First Contact

May 11, 2024
Galactic Credits
James slugged another mug of… well if he was being honest he didn’t know what it was it was green and muddy and tasted and smelled like it tasted. Still he had wanted something strong and he got it. James was starting to get bored, all he knew about this contact was that it was a weird one. At the time James had laughed it off.

“I’ve seen every type of weird this Galaxy can throw at you from Sithspawn to Hutt slimelords trust me nothing this galaxy can throw at me will surprise me.” James had laughed it off “Besides isn’t that the Rodian calling the Geonosian buggy”

Now however it looked like there was trouble brewing. James was in one of his sour moods and wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with nonsense. James dark moods hit him at odd times this time was about the war. Sometimes James felt he should have done more, sometimes that he should still be fighting it, more often like right now he was thinking the whole thing was a pointless waste of life.

James wondered where this contact was and was thinking about calling it a night with whatever this strong green muddy stuff was. Then again he didn’t like the idea of slogging through the muddy swamps to his ship, maybe he should get a room. Then again this tavern wasn't exactly a luxury cruise spot in the middle of the swamp with dodgy clientele and dodgy drinks, though James was kind of enjoying his drink, it looked like there was trouble brewing.

“Oi human we don’t like your kind here!” A Rodian thug said getting in his face.

“All I hear is buzzing bug eye buzz off and go buzz somewhere else.” James said disinterested

The Rodian squealed in outrage and went for his blaster. James was quicker. James put a hole through his chest before he cleared his blaster. Always draw second. James thought before holstering his weapon and tossing a chip at the bartender.

“Sorry about the mess... he shot first”
LOCATION: Somewhere in the Rodian swamps

APPEARANCE: Wearing a large black hooded robe

A shot was fired.
Tzar had moments ago entered this filthy establishment far from good and evil. The door slid open slowly with an accompanying squeak from the aged door. The Kuonjan was still eying the bar for the man he was supposed to meet. A smuggler who he intended to bring along on his hunt. He needed the extra man, and from what little whispers Tzar overheard, most spoke of this ''Slinger'' as an effective smuggler for hire.

A shot was fired, and everyone looked his way, the man wearing a long brown coat and a leather hat of sorts. The Rodian that was unfortunate enough to stand across this deadly shooter dropped dead, his lifeless body lying on the floor for all to see. So much for choosing a safe place to meet. The attending patrons quickly looked away again after watching this ''shootout'' if it could even be called that.

Tzar was looking for a humanoid person, which thankfully narrowed down the options to one other person, the shooter in the brown coat. How fortunate for the Kuonjan that his contact was to be an experienced fighter, he could surely need this in his endeavour. Tzar had no intentions to fight today, it would be a waste of energy to spill any more blood, thus he wanted to approach this man carefully. He did not know what made the stranger shoot the Rodian but, hoped he would not conjure upon the same aggressive response to being approached.

The warlord slowly stepped towards towards the contact, making sure his unusual body was mostly covered by the robe, his three green glowing eyes would be harder to hide and so would the sharp claws and horns atop his head but that was inevitable.
''Greetings stranger, do not be alarmed, I wish no harm upon your flesh, yes'' Tzar's voice was deep and rough, his galactic basic required much improvement but could be understood. The Kuonjan tried to force a smile across his face to show his peaceful approach, this went incredibly south as his mouth was littered with razor-sharp teeth that even in a smile looked devilish. ''I am the one you are here to meet, I will sit with you and we will talk yes'' The gravelly words would hopefully leave a friendly undertone to the stranger. The large warlord would stand still, and stare down James with his less-than-comforting smile waiting for the reply.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James sighed with regret, all he wanted was a quiet drink and now he’d had to shoot some fool who wanted to test him. Not even because there was a legitimate reason. A price on his jead, a hit, someone who he’d pissed off or ripped off, conflict of a job, same target, same treasure, territory or even just wanting his credits. Those were reasons he’d had to kill before, and of course war. Couldn’t forget war. Just because someone was in a bad mood though? James thought that might be a new one, or atleast he thought he thought that things were getting a little fuzzy in the brain pan department, whatever in this drink was strong. A passing thought made James wonder if there were any active contracts, bounties or other price on his head at the moment. Maybe he’d remember another time, later or when he was sober or hungover. Which ever came first.

James glanced at the body, sometimes he could lie to himself and say all dead bodies look alike but it wasn’t true. Some looked frozen, others looked relaxed or asleep. The eyes though whether human or rodian apparently were just empty. The Jedi and the fuzzy wuzzy’s would probably say it was the soul gone from the body to join became one with the Force whatever that meant.

James looked up as the… what the hell was that?! James gave a start. The colour was sickly green, and pale red looked like a mix of carapeace armor and stitched together organs, the horns but what struck James was oddly enough the teeth. That was just the parts James could see.

The creature reminded James off a piece of alien art he had…. Liberated from a private collection. To be fair James felt he had won it fair and square in a game of Sabacc, the owner had just refused to pay up his bill once he had won, claiming James had cheated. James had of course but that wasn’t the point. James had had a hell of a time fencing that piece of art. Maybe it was a portrait of this thing.

“uuuuh sure buddy have a seat..” James offered awkwardly “James people call me Slinger.”

