Expansion The Future of Warfare | Vestvinfol Expansion Into Sellath

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits

It came on a moonless night, no mercy given, non required, driven by a heart as cold as ice… the Future of Warfare ushered in by its creator the Iron. Large shadows gathered in the tree line surrounding the village its palisades, their red eyes shown with an unearthly glow. A military operation summoned from the depths of hell by a year of secrecy. The creation of weapons, iron demons, that would soon unleash their fury on the innocent of people who slept quietly below was known only by those in attendance.

Bodies crafted by Vethony’s greatest mind for a reason she didn’t know, weapons crafted by smiths of the isles for reasons they didn’t know, runes woven together by druids of whom only one understood the reason. The male warriors within were trained away from society in the use of this machine, all chosen because they had no one to tie them back to home. They had drilled alongside their guardians… and if need be their executioners. Long enough had this been done, and carefully enough, that the group overall now had the added moral benefit that they would not shrink from their duty in front of their wives.

Sylvia’s cold eyes looked down at the village which itself was the most important logistical point for the military of Sellath to defend it’s northern border. Oh and she not only planned to flatten it. She wanted to make sure there was no one left alive. No impalements… no show… everyone would die… and her new formation would disappear into the night like ghost. Her own army would arrive the next day and find a town full of the dead and secure it for the rest of the central army moving through the invasion corridor.

Not even Aubin knew about this… no one did. Only her, and her daughters stood beside her. It was the first time in their lives Sylvia had exercised her control over them as the one who created them. Not because she didn’t trust them, but because she didn’t trust the world. As for their other guest… Caoilfhionn. The druid was doing something unexpected. She was there, within Sylvia’s grasp, in person. They both knew nothing would happen, as if the leader of the Moon Druids didn’t return, well… spells had been placed to make sure that many of those the Duchess cared about would die slow painful death.

It didn’t matter… the next day all that would be found by those who came through would be result of what happened her tonight… and how this massacre had happened… no one would be any the wiser, “Deploy the Der Tollwütige, make sure that once inside each one of you move quickly to block a gate. No one leaves the town of Dunveil alive…” Almost mechincal growls where the only approval given, a quite war-cry to their Duchess before battle.

The call had came.

The King of Vampires and the Cabal leader Sylvia had come together and discussed the expansion into Sellath during the vampire masquerade ball and the cabal meeting directly after. During that time a lot of plots and war plans and been discussed to further grow the influence of the already well established night court. It was important that Sylvia showed a strong force and allies to show the area that she was in fact serious about taking the domain. She also had to show the ability she had to muster up extreme strength of her allies to deter further rebellions.

Marcus had instructed that Aamon personally had to lead the night court forces into battle with him to help out the cabal leader in her efforts of expansion. Being assigned to the scouting party, Aamon made sure to meet up with Orako who was accompanied by about ten to fifteen men who’s sole purpose was for recon. Aamon him himself was accompied by about 5 elite blood bound cultists who’s sole purpose was really to protect him ultimately as even with their elite fighting ability, it was not needed in the event they needed to go in the offensive.

Riding atop of horse back, the undead red mage would ride beside Orako as they came up on the town meant for their mission. As they approached the city Aamon could feel heavy magic usage that had occurred in the now horrific town. “Orako, did forces get sent here before us?” He asked being rather surprised that the town had looked already desolate a day later then their arrival. He thought he had been informed they would be scouting the area and then the army would plan out their attacks, however what had happened here was not apart of the original plan.

One thing to note however was that their were no humans impaled so he doubted @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
the impaler was part of this attack and perhaps other forces were at play. Only investigation of the area would yield answers perhaps.

The red mage would have his answer without the samurai having to say a single word. Turning her gaze to look at him Orako cocked her eye brow and with a signal forward her recon part sped forward through the forest. Their calm quite advance had been suspended, at least until the reached the edge of the woods that surrounded Dunveil on all sides were the woman put up her hand and just as quickly as they had started moving… her scouting party came to a halt. Waiting for the red mage and his men to catch up, even from this distance the woman could see that something was wrong. All of Sylvia’s predictions on what they would find… everything… was completely out the window. Given this was Aubin’s first command without the Duchess… well… she was understandably nervous.

Pulling out her binoculars, Orako examined the town, waiting for Aamon to arrive at her side. She couldn’t understand how the mot and baily had been taken so quickly. Sure it’s garrison was small, but it had enough citizens that if an attack happened the men could be levied to fight back. Also reports had come from the Moon Druid’s scrying network that ‘possibly’ they could expect the Count of Sellath to reinforce this place given current skirmishes between the Grand Duchess forces and his own. What she could see was a distinct lack of dead outside of the town… whatever happened and if there were any survivors they must be hiding inside.

