Approved Ollphéist


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Ollphéist
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: A hideously proportioned body that resembles the vague silhouette of a seal and a draconic creature, the Ollphéist stand up to eight meters in height and fifteen in length, from head to tail, although most of the time the largest part of their body is buried beneath bogwater or other humid dirt to protect them from the rays of the Sun.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Very High
      • Gear:
        • Slime skin
        • Oozing sweat
    • Speed: Average
    • Melee: Very High
      • Weaponry:
        • Long poisonous talons
        • Sharp diseased Teeth
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Average
    • Size: Low (4-12 members)
    • Number: Semi-Unique (Just a handful)
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: These are wildlife monsters that can be found in scattered swamplands in Eirelunn inland. Normally, each of these units is a family, which tends to be rather hard to replace after taking losses.
  • TvM Requirement: Xv2

- Carriers of Plagues. The Ollphéist, due to their natural habitat, are carriers of numerous diseases that can prove fatal to common mortals to the touch.
- Siege Monster. The sheer strength in those large beasts makes them capable of toppling gates or climbing over walls.

- Fine Targets. Due to their size, these creatures make easy prey for missile fire.
- Easily dehydrated. Being swamp dwellers, such beasts can easily succum to dehydration if they are subjected to prolonged exposure to the Sun or heat, without access to bogwater.

Historical Information
The Ollphéist has been the subject of legeds for many cultures of Eirelunn. Whether it is a dark children story, or a tavern tell-tale, the Ollphéist were always described as hideous monsters that lurked in the Eirish swamps hidden within the vast woodlands.
Such creatures were tamed, or at least lured, by individuals of great willpower and knowledge over the occult that surrounds the Eirish. When brought to bare, the Ollphéist can prove themselves great assets to one's cause, be it hideout guardians or siege monsters alike.
The Ollphéist live in few members family packs, consisting of their Mother and Father, who are believed to share a lifelong bond, and their offsprings which either succum to disease and perish, or live long enough to stray from their pack to form their own as adults.
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Greetings @Dreadheart

Your sub is looking quite juicy however, you seem to be missing some information

These are the missing parts:
Consolation thread
Unit Description
Recruitment & Replenishment
TvM Requirement
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