“Can I get you something to drink or eat… raw meat something I’m guessing.”
James had to admit he was more than a little curious what watching this thing eat would look like.

“Heard you might have a job for me?”

Tzar Arakx


Tzar’s three glowing eyes surveyed the scene, noting every detail of the cantina. The smell of spilt drinks and unwashed bodies mingled with the sharp tang of blood, now seeping from the lifeless Rodian on the floor. His contact, James—known as Slinger—had already proven his reputation with a single, precise shot.

The Kuonjan warlord felt a surge of satisfaction. He had chosen well. The man’s sharp reflexes and lack of hesitation were exactly what he needed for this mission. His attempt at a smile had failed, but he noted with approval that Slinger didn’t flinch.

Tzar lowered himself into the chair, his movements deliberate and controlled.
“I am Tzar Arakx of Esthorhiel, yes, people call me this, yes,” he said, his voice gravelly but steady. Hearing the invitation to drink and eat Tzar thought back to the Kuonajn culture where it is incredibly rude to decline an invitation to feast and replenish energy. Of course, this stranger would not know of their customs yet, Tzar felt inclined to still show him the honour of sharing a meal. ''I accept your proposal of consuming liquids yes'' Shortly after The Kuonjan grabbed a little critter from the satchel on his back. The
creature was deep asleep as the Kuonjan placed it on the table. ''You will try some, yes'' Although it might not have sounded like a question, Tzar did not intend to force this meal upon James, but would gladly establish a bond over this shared feast.

The warlord leaned in slightly, allowing the light to catch the contours of his armoured skin and the sharpness of his teeth. “A job yes. An extra hand for my search of lost things” The warlord spoke, closely watching James's eyes. Would he be interested in a simple hunt for artefacts, or would this seemingly easy task bore the smuggler.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James raised an eyebrow at the odd manner of speech it was both surprisingly formal and somewhat… not innocent exactly. James had no doubt that this creature could take care of itself. For starters it, they James wasn’t really sure what they’re pronouns were. Anyway they didn’t even blink at the body on the floor and seemed satisfied by the events of the cantina and James role in it.

Ah well atleast the thuggish Rodian had served some purpose then. James wasn’t in the mood for the usual showboating and puffed chests that interviews like this usually revolved around. One time James had been contracted to do a heist by a sadistic gangster who had a man hanging from a ceiling.

“Can’t say I’ve heard of Esthoriel or your people and I like to think I’ve been around.”

James was more than a little disconcerted by the offer of eating the fluffy and cute creature that Tzar drew from his satchel. Honestly it looked like the sort of thing a little girl would want as a pet not something to eat. Although James could and would if he were hungry enough he supposed. Who carries live animals around in their satchels?

Still James sensed manners were important to this new contact and he needed the job so he did his best to be pilot. Graces and manners had never been his strong suit though.

“Uh raw meat and fur disagree with a humans metabolism I’m afraid… yes” James explained a little apologetically “but I’ll gladly share a drink with you this green stuff is supposed to be formented milk from something thala shiren.. Thala-siren that’s it if you want to join me. Yes?”

James tried to copy the manner of speech not entirely sure why and realising belatedly it might be considered insulting but he gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
"Hmph I've been known to find a lost item or two and uuuh reappropriate them for the open market or return it to their original owner... for the right price. What sort of lost item are we talking about? and whose losing it?"

Tzar Arakx

Tzar watched as James raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the warlord’s unusual manner of speech. It was an expression Tzar had seen before humans often found his tone and alien presence disconcerting. However, the smuggler’s curiosity and adaptability were promising traits. Especially if a lasting alliance was to be formed between the two.

''My home is far from others, hard to find, and hard to survive once you find it yes'' The Kuonjan's sentences were short and to the point, a perfect example of his kins directness and dislike towards wasting time.

The Warlord noted James’s reaction to the small, furry creature. It was an expected response; most species found the idea of consuming live animals unsettling. The Kuonjan understood this and respected the cultural differences. He listened as James politely declined the offer of raw meat and instead suggested sharing a drink.
''We shall drink this milk together yes'' Tzar waved at the bartender, mimicking the gestures he's seen countless times in such establishments. He then pointed at the vile brew James was drinking and showed the appropriate payment. A strange sight indeed to witness by onlookers.

Tzar placed his meal back into the satchel, he would find a more private area to recharge later, with fewer eyes watching. His concern was that his brutal eating habits would not be tolerated by the other patrons as it would by his brethren back home.
''I see, next time I will bring a skinned one yes'' Once again his horrid smile grew across his face as he tried to reassure the man across from him.

Tzar had learned his galactic basics from a book used by Ugnaughts thus he only knows how to speak in statements. The attempt to mimic his speech by James was strange to Tzar, why would he who masters the language lower himself to Tzar's level, it made no sense to the Kuonajn but, nevertheless he accepted it as a gesture of kindness.

''I hunt for my heart, it was stolen from me long ago and now it is time to return it to my possession yes''
He spoke in a tone more serious and grim than before, clearly, this topic was important to him.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James nodded amiably as Tzar gave a cursory response to James’s enquiry after Tzars people and home. Clearly Tzar wasn’t much one for small talk despite his polite manner and offers of sharing a meal. Even if the meal was an alive fluffy and rather cute furball. James admitted he was still a little curious about Tzar’s home and people, but decided to let the matter drop.

