Court mages unleash their full power against its gates. No she could make use of it as a staging area for the next part of her campaign. Orako and her spies that had managed to slip in and out told her not only the best places to have the tunnels dug too but revealed that this was indeed the home of this province’s Baron. So it would provide her with a command center and comforts for her command staff and herself if she chose to use them. Though the Iron Lady typically wasn’t one to avail herself of such amenities… unless she knew that those under her command where comfortable.

The time eventually came and the undead hordes who had been digging where pulled back quietly and replaced with the undead shock troops. The Gladiators where to take up their place in the second wave, which was where Sylvia was… surrounded by a token guard of ten of the Night Lords. They also had a secondary plan in place… which was a group of undead with explosive spells on them who could run at the gates and blow them wide open if things went bad. Sylvia didn’t want to do this as she wanted to capture the place intact. Death would descend on the enemy fort with not a scream… not a loud order, but a whisper… a telepathic message from the mind of a Moon Druid into that of Aamon, “Attack!”

The message didn’t just go out to Aamon, but to those who commanded the archers, and the Red Court mages who were to shoot at the walls. No such message was passed on the Gladiators as Sylvia gave them a command by placing a simple hand on Vyona’s shoulder with a shushing motion to her lips before she closed her helmet. What could be heard from inside the fort was screams, as men rushed to the walls when the bells rung to summon defenders, but they also found themselves being cut down trying to reach their positions by an undead enemy who was now among them. Slowly in front of the second line fighters the undead shock troops poured into the tunnel, and the Iron Lady began to wonder if maybe she wouldn’t be able to give her Orc comrade the fight she had promised.

Fate it seemed had other ideas as a messenger approached and handed Sylvia a note before running off. She read over it quickly and smiled, looking to Vyona, “Darling I think I might have another job for you. As I am not sure if we will be needed to secure this place, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun. I want to try and catch the Baron alive myself, and given how quickly their defenses are falling I fell that Aamon might try to pull something… so I want you to meet someone… the Night Lords darling weapon Heldiar.” Suddenly a large bat like creature landed near them growling at the very stench of an Ahbertach on the air. The only thing that calmed her was the appearance of the Grandmaster of the Night Lords Zaros Fel,

“You see we have recently practiced with her the ability to carry a few troops at a time. Yes not many and certainly not any distance, but enough to get us over the walls of the keep. Your men don’t wear as much armor as the Night Lords, and are perfect for this job. Me and you will go first of course, and over the course of the next few trips I want fifteen of your best men delivered over the wall… so what do you say.” Sylvia as she was explaining the plan was already walking through the trenches around to the part of the of walls that they would be carried over. It was rather sound and would help to cut the head of the proverbial snake as quickly as possible.
Vyona waited impatiently as the undead finished there digging and pulled back. Vyona started to stretch swinging her axe from side to side in preparation and picking up her shield. It would be good to go into battle again. It had felt like an age since she had last tasted steel on steel. Vyona hoped these villagers would put up a fight, slaughter had it’s moments but was best built up with a good fight. It was the challenge of meeting a fearsome enemy who met her steel to steel that was the fun part for Vyona the slaughter was only fun if the victory had been achieved.

Vyona focused on the battle at hand. The Undead had done well breaching the walls. They were as useful as light troops as they were at manual labor. Vyona made a note to make a note of it in her journal. Keeping a journal had been one of the lessons she had learnt about military campaigns. Vyona wondered what else the Undead could be useful for. Perhaps if they had enough skill they could build the roads an army marches on. Roads she had learned were crutial for a moving force on campaign.

They were needed not only for the army on the march but the resupply of logistics and eventually settlement of the conquered area not to mention the redployment of forces where needed from the heart of an empire. One could only rely on cavalry and other rapid deployment so much. Although Vyona was curious to see how magic could be worked for issues of transportation.

Vyona passed orders to her Gladiators.

“We go in the second wave. Let the Undead waste their… not lives climbing the walls and breaching them under arrow fire our job will to be fight once we’re inside.” There were a few growls and nods from The Gladiators and a few began their own stretches getting their muscles ready for the work to begin. Vyona had no doubt of their ability as fighters but this would be the first action of them fighting a unit. It would be a useful example for her to judge their strengths and weaknesses to identify natural leaders or peak warriors. Those who fought as individuals or who did well within the group. It was fortunate she didn’t have to worry about any of them not being able to fight all of them had done their time in the arena even in arena mock battles, but their was an element to Gladiator sports that was a sport and entertainment. This would be more than that.

