Approved Erovan Pikemen Regiment

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Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Erovan Pikemen Regiment
Credits: Header
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: Masses of trainned levies, the Pikemen are the answer of Erova to the cavalry charge, becoming the practice that saw many levied troops becoming surprisingly effective in the field of battle. Usually, the pikemen were issued nothing but a pike, with any equipment they could bring in for themselves being a welcoming addition. Dressed in gambesons and some, even having enough coin to get a helmet, these troops were usually fielded in numbers, to make themselves effective.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Low
      • Gear
        • Gambeson Armour
        • Spangenhelm or beret
    • Speed: Low
    • Melee: Very High
      • Weaponry
        • 3-4 Meter Infantry Pike
        • Shortsword or war-pick
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Low
    • Size: High (50 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment:
  • TvM Requirement: 3v3
+ Strong against charges of both infantry and cavalry.
+ Disciplined. Due to several months in trainning, the Pikemen are a disciplined corps, not resulting to chaotic charges, or passionate actions in the field.

- Weak against ranged attacks. Their light armour and lack of shields makes them vulnerable facing off projectiles, as they have little means to defend against them.
- Weak in the flanks. Although their pikes provide a mighty barrier in their front, their flanks are completely exposed, which if attacked, can strike a lethal blow to their morale, or disrupt their formations.

Historical Information
From monsters to cavalry, to Northmen shieldwalls and daemonic mages, the peoples of Erova have always been fighting for both conquest, or outright survival. In order to keep up with the tide, and enhance their performance in the field of battle, new and innovative war machines and practices are employed. One of the most groundbreaking, and yet controversial, of all, was the adoptation of Pikes.
Mainly employed by the central Erovan nations, the pikemen units became famous for fending off cavalry and infantry charges alike, while the disciplined and trainned levies were much superior than the disordered fyrd.
Of course, having thousands of troops brought under arms always meant that there could only be so much to spend in gearing them In the case of the Pikemen, it meant that although they were formidable infantry units, they required support from other units, to both protect their flanks, and enhance them in the field, especially in the case of an offensive deployment...
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