“Sounds like a place I should go for a holiday.” James teased gently with a smile.

James nodded as Tzar waved the bartender down in what was becoming a typically odd fashion. It was like Tzar had learnt galactic customs from a bad educational holovideo. Still it was better than nothing and James had a certain amount of respect for someone who attempted to adapt to cultures so far removed from their own. Certainly James had had to adapt even in his home corellian system. James had had one encounter with a furry Selonian who wanted to become James’s den mother. James had had to carefully negotiate himself out of that awkward situation.

“Skinned and cooked yes” James added as he raised his cup of milky alcohol. “To new friends and ventures”

James offered a toast before downing his milk in a huge gulp and refilling his cup. There was that smile again. James didn’t doubt that the teeth were designed to rip little fuzzy creatures like the one in Tzar’s satchel to shreds. James briefly wondered what the evolutionary cycle on such a planet would have had to have been like to develop such potent predators, and weather or not there were other similar predators on the planet. Exotic predators went for a mint on the black market. Hutt lords liked to keep them as arena pets. James was brought back to the conversation as his mind caught up with what Tzar was saying.

“You’re Heart…?” James paused a little confused “To be clear do you mean an actual organ or some sort of artefact that means a great deal to you?”

@Tzar Arakx
The Kuonjan had yet to learn about sarcasm, Slinger's interest in his home as a location for vacation worried him. Esthorheil was a war-torn planet filled with colourful culture, but it was also filled with religious fanatics who hated outsiders and flesh-eating warriors waiting to test their steel. Yet Tzar did not comment on his choice, it was best to learn by mistake, if this man wished to see the warlord's home he would not stop him.

So the Kuonajn nodded and raised his cup with James
''Too long lives and bloodied swords yes''. The cup quickly sat upon Tzar's lips as he gulped this drink down. It was pungent and offered a quite nasty taste. Tzar had never had any substance taste like this, he had tasted alcoholic beverages before but this potion was disgustingly different.

His face was clearly distorted after having tasted such a unique blend of flavours. This was certainly going to be the last time he drank any of this fermented milk. Most of the Kuonjan's eat only to consume their necessary benefits, with ale being used as a numbing instrument by warriors before war. Yet, on occasion, this race of unholy demons prepares proper foods, already dead and even cooked before the meal starts. This luxury can only be found in the higher class, as preparing proper food instead of consuming only the necessary essence of the nearly deceased is seen as a waste of time, and time is a valuable asset in the eyes of the Kuonjan people.

Answering the confusing James
''Yes to both, it is not my organic heart but its lack of presence feels as if my own heart was ripped out yes'' His voice seemed saddened and empty as he spoke, he was truly grieving this loss. Tzar broke his eye contact with James, he turned to his satchel and pulled out another item, this time no living creature but a map of the stars with clear instructions on how to traverse the vast spaces in the galaxy.
''This will lead you and me to my heart yes''

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James eyebrow quirked at Tzar’s odd toast. It was certainly a unique one, but clearly a warriors toast. Which admittedly James had had him pegged as one the moment he had entered the fact that he had started about eating fuzzy little animals live and had a row of teeth like a Mynock hadn’t done anything to assuade him of the situation. It also sounded like a toast he knew off heart. A culture of flesh eating live animals and bloody swords. Maybe James would skip the holiday.

James grinned into his cup at the creatures face at having tasted the milk.

“It’s an acquired taste, but it’s strong” James admitted trying to hide his amusement. “If you’d prefer another drink I’ll understand. To long lives and bloody swords.”

Jim let his smile slip through as he did so a twinkle in his eye. Wondering if Tzar would take up the challenge. Most warrior cultures had a drinking culture in his experience and couldn’t resist a challenge. James was curious to see what Tzar’s reaction to the challenge would be or if he’d choose another drink and if so what kind. Briefly the thought occurred to him it might not be wise to toy with the carnivorous warrior not to mention potential employer.

James grimaced in sympathy as Tzar explained the nature of his injury. Although he couldn’t help but be relieved he wasn’t going to be retrieving and actual organ. Not that he wouldn’t, mind. As long as the organ wasn’t currently in someone else or had recently been taken out of a third party. There was a decent market in black market organs but it wasn’t a venture James was eager to take part in. Personally James didn’t see the point with bionib and bacta treatments but hey some people just liked organs.

Still whatever he was missing he clearly grieved it’s loss. James supposed he could sympathise, if someone stole his ship he’d be devastated.

“Yep that’ll do it.” James nodded picking up the star chart. James paused as someone cried out in shock and ran over to the dead body on the floor and started crying. Another rodian was yelling at the bartender who pointed at James in fright. “Contract accepted. Probably best we get going.”

@Tzar Arakx
Unlike the Kuonjan, James showed no reaction to this vile drink. Tzar loved a good beverage yet his tolerance to them was ridiculously low. However, this never stopped him from outdrinking many of his kin. He might have to be carried to his cabin afterwards but he was not one to give up, not on a drinking challenge nor any other challenge.

