Approved God's unholy gift: Doomstone

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
Type: Magical mineral
Credits: Image 1 / Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Description: Doomstone is a crystalline substance of pure Chaos energy, often appearing as jagged, greenish-black rocks that pulse with an eerie glow. Its physical properties can vary ranging from dust-like particles to massive stones, but its essence is consistently dark and volatile. The material emits a poison aura, slowly killing and corroding anything near it. Doomstone is highly coveted by dark sorcerers and Eshkin, who use it to fuel forbidden magic, enhance alchemical creations, or conduct cruel biological experiments. Its raw power is immense, but its instability makes it extremely dangerous to handle. Although Doomstone does not distinguish between who uses its power, a level of attunement is required if one wishes to amplify their magic. In addition, the nature of the spells cast will affect how much of the power of the stone one can draw from, where necromantic and chaos magic can tap fully into the might of Doomstone due to their darker nature, a more natural or even heavenly type of magic will have difficulties gaining much added on power from the usage of a Doomstone. In conclusion, one alignment and type of magic can affect the siphoning of additional aid from the corrupted stones. This crystalised chaos does not unlike other magical objects, grant any form of resistance or effectiveness against seretin other magical natures, the Doomstone only takes and never gives.

  • Creator: The Eshkin God
  • Durability: High
  • Weight: Varies in size, typically light
  • Dimensions: Typically smaller crystals, although can occasionally be found in larger formations
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Materials: Chaos energies in solid form
  • Manufacturing: Naturally occurring, but can be harvested and refined


Immense Magical Power
: Doomstone amplifies spells of darker nature and technological creations.

Versatile Use: Can be used in dark magic, weapons, alchemy, and mutant experiments.


Highly Unstable
: Prolonged exposure mutates or destroys living beings.

Corrosive: Dangerous to handle without protection; decays everything around it.


First discovered deep underground by the burrowing Eshkin, these materials soon became irreplaceable to these vermin. Through the years more and more of the material properties have been explored and tested, resulting in various technological advances in the Eshkin society. On the other hand, its corruption and corrosive elements have also been observed to spread through the lands in which it has been most mined, trees dying and sickness spreading. In the majority of societies, this stone is seen as dangerous and used only in small quantities when necessary, due to its large risk factors. Other communities such as the Eshkin thrive off of its usage and even claim their God sent it to them as a gift and tool of destruction.
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@TheThird Some fine mineral which is totally nothing to worry about!

Before signing, i would like to inquire something which i feel may be of interest.

Does the Doomstone provide benefit in any form of magic? Let us say, a Druid, an Eshkin, a Necromancer and a Demon Summoner can all use it and have similar output? Or is there a certain attunement of the doomstone to a particular type of magic? And if there is, does it provide counters to other types? A necromantic item per se may be resistant or repulsive to life magic yet vulnerable against flame.
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