A few things did stand out… burn marks all over the wood… large burn marks. In the case of the gate that had been bashed down, it looked like a hole was burned rather cleanly through. She would wait until Aamon was at her side to say, “To answer your question… no… we were meant to be the tip of the spear. My lord’s leadership of Army Group Center is his first command outside of her Grace’s supervision. She would not deny her beloved his glory, unless there is something he didn’t tell me.”

Aubin was soon to be Sylvia’s husband after all and she could not be sure what the two talked about in the bedroom… then again… she and the Duchess shared just as much. So she doubted the woman would hide anything like this from her. It worried her to be fair, “Aamon are you able to cast any sort of spell that would allow to you to reach out and detect life in the town. If no one is alive we can move in and investigate while the rest of the army moves in. Oh and on that vein. Set me up a illusion circle to transmit back to his grace at headquarters so we can report what we find. If you are not able to... that is fine. I can get one of the druids to do so.”

Orako teasing was not gentle. With the Moon Druids she knew where they stood, she knew what she would get despite their cryptic ways and information. These Red Mages where not trust by the Iron Lady, who saw them as an 'influence' on her 'older sibling'. She would have preferred to use a druid, but they couldn't wait. After all if the town really was empty, they needed to move quickly to secure it and fortify it before the forces of the Count arrived. This was not just a campaign to take Sellath. No, Sylvia had marshaled a big enough army to fully secure this small corner of Boridion. The title of Queen was always on the Iron Ladies mind and Orako fully intended to see that Prince Aubin helped his betrothed gain her throne… and a Kingship of his own.

The skeletal figure listened to Orako as she described what she believed to be the plans of the Iron Lady, a woman among the highest echelon of the Night court. She was the closest to the King himself along with Harrul, and Nepheli. Orako however was someone he hadn’t quite interacted with and was the first time really working closely together with her. As she explained everything and then proceeded to ask him to use magic to survey if any life was among the town, Aamon nodded and rose up a large staff to which he would point it towards the city and then initiate his magic. “Search…” With a simple command the magic Imminating from the staff would ring o it like a invisible pulse only to be seen by highly magical adept users.

The magic used would search for any life around the entire town. Anything organic and living would report back to their presence to the Red Mage. After a few minutes, Aamon would look over to Orako who he would give a head shake to acknowledge physically that no one was left alive in the town. “It seems all are lost… none to give a tale of what has transpired here…” Aamon spoke out. Who ever had gotten there before them really left no survivors to tell any tales about what happened and ultimately didn’t want anyone revealing their identity. The question was were they friends or foes.

Aamon knew that if they continued to survey the area perhaps he could use magic to see if he could pick up on any traces of magic that could recreate the story in the town. With the burn marks scattered across the lands surely magic had been used. When Orako asked him if he could use a spell to create an illusion, Aamon simply shook his head. Illusions weren’t what they wanted to use to communicate back to Aubin, what he would do was Astral Project themselves to the Aubin speak to him directly. “I can astrally project you to speak to the Lord himself, much more efficient…” He noted to the woman and would await for her next move before proceeding further.

Tag: @Orako Kurosawa

Location: Sellath on the march towards Dunveil
Outfit: Riding Armor
Equipment: Sword and Spear
Tags: @Orako Kurosawa | @Marcus Aumont | @Sylvia Ulfbitenn


Aubin was a bit on edge as he led the bulk of Sylvia’s army towards Dunveil. It was quite the strategic spot on the map. Aubin had studied the map night after night, to know with complete certainty that was the case. This would not be the first time that the Prince would lead the men into battle. But it had been the first time that Sylvia was not there looking over his shoulder. Of course Mabile Papon and @Teafa Oistigin were there to advise, but as far as the soldiers were concerned Aubin’s word was final.

Orako and a group of scouts were sent ahead of the rest of the army. Aubin might have limited battle experience, but he had the fundamentals pressed upon him often since arriving into the court of Duchess Sylvia. He knew that he could not be surprised, even though he had a suspicion that Sylvia was going to have a hand in the downfall of Dunveil. Orako was his most trusted and talented ally and so he trusted her to be his eyes and ears.

The village would be reached before night fell. But the physical signs of what had happened there were far beyond Aubin’s abilities to sense, but it seemed that the damage had extended beyond the town. Mabile gave a hiss at Aubin’s side and she pulled on her horse’s reins. Aubin lifted a hand to signal the rest of the army to come to a stop as Mabile moved to investigate what appeared to the Prince to be the wreckage of a cart. Though not caused by anything he could recall.

”What is it? Is that really a cart and horse? What the Hell did that?” the Prince questioned his bodyguard and advisor.