"I shall acquire its taste next time yes" he meant this seriously, the warlord would not let this milk drink get the better of him. "No, this beverage must quench my thirst before we leave yes" Tzar wouldn't back down not after he had already tarnished his taste with the first sip. With that statement, he grabbed the cup and once more placed it on his lips, not setting it down again until his cup was finished.

Tzar gave a victorious laugh from himself once his beverage was finished, he was satisfied with himself and this clearly showed has he puffed out his chest and smiled at his newfound drinking buddy James.

The warlord was glad his mission was somewhat understandable by the hired gun, he would hopefully work harder if he were convinced of the cause. Tzar Arakx had led many people into combat, after all, he was the fleet general of Esthorhiel. During this time he had learned many things about motivation, and how it affected the outcome of both battle and survival.

The uproar over the dead Rodian reached Tzar as well. This was trouble indeed but, not the problem of the warlord and he did not fish to get caught up in this incident. "I agree, we shall board your vessel yes" Tzar was on unofficial business and as such he was not granted a vessel to use, this led to the unfortunate event where the Kuonjan had to hijack a lonely vessel and "borrow" it. He then hid it in the jungle a good distance from this location as such he did not wish to return to his scene of crime.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James grinned and nodded as Tzar gamely swallowed his drink despite clearly not liking it’s contents. James could respect that. He’d accepted a fair few challenges himself over the year, a few of which he shouldn’t have accepted in the first place, but that was life on the rim. One challenge after another. Life was a challenge after all you could find your fortune the biggest score you’d ever had one day and have it swept right out from under you the next. Truth to tell James could do with a small simple job for a client.

“Well whatever this heart of yours is I’m sure we can acquire it together. Assuming this star chart is accurate. If not we’ll have to renegotiate the terms of my contract” James added the last cautiously. “I could use the work and it even sounds like honest work for a change. It’ll be nice to retrieve a stolen artifact for it’s owner for once. But I’ll not be bound to any man for long. Soon as the job is done we go our separate ways. Although I’m always available for temporary hire.”

James let off the doubtful part of him that said that this artifact might not have belonged to Tzar in the first place, but then that wasn’t his business who it belonged to first who it just belongs to last. Or atleast who it belongs to once the job was done.

“Right lets skiddadle before-“

The grieving Rodians didn’t give them time to finish the sentence and started screaming at James in Rodian. James was a fair hand at languages and could make out.

“You killed our son!”

James winced, he hadn’t thought of that but then everybody had family, and the kid had pulled first. Next thing you know they were pulling themselves and sending blaster shot there way. James ducked and fired back hitting one dead in the chest with two shots before the other dived under a counter.

“Dive out the back I’ll cover you and we’ll make for my ship. It’s on its way.” James started to tap the computer screen tab on his arm band furiously selected the homing beacon option. The ship would pick up his location and home in on it. All they had to do was survive until it got here.
''This map is accurate, I made sure of it yes'' Men died for this information, tortured by the Kuonjan until they gave up all they knew. Tzar went on a self-proclaimed crusade of vengeance, for those who had incriminated themselves by taking what was his. After awakening from his forced slumber Tzar was thrust into a new world with a new King and new ideals, but most importantly he awoke robbed of all his possessions. His tomb was empty all his servants had disappeared, his war room emptied and treasures plundered. The reason for his early entombment was complicated and went far beyond Tzar himself, he was just a pawn to be moved at the discretion of others but, to be robbed was not part of the plan. He would retrieve all his lost possessions before returning to his home properly, no matter how many corpses he would have to walk over.

It was unfortunate timing for the family of the dead Rodian. Had they arrived just an hour later maybe they would have lived another day, another day in which they could have given their boy a proper funeral, another day to cherish their lives.

Another one fell over dead, just like their son. James said something to the warlord but Tzar didn't hear a word of it, he was too focused on the corps. It was fresh and juicy, its soul probably still lingering within the tomb that was its flesh, he could smell the flavour from across the room. Tzar had never eaten a Rodian before, he wondered if their body tasted any different from his normal pallet of flesh.

Only one way to find out.

Two daggers were drawn from his cloak, they were still unsullied by blood and had not seen battle before, these nobodies would make the perfect first kill for them. A different kind of smile grew across Tzar's face, it was not the friendly smile he had shown James it was more of a hungry crazed smile.

The leftover Rodian had for a moment halted their assault surely in shock at another dead family member, this would be their last mistake today. Tzar took his brief moment to move closer, like a predator stalking his prey. Finding cover behind a corner the warlord took a deep breath before thrusting one of his knives into the air, towards the Rodain and right past their head. He had missed, maybe on purpose, but this action brought back the Rodian to their senses and the battle seemed just a bit more fun that way.

Tzar threw his second knife this time finding its target as intended, and the leg of the Rodian began to bleed. A green liquid rushed down their leg as the parent yelled both from the surprise of finding a dagger in his leg and from the pain it would have caused.

The hungry Kuonjan was ready to feast, but he wanted to wait just a bit more, he liked his meat drenched in the fear of its owner.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James paused at the certainty in Tzar’s voice and just a hint of bloodlust. However he got the map or the information of it’s veracity James was sure he didn’t want to know. James would have to bear in mind that whatever it was probably wasn’t pleasant. A shame because despite his oddities James found himself liking the creature. He was painfully honest a rarity in James line of work including occasionally from James himself. Still he knew that Tzar was no easy mark he was as much a cuddly ewok as a wookiee was.

