Work in Progress Master Voronir

Master Voronir

Guardian of Loyalty
May 28, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** [Regus Vor]

**Alias/Nickname:** [Master Regus Vor/Darth Voronir/Guardian of Loyalty/Master Voronir]

**Species:** [Human]

**Gender:** [Male]

**Age:** [50]

**Homeworld:** [Alderaan]

**Affiliation:** [Jedi Order, Order of Shadows ]

**Rank/Position:** [Jedi Master/Guardian of Loyalty]

**Appearance:** Painted.JPGMaster_Voronir_on_throne_.jpg

**Personality:** [Light attuned, Calm, Stubborn, Loyal, Logical, Well educated (Medical Scientist), Strategic, Methodical]

Master Regus Vor


Master Regus Vor was born 3676 BBY (23 BTC) on the planet Alderaan, son to a Jedi Knight and a Smuggler. He has one brother named Trasken who is a trooper of the Republic Army and a younger sister named Yavanna who is a Gunslinger. Only Regus from the three children is force sensitive. The other two had no connection with the Force. Trasken protected their younger sister while Regus left for Tython to enter the Jedi Academy and become a Jedi initiate. He was strong with the Force and he grew quickly to the rank of Jedi padawan.

The Early Years
Regus made a good friend in the academy. A young initiate named Roman Sis, with whom he was training and passing a lot of time. The two boys were unseparated for almost 18 years. Roman though, had started searching the dark arts, secretly from the Jedi Academy. Only Regus knew about all these but he never told anything to their Masters. While the two boys reached the adolescence, a young female Togruta padawan named Asaya, joined them and soon the three became a team inside the Jedi Academy. Regus liked Asaya but he never told anything to her. The time was passing and Asaya felt in love and started a relationship with another male Togruta padawan. After a year the couple had a baby. Regus was still next to Asaya as a friend but he kept his feelings hidden. The reason he didn’t tell her anything, was that relationships are forbidden between the Jedi and he wanted to become a Jedi Master one day. However, he stayed next to the girl, aiding her any way he could. Few months after the baby’s birth, the couple broke up and Asaya was depressed. Regus decided to help her with the baby and he was trying to make her feel better. After some years, the Jedi brought an orphan human girl around 7 years old on Tython. Asaya without losing any time adopted the girl to become her second daughter and she started to feel happier. Meantime Roman was trying to convince his friends to meet the dark side like he did. Asaya and Regus both refused but Roman’s problem was only with Regus. He was stubborn and he couldn’t even talk about it. Every time Roman was trying to talk to him about a dark ritual he found, Regus was trying to convince his friend to abandon all these nonsense about the dark side. On the other hand, Asaya was refusing politely but she seemed more open-minded. The time was passing and Roman one day found the chance he was waiting for so long. The three had been sent on a mission on Alderaan by the council. There, Roman talked to Asaya and convinced her to follow and assist him on something he was trying. The same time Regus was on talks with some Alderaanian officers. The moment was perfect for Roman because Asaya was alone. He drove her into a cave and there he initiated a dark ritual to show her a small part of the dark side. Asaya accepted because she didn’t worry about the corruption. She was trusting her friend and she wanted to assist him. A disturbance through the Force warned Regus that something horrible was about to happen. He concentrated in the Force and found the location. Then he left anything in the middle, grabbed a speeder and ran to the cave as fast as he could. There, he saw his friends in the middle of the dark ritual. He ignited his blue colored lightsaber and yelled at Roman to stop. Roman distracted and lost his concentration. A higher amount of dark energy hit Asaya and she fell down dead. Regus couldn’t believe his eyes. The woman he loved was dead and the killer was his best friend. He threw his saber aside still ignited and started crying over Asaya’s dead body inconsolable. Roman left the cave and the two men didn’t meet each other from then. Regus returned to the Temple and after Asaya’s burial, he started spending a lot of time meditating. Asaya’s ex-husband took his biological daughter and left the Order. The Jedi sent the adopted girl to a noble family on Alderaan. Regus couldn’t stand it anymore and he was ready to abandon the Order too when his Master talked to him and convinced him to stay. He decided to stay in the Jedi ranks and tried to be the man he tried to become from his youth.

The Jedi Knight
Regus was entrusted with various missions on behalf of the Jedi Order. After many years and a lot of successfully completed missions, he was tasked with a mission to confront a powerful Sith Lord. Since he wasn't well prepared for that fight he lost and had been captured. The hateful Sith Lord transferred Regus on Korriban and for some time he became Sith’s slave. In that period, the Sith tried to corrupt and turn him into the dark side and for achieving that, he commanded his apprentice, a young lady named Idrill, to torture and brake him. The young apprentice tried to obey her Master and make Regus’s life difficult but due to her youth and incomplete training, she wasn’t able to complete her task. He hated torturing an unarmed person and showed compassion for him. The moments she was passing opposing the Jedi were her worst. Regus, every time Idrill was trying to break him, was telling her that this life wasn’t suited for her and that indeed there is light inside her heart. She could instead protect people and help them rather than torturing them. That was the time the young apprentice broke. She admitted that he was right looking at him with compassion and determination to help him escape from Korriban. Then, they planned together to kill the Sith Lord. Many days after, while the Lord watching Idrill torturing the Jedi, he was laughing under his mask and he didn’t notice the two Force users approaching him. That was his last mistake. He believed that he was invincible and that his apprentice would break the Jedi and finally turn him on the Dark Side of the Force. Regus suddenly jumped using the Force on the Lord’s position and stabbed him on his chest with Idrill’s lightsaber, given by her, to perform a fatal strike against the Lord. After Lord’s death, Regus followed Idrill escaping the facility and they both tried to avoid any battle with the guards. They finally got out, but the guards found their Lord dead and started searching for them. They found the two fugitives running to the spaceport and a great battle started between them. Regus alongside Idrill killed many guards but there were many more. Their fatigue and Regus being tortured all that time made the two fugitives slow and guards found the opportunity to hit them. The Force users have fallen both unconscious and the guards would kill them if a blue-skinned Twi'lek didn’t appear in time. She killed the remaining guards and put the two unconscious humans in a shuttle and sent them on planet Yavin’s fourth moon. The two finally woke up and they couldn’t realize where they were. The shuttle’s map enlightened them and they took it to travel to different destinations. Idrill traveled on Dromund Kaas and Regus on Coruscant.