”Cart, horses, people,” Mabile answered with a nod of her head and a disgusted look on her face. ”What did this? I can’t even begin to imagine. I’m betting your fiancé knows though. She didn’t share?” the reason Mabile suggested Sylvia might be involved became more evident when she raised a piece of fabric in the colors of the Count of Sellath.

Aubin sighed. What was going on here? Should he stop and do a thorough investigation and delay the attack on Dunveil? Before he could ask Mabile and Teafa a vision of Orako appeared beside him. The prince was initially taken by surprise, but he managed to keep his composure as Teafa cracked a smile in response to his ever so slight jump. ”Hello there,” Aubin smiled feigning confidence. ”We’ve come across an interesting find. What is the status of Dunveil?”

What was found along the road wasn’t as simple as a few wrecked carts… oh no it was much more than that if one looked closer. The scene around the small supplies caravan looked like it had been a fight for the lives of all involved. With all four of the men-at-arm in escort along with their horses dead, including the six men who were driving the carts themselves. However with closer inspection one would start to find that things were not just what they seem. Yes it was an obvious ambush, but the question at this point was what had killed them… and it was in these details that their was evidence of magic left behind. Magic that both Teafa would be able to fill with her magical abilities, and the evidence of what that magic had done which anyone could see with their eyes.

A few of the men had clean holes burned right through their bodies, and on closer inspection it would be found that this was the common cause of death even to the horses all of whom had been killed. Whoever did this wasn’t even looking to capture such valuable animals. The destruction of the jaws of the men was also another strange thing… as though… someone didn’t want them to speak even in death. The same had been done to the horses as well. Now not every man had died by the strange burns which covered the carts… no some looked like they had been hit with the force of a charging knight… or the way a man looked after Sylvia actually tried to physically punch their head off.

Also the ground had traces of wind magic scattered about, that radiated out from two pair of foot prints which were not like the others. One pair was much larger… claw like… however it could be explained as a fancy pair of armor with decorated boots. It wouldn’t be the first time such a thing was done. Still it was the size that was the problem… whoever wore it would be able to look down on Orako in her werewolf state. It almost made anyone who knew about that glad that the need for a natural full moon wasn’t a prerequisite for Orako to use that ability.

The most basic thing that could be gathered from the foot prints is that whoever arrived did so using wind magic as a method of ‘jumping’ or ‘flying’. As there was no evidence of someone putting the ‘wind at their back’ to move quickly. Beyond that who or what had done this was anyone’s guess, but luckily the prince’s retinue all had the skills needed to piece everything together. Teafa magic… Mabile’s tactical experience… and Kadlin’s tracking abilities… still the real question was where was this mysterious force now… and what was Orako’s report all about.

“Do not think that I don’t know the difference mage. Astral Projection of the soul can be achieved without magic in my homeland through intense mediation. You will not be transmitting my soul anywhere. A simple illusionary spell over a distance will do. The High Queen… right… you Red Mage’s could not come close to equaling her magic. If his Grace sent you then I am sure you good at your job… this is urgent. If the town is abandon as you say then his Highness can take without a fight and secure the area without a single loss.” A gleam appeared in Orako’s eye at the kind of glory the young man could take from that. Noemi could spin tales of that to use as propaganda against their enemies, making Aubin appear as a prodigy of a general during his maidan command.

She would wait until the spell was prepared which eventually caused her image to appear in front the prince and his bodyguards. The samurai was amused at the fact that her appearance startled him, but she had no time to tease the young man. No this was a chance they had to seize, “There is no one left alive in Dunveil according to the Red Mage. He used his mage to look around the area and there is no one. I request permission to enter the town and scout ahead to make sure, but I would advise speeding up the movement of the troops. We know that reinforcement from the Count will be here soon, and defending the captured palisade and the area around will only make the upcoming battle that much easier.”

She was also worried about Aubin’s personal safety and so she hoped that they could set up a command center inside of the fort. The biggest problem was that they didn’t know what this new threat was, and for all she knew she might have to turn into a werewolf at some point just to protect the prince from it. So it made her slightly uncomfortable not to have him close to her side, “We will move out on your Grace’s orders…” It would be Aubin’s decision in the end.

All of the Red mages were masters of their craft, most trained under the most experienced mages and had various different backgrounds. A few in the inner court of Marcus himself like Agatha and Celeste however had trained directly under the King himself and were formidable mages. To serve such a man required such talents, if he could be called a man at all. No the King was a monster among monsters. Feared across many lands, told in bed time stories much like ten feared Demon King. All anomalies.

With a wave of his staff Orako would find herself projected through the use of illusions before Aubin. She had much proud in some High Queen however she held no candle to the King of Vampires in his opinion and he would be interested to see her magically adept ability against some of the elites in the Red Mage court. It was said that if each of Marcus’s red mages came together it would be a disaster due to the sheer volume of power each of them held. Aamon himself controlled various elements at a mastery level.