“Remember we’re not in the arena any more no showing off for the crowd, don’t gloat your victories once you’ve cut down one or two enemies. Kill them and move on. This is about survival not glory. The Glory comes from the victory not the fights.”

Vyona was disappointed when Sylvia started to explain that they wouldn’t be needed for the battle but was quickly assuaged that they would indeed be having a bit of fun. Vyona looked intrigued as Sylvia referenced a weapon.

“Why do we need the Baron alive? Are we to question or ransom him?” Vyona asked curious. “I’m not questioning orders, just trying to learn.”

Vyona explained quickly. Vyona was startled at the bat like creature that came to Sylvia’s summons. Vyona supposed it made sense everything her people had told stories about vampires had said they had talents with bats and wolves. Such a creature would definitely be useful to overcome enemy positions. Even going behind enemy lines. Not too mention the rapid deployment of forces. Although they would be limited in carrying the resources a sustained army would need.

“I’ve always wanted to fly. It looks like fun.” Vyona grinned. She frowned as she turned to her men and started selecting the ones to come with them. She tried to be even handed picking five of the best single combat fighters but also ten who she thought might be able to fight as a group . An advanced charge and then ten men to hold a position or rearguard if needed. The men not selected looked dissapointed.

"Vingulf." Vyona nodded to a warrior from the north. "You stay here with the rest of the men provide support to the undead if needed. If not when the battle is over. See what loot you can find!"

That cheered the Gladiators up and they gave a small cheer.

“Let’s go.” Vyona nodded with a brightness in her eyes.


Sylvia Ulfbitenn

The night was heavy with anticipation as Aamon, the Undead Red Mage, stood at the edge of the tunnel his forces had meticulously dug. The underground passage stretched beneath the enemy fort, a testament to the tireless work of his undead soldiers. Beside him, the air crackled with the latent energy of his fire magic, ready to unleash its destructive force.

Sylvia Ulfbitteen, former War Master of the Night Court, had commanded this assault. Despite his personal disdain for her, Aamon knew better than to defy her direct orders, especially with the Vampire King's mandate hanging over their heads.

"Ready yourselves," Aamon ordered his undead minions, their hollow eyes glowing in the darkness. "Tonight, we break through the enemy lines."

With a flick of his wrist, the tunnel's ceiling above them began to glow with an ominous red light. The earth and stone started to heat, cracks forming and spreading rapidly. Aamon's fire magic surged through his fingers, igniting the ceiling with a controlled, powerful blaze. The ground above them trembled before giving way, collapsing into the fort's interior with a thunderous roar.

As debris settled, Aamon and his undead soldiers swarmed through the breach. Flames licked the walls of the fort, casting an eerie glow over the chaotic scene. The enemy, caught off guard, scrambled to respond, but Aamon's forces were relentless.

Aamon's voice boomed through the tumult. "Press forward! Leave none standing!"

His undead soldiers, a blend of skeletal warriors and reanimated corpses, moved with an unyielding determination. They cut down the panicked defenders, pushing relentlessly toward the fort's gates. Amid the carnage, Aamon conjured streams of fire, incinerating those who dared to stand against them.

Finally, they reached the massive wooden gates. Aamon raised his hands, summoning magic to swing open the gates to allow Sylvia’s men side the structure. .

As the gates opened, Aamon stepped back, his eyes narrowing as he sensed Sylvia's approach.

"The gates are open, Iron Lady," Aamon announced, his voice edged with forced respect. "The fort is yours."

