Work In Progress Necrocraft

May 13, 2024
Galactic Credits



Vehicle Name: Necrocraft
Vehicle Type: Interceptor
Vehicle Class: Necrocraft Class
Manufacturer: Hekate Industries
Affiliation: Obsidian Court
Crew/Passenger Capacity: 1 pilot

Length :7.2 metres

Height: 8.8 metres

Width: 6.7 metres
Armor/Defenses: No shielding tough armor that requires a touble tap
Weapons Systems:
- [Primary Weapon]: Two Blasters using dark energy.
- [Secondary Weapons]: N/A
- [Defensive Systems]: Pilot can trigger a self destruct overload of the dark energy causing an explosion that can take out up to four starfighters if they’re in close formation or do significant damage to bigger ships. These suicide bomb tactics are usually timed and targeted for maximum effect.
Propulsion/Power Source: An adaptation of Twin Ion Engine using dark energy to fuel and power the ship.
Speed/Maneuverability: 100 MGLT


4,100 G

Special Features/Modifications:
- [Special Feature 1]: A thick hide of forged dark energy that requires a double tap from enemy weapons to break through as opposed to any shielding.
- [Special Feature 2]: A circle ball of dark energy at the centre of the ship, that can be overloaded to turn the ship into a guided bomb.
Requires recharging once a day doesn't last more then three days without recharging.
A basic design Sicarius used to demonstrate her methods were feasible for mass production it is often an alchemists or sorcerers basic level entry test and job to create one as a mark of their competence. Designed for mass production and use. They are considered expendable but useful. Often their suicide bomber tactics used for great effect on the first wave before sending in Dagger Tips or just swarming the enemy.

Variants/Upgrades: Stock standard most rarely bother to modify the design as they don’t last long enough to bother.
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