Oh well whatever he had done it wasn’t any of James’s business until it became his business literally. In his line of work James had to work with all types even a Sith occasionally he wasn’t about to cut and run just because his client said something unsettling.

“I’ll take your word for it.” James said cautiously, his face portraying mild wariness, before slipping into a mask of non chalance.

He had gotten careless he realised needed to keep his sabaac face on and not slip up.

Unfortunately a demonstration on Tzar’s effectiveness and literal bloodlust came not soon after. James had already drawn his pistol and was firing odd shots not really intending to hit anything more to warn away the aggressors. Although given James had just killed their son perhaps he was the aggressor. James would feel bad about that later right now was survival. Still James was a damn good shot and new he could take the grieving parents easily. He was more trying to ward them off until his ship got here.

Tzar had other bloodier idea’s. The creature for James could think of nothing else to think of him as grew… hungry with it’s smile and toyed with his food while doing it. James had already gleaned him to be a carnivore, but…

Is he about to eat people?

James stood in shock then fingered his blaster he’d really rather not shoot his own client in the back. It was bad for business but James had not so much a code but a guideline and eating people was definitely not on the guideline!

Fortunately James was given a way out. His ship beeped from his comm and he could here it outside.

“Tzar come on! Time to go! Tzar we’ve gotta go gorram it!” James screamed .

James grabbed Tzar ducking in case he reacted poorly.

“New rule! No eating people!” James yelled in his face.

James knew he was covering his fear with anger but that was perfectly fine with him. Anger and fear were useful when combined in the right circumstances. Like starring down a cannibalisitic client trying to eat people for example.

“We’ll find you a fuzzy little critter on our next stop but no eating live people!” James frowned.

Truthfully he didn’t like the thought of watching any living being eaten alive but it was better then sentient beings and hey it’s not like he’d ever passed up a red steak himself either.

Tzar Arakx

Tzar barely registered James' frantic shouting over the tantalizing scent of fresh blood that lingered in the air. The Rodian's fear was palpable, and Tzar could almost taste it already, fueling the primal hunger that rumbled deep within him. But then, James's hand grabbed him, pulling him out of his blood-soaked reverie. He almost swung his arm in reaction to being grabbed, before realising who it actually was that laid a hand on him. As if an anchor pulled him to stop. Tzar snapped back into the moment, what was he doing, these people were no fighters no prey they did not deserve his wrath.

The warlord’s predatory gaze shifted, narrowing as James’s face came into focus. No eating people? Tzar thought to himself as if the very concept were foreign to him. The corners of his mouth twitched in displeasure, but the fire in James's eyes kept him rooted. Tzar wasn't entirely sure why, but something about James's mix of fear and anger intrigued him—almost as much as the thought of tearing into his next meal. Almost.

He let out a low, guttural growl, but relented. "Yes, Yes," Tzar muttered, pulling back his bloody dagger with a flick of his wrist. It ripped out of the man's leg and as he gave another painful gasp from his mouth, the dagger flew across the room landing within the Kuonjan's hand once more. "No eating people Yes . . . for now." the second part was more of a muttering to himself than a clear expression yet, there was a promise in those first words, dark and unsettling as if Tzar had merely agreed to hold back the tide rather than abandon it completely.

The ship's hum grew louder, vibrating through the floor beneath their feet. Tzar glanced once more at the wounded Rodian, a hungry gleam still in his eyes. But he turned his back on the prey, allowing James to steer him toward the exit.

As they approached the ship, Tzar gave James a sidelong look. "Apologies for that display yes, it seems I am more hungry than I thought Yes" though the twisted smile never left his lips. For all the chaos that had unfolded, Tzar couldn't help but feel a strange fondness for the human—someone who wasn't afraid to stand their ground, even when staring into the abyss of Tzar’s own making.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles

James felt a flash of relief as Tzar agreed not to eat people. He had been worried that it would become more of an issue and James would be forced to fight maybe even kill the cannibalistic creature. Which would be a shame. First because James wasn’t entirely sure he would win that fight but also he had come to like the odd stiltness in his speech pattern and his sincerity and honesty both traits a rarity in Jame’s line of work.

“Look let’s just get out of here we’ll find something for you to eat along the way” James sighed a huff of relief and made his way towards his ship. James resisted his next question for about ten seconds before his morbid curiosity got the better of him. “What do you usually eat anyway?”

I had to ask

James was pretty sure it was almost an entirely carnivorous diet of whatever was in front of him. Including apparently live people. James had the morbid thought of wondering what a Rodian would taste like. He bet they tasted buggy like a fly. James had swallowed some by accident mainly on his swoop bike.

James shook his head.

“Forget I asked.”

“Well from now on when your with me no eating live people.”
James said firmly

“Anyway this is my baby the Silver Sparrow. Hornet Class Fast courier. Fastest ship in the verse might as well be a starfighter. Done a number of blockade runs and routes through warzones. She’s what lets me be fast and discreet.” James said proudly

James lowered the cargo ramp on his commlink.

“She’s got two standard rooms other than the captains cabin. You can take your pick. Galley and kitchen is in the middle. Unfortunately it’s mainly standard ration packs I don’t have much meat. We should probably get you something to eat soon though. Maybe before we get off planet.”