With Orako speaking to Aubin about how to proceed, Aamon continued his own surveillance, as he started to summon his own magics to find traces of magic in the town. If he found some traces he was hoping to research who had initiated such magic and if he came into contact with them to unveil the user.

Tag: @Orako Kurosawa
Location: Sellath on the march towards Dunveil
Outfit: Black Dress
Equipment: N/A
Tags: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn | @Aubin Belyea-Le Lieur | @Marcus Aumont


Teafa waited for a moment as Aubin and Mabile discussed the findings of the destructive scene. It seemed quite evident that something was active in this area. At first Teafa thought these folks were simply in Orako’s way. Then the sensation of a new magic hit Teafa and she knew something else was in the works. As the image of Orako appeared and Aubin started to interact with his first bodyguard, Teafa dismounted her horse and moved to Mabile’s side to help investigate.

Mabile was a proper noblewoman. She might also be a great warrior, but the first made her a little hesitant to dig into the gory details of the scene before them and to see what had become of the poor souls that had been put down as an effect of war. Teafa was the dark sort, she had no hesitation at all and was quite curious actually. ”Looks like burns,” Teafa stated looking over to Mabile curiously. ”From something that is way hotter than ever existed in nature. This is magic.”

Mobile nodded with a frown on her lips. ”Such a waste. Is there a rogue mage on the loose? Our folks wouldn’t kill the animals would they? Look like quality horses.”

Teafa looked closely at all the dead. ”If it was a rogue mage, they had something else very strong with them. Not all these men died of the burns. But they were killed just as quickly. And whatever it was…is huge and aided by magic.”

Mabile nodded her understanding and then listened to Orako’s report from afar. ”Nothing left? The same thing as this? Taking out a whole city?”

”Things,” Kadlin stated with a smirk as she appeared between the two women. ”We can track them if you want. But I bet if we just head to Dunveil that will be a better tactic.” The other two women nodded to that.


Location: Sellath on the march towards Dunveil
Outfit: Riding Armor
Equipment: Sword and Spear
Tags: @Orako Kurosawa | @Marcus Aumont | @Sylvia Ulfbitenn


Aubin tried to listen to the discussion between his advisors and still hear Orako’s report. It proved too much and he devoted his entire attention to Orako. He would converse with the others when this communication was complete. The Prince loved magic. It was quite fascinating. But, he also lacked complete understanding of it, and that led to fear in trusting the nature of magic too far.

Orako’s report came as quite a shock to Aubin, but this shock he did well to keep from showing visibly on his face. They were at war. Anything could have happened. The fact that Dunveil was seemingly devoid of life was always a possibility. Though Aubin was curious how and why this had occurred so close to his own invasion. ”If you trust the information this mage gives you, move forward and see what you can discover. Based on the looks given by Teafa, Mabile and Kadlin we will only be delayed here for a short time. Once we are moving I will increase the pace of the army.” He gave a sharp nod in farewell to Orako, along with a smile that only she would see.

”Clean up is not our responsibility,” the Prince said to his other advisors as Orako’s image faded. ”Is there more that can be discovered here? Or can we discuss findings on the way to Dunveil?” Given that the decision between the three advisors was to move forward there was a silent nod and the three returned to their horses ready to give their liege their reports as they rode forward.


A yawn left the sentry who watched out over the blackened field, the torch he carried barely enough to light the dark in front of him… and sadly not enough to give away the large black shape that charged across the field towards his position on the palisade walls. The only warning he would have that something was the look of terror of his fellow guard’s face as the two men walking towards stared past him in terror. A large shadow cast over his back as a metallic wrapped around his neck squeezing off any ability, he had to cry out in terror… a metal tube extending and projecting out two red beams of magic in rapid succession that cut down the men as soon as it collided with their chest. It was the last thing the poor man saw before with amazing strength… the being which held his head broke his neck with a sickening crack.

All around the fort this simple operation of taking the walls without allowing a single guard to let out a signal was going well… except for two hiccups. The first being a carriage that left the city just before the operation was carried out. The second being the innate risk that came with using the Tollwütige Armor. Sylvia had held back a pair of her warrior’s in reserve, but once the carriage was spotted the pair had to give chase into the woods, to make sure that no one was left alive… who could come back and bring reinforcements to the fort. Afterall this was not just a test, but she planned to make sure the small town could be captured quickly and without any losses on the part of her armies. As for the second problem being… well…

It all happened so fast that Sylvia hardly had time to react. On the wall facing her position apparent the guards watching that part of the fort were some of the strongest men they had… and got the jump on her warrior in Battle Armor as soon as she leapt off of her partner, activating the wind magic in her boots, that carried her up to the ramparts of the wall. Where she landed, but before she could get off a shot the two largest men she had ever run into jumped her… and the sight of his wife going down was enough to set off the second in command of the Tollwutige in his maidan battle.

