Approved Fleshblight Mutants

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Fleshblights
Type: Mutated Humans
Credits: Header, Physician
Consolidation Thread: NA
Description: The Fleshblight mutants are horrific results of the Fleshblight virus growing roots in humans, living, or otherwise. With flesh being in a state of decomposition, and corrupt swollen veins and muscle tissue cracking parts of the skeletal structure in unnatural tension, these abominations are mindless predators that crave only the taste of flesh.

  • Place of Origins: Erova (Virus infestation)
  • Current places of activity:
    • Countries: Ostronnia
    • Provinces: NA
    • POIs: NA
  • Culture: The Fleshblight Mutants are mindless beings, unable to process any complex line of thought.

+ Blind Servants. The Fleshblight mutants blindly serve the Plague Doctors that created the Virus, recognizing them by the scent of blood that had been mixed with the virus during its production.
+ Feel No Pain. The Fleshblight mutants have no perception of pain. Even if severely mutilated, or exposed to elements, their nerve system is decayed enough not to process pain.

- Fear of Fire. The sole element that can erradicate the Fleshblights is Fire. When exposed to it, the virus becomes highly defensive, resulting to numerous internal chemical reactions which usually results to the collapse of the host.
- Mindless. Without a Master figure, connected through genetic link, the Mutants are unable to receive any commands, ending up roaming aimlessly in the world, with the only desire being, that of feeding.

Historical Information

In the deep dungeons of the Iron Cult, many experiments were conducted that could fuel nightmares if they ever became known. One of these experiments, derived by the study of the Abyss, when the Plague Doctor Whilmerivk Ravka developped a theory in which he claimed to have found the way to animate the dead, without the use of magic.
When the study was finally brought to a sufficient level for the first lab tests to take place, Whilmerivk toyed with the idea of corrupting the nerve system into functioning post mortem, without using the body itself as a base. Instead, Whilmerivk developped a virus that, after being implanted, or otherwise entering the host's body, it went directly to the nerve system and, eventually, possessing the brain, resulting to a rather rapid shift of the host's behavior, becoming aggressive, and mindless, the more they remained exposed to the virus' effects.
The first experiments resulted in a disaster. After being turned into Fleshblights, the victims of Whilmerivk failed to follow any command, or recognize any authority. After several of Whilmerivk's assistants fell victims of the Fleshblights, additional studies were conducted.
It took years, before the research finally yielded a positive result. It appeared that the virus surprisingly reacted strangely, when exposed to certain toxins found in blood. After further experimentation, during the creation of the virus, Whilmerivk added his very own blood in the initial formula, uniting his own being with the virus. This resulted to the virus recognizing him as a "master" figure, seemingly having been exposed to his genetic code.
It was at that point, when Whilmerivk decided to run a massive experiment, infecting an entire village, Osvorningen, with the virus, to study the results. Something that will become known within the Iron Cult, as the "Osvorningen Experiment".

During the Osvorningen Experiment, Whilmerivk and his Plague Doctors discovered the ability of such a mutation, while applied en masse, to operate as an expendable non-specialized force, while being herded by the Plague Doctors who had invested their blood into the initial phases of the virus creation. While the effectiveness of such mutants in battle was dubious, and the Plague Doctors' ability to maintain control over the masses after the "master"'s demise was arguable, the potential, according to the Ravka, was great, should such was used as a sabotage, or infiltration tactic.

When Whilmerivk presented his findings to the University of Verdonberstaut, the Fleshblight Virus was classified as "Tier 3" viral form, becoming a classified asset of the Iron Cult, practiced only by authorized Plague Doctors, of House Ravka.
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