Character Taillte Ulfbitenn

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Taillte Ulfbitenn
Alias(es): The Lost Child, Lady of Moonlight
Age: Born in 889
Sex: Female
Race: Human, Vampire (Abhartach)
Ethnicity: Eirish

Physical Information
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Ginger
Skin Tone: Tan, Pale
Height: 1,73m
Weight: 72 kg
Brief Description: Taillte is a woman of strong posture, almost always wearing a long blood-red dress, while her head is decorated with a jewel-styled amulet of bronze and gold details.

Social Information
Affiliation(s): Kingdom of Eirlun
Ranks and Titles:
  • Fluent
    • Eirish
    • Brythonnic
    • Gallian
  • Average
    • Sparnish
House: House Ulfbitenn

  • Well-educated
  • Mage
    • Dark Magic
      • Haemalurgy (Skilled)
      • Necromancy (Low)
    • Hedge Magic
      • Life
        • Healing (Average)
        • Herbalism (Skilled)
      • Mind
        • Suggestion (Average)
        • Illusion (Skilled)

  • Scent. She can trace the scent of creatures in relative close distance
  • Strong-Willed
  • Unnatural endurance. She can withstand excess wounds, and heal much faster than a normal human.
  • Alergic to Silver
  • Sunlight causes her powers to diminish. Prolonged exposure or being in hot climate results in presistent headaches.
  • During Full Moon, she projects no reflection.
Youngest of her siblings, Taillte was Harrul's youngest sister, born In 889 AWH. Although never truly embraced by her father, Taillte grew close to her oldest brother, Harrul. Determined to prove herself to her father, Taillte was trained in the sword as soon as she became a young adult, while continuing her initiation with her mother in the art of healing. Alas, during a journey from Dunwyn to Roadrin, during the years of the Seccession, Taillte will be taken captive by the rebel House Trangaal. For five years, she will be missing, with House Trangaal denying to sell her for ransom. It will only be revealed, years later, that Taillte will have mysteriously escaped the Trangaal captivity, venturing in a journey that has remained secret to this day. After her final return, barely a year after her father's passing, Taillte will claim her place once more in the Red Court of Dunwyn, seemingly not interested in pursuing fiefs or domains, but remaining on her siblings' side as the House's most trusted advisor, while many had implied, after her return, Taillte had fallen into the mystic art of Blood Magic... Of course, such rumours were only spawns of the family's enemies...


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