The man entered into a state of psychosis, the gate before him becoming a mere obstacle for his ‘god like body’ and his beloved. As he rammed forward into it after blasting off the beam of his magical weapon. Giving away at least that part of the surprise attack… though luckily for them… Sylvia who was watching didn’t hesitate catching Caoilfhionn completely off guard. It was as though the world blinked in that moment, and the Iron Lady who had been standing about ten feet away was suddenly standing behind the high druid. An unbreakable grip resting on the woman’s shoulder as she growled, “Get me in contact with Helson now before I break you…”

It took all the Grand Duchess will not to kill the High Druid, but she needed her… and she knew what would happen if she let her instincts get to her. Caoilfhionn didn’t flinch at the pain nor the threat, as she knew Sylvia could carry it out. The Iron Ladies grasp on Chrono-Magic made her harder and harder to control, but the Moon Druid had her ways, which is why she didn’t worry. So she did as requested and connected Sylvia’s mind to that of the man in the suit,

“Helson you fool calm yourself, remember your training. Do you think that you can save her acting like that. If you attract to much attention you won’t be able to reach her in time. Stop… count to ten… trust in those you have learned beside. Do exactly what I say… use your weapon to slice the gate hinges. Then use your strength to ram through… and then kill those who would hurt Melia with your bare hands.” Behind every word Sylvia put every bit of her Abhertrach influence. She had swallowed her pride to learn how to use the ability more effectively from Marcus. A strange request on her part, but secretly it was for this purpose… no other reason. Yes even the Vampire King had played his own small part in creating the Future of Warfare. Something that Sylvia was sure he would find more amusing than annoyed about.
Whenever the scouting party would approach the town, everything that they had seen from afar would be correct by their original estimations. No one came out to confront them, nor was their any sign of life in the local area. Not even the livestock was left alive, it was completely scorched earth. The citizens of Dunveil looked like they had been caught so off guard that not even the towns levy had been able to assemble to defend the walls. Looking in most houses the food, and such was still resting on plates as though everyone was either just sitting down to the evening meal… others died in their sleep of the mysterious wounds that inflicted everybody.

These same wounds matched the burn marks along the gate and on the walls, and burned through the chain-mail of the sentries that had fallen off the wall. Each gate looked like it had been opened from the inside, as though someone had let the invaders in, except for the one that faced the direction Orako and her part would approach. This one was different… the hinges of the gate looked like they had been cut with extreme heat. Then the entire gate was bashed down and now laid out before them on the path.

This path also had the same large footprints that had been reported back to them from Aubin and the militaries position in the forest. Whatever had come through here was something larger than any man. Speaking of man… two of the sentries bodies could be found near the gate on the ground, or at least what was left of them. It looked like they had been pulverized over and over again by a great and mindless force. Leaving them almost unrecognizable as more than fleshy paste.

Then there was the matter of the mystery burn marks on the walls and the bodies… all it would take would be a simple touch by Aamon to realize its source by some sort of fire magic. This was not the strangest part though. What was really strange was how familiar this magic would be to the Red Mage. Something about the spell and its very base formation stemmed very deeply from the types of magic that the Red Mage’s’ preformed, but how that got here… into a land where they were rarely allowed without supervision was strange. Sylvia was known for her favoritism for the Druidic orders, and as such didn’t allow groups like the Red Mages to operate in Suthra without supervision… something was going on.

Aamon continued to survey the village when suddenly he came upon the site of two men, or what use to be men. The very sight would be horric for any normal human, but Aamon wasn’t exactly human. Whatever cause the damage from his finds could use extreme force and magic it seemed. Placing a hand over the magic he could tell the source of the magic was extremely potent, much like those in the Red mage court, however he knew that no one had been ordered to attack the village other than himself so it was odd that the magic was fairly similar to his own kin.

Something was going on here. Only few mages could use such high level fire magic as it was used in this village and in particular they wanted it to seem like the Red mages had used such arts. Such was blasphemous because it would insinuate that the King himself or one of the cabal leaders perhaps had made an order to obliterate the village. Such was dangerous to play around with. Standing up, Aamon would keep a straight face as he would look back to Orako. “This magic done here has been done by an extremely powerful mage, we should proceed with caution… also from the looks this mage also would have augmented strength…” whatever had encountered this village they wouldn’t want to face without some type of strategy he would surmise. In his head he would imagine the assailant was also rather quick if the village was taken by surprise.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn @Orako Kurosawa
It had been a few months since the expansion efforts into Sellath had been underway, Aamon had been assisting in the efforts of the armies with his magic usage. Keeping cautious and staying in the rear guard was the smartest options as he would be one of the few able to handle a threat outside of Sylvia herself and Orako. Magic of the caliber he had seen months ago was extremely powerful magic and strength exhibited. Luckily in their expansions they hadn't been met with such force and the undertaking had gone quite nicely. The did maintain a good defense, and that was what was holding up the efforts. He was sure with Sylvia's tactics, they would siege the city soon enough. In this expansion, Aamon was only present to be a vessel that ensured Sylvia's victory and therefore expanding the influence of the Night Court.

