Approved Onix Knights


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


UNIT NAME: Onix Knights

UNIT TYPE: Heavy Infantry

AFFILIATION: The Cha Kale System


FUNCTION: To flesh out the armies of Esthorhiel​

  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Cannon
  • Secondary Weapons: Mele Weapons incorporated into the Blaster Cannon (Spear and chainsaw)
  • Armor/Protection: Durasteel armour
These warriors are members of a race called Kuonjan and are born unlike most of their kin on the moon of Zamani. These brutes bear no exoskeleton which some speculate is due to their different environment on the moon as opposed to the home planet of their species, Esthoriel. The lack of an exoskeleton and weight pushing down on the Knights has evolved them into in a much larger size than regular Kuonja after a dozen breeding cycles and evolutionary breeding. However, this lack of exoskeleton instead led them to wear black Durasteel armour. The Onicx Knights are bred for war, they are not taught to be civil, or how to live a life outside of the barracks. These beings are bred solely for the space fleet of Esthoriel and the future conquest and expansion of the Kuonjan Empire.

  • Protection: Durasteel is seen as a quite protective and useful material to make protection out of, this gives the Onic Knights a higher survival rate
  • Fire Power: Big guns with even bigger bullets make for intimidating foes
  • Slugish: Their heavy Durasteel armour, brutish weapons and their own hulking bodies add up to a lot of weight which needs to be carried around, whilst also trying to dodge attacks
  • Limited Magazine: The heavy weapons these beasts carry with them are only able to hold five shots before needing to reload, which unfortunately is a quite long process (Experienced gunners can reload in forty seconds, the medium is as one minute)


A new warrior needed to be born, a beast to run down their foes. The Onix Knights were bred on the Moon Zamani in the Cha Kale system, under the orders of the High Witches. Bred for size and strength, forced to kill to prove their place in the ranks of the Knights, these beasts are walls of determination and show little empathy for whatever they may face. Through many breeding cycles, only the favourable offspring are kept alive and trained, facing off against newer generations to test their steel. Few of the early generation are still alive, serving only as a reminder of their imperfection.
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