Aamon watched as Sylvia and her allies surged forward, the tide of battle shifting in their favor. Despite his personal disdain for Sylvia's overconfidence and zeal, he had fulfilled his duty. In the depths of his mind, however, a lingering irritation remained. He had played his part, but the simmering resentment toward Sylvia and her lack of loyalty to the Vampire King festered, fueling his resolve for the battles yet to come.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Vyona of the Wolf Clan
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“Ah darling… now that is the real question isn’t it?” Sylvia laughed as she affectionately wrapped her arms around Vyona in a rather teasing manner, the Ahbertach arms draped around the other woman’s shoulders, “You are half right within the very wording of your question. Yes we do need to question him, but I want him alive as it should make it easier for the people to pacify if their leader isn’t dead. I can give him the choice of doing what we say or dying.” A grin appeared over her face as she rested a hand on the orc-woman’s cheek, “He will end up spending the rest of his days in his keep yes, but at least he is alive. Maybe one day he could become an ally. His forces managed to stall mine for a few months so he must be good at warfare… and I would like to make him into one of my banners when it shows he can be trusted…”

Pausing for a moment she would lean into Vyona and whisper into her ear, “After all Vyona I am going to need as many allies as I can get given what happened at the Masquerade. Plus I need to continue to train you for the day I award control of the parts of the Northern Alliance that control the mainland.” Pulling away completely the Iron Lady chuckled as they started to head down to the place where she had planned to launch the surprise attack. She knew they would need to hurry as she didn’t completely trust Aamon not to purposefully make a mistake and kill the Baron. The Night Lords had already installed the harness on the large creature, as well as made sure her nose was covered by a special mask that was full of things to disguise Sylvia’s scent,

“Just put your foot on the stirrup on the other side Vyona and then grab the handle you see in the middle. Once you are ready I will give the order, and be ready to fight the moment we land… oh and cover your ears too…” She waited until the other was ready before looking at Zaros Fel… the Grand Master of the Night Lords gave a nod and without saying a word he gave the large bat creature a look and with a might flap of her wings she took to the air. It would only take a few seconds for her to reach the fortress top, where she landed inside the keep, the stunned guards hardly had any time to react before the beast let out an ear-rending screech that seemed to ripple the air around them.

Sylvia herself would have to cover her ears, but the men around them, feel to the ground either screaming in pain with burst eardrums or stunned with the shock of a proverbial explosion going off. Almost immediately the Duchess would use that time, once the sound had faded to run at the nearest guard and with a swing of her long sword she managed to cut the man’s head from his body. Yelling at Vyona she ordered, “Go for those most effected by the sound and kill them quickly! We need to bring down their numbers before the shock wears off!” As she spoke Helidar had already taken off to go and get two more of the assault team, and the Iron Lady herself had already cut down two more defenseless foes as she made her way in the general direction of the part of the keep that the Baron would be sequestered.

@Vyona of the Wolf Clan @The Night Court
Vyona grunted molified as Sylvia explained her reasoning for keeping the enemy leader alive. It made sense. Vyona waited a moment trying to think through the advantages to keeping the Baron alive. Then decided it would be best if she voiced them outloud that way Sylvia could address them and if needed correct her on anything she said wrong. It was the only way she would ever learn after all.

“What sort of warrior would surrenders so easily and let his people be subjugated and subject to an enemy ruler?” Vyona snorted with contempt “Although I suppose keeping him hostage both for his and his peoples good behaviour makes sense. Keeping him locked up in his keep for the rest of his life would be a fate worse than death. I would not entrust him as one of my banners until I was sure of his loyalty by sacred blood oath and even then keep a wary eye on him.”

Vyona sighed

“Then again I suppose I was a Gladiatrix for much of my own captivity I never fought for those who slaughtered my people… as far as I know.”

“Perhaps he might have some useful insights into the resources of the region, good farm and mining land, trade routes and the like. More slaves. Although with these undead being so valuable on the battlefield and manual labor I doubt we’ll need them. Except for pleasure of course.”

“Although we should probably reserve the undead for battles and on campaign they might be a wasted resource in the mines, or fields, not to metion eeping a valuable mage present at those locations to continue to serve them when they could be better used elsewhere. Then again an undead mage at a mine could prove useful. When a slave dies from exhaustion he can be risen and put to good use again.”

“Very well we shall capture this so called baron alive - until he outlives his usefulness at any rate.”

Vyona nodded pleased that she could grasp the plan and explain the problems and advantages through. Wondering if she had missed anything in her planning.

“Did I miss anything” Vyona asked frowning chewing her tusk

Vyona grinned a fierce grin as she flew for the first time.

