Character Orako Kurosawa

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Orako Kurosawa
Name: Orako
Surname(s): Kurosawa
Age: 35
Title(s): Bodyguard To Prince Aubin
Nickname(s): The White Wolf
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Skin Tone: Pale

Height: 6'10

Weight: 230

Brief Description: While her height is usually the first thing that people notice about Orako a close second happens to be her smile. A hyena like grin, and a hardy laugh to accompany it, the woman carries herself with a sense of pride in her fighting abilities that is well earned. Such is her swagger that it has gotten her into trouble a few times in the past, but as she has gotten older, and the need to watch over her little brother, has tempered his a bit.

Always carrying with her, both of her two swords at her side, her hand curled over the top of one constantly tapping on it… as he stares down at people with a cold gaze. Well… men in particular… because Orako does comes off as a passively aggressive misandrist at times. She is not fond of the opposite sex unless they have earned her respect in a fist fight, duel, or a war or words… or it is dear sweet brother.

Still she knows how the world works… and tolerates it in order to operate her way on the social ladder… which has never been hard for the woman to do. The hard part of it all is the constant stress she operates under when it comes to the curse that she was infected with whenever she was young. Every full moon she has had to lock herself away or separate herself others deep into the wilderness… as the lycanthropy over takes her turning her into a werewolf.

This curse has over time lead Orako to drinking which within itself is a double edge sword, as normally she is a fun drunk, she at times will become rowdy and combative her anger getting the best of her. The good side is that she has added it to her own sword fighting style as a way to unleash her berserker-like rage against her enemies while drinking form a flask she carries at her hip.

Like her little brother she is covered in scars from old battle wounds, and also has a large tattoo of pair of wolves on her back. One is silver and the other is white, the two got the matching pair at the same time after they had escaped from their original master.

Magic Affinity: Weak

Minor Battle Mage ability: To slightly speed herself up and add to her strength.

Skills: Blacksmithing- So she can fix and create her own weapons based on high Kyoshi standards… and not by those of the 'barbarians'.

Brewer- Orako makes her own alcohol so that she can wash away her trouble and use it for the purpose of fighting.

Zepherian Martial Art: A Secret art developed in the east to combat the rise of the use of gunpowder weapons. It requires the user to listen for the sound of the guns mechanism and move out of the way at the right time... there by appearing to have 'dodged the bullet'.


• Brawling- Orako loves a challenge, be that a brawl, or a duel, she isn't the type to sneak around and prefers to fight her enemies head on.

• Mothering- Once she likes someone Orako tends to become quiet the momma bear to her comrades doing whatever she has to make sure they are happy and healthy.

• Drinking- A day of drinking, singing, and eating… especially after battle or a fight is always a good thing in her eyes. She likes it even more if a brawl starts up during the eating part.

• Sleeping- Given that her curse throws off her sleep schedule sometimes, Orako enjoys getting lots of extra sleep. She sees it as even better if she has someone to cuddle up with.


• Failing to Protect- The greatest thing she fears is to fail to protect anyone she considers family, those she cares about, and most important of all her little brother. This doesn't mean a simple death, but to see them hurt and be helpless to stop it… even if it means provide simple comfort.

• On A High Horse- She isn't to fond of men, especially when they lord themselves over others, in an abusive position or simply looking down on someone else for whatever chosen reason. However, she isn't a fool and know the way the world works, and operates within that system. Being good in a fight has its uses after all…

• Her Curse In The Sun- She fears having her curse exposed and then used against her. How or why that really doesn't matter since it was not something that he she choose, but has been forced to live with. The idea of having it become a burden on herself so she can't take care of others, or even hurting her friends is what truly bothers her.

• Back in Chains- The last thing she ever wants to be is back in chains. Having escaped from slavery and being used by a lord as a living weapon back in her home country of Kyoshi she never wants to end up in that situation again. So even the idea of prison time bothers her enough that it can keep the large women from holding back when she normally wouldn't.


