Approved Ratling Gun: Multiple Rotating Barrels of Destruction

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


Name: Ratling gun
Type: Weapon
Credits: Image 1 / Image 2 / Image 3
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Description: The Ratling Gun is a horrifying technological weapon created by the Eshkin. It is a rapid-fire, crank-operated gun that fires a barrage of Doomstone bullets at terrifying speeds. The gun emits a greenish glow from its Doomstone-powered core, and its design is crude but deadly. The barrel spews green smoke as it overheats during prolonged fire. The weapon consists of two parts, one stores Doomstone until the trigger is pulled which results in a pressure change which propels Doomstone through the tube and into the main part where it then is shot out at extreme speeds.

  • Defence: Low
    • Defensive Elements: Besides the crew that operate it there are none.
  • Offence: Extreme
    • Offensive Elements: High-speed bullets, rapid-fire mechanism, overwhelming rate of fire.
  • Durability: Average
  • Scarcity: Uncommon
  • TvM Requirement: N/A


Suppressive Fire
: Can pin down enemies and disrupt their formations due to the continuous stream of bullets.

High Rate of Fire: Can unleash devastating amounts of firepower quickly.

Psychological Warfare: The relentless firing and terrifying sound create panic and fear in enemy troops.


Heavy and Cumbersome
: Difficult to transport or reposition quickly, limiting its mobility on the battlefield.

Unstable: Prone to overheating and malfunctioning due to Doomstone energy.

Accuracy: Difficult to aim precisely, especially over longer ranges.


The Ratling Gun was first deployed by the Eshkin during their assaults on Dwarven strongholds. Its overwhelming rate of fire proved devastating against tightly packed formations, but its unpredictable nature also caused several backfires, leading to explosive accidents in the rat-men ranks. Despite its flaws, the weapon is a cornerstone of Eshkin's military tactics, sowing fear and destruction across battlefields. This weapon was a breakthrough in the vermins technology development, a peak instrument of destruction that to this day finds a place in every warhorde.
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