Approved Goblin Speargnobs


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Goblin Speargnobs
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: A mob of little organization and mostly brought together out of necessity or violent means, the Speargnobs are units that reflect the harsh society of the Goblins. With little gear and that in low quality, the Speargnobs are some of the most sacrificial units in pitched battles.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Low
      • Gear:
        • Wooden Roundshield
        • Low quality scale mail, looted chainmail or cloth.
    • Speed: High
    • Melee: Average
      • Weaponry:
        • Spear
        • Dagger or butcher's knife
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Low
    • Size: Average (13-25 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: The Speargnobs are the very basic bands of goblin tribes across Terra Firma, consisting of mainly unskilled and untrainned troops drafted, or brought under arms by the Boss.
  • TvM Requirement: 3vX

+ Natural Sprinters. Be it their tendancy towards flight over fight, or their evolution into a hunter gatherer creature, the Goblins are quite fast moving and highly resilient sprinters, able to cover large distances or even cross difficult terrain without any significant delay.
+ Pack Tactics. The Goblins are brave mobs, who are easily impacted by mass hysteria. The larger their host, the more their determination to their mission.

- Susceptive to Panic. The more the casualties the Goblins' allies or their own bands receive, the more the Goblins tend to fall into panic and retreat.
- Weak bodies. The small height and their weak postures makes the goblins less than a match for most other creatures on Terra Firma, so long they have no numerical advantage.

Historical Information
The Goblins operate in numerous bands forming larger gangs or armies. Although weak individuals, when brought together, they pose a significant danger to any who set eyes to plunder. The Speargnobs bands are the very basic branch of the Goblin hierarchy, consisting of various conscripted and opportunistic gnobs who try their luck in looting. Although unable to serve as vanguard troops against charges, unless supported by other Goblin or allied units, the Speargnobs are usually forced to the front, serving as bulwark against enemy advances, so the better and more prestigious goblins may fight the battle.
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