This is fun!

She had never felt so free not since she had before she had been captured on the open plains of her own. With nothing trapping her and only the enemy before her about to meet her blade. Leaping to the ground as the giant bat used their scream to stun the men. Vyona swung her axe in two arcs severing two heads from their bodies before they could react.

Nodding to acknowledge Sylvia’s command Vyona continued to cut a swathe through the defenders on the wall. One man seemed to recover long enough touse a poor overhand swing at her. Vyona parried it easily and split her axe into his spine as if she were cutting down an old oak for lumber.

When she was finished with that man her Gladiators were already landing and dispatching the remaining wall guards. Vyona nodded satisfied with their performance.

“Form up behind me and the Warmaster. Listen to her orders first then mine. Do not let battle lust overtake you this isn’t the time for beserkers.”

Vyona controlled a smirked as she saw some disappointment at that last, before her voice cracked like a whip.

“We need the Baron alive! We have a quest to fulfill! Once we have fulfilled it we’ll see about giving you some fun!”

Vyona followed to Sylvias left as they formed up behind her in a steady jog.

Sylvia Ulfbitenn


Lost in the Crimson Twilight:

In the crimson twilight, where the shadows dance with the dying light, Red Mage Elara found herself wandering aimlessly, several miles away from the siege of Sellath. Her heart raced with worry, not only for the urgency of joining her comrades in the battle but also for the fear of being lost in the vast expanse of unfamiliar territory.

Elara was a novice in the ways of war, her skills still in their infancy compared to the seasoned veterans who marched into battle beside her. She had been tasked with a crucial mission – to unite with her direct master, Sylvia, the former War Master of the Night Court. But in the labyrinthine paths of the wilderness, time seemed to slip through her fingers like sand, and every step she took only led her deeper into the unknown.

Her mind swirled with a chaotic mix of innocence and uncertainty, like a fledgling bird thrust from its nest before its wings were ready to carry it. She clutched her staff tightly, the polished wood offering little comfort in the face of the daunting task ahead.

The distant echoes of battle reached her ears, a haunting symphony of clashing steel and desperate cries. Each sound served as a painful reminder of her tardiness, filling her with a sense of dread that gnawed at her insides.

"Forgive me, Lady Sylvia," Elara whispered into the gathering darkness, her voice barely audible above the din of war. "I am but a lost soul adrift in this sea of chaos."

But even as her words faded into the night, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She may have been inexperienced, may have been unsure of her path, but she refused to let fear paralyze her.

With renewed resolve, Elara pressed on, her steps guided by the faint glimmer of moonlight filtering through the trees. She knew that every moment counted, that the fate of their cause hung in the balance, and she would not rest until she stood by Sylvia's side, ready to face whatever darkness awaited them together.
Thorondir was nervous he hadn’t been this nervous since the Warmaster of the Night Court had pinned the Bloodwitch too the wall Thorondirs sister who had selected him as her escort. Unfortunately for Thorondir he just wasn’t in their league. Try as he might his powers were severely limited, blocked was the term one examinator had used which had stuck. Still despite that and despite knowing that Thorondir had been selected to keep an eye on Sylvia throughout her campaign. Thorondir’s first thought had been to disguise himself as a quartermaster or clerk. It would allow him access to all levels of her campaign after all from the lowest footsoldier to the officers tent, but becoming quartermaster had proven no easy task. Sylvia was meticulous and had her own officers. Besides the Night King had instructed him he wanted personal assessment on her character and state of mind and she was unlikely to be exposed to a quartermaster for extended periods of time. Fortunately they had come up with a plan. Unfortunately it meant the sacrifice of a Red Priestess. Ah well they all lived and died to serve the Night Court and the King. Or atleast some did.

Thorondir intercepted her as she approached the battle.

My apologies sister. Your presence is required for other purposes this night. By the Night Kings Command himself.” Thorondir braced himself for the killing blow then paused. Why waste an asset when one could be cultivated. Thorondir cut a lock of her hair instead of her throat. It wasn’t as good as blood but it would do.

“I am to take your place speak to no one of this night or our meeting return to your previous post until such a time as you will be called to service again.”

