Approved Markinimach Beast


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Intent: To create an Alchemical War Beast for the Athysian League
  • Image Credit: All art for the beast is drawn from Here
  • Role: Juggernaut Beast/Linebreaker
  • Permissions: NA
  • Links: NA
  • Age: NA
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive (Alchemical Beast)
  • Species: Markinimach Beast
  • Name: NA
  • Loyalties: Athysian League
  • Notable Possessions: NA
  • Personality: Passive, unless instructed by their beastmaster to become aggressive.
  • Training: NA, innate fighters
  • Combat Function:
    • Siege Monsters: Can attack vehicles and structures, able to cause excess damage onto them
    • Vanguard Chargers: The Markinimach Beasts can charge against enemy lines and cause tremendous casualties
    • Guard Dogs: These monsters can stand guard, requiring no food or rest.

A Markinimach Beast in battle (Credit).

  • Bestial Strength: The Markinimach Beasts have 40 times the strength of a normal Human.
  • Dark-Side Imbued: Alchemically created, these beasts have tremendous endurance against Force oriented attacks.
  • Mindless: The Markinimach Beasts do not often recognize friend from foe during battle, which forces their owners to deploy them away from their troops, in order to avoid friendly casualties.
  • Breathing Force: The Markinimach Beasts lose much of their physical strength as well as endurance when exposed to Anti-Force field of any form, as most of their true power comes from the Force-Enhancing runes and alchemised essense that they have on and within them.
The Markinimach Beasts date their origins many millennia ago. The Athysian ancient rulers, seeking for greater weapons of war to face the incursions of the Erevosian hosts, the Crimson Star Circle's alchemists performed numerous experiments, up until they created the Markinimach Beast. These monsters were carrying several ivory horns, as well as most powerful muscles, which, when armored and armed by the Athysian owning nobles, created a deadly war beast.

Although many Hive City-States have stories of these beasts being used in huge numbers against alien invaders, the reality on Athysia is much different. After resource-costly process and time consuming rituals to create such beasts, the Markinimach are deployed as elite units of the Stratis Hosts, carrying the pride and determination of the Hegemon with them. Although they are being used in battles, these creatures cannot easily recognize their allies, which makes them uncontrollable. To utilize such trait, Hegemons tend to use dropships, throwing these beasts deep into enemy lines, or send them charging against thick formations, which weakens the enemy significantly, before the beast is eventually killed.

Such creatures can also be found as guard dogs of holy sights and Hegenika palaces in Hive City States. Without the backing of an army, anyone's will to break in, or raid tombs, palaces, temples, or other sites protected by such guards, is quickly erased by the sheer capability of such a creature against singular targets.
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