James stepped into the cargo bay and patted his swoop bike.

“My other baby I call her The Hog. Picked her up on Taris from some clients in exchange for a job. Got in and out quick and clean”

Actually the job had been a job on a swoop gangs garage looking for their stash and James had swiped the bike as a get away vehicle in a pinch, but James decided now wasn’t the time to brag. A shame cause he usually loved to brag.

“Make yourself comfortable or I could show you the cockpit?”

@Tzar Arakx
''I hear you, James Slinger, Yes, for you I shall not eat them, Yes'' The warlord understood the discomfort one could have seeing his own kind being eaten, and in the spirit of cooperation Tzar would hold back as much as he could.

Tzar felt the ship's hum beneath his plated feet as they boarded, his gaze sweeping over the vessel's interior. The Silver Sparrow was impressive, sleek, and clearly built for speed. The vessel was a far cry from the grand warships of Esthorhiels fleet, but there was something about its compact, efficient design that appealed to him. The warlord allowed himself a small nod of approval as James proudly introduced his "baby."

To most Kuonja modern technology was indistinguishable from forbidden magic, his own home planet outlawed any high-grade tech from being owned or shown in public. That is the way in all the lands of Esthoriel but one, the lone island of Cinra home to the only starport and cowardly Busara. The Kuonajn people have been stuck in the past due to the choices of the royal bloodline.

A King long ago who knew the horrors every soul would be put through if his race had the technology to conquer them. As such each descendant of this old King swore to use every bit of their might to imprison their people on the planet they call home.

Now centuries later, the Kuonjans have escaped and individuals like Tzar have learned not to fear technology, but to harness it to their advantage.

As James prattled on about the ship, Tzar's mind lingered on the earlier question. What do you usually eat? It was not a simple inquiry, and it held more weight than James probably realized. Tzar's diet wasn't just about sustenance—it was a manifestation of their greed, more than a necessity for survival. In his world, eating the flesh of his living enemies wasn't merely enough to satisfy his people's thirst, they needed to consume the essence, the soul. A grim reminder of the past of his people and the sins of his ancestors. But James, with his odd mixture of boldness and caution, was forcing Tzar to reconsider—at least for now.

The warlord's predatory instincts clashed with the strange camaraderie he felt with the human. It was a new sensation, and Tzar wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.

As they moved deeper into the ship, Tzar listened to James’s explanations about the bike, the ship’s speed, and their upcoming journey.
"I have rations to satisfy me until we land again yes'' For now there were plenty of other appetites he could indulge in as they journeyed across the galaxy. And who knew? Perhaps this strange partnership with James would lead to something even more satisfying than a mere meal. ''We leave now yes, and then I look at your starship more yes'' Tzar did not feel like giving the locals of this ship any more chances of getting close to them, in addition to him not wanting to be separated any longer with his precious heart.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James nodded relieved that Tzar had agreed to his terms of not eating people. James never thought that would even be a consideration let alone a term. Not eating people? Who’d have thought he would ever have to dictate that as a term. Even the Sith didn’t eat people though if he learned they did it wouldn’t surprise him.

Still despite the… misunderstanding James was beginning to like the strange creature. So long as he refrained from eating people he thought they’d get along fine. James still had a morbid curiosity about what exactly a… what had he called himself Kounja? Was that already plural? What did a Kounja eat. Other than the lives of their enemies.

Thoughts of a cannibalistic society that ate each other from the womb entered his mind. Piles of corpses just like Tzar roasting over a pit. James blanched at the thought. James tried to consider himself a fairly non judgemental person. Atleast when it came to species. The Force only knew how many he’d slept with over the years. In fact he found furry races particularly passionate. Reptillian ones still usually wigged him out though.

Still he tried to let any personal bias get in the way of business and this was business he’d been hired to do a job retrieve stolen property. Which made a nice change from retrieving it before or while it was being stolen.

Whatever Tzar did before or after the job was none of his business. Even if he was a cannibalistic freak. James was sure he’d been hired by worse even a Sith a time or two. Tzar seemed polite enough and for now had acceded to James’s firm request of no eating people.

He’d do the job. Find the next one. Keep flying.

James nodded which just happened to coincide with Tzar’s request for a fast take off.

“Right.” James nodded a little disappointed Tzar wasn’t more impressed with the Sparrow but then he was as odd as a Gungan -more in fact- who knew what he found impressive.

“Best take off before local constabulary comes about that dead kid.” James said with a grimace and a sigh shaking his head “Stupid kid.”

James made his way to the cockpit and started up the engine, the comms array, the radar, sonar, weapons system and started to get the hyperdrive ready. In a pinch James could turn them all on with one flick of a switch for a fast get away but he liked turning them on one by one manually doing a quick system check on each as he did so. The Sparrow was faster than a starfighter, but it required regular love and tuning. Like a well oiled machine. Literally in this case.

“The FKU FNG FO?” A voice came over the comms “You have been ordered to stand down and prepare to be bordered by the-“

“Karabas” James cursed over the sound of the local law enforcement introducing themselves.

“Strap in we’ve got company” James called back. Turning to flick the override switch to start up all systems.