“By the Night King’s Command”

Thorondir bowed as he used the ritual phrase. Cultists. They were all the same. Thorondir believed in the Night Court of course and the Night King himself but he had no illusions about the power struggles within it.

The Warmaster had publicly challenged the Night King’s authority on a gathering of his closest allies which also meant his closest enemies. Thorondir would have to get close posing as this Red Priestess, maybe even position himself to kill her but he doubted it. Thorondir wasn’t in her league and such a mission would be both futile and tip the Night Kings had perhaps even provoke outright civil war between the Vampire King and the Ulfbitten clan a civil war which the Vodou Queen would use to her advantage no doubt.

Thorondir used the hair to change his appearance into the Red Priestess to the tiniest detail.

“Oh I’ll also need your clothes.”


Dressed and changed Thorondir settled into his new identity. It was odd being a woman again after so long, but not uncomfortable being a woman had it’s advantages. People tended to underestimate women, men opened up more easily and women trusted other women more easily. Even Sylvia. If her collection of her new She Orc pet was any indication.

Thorondir approached the battlefield and was challenged.

“I am a Red Priestess in service of Lady Sylvia where may I find her?”

“She’s gone over the wall with those bats and a team to capture the baron.”

Of course she is.

Thorondir sighed ”Very well I’ll be on the next wave with the bats”

Thorondir- Elara settled into travel with the bats, hoping he- she- she had to remember to start thinking of herself as a woman, as this woman would arrive in time to make an impression.


Sylvia didn’t even miss a beat as she knew that the Night Lords and Vyona’s mercenary band would follow her. Though the woman had to admit that she was surprised at how effective her newly acquired allies had turned out to be. Cutting through each enemy that got in her way the Duchess continued to head straight for the keep where the Baron was. She couldn’t allow him to escape or potentially kill himself if he decided to take the cowards way out and fall on his sword. No she needed him alive for her future endeavors, and if he wouldn’t cooperate, then there where many ways that she could make him do so,

“Vyona stick close to my side we will soon be running up against the Baron’s personal guard so things will probably get dicer from this point on.” Sylvia said this as she extended her hand forward and a blast of force shot out from it slamming into the large doors in front of them and sending them off their hinges. The men who had been on the other side were thrown back, allowing the Night Lords to sweep forward ahead of their mistress and cut down the vulnerable foes. Still the empty nature of the room beyond these men bothered the Duchess who yelled, “Spread out quickly and find the Baron he couldn’t have gotten far and as I said be careful as you will probably run into his bodyguards at some point.”

As she said this Sylvia looked over at Vyona with a curious smirk given how much had taught the orc woman recently, “So my dear… you are known to be a bit of a tracker. Lets see those skills get put to use. If you and your men can find the Baron, I see no reason that this castle shouldn’t become a base for your merry band in order to watch over our newly acquired province… well… at least until I have you properly installed as Warlord of your own lands.” Sylvia let out a hardy laugh as she thought ahead towards the future… as he planned on growing both her own and Vyona’s powerbase including allow the other to rule lands in the mainland.


The large bat that was taking groups up and over the ramparts one at a time was being shot at by arrows, one of which had pierced the protective casing around its nose that prevented it from sniffing out Sylvia's scent. As such when it landed next to Elara it began to grow adjugated. Growling out and sweeping her head around as though seeking her hated enemy Helidar only stopped at the calming touch and words of her master Zeros who then communicated to the red mage, "Already well it seems your up next..." He would wait until Elara grabbed on before taking off and landing in the secured clearing over the wall before leaving them there and taking off again. Slowly the little infiltration Sylvia had created wasn't so little with each trip.
Vyona was enjoying herself as she led her men through the chaos of battle cutting anything and everything in their path as they did so. Vyona supposed some of those poets she had been reading would have lamented the idea that she was just enacting a circle of violence, but all Vyona cared about was the moment the rush the thrill the lust of battle. It was the only time she felt truly alive. Not even a good tumble with a lover could compare although some came close.

