Approved Ostrian Wheellock Musket


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Ostrian Wheellock Musket
Type: Technology, Weapon
Credits: Header, Musketeers
Consolidation Thread: 15+ Req!!
Description: A long-barrelled musket rifle utilizing Wheellock technology to allow additional effectiveness. Although Muskets were almost never used in older periods, by the time the Iron Cult came into power in Ostronnia, armies saw more and more frequent use of front-loading weaponry. Such muskets are oftentimes decorated depending the region, regiment, or owner, while there are cases where custom shots can be crafted, to add to the already deadly capabilities of the Musket.

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: Low
      • Defensive Elements
        • Iron armguard around the Trigger
    • Offence: Very High
      • Offensive Elements:
        • Round Iron Shot
        • Bayonette can be mounted under the muzzle
    • Durability: Average
      • Quality wood butt, stock and barrel bands
      • Molded breech
      • Iron Barrel
      • Steel reinforced stock
    • Scarcity: Universal
  • TvM Requirement: 5v1
+ Armour Piercing
+ Devastating Wounds

- Short range. Can only be effective within 200 paces
- Front-loading Weapon. Due to the mechanic of reloading, it takes a whole minute to effectivelly reload the rifle.

Historical Information

One of the most striking innovations brought to the Ostrian armies after the rise of the Iron Cult, which ignited a chained reaction all across Erova, was the adoptation of the rifle, as a mass-produced infantry weapon, which corrupted the old melee-based engagement dogma that existed previously. With the emergence of the Wheellock Musket, the Iron Cult managed to dominate the battlefields for almost 20 years, until the neighbouring nations eventually adopted the practice, causing the hated stalemate in the wars of central Erova.

The Wheellock Musket can be found anywhere in central Erova, especially in the places where trade has been established with the Iron Cult. Although the range of the weapon is somewhat limited to almost two hundred paces, the severity of wounds dealt by it make it a feared tool at the hands of the foe.
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