First Contact

James smiled and patted the dashboard fondly, he frowned concerned for a moment. He ran a systems check to make sure his manual override hadn’t done any damage to any of the systems. It shouldn’t have that was the way it was designed but sometimes a hink accured that meant a reboot lest it stall next time he tried it.

“It’s more of a home than a sword.” James pondered thoughtfully “Though I suppose it’s just as important to my honour and my trade as a sword would be for a warrior. I never thought of a sword being a home before.”

“Makes sense. Jedi seem to value their laser swords like a home. Most honour bound warriors have some sort of attachment to a specific item they depend on for their survival. Jedi and their lightsabers. Mandalorians and their armor.”

“Anthropologically there's probably some academic explanation of a society evolving to depend on said specific items for survival and therefore grown an emotional attachment. I like the idea of it’s because they need a home better though. It’s more poetic.”

“I suppose my blasters are familiar and specific to me as well.”
James acknowledged drawing and twirling his blasters. “They have three settings standard, rapid fire and power shot. Pretty good at long range as well though for that I usually use my rifle. Only problem would be I’d need to know well in advance I’d need it. Enemy’s aren’t always accommodating with forewarning and even if they were I wouldn’t be. Although some fools like the whole drawing duel at fifteen paces. I usually accommodate them.”

James grunted at some of those fools. Some of them were two bit gangsters most were fool hardy kids dreaming of things found in holocomics. Like that stupid kid back in the bar. For some reason James couldn’t shake him. Maybe he should have what do you call it deescalated the situation? He’d done that a time or two when someone had the drop on him rather than the other way around. James shook his head. The stupid kid had made his decision and was probably already headed down a dark path. James just ended it earlier then he had been expecting.

James focused on Tzar’s for a moment.

“Oh huh? A Mynock? Oh just a joke they’re annoying little parasites that leech of ships. Bloody annoying frackers when you’re travelling through an asteroid field.”

James felt a little guilty at Tzar’s sincerity about James comparing himself to a Mynock. James started to pay attention more closely as Tzar described his past and people. He felt a little touched that Tzar decided to honour him by sharing. James didn’t know the Kounjan or really any Kounjan at all let alone well but even he could see that honour meant a great deal to the race and culture. Perhaps even to Tzar in particular.

There were some warrior races like that like the Noghri. Most of them got swallowed by the galaxy and spat out again their culture and their ways eroded by the greed and mass populations of the various powers and factions of the galaxy. A rare few like the Mandalorians seemed to adapt. James wasn’t sure Tzar could adapt so easily but he was sure he could persevere and survive perhaps even thrive.

James had sympathy for Tzar’s description of a fallen race to internal disputes. It was a common enough story. Privately he also thought he wouldn’t like to live on a world or race such as he described. After all here he was having a chat with a cannibalistic executioner bent on galactic domination. James gave a mental shrug. Not his business until it became his business.

Right now Tzar was a client what he did before and after the job he’d hired James to do was none of his business. Until it became his business, and even then he better be paid bloody well to take on someone like Tzar. Besides despite his bloodlust James liked the strange creature. He also wondered if being forged in darkness was a metaphor or literally through the dark side of the force.

James didn’t believe in most of Jedi and Sith philosophy or atleast didn’t live by it, but he’d be a fool to deny it’s power.

“I hope you find the” James paused for a second he was about to say peace, but given his warlike nature James didn’t think that would be appreciated “the heart.”

“Thank you for sharing with me. I am honoured to hear it.”

James frowned and hesitated as he pondered what to say next. He couldn’t just turn back to flying not after Tzar opened up like that. He wanted the conversation to continue he just wasn't sure how without coming off... dishonest? Which was rare for James he usually liked a good spin and con. For some reason though Tzar's fierce integrity measured a more honest response.

“The only real home I’ve ever had is this ship and maybe my uncles ranch, but I’ve never belonged to… a culture like that. There have been attempts I guess. The miners had their own community. The ranchers there’s. The military it’s own. I’ve always been a personage of the galaxy belonging to all but none at the same time. Despite what happened to your people your lucky to have had that for however short a time.”

@Tzar Arakx
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