Back on the capital Regus met the Jedi Order and described everything happened to him the last months. He did not mention Idrill but he talked about the mysterious Twi'lek who saved him. The Council listened carefully to his words and they realized that the Lord who captured Regus and finally died was a dangerous Sith Lord and they hunted him for years without results. For that unpredictable win over a powerful opponent, they named Regus a Master of the Jedi Order.

An unexpected ally
His next mission, as a Master now, was on Alderaan to help the Organa family defeating their enemies. There, he found his fellow friend, Idrill, who helped him survive the battle on Korriban and returned on Dromund Kaas. She was under the command of a new Dark Lord and was sent on Alderaan for a quest. He found her after he finished his mission, while she was returning from hers. They sat under a tree and talked about the past and Idrill’s future and he asked her to adopt her as his daughter. Idrill remembered the days she was trying to torture him and the hard feelings in the process realizing once more that she couldn’t be a Sith Lord herself. She realized also that she couldn’t be a Jedi either because she was still bound to revenge. She accepted Regus as her step-father but she told him she would not follow him on the Jedi path but she would remain with the Sith while she would try to assist anyone she could. It was vital to keep it a secret though because other Sith could hunt her down if they found it out.

His First padawan
The time has passed and Regus won many more battles and completed many missions. Then, a new Jedi padawan appeared on Tython. Her name was Alcalime and she was a Togruta from the planet Shili. After she arrived, she met the Jedi Council alongside Regus, who was there to inform the council about his missions. The Council decided to give her to Regus as his new padawan. Her training was going well and she was loyal to the order, more than Regus was. With his instructions, she learned to be strong, courageous, to believe in her abilities and to have compassion and love for the weak that couldn’t protect themselves. One more time he adopted a padawan as his own daughter. One day, when Alcalime became a Jedi Guardian, she met with her family. Her uncle Trasken, her aunt Yavanna and her sister Idrill. After several years of training and successful quests, Alcalime became Jedi Master too, when she completed the missions that the council entrusted her with. Master Regus named his legacy “Shadows” because they were accomplishing their missions without drawing much attention. He made some important alliances and earned a reputation among the Jedi. His two daughters remained loyal to him and assisted the family however they could.

The past finds him again
After the events on Zakuul and the war against the Eternal Throne, the Jedi Council dissolved and Master Satele Shan disappeared. Many Jedi became exiles of the Republic. Regus was one of them too. He traveled on Yavin’s fourth moon, to create an academy for young Force-sensitives. He also traveled in the galaxy to help and assist the helpless by giving food and medicines on the refugee camps. Then, one day, he traveled on Zakuul to help the citizens. There, he found a young Force sensitive girl, wounded with her memory blocked. He took her with him on the Academy for healing and restoration. Girl’s name was Visenya. After she became better, she felt thankful to her savior and decided to stay with him on the Academy. She stayed as Master Regus’s padawan. After many months of training between them, Regus achieved to make her able to pass her trials and become a Jedi Knight. The girl passed successfully the trials, she became a Knight of the Jedi and she crafted her own lightsaber before the vision of her Master. Regus tried multiple times to unlock Visenya’s memories but he couldn’t make it. However, he saw some of them during their meditations when she shared parts of them. Then, he started to connect things from his own past. He was spending many hours in the library every day searching for connections between Visenya and his long lost love so many years ago. The age was fit and the memories had shown to Regus that the girl left a Temple when she was kid. The environment was familiar to the Jedi. From then he started searching outside his academy. He was searching for information about Asaya’s biological daughter and his old friend Roman. The future will show what he will find…

**Skills/Abilities:** [Speed Enchancement, Telekinesis, Mind trick, Force Persuation, Force Nullifying Bubble Shield, Force Annihilation Beam]

**Equipment/Gear:** [Gaisal Vel's Lightsaber pike (White Kyber Crystal, Lightsaber (Purple Kyber Crystal, Beskar Chestplate, Cortosis Leggings, Boots, Gloves, Armguards, Setrion Gem, Jedi Robes (White), Jedi Cloak (Brown)]

**Ship/Vehicle:** [Phantom Class interceptor, Stealth Generator Installed]

**Goals/Objectives:** [Protect the Galaxy from the Dark Shadows, Reestablish the Shield of Vel]
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