Approved Erovan Men-At-Arms Regiment

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Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Erovan Men-At-Arms Regiment
Credits: THIS LINK
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: It is just a dipshit peasant with some armor, a shield, and a sword, though they are a well-trained one. The look a bit different depending on where they come from in Erovan, but that is it.

  • Main Stats
    • Armor: Average
      • Gear:
      • - Chainmail Armour or Hauberk
        - Kettle Hat, Spangenhelm, or Bascinet helmet
        - Heater or Kite shield
    • Speed: Low
    • Melee: High
      • Weaponry:
      • - Longsword or Hand Axe
        - Shortsword or War-Pick
        - Dagger
    • Ranged: N/A
      • Weaponry: N/A
    • Morale: Low
    • Size: High (50 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: Erovan- They can be mustered by any settlement in Erova. After going through some two to three months of trainning, these Men-at-Arms are ready for the field of battle.
  • TvM Requirement: 3v3

Spoiler: Point Cost: 15 Points
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a Unit is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the unit is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
16-25Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
26-30Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
31-33Consolidation Thread (30+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)


* Hold The Line- Due to their discipline and use of shields to defend against ranged attacks, the men-at-arms make the perfect unit to hold the line against enemy attacks as well as fill in the gaps where needed.

* Disciplined. Due to several months in trainings, the Men-At-Arms are a disciplined corps, not resulting to chaotic charges, or passionate actions in the field.


* Weak against calvary charges. Without support from range units or pikemen these swordsmen have limited means to defend themselves against the hammer of a calvary charge

* Slow Moving. Due to their heavy gear, the Men-at-Arms are sluggish when moving in the field, and prefer to hold static positions.

Historical Information

From monsters to cavalry, to Northmen shieldwalls and daemonic mages, the peoples of Erova have always been fighting for both conquest, or outright survival. In order to keep up with the tide, and enhance their performance in the field of battle, new and innovative war machines and practices are employed. However in the case of these poor dipshit peasants this is not the case. Okay lets be fair they are more well trained than that, but in grand scheme of history... they are here to do the job of the Poor Bloody Infantry and they do it well.

Be that creating formations with pikemen, or protecting the range units, or simple combat patrols. The Men-at-Arms are the go to for any Erovan noble looking for cheap bodies to throw into the meat grinder of war. They have done so for centuries and will keep doing so for many centuries in the future. It cost a bit to keep a large force of them under arms, but when supported correct by things like archers, pikemen, and calvary... the bread and butter of the military that they are starts to shine.
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Credits: Strangely enough when I click on the picture link it doesn't give me anything to show that... I don't know what to do. Here is the address I get when I click on the picture (Link).
yeah that happens in this type of artwork. I have no clue why. Use THIS LINK instead.

Unit Description:
No description. They are an invisible unit. Ghosts, im tellin ya xD (gonna have to describe how they look here :P )

Dread can you suggest another weakness
Slow Moving. Due to their heavy gear, the Men-at-Arms are sluggish when moving in the field, and prefer to hold static positions.

However in the case of these poor dipshit peasants this is not the case.
i honestly cried to this xD
Weaponry: Dread can you flavor this
- Longsword or Hand Axe
- Shortsword or War-Pick
- Dagger
Gear: Dread can you flavor this
- Chainmail Armour or Hauberk
- Kettle Hat, Spangenhelm, or Bascinet helmet
- Heater or Kite shield
Recruitment & Replenishment: Erovan
gonna need something more than that. "They can be mustered by any settlement in Erova. After going through some two to three months of trainning, these Men-at-Arms are ready for the field of battle"
From monsters to cavalry, to Northmen shieldwalls and daemonic mages, the peoples of Erova have always been fighting for both conquest, or outright survival. In order to keep up with the tide, and enhance their performance in the field of battle, new and innovative war machines and practices are employed
i saw what you did there....
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