Approved Pottaunese Foot Knights

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Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Pottaunese Foot Knights
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: The Foot Knights are sworn warriors under the many noble houses of Pottaun, marching into battle to serve as support to the main infantry lines during an enemy charge, or while an engagement turns dire, while they can also be equipped to withstand cavalry charges. Foot Knight units are usually made of 80 warriors, flying their noble liege's colours.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Average
      • Gear:
        • Tailored Chain Mail Armour
        • Enclosed or Kettle Helmet
        • Heater Shield
    • Speed: Average
    • Melee: High
      • Weaponry:
        • Halberd or Mace
        • War-Pick or Mace
        • Longsword
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Average
    • Size: Average (13-25 members)
    • Number: Regional
      • Recruitment & Replenishment:
        • Vethonny
        • Norladia
        • Anjoin
        • Aquilonne
        • Naurbonne
        • Gascaunne
  • TvM Requirement: 3vX


  • Armoured Infantry. Opposite to most Pottaunese infantry units, the Foot Knights are capable of withstanding violent engagements, as they are much better equipped and heavily armed.
  • Support and Line infantry. Should a Foot Knight unit is equipped with halberds, they are more than capable of withstanding cavalry charges, while they can also serve as support infantry, towards the front line troops.

  • Few. Although well-manned, Foot Knights are never the majority of any Merelais army.
  • Weak in the flanks. The Foot Knight units can be forced into a withdraw, if they are pressed in their flanks, or rear, which is a major weak point.

Historical Information

The Pottaun Foot Knights are professional fighters under oath to the many noble houses of the realm. In times of peace, they serve as keepers of the law and agents of their noble liege's will in the world, undertaking quests such as bodyguards of important figures, castellans, armed escorts and guard captains. When the banners rally in times of war, however, the Foot Knights muster in their regiments, serving as an elite infantry force to support the lines of troops, or fight in the front lines, against the cavalry charges.

With the spawns of the nobility being the mounted elite of the Pottaun armies, allowing these professional warriors to enter the field on horseback would jeopardize the noble Chevaliers of their rightful glory; Therefore, these warriors always march on foot, being used as infantry, rather as cavalry units.
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