• Overwhelming Physical Strength- When it comes to fighting Orako isn't very subtle, as she sees just bashing the enemy to death as the key to victory. As such she has built her body to do that. Allowing her to punch a person in the face, or swing a sword at them over and over until she has broken their defenses.

• High Pain Tolerance- Orako has always had a very high tolerance for pain, allowing the woman to seemingly shrug off wounds that might cause another person to pause. This is made only worse whenever she is drunk… though in those cases she does cause a lot of damage to herself.

• Good Insight Check Rolls- Orako has always been able to get a good read on most people, when it comes to their intentions. How she uses that information is another matter but has always kept her one step ahead of her enemies and figuring who she can or cannot trust.

• Skilled Craft Woman- When it comes to the matter of blacksmithing the woman is actually quiet good at it. Not a master for sure, but she has what it takes to keep her own weapons, gear, and anything that she and her brother might use in top fighting condition.

Good Persuasion(Intimidation) Checks- Despite her sometimes uncouth nature, Orako knows when turn on her charm and use that to get what she wants. This is usually done by being very passive aggressive and using a subtle form of intimidation rather than straight persuasion/seduction, but… whatever works.


• Blood Thirst- When it comes to fighting Orako can lose herself to the blood lust that combat brings. This can cause her get tunnel vision on the battlefield when trying to kill an enemy or go to far in what was only supposed to be a friendly brawl or duel… this has always bothered her emotionally as she ties it to the 'animal' living inside her as she calls it.

• Temper- Orako does have a bit of a temper especially when it comes to protecting those she cares about. This can cause her to think before she acts, and this can get her as well as those who are with her in trouble.

• Her 'Family'- Given that she will to anything to protect those she considers family, it is easy to use them against. This is especially the case with her little brother whose captivity tied her like a dog to her former master.

  • Uncouth- She doesn't exactly have the best manners, and its as well trained in matters of etiquette as her little brother. So she doesn't come off with the best decorum in a high class social situation.
  • Chained to the Moon- On the night of the full every month she transforms into a terrible werewolf. Stalking the night and killing any one or thing she comes across, her only choice is to hide away during these times. If she is unsuccessful in doing so, then the consequences are what fall on her head for whatever trouble she may cause.
Curse Strength:

  • Regeneration- She can regenerate any non-fatal injury that she takes while she is in her werewolf form. However, if it is a wound that she took from before her transformation it strangely doesn't have the same healing properties.
  • Supernatural Strength- Her strength as a werewolf increases many fold that of her human form, easily surpassing that of any normal human. She also moves extremely fast in this state as the strength of her limbs allow her to bounce around quickly.
  • On The Clock- Orako has been through the process so many times, that she has an idea of when it will start. So like the lord who before used her… if she has to… she can place herself in the right spot to take advantage of her transformation.
Curse Weakness:

  • Silver- This is a weakness that affects even while she is in her human form, though even more so while she is in her werewolf form. As a human it causes a burning sensation, and leaves a mark were the metal touches, while she is a werewolf it is the easy way to kill her because not only does it act like a poison in her veins… she isn't able to regenerate from wounds caused by such weapons.
  • Blind Rage- Once Orako transforms she descends into a blind rage, unable to tell friend from foe. Those whom she would protect normally could just as easily fall prey to her lunar madness as her enemies until she transforms back into a human with the dawning of the sun.
  • Target On The Back- Given the destruction that she can inadvertently cause in her cursed state, it plants a target on her back once the secret is out. This can force her to have to leave wherever she has settled down… and leave her within out a home. Worse it can get her killed or put monster hunters on her trail.
  • Wolfsbane- This plant is just as poisonous to Orako both in her human form, and in her werewolf form as silver. How fatal it is depends on the dose and if she is transformed. If given some shortly before she transforms into a werewolf her regenerative abilities are completely nullified until the chemical has passed through her system which is normally long after she has turned back. Leaving her vulnerable to attack…

Biography: Still trying to figure everything out...
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