The King had vested interests in ensuring that Sylvia's expansion efforts continued so that the Night Courts influence would be spread deeply into the woes of man. The dark influence would spread so far that they would not be able to be contested. A new world order was on its way. The only real threat to the night court was the demon king and his kind. They were one of the major contenders that opposed the Night Court and they couldn't have that. Coming up behind Orako and Sylvia, Aamon would await any further orders that would point to the victory of the campaign.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn

Sylvia had to admit that she was surprised at the resistance that the people of Sellath had put up to her campaign. She had a feeling that they were getting outside help from someone, but she had yet to figure out who. Her personal ability to extend an intelligence network far from the lands of the Isles where not exactly what was wanted it to be… and Nora had been rather busy keeping communication between her Cabal and that of Marcus together recently. There was also the matter of the Tollwutige who she had to keep in the shadows during the campaign. Oh they had done their part in smashing centers of supply behind the lines, but it was the fact she had to keep them hidden from the night court that was a real problem.

Well that was no longer a problem as they had finally surrounded the last castle of the Baron who ruled over Sellath. Her men had dug investments and slowly the noose was being closed in. She saw no reason to rush and with Aamon at her side she had seen to a plan that would waste very little manpower… in fact it would allow them to continue from campaigning in Sellath and move right on to Trygenn. She was having his undead build a tunnel under the castle walls so that they could both invade up from below as well as potentially set off charges and blow up the walls with various magical runes. Ah, sometimes she wondered if they where not coming to the days when such castle walls might be made obsolete by magic and technology. Oh but then they would just make better walls,

“Aamon how is construction going on the tunnels? I wish to make a personal inspection of them myself if things are getting close to being ready for the assault. I expect you to use your best shock troops in the fight.” Sylvia had a double edge reason why she did such things. True those like Aamon could raise more undead, but the best fighters where harder to come buy and still had to be equipped. It was her way of forcing the Red Court to use up their resources for her gain, and decrease their power on her land. All the undead Aamon was using was part of local ‘garrisons’ of undead that Sylvia had allowed the Red Court to build on her land… at their own expense… the only thing she did was give them the boats to ship in the undead from aboard.

True she might not have liked the Moon Druids, but she knew them. They where an organization that she understood exactly where she stood with them. In the end she knew they would back here because she was the Moon Mother, but she couldn’t say the same for the Red Court. They backed her because Marcus said so, and she always worried about the potential conflict that might happen between her pure-blood sire and the King of the Abertachs.
The Night Court served Marcus and his Cabal Leaders with ultimate allegiance to the King of Vampires himself. Aamon had been put on a task to assist Sylvia in undertaking the expansion of her empire which would only further the influence of the Night Court. Sylvia was the Commander of the Night Courts forces and therefore she held a higher role among many in the court even the Cabal. While Marcus was untrusting at times, he also knew that Sylvia was someone who he could trust to an extent. A predator among the highest levels of existence still had human flaws unfortunately and it was to be expected of even those ascended to a higher level. You see the King of vampires had experienced many things in his life span that outdated all of the vampires currently alive. He was around during the tail end of the warring god period and knew what true betrayal and strife was in its essence.

Marcus thought everything in this life to be a game of sorts, and even among his most 'trusted' he played games that enlightened him to their very nature. Living for centuries created boredom in seeing things repeatedly. Because of that the King of Vampires often kept himself entertained in many different facets. Aamon himself was not only assisting Sylvia but also now that he was aware of an unknown source that held magics similar to the Red Courts, he was truly in investigation mode as he didn't want the attacks to be portayed as a betrayal directly from the King himself. Secretly little did he know the King had no real worries about a group that had the ability to use such high potent magics similar to his Red Mage Court. No everyone among the court knew he was direct, and if he had wanted to sabotage something among his own court he would do it so many would see.