James had known who it was as soon as they had read off the false designation his scanners put out for false identification of his ship. A computer screen started beeping as they tried to lock auto control and tractor beam on his ship. James hit the scrambler as he lifted off. James waited for just long enough for them to rise above the tree’s, before he hit the sky without preamble hoping Tzar had strapped in.

‘FKU FNG FO! Stand down! Or you will be shot down!”

James ignored them and looked at his scanners which were doing a sweep for incoming craft. Two slugs. Patrol boats probably rented from the Hutts. James grinned easy prey. James decided to have some fun. Pulling into a spin then hitting the repulsor lifts to cause a backward pull. James leaned back as the G Force hit him. The patrol posts shot past him probably going there full speed trying to catch up. James levelled out and fired for shots into their engines. The Patrol boats caught fire and started going down. James grinned and turned to breach atmo. As soon as he was clear in spaces James punched in the coordinates of the hyperdrive and launched. James sat back satisfied.

“You okay back there Tzar?”

@Tzar Arakx
Tzar settled into his seat in the backseat, his eyes watching James as he methodically prepared the ship for takeoff. The Silver Sparrow hummed with life as the engines came online.

James’s earlier musings hadn’t gone unnoticed. Tzar could see the thoughts swirling behind the human’s eyes—the curiosity, the hesitation, and the underlying wariness. It amused him how James wrestled with the idea of what Tzar was, trying to come to a notion with the creature he was sharing a ship with. Tzar was used to such reactions. Fear and curiosity often went hand in hand when dealing with beings like him.

As James muttered about the "stupid kid" and prepared for a fast takeoff, Tzar remained silent, his gaze focused on the controls. The man was skilled, that much was clear. Precise in his actions, yet always aware of the need for speed. It was a trait Tzar could respect, and even more he found James’s embrace of chaos familiar and pleasing, it was something he saw in himself too.

When the comms crackled to life with the voice of local law enforcement, Tzar's eyes narrowed. More and more lives were thrown their way, he thought this planet would have been a quiet place to meet. He could sense James’s frustration, the way the human’s muscles tensed as he prepared to evade them. This would either be a swift end to their journey or, James would be able to prove the things they tell about him are more than just stories.

As the Sparrow suddenly halted mid-air, Tzar felt the familiar pull of G-forces against his body. it didn't bother him much more than the push of a child, his powerful muscles bracing easily against the ship’s movements as they tensed up and hardened his body's movements. James manoeuvred the ship with skill, outsmarting the patrol boats and dispatching them with practised ease. Tzar watched with a faint smile, appreciating the efficiency of the takedown. James was proving to be an interesting ally—resourceful, capable, and unafraid to bend the rules when necessary. Not only that, it seemed the vessel he commanded suited him well. It was one built for survival, much like its owner.

When James asked if he was okay, Tzar chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that filled the cockpit.
"I am... fine Yes," he said, his voice recognisably calm, though recognisably more excited than before. "You fly well James, Yes. Swift like a hunter in the dark Yes" He paused, considering his next words. "These dead men... they are weak Yes. Prey but you, you handle them well you know how to survive Yes"

As they breached the atmosphere and entered the safety of space, Tzar allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. This partnership was proving fruitful, and the galaxy held many more opportunities for them both. The warlord leaned back, letting the silence of space wash over him as James punched in the coordinates for the hyperdrive.

Tzar’s gaze shifted to the stars outside the viewport.
"This galaxy it is vast, Yes full of prey and predators, we are not prey Yes. I know we will do well together James." His words were slow, deliberate, and laced with promise.

Rhen Var was to be their destination, a cold frigid planet in the outer rim, there wasn't much to be seen on this massive ice cube but somehow his beautiful heart had ended up here in some cave or ruin, stolen by a cowardly thieve.

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
James grinned at Tzar reveling their small victory. Truthfully James loved space combat there was nothing else like it pitting yourself against another in the ultimate contest of skill and ability. The twists, the turns, sudden pulls and that perfect moment when you’ve just lined up a shot right as you pull the trigger.

James shrugged with false modesty.

“Eh they were slug tubs. Probably bought from the huts hardly a challenge.” James grinned “Still fun to ring circles around them though.”

James supposed some would call his an unfair advantage but as far as he was concerned his Silver Sparrow had earned it’s position as a peak craft through his hard work the skill of it’s pilot and that sense of identity all good ships had. It was why stock standard fighters were always so solus and why every decent pilot he had ever met had tried their own modifications and variants.

“It’s the Sparrow she’s a beaut I had to sacrifice some shielding but she’s still got enough from a Starfighter and is just as fast. The scrambler I installed helps fuzz up their radar and targeting for a few moments as well. Intermitted on and off so their astromech droids or service droids or ai can’t get a lock on the frequencies it sends out. Random patterns or I can turn it on manually if the radar detects a lock on me.”

James smiled an patted the roof fondly.

“I don’t know about being prey never fancied myself much of a predator either.” James considered the metaphor for a moment “Maybe a hawk. I could see a hawk being my spirit animal.”

"Or a mynock!"
James grinned at the thought of the pests.

James sat back at ease.

