Character Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Sylvie Belyea-Le Lieur
Alias(es): Chat d'Ombre (Shadow Cat)
Born: 904
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Bayenn, Anjoin, Pottaun

Physical Information
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 112 lbs
Brief Description:

Social Information
Belyea Legacy
Ranks and Titles: Princess of Pottaun
House: Belyea-Le Lieur

Sylvie is the youngest child of High Queen Noémi Belyea. As her brother was afflicted by acking in physical strength growing up, Sylvie quickly became the favorite of her father. Sylvie received the finest toys, the finest clothes and the highest education possible. She was flaunted about court and it was whispered that her father was beginning marriage talks with very powerful families (though Sylvie always waved these rumors off as way too early).

Sylvie suffers from severe insomnia and while in her youth she filled the extra time with reading by candlelight making her breadth of knowledge on many things one of the most vast in Pottaun, for someone her age. And of course her mother encouraged her to develop her magical abilities. Once she reached a certain age she became restless and took to sneaking out of the estate.

In the streets of [city name here] Sylvie was always careful to stay shrouded in a cloak so that none would know of her true identity. She fell in with a group of street urchins around her age and learned how they stole and begged to survive. Sylvie proved to be quite good at stealth and getting into places that she shouldn’t have been able to get into. Her knowledge of the people of the area enabled her to pick out targets that had valuable items and “deserved” to lose those things for the better of the poor children of the city. In her group she is known as Chat d'Ombre, the Shadow Cat.

Holdings / Possessions:
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