The question was then who wanted to frame the very King of Vampires or use such high level magics under his nose. Aamon being who he was would fulfill his purpose of investigating further while beknows to him the King already had some ideas of what was transpiring. Upon Sylvia asking directly of what was going on with the tunnels, Aamon would snap out of his trance and reply to the Cabal Leader. "The tunnels are nearly complete, and I would welcome your full inspection of them, the use of the undead in such matters has its benefits such as tireless construction." He commented to the woman before hearing her statement regarding the shock troops. The resources of the Night court was vast, especially with using undead. Currently the undead used to create the tunnels were lower undead, however those he was ready to summon for this siege were those of a more fitting caliber authorized by the King himself to assist in the taking of the province. Aamon was even surprised he had allowed him to use one of his champions personally when it called for the need. "Yes once we lay siege on the province, I am ready to use more of our heavier arsenal." The King wanted Sylvia to succeed, and succeed in this effort she would most definitely be granted.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
Vyona survived the vast array of forces on the campaign. It was impressive and for the first time Vyona understood the practical reasons for logistics. Reading the war manuals was tedious and boring on the subject but every general worth reading insisted on their importance. There were horses, soldiers, mages, carts, wagons, armor, weapons, food, water a means of building forts, siege engines, and in this case sabotage tunnels. All of which had to be paid for in exorbitant amounts of money.

Vyona had to admit that the undead were proving particularly useful in the construction and maintenance as well as guarding. They never slept, never ate and never needed to be paid. In either wages, contracts or loot. Vyona was beginning to appreciate how valuable and lasting such a force was. Personally when it came to fighting Vyona still preferred flesh and blood warriors. Although there was increasingly something to be said of having valuable and powerful mages in a military battle.

Vyona herself hadn’t seen the results of what happened to the palisade town but she had heard the rumours spreading through the camp. The entire town dead. A ghost town. Through magic. Potent magic. Vyona wasn’t sure how, not yet and she was sure her new employers would keep it a closely guarded secret, but it would be a useful spell and method to know.

She wasn’t sure of the full capabilities of the Night Court mags but she felt herself unsuited to the vampiric magic. There was however a hum coming from the Moon Druids. Vyona herself had noticed her attunement during the phases of the moon. She grew stronger, fiercer her smell heightened. Her people had called it her Wolf Spirit. The Shamans and her legends had said in time and training she would be able to turn into one herself. Vyona had always been more interested in martial pursuits.

Interspersed with her lessons on campaign were ones with the quartermaster. She had found the division of coin based on material and weight fascinating comapritive prices of grain, caskets, carpentry, fort supplies, weapons and armor however had proven to be mind numbingly dull and boring. Still Vyona was determined to learn it if it assembled a force such as the one present.

Despite her fascination with these new and exciting forms of war. Vyona was itching for a fight. In fact she was itching for a battle. A real battle. With enemies after enemies to fight and cut down not just the single combat and moc battles of the arena or the skirmishes of her tribe and people. She wanted to experience one in the flesh up close. She was growing impatient. Patience had never been her strong suit. Well except when hunting she supposed. That made her thoughtful perhaps a siege was like a hunt. Tracking down a dangerous monster wearing it down until you swooped in for the kill.

They had brought her here to fight after all, but all she had done so far was a lot of marching and riding. Vyona stamped through camp looking for her employer the leader of the campaign who had dared to challenge her to a match the first time they had met.

Vyona found her inspecting the construction of the tunnel. Which made sense she wasn’t the type of leader that would leave important work to others.

“When does the battle start?” Vyona asked with a grunt “When do I get to fight? You brought me here to fight didn’t you? All I’ve done is march and ride and poor over scrolls.”

The Night Court Sylvia Ulfbitenn


“Very good Aamon you do the Red Court credit. Maximum efficiency with minimum complaining. I can see why Marcus sent you, the last thing I need is one of your kind forgetting their place like at the Masquerade.” Yes Sylvia seemed to have an open dislike of the Red Court and as such would use their stocks of undead for cannon fodder, on top of the way she acted coldly towards them. She saw their presence in the North as a direct threat to the Moon Druids who worshiped her as the Moon Mother… despite her differences with Caoilfhionn in the past… her own magical growth as well as other events had created an ‘understanding’ as it were. If anything it was a better the devil you know situation, as despite the Red Courts claims of ‘servitude’ Sylvia found it hard to trust such… servile mages.

In this situation though, she hardly had any need or desire to… frame him, “Just make sure that you don’t let your undead forces get out of control. The last thing I need is to have my warriors feel like they didn’t get a proper fight… and here she is now! I was just mentioning you…” Sylvia hardly said anymore than that, before she gave Vyona a greeting much like she had at the Masquerade, grabbing her the collar and pulling her into a headbutt. The Iron Lady didn’t hold back now just like she hadn’t back then, coming back from it with a hardy laugh as the Orc woman provided that bit of entertainment that no one else could,

“Don’t worry you will get your chance, sadly there have not been any open battles this entire campaign or else I would have given you the blood you sought after sooner.” Said statement was a strange one given the land they were in. Yes, it could be explained away that Sylvia out maneuvered her enemies, or even used other magics against them, but without every person who created the puzzle of this campaign getting together and comparing notes… they wouldn’t see that this wasn’t the case. No it was not just in the palisade town that the Tollwütige had been deployed, but like ghost they where never there in the aftermath… keeping the enemy confused and separated and never allowing them to gather into a cohesive force,