“You know there was a time when I considered law enforcement.” James admitted remembering his youth “Thought I could be the kind of sheriff that dealt with the real bad guys while letting those who just scrape a living live their lives. Almost bought into all of that the law is righteous and justice crap. But the only true justice is what you yourself earn and dish out. Otherwise you get shafted. Oh I’ll help a person out if I can occasionally but a man needs to fend for himself. Take those idiots back there. The kid picked a fight probably expecting easy- easy prey like you said. The parents acted rashly out of grief and assuming the patrol was genuine took a situation misunderstood it and tried to kill us for standing our ground.”

James almost made the emphasis that he didn’t eat people again then decided against it he had made his point on that score. As long as Tzar didn’t do it again James decided he wouldn’t bring it up again either.

“A man’s gotta live free- or a Kounjan was it? Right?- military was even worst then the law in every way. Couldn’t live in it and destroyed lives doing it. So I took to the stars and made my own way as it were. Occasionally helping out the little guy or meeting interesting new friends like yourself.”

“And please my friends call me Slinger.”
James offered though he never thought of himself as Slinger he liked hearing it.

James was aware he had been talking for awhile which was in his nature he enjoyed a good spin and yarn. Truthfully he got the name Slinger because he was always slinging karabas, but he preferred to tell people it was cause of cards or guns.

“What of yourself? What’s your place in this big wide galaxy of ours?” James was curious about the Kounjan and his people. Part of exploring the galaxy was meeting new and interesting people, and admittedly sometimes shooting them but still. He liked to learn. If he had been born on Naboo he’d have studied xenoanthropology or something like that.

@Tzar Arakx
"Your Sparrow is well adjusted yes. A weapon, but also something more Yes." Tzar’s words were slow and deliberate, his broken Basic adding weight to each syllable. "You speak of it like a warrior speaks of his sword yes. Honoured and trusted. That is good yes." In Tzar's time as a naval commander, he too had a favourite ship, it carried him across many oceans and even twice as many battles. It was his prized possession, an extension of himself, even in his last moments it followed him to the depths of the sea.

As James reflected on his past, considering paths not taken law enforcement, and military life, Tzar couldn’t help but compare their experiences. The human had flirted with the idea of order, of serving a higher cause, only to reject it in favour of freedom. Tzar had known no such luxury. He had been forged in the freezing blizzards of war, bound by duty, and eventually entombed by betrayal. Freedom was a concept that had eluded him for far too long, but perhaps that was changing now.

"A hawk . . . yes," Tzar mused, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You are like a hawk sharp eyes, swift talons. Not prey not predator yes, something in between. It suits you Slinger yes." Tzar tried out the name, testing it on his tongue. It was odd, this human practice of nicknames, but it seemed to hold meaning for James. Tzar respected that, and so he would use it.

''Slinger you must tell me more of this mynock yes. This creature is a strong warrior and swift like you?'' Tzar was curious to hear of this mythical being, if James saw it as his equal it must be impressive. The warlord wondered if he might be able to face off against one in his time outside of Esthorhiel, he did love a good challenge.

When James asked about his place in the galaxy, Tzar’s expression darkened slightly, his gaze turning inward. What was his place now? The galaxy had moved on without him, kingdoms had risen and fallen, and the power he once wielded had been stripped away. But he was still here, still alive, and that meant there was still a place for him if he could carve it out once more.

When James asked about his place in the galaxy, Tzar’s expression hardened, and his eyes glinted with a mix of pride and sorrow. His voice, though still formal and measured, carried a deeper resonance, a connection to something ancient and vast.

''My place was once next to my King and his family yes, I am his sword his executioner yes''
Tzar said, his voice low and resonant, as if the words themselves carried him back in time. Tzar spoke of himself in the present tense not out of mistake, he had not forgotten his vous even if his King had long been laid to rest among the stars."I was a loyal warlord feared by many and respected by all my men yes . . . . but that was long ago. Betrayed, entombed, forgotten that is what I am now, but not for long yes'' That was a promise. The insectoid warrior was not one to pity himself, he was not going to take his sentence lying down.

Tzar smiled, even though he was betrayed by his lords, he had great pride for his race
''I shall tell you of my people Slinger, an honour not many get so listen close yes''

"My people the Kuonjan yes" Tzar began, his staggered basic struggling to convey the gravity of what he spoke, "They are a race forged in darkness like the bones of this galaxy yes, hardened by fire and war we are not born we are created, moulded by ancient rituals yes. Our lives are not our own, we serve a greater hunger, a purpose far beyond the understanding of most yes yes" He paused, his gaze distant, as if he could see the history of his people playing out before him. "We are like the hive swarms, all connected through our gods, who command us yes. But unlike mindless insects, we have a code, a way of life yes. It is built on honour and conquest yes. The strong rule and the weak serve. That is our way yes"

But then his voice softened, carrying a note of melancholy.
"Yet, even we were not invincible yes. Our empire fell from within. Betrayal whispers in the dark, promises of power that turned brother against brother, lord against lord. And so I was entombed, a pawn in their game yes. My people scattered, our empire shattered yes"

Tzar turned his gaze back to James, his eyes narrowing with determination.
"But we Kuonjan, we endure. We are not so easily destroyed yes. I will find those who remain rebuild what was lost. My people will rise again, and this galaxy will feel us as they did before yes."

''The Kuonjans might have forgotten me but, when I return with my full might they will know my name once more yes''

@James 'Slinger' Antilles
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