Besides as far as Vyona was concerned her people the only ones she had ever cared about or been obliged to care about were dead her only purpose now was to get vengeance so that their souls and memories would satisfied. Poets and philosophers made things too complicated anyway. Things either were or weren’t things were as they are. If Vyona wasn’t the one doing the conquering at best Sylvia would have found another ally to do it with. Hells maybe even this very Baron they were now capturing alive. A part of Vyona still thought they should kill him and place a loyal servant on his throne instead but she had sworn an oath to follow Sylvia’s orders until the contract expired so that’s what she would do.

Another part of Vyona was assessing the differences between Gladiator combat and the raids she had been on among her people. Gladiator Arenas were by and large for entertainment a show. The crowd loved blood but occasionally they liked a build up as well, or a reenactment of a famous battle where the gladiators were put in gaudy outfits. This was different more mechanical. A figure crossed your path you killed them and moved on. A raid could be like that but it was quickly in and out, you came you killed you plundered then you left. There was no taking the position holding it and then presumably repairing it. Vyona had ordered her men to do little collateral damage both civilians and buildings. Civilians needed to populate the place after they were through or be captured for slave bounty and buildings could be used for garrison and storage until they moved on or to house said civilians who were spared. Infrastructure it was called in the books.

Normally Vyona would be getting a headache from all these logical avenues her mind would be forced to go through in scrolls but she found in combat and when it was about war her mind was clear settled allowing her to think more clearly.

Vyona nodded at Sylvia’s instructions and blinked at her blasting the doors aside.

"You'll have to teach me that trick."

Vyona grinned at learning the Town would be hers before she paused.

“Before I left the Night King contracted me to fight the Hobgoblins to the south of his territory. As much as I’ve enjoyed our time together and appreciate the offer. I won’t break my word or a contract.”

Vyona paused

“I understand if this alters your offer, but I will be happy to return as soon as that contract is fulfilled and we can… spend more time together… more closely.”

Subtlety wasn’t Vyona’s strong suit but she hoped Sylvia would get the message.

@Sylvia Ulfbitenn
Elara left the Bat disconcerted. When she had imaged flying she had always imaged it would be shape shifting into a bird herself. Hitching a ride on a bat had never even occurred to her let alone something she had been capable of imagining. Still it had been an enjoyable event Elara would have to remember that when the mission was done.

Elara made her way through the town arms folded as Red Priestess should even in the middle of a battlefield with chaos all around her. One woman came sobbing begging for her help. Elara’s hand flashed out a small knife slicing her throat in one clean motion. Elara stepped back and to the side avoiding the spray. Elara sighed at the waste. A good blood sacrifice took time and preparation but there was something to be said for harvesting blood from a battlefield.

Elara made her way to the keep at the centre of town stepping through the path that the Lady Sylvia and her mercenaries had left in there wake. It was a bloody path. The mercenaries were typical of there kind no subtleties although she supposed this was what passed for restraint when it came to thug mercenaries. Although they did seem to be effective.

Elara came upon the group just outside the keep.

“Lady Sylvia” Elara said in greeting “I am Elara Red Priestess. Lord Marcus sent me to assist you in anyway I can. I hope to be of useful service.”

Elara knew it wasn’t subtle and that Lady Sylvia would react poorly. Might even impal Elara to the wall as she did the Bloodwitch. If she was willing to do that at an official diplomatic event and it was more than possible in the middle of a battlefield surrounded by her own loyal troops who would say whatever Sylvia told them to.

This was probably the most dangerous part of her assignment the approach. Sylvia would know from such an obvious approach Elara was there to spy on her. Truthfully Elara had little hope of gaining her trust right away, but pretending to be here for other purposes would just be stupid and insulting to her intelligence.

Truthfully the next worse thing for Lady Sylvia to declare civil war within the court was for lady Sylvia to no longer be an asset. The Lords of the Court played power games all the time. This was just another one. One in which Elara was a minor player. Even an expendable one. Hopefully she wouldn’t wind up impaled to the wall.

“Please be assured I pose no threat to you or yours I merely wish to serve the Night Court. As do we all. If there is any way I can continue to further your goals in the interest of that I will be happy to serve.”

Elara paused as she began to sense something.

“For now however perhaps we should attend to the Barons Personal Guards waiting to ambush us?”

As she said so the guards launched there attack. Elara drew her knives and threw two into the throats of the lead men, before drawing a long thin dagger and taking position in the centre of the cluster of mercenaries.
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