“You see after all that marching around we have them trapped like rats here…” She slung an arm around Vyona’s shoulder, pulling the other close as she pointed towards the castle, “All we have to do is break inside and you can kill them to your hearts content, but as you wanted me to teach you the right way to do this correct? Well you see before we send in you and your important gladiators who are all precious to me, I am having this mage empty the crypts of the red court to soften up the enemy. What kind of Mother would I be if I didn’t watch after the safety of my children… oh don’t worry you will get your chance. You are of no use to me as a dull blade…”

Sylvia wouldn’t use the undead to the point that it kept her living human warriors from staying sharp. She also had other tools in the background that she could through at her enemy, including the beings that lived in the forest around Vestvinfol… but those where harder to control.
Vyona smiled ruefully as Sylvia greeted her with a head butt and shook her head to shake the feeling. It actually wasn’t that of an uncommon greeting among Orc’s as long as you knew the other person well. Usually reserved for familiarity, but Vyona supposed that she was growing affectionate of her new commander. Though Vyona didn’t doubt that she would be used for her ambitions, she didn’t mind that so much that was the life of a mercenary after all. Atleast she was no longer performing for the entertainment of others. Though Vyona had grown comfortable enough in that life it was a relief to have her own freedom once again. She had actually enjoyed that part of the marching even if someone was still telling her where to go and who to fight it was on her own terms.

“As long as I get some blood on my axe” Vyona muttered slightly disappointed. Vyona was still learning the means and methods of a campaign and that of a siege, but so far it had all been theoretical position of forces. Very little fighting to be done. Next time she was on a campaign she would insist on being with the Outriders at least then she would have a chance at engaging in a skirmish or two before these long sieges where nothing happened. Vyona had finally understood the phrase of most of warfare is boring that she had read in one of the manuals she had been assigned. Vyona let out a huff at disappointment at still being denied the blood of her enemies.

Vyona lifted her head in anticipation when she learnt that she would be fighting soon and that when she did she could kill to her heart’s content. She also considered that it was useful to have your enemy trapped like this just like when you backed them into a corner in the arena, or prey during a hunt. Vyona would have to try and remember to treat this more like a hunt in the future, patience in a calm state of focus such as that was no hardship. So long as you were rewarded with the kill in the final moments. If you missed the kill the entire thing became a bitter disappointment.

“Well I’m happy that my Gladiators are of value” Vyona acknowledged grumbly “I had begun to worry they would be doing all of the fighting as well. They were useful for all of the manual labor of course even if it did leave me with nothing to do. The fighting though that required skill and fury that so far she hadn’t seen them possessed.”

“I suppose it also made sense to soften up the enemy with a wave of undead first.”
Vyona acknowledged. “Several of the manual’s I’ve been reading have insisted on using the lighter troops to soften up the fortifications before sending your real fighters in.”

Vyona grunted into a snort. Sylvia maybe many things but she wasn’t Vyona’s mother.

“Well Mother I will make sure my blade stays sharp.”

“I think I should also be learning from your Mages?”
Vyona said with a thoughtful frown. “They have proved useful on this campaign and here. I don’t think I’m suited to your death magics, my people had some blood magic but it was considered..distasteful, but I have a… sense with predator’s and it is stronger with the Full Moon. I would like to train in these arts as well.”

“These Druid’s I have heard so much about seem much like my Shaman’s or atleast related arts?”
Beneath the darkened skies, the earth trembled with the efforts of Aamon's undead forces. They tunneled tirelessly, their mindless obedience driving them deeper into enemy territory. In the dim glow of his red mage robes, Aamon stood overseeing the operation, his eyes flickering with an eerie light.

"Of course," Aamon replied smoothly, though inwardly he cringed at her mention of the masquerade ball and his companions. "Your confidence is, as always, inspiring."

Upon her instructions not to let the undead go wild, Aamon responded with certainty. “Without a doubt," Aamon said, maintaining his polite facade. "Their loyalty is unwavering, much like yours to our liege."

Commenting further on the mission, Aamon reassured Sylvia. "Rest assured, the tunnels will be ready. Our enemies will fall before they even see the light of day."

Aamon disappeared into the shadows, Aamon's smile faded, replaced by a scowl. "Zealous fool," he muttered under his breath, turning back to his undead forces. "Continue the work. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can be rid of her insufferable presence."

With renewed determination, Aamon directed his minions, the tunnels expanding with each passing moment. Though bound by duty, his disdain for Sylvia simmered beneath the surface, fueling his resolve to succeed despite her interference.

Tag: @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
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