Approved EotBL - Shard of Ashla

Kaelen Jorr

Maverick of the Jedi Order
Sep 7, 2024
Galactic Credits

- Name: The Shard of Ashla

- Type: Relic (Crystalline Focus)

- Origin:
The Shard of Ashla is believed to be a fragment of the ancient Force-sensitive Ashlan Crystals, which were discovered on Jedha several centuries ago by early Jedi explorers. These crystals are said to have formed from the pure light of Ashla, one of the names for the light side of the Force. The Shard of Ashla was cut from a larger crystal over five hundred (500) years ago by Jedi artisans who believed it had a unique connection to the Living Force. Since then, it has been passed down among Jedi who are particularly attuned to the Force's guidance.

- Description:
The Shard of Ashla is a small, irregularly shaped crystal roughly the size of a thumb. Its surface is smooth yet faceted, giving it a glittering appearance that shifts between pale blue, white, and a faint silver hue, depending on the angle of light. The core of the crystal pulses with a soft inner light, occasionally flaring brighter as if alive with the Force. It is set into a simple, ancient-looking metal casing engraved with faded Jedi sigils and symbols, which both protect and amplify its abilities.

- Powers/Abilities:
The Shard of Ashla enhances the user’s ability to connect with the Living Force, amplifying their sensitivity to the currents and flows of the Force around them. Its abilities include:

- Clarity of Insight: Increases the user's ability to perceive hidden truths, read emotions, and detect deception or falsehood. This heightened intuition is particularly useful for Force Psychometry, making it easier to decipher the echoes left on objects and in locations.
- Force Resonance: Allows the user to hear and interpret the voices of the Force more clearly, providing guidance, warnings, or insights through brief visions or strong emotional impressions.
- Light of Ashla: Temporarily strengthens the user's ability to repel dark side influences, providing a mental shield against Force-based manipulation, fear, or mind tricks. It can also be used to create a brief burst of light to blind or disorient dark side enemies.

- Usage:
The Shard of Ashla is used by channeling the Force through the crystal, either through direct contact or by focusing on it during meditation. No specific ritual is required, but the user must be calm, focused, and aligned with the light side of the Force. Only those attuned to the light side can use the shard's abilities, and its powers are strongest in those with a deep, unwavering connection to Ashla.

- Limitations:
The shard requires concentration and a clear mind to function effectively. If the user is emotionally disturbed, conflicted, or harboring dark thoughts, its abilities become less reliable or may backfire, causing disorientation or sensory overload. Prolonged use can lead to fatigue, and it requires periodic meditation to recharge its connection with the Force. Its effects are also diminished in areas strong with dark side energies, such as Sith temples or corrupted planets.

- History:
In the years leading up to the Third Great Galactic War, the Shard of Ashla has been a sought-after relic among Jedi who seek a deeper connection to the Living Force. It was recovered from the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple on Jedha by Selura Naal during one of her explorations into forgotten Jedi knowledge. Recognizing its potential, she entrusted it to her Padawan, Kaelen Jorr, who has since used it to enhance his Force Psychometry abilities and to navigate complex moral challenges and uncover hidden secrets in the galaxy.

- Current Holder:
Kaelen Jorr, who inherited the shard from his master, Selura Naal. He now carries it with him on his journeys across the galaxy as a Jedi Knight of the Enclave of the Burning Light.

- Significance:
The Shard of Ashla is significant because it enhances abilities tied to intuition and insight, such as Force Psychometry. For Kaelen Jorr, it serves as both a tool and a symbol of his commitment to the light side of the Force. It aids him in his quest to recover lost knowledge, seek out hidden truths, and resist the encroaching darkness as tensions rise toward the Third Great Galactic War.

- Related Lore:
The Ashlan Crystals are associated with various Jedi myths, including a legend that claims they were created by the Force itself to guide the Jedi during times of great darkness. Another legend states that the Shard of Ashla holds a piece of the pure light of the Force, making it one of the few remaining beacons of hope for the Jedi Order.

- Visual Reference:
Imagine a small, luminescent crystal with an ethereal glow that seems to shift between blue, white, and silver, encased in a metal frame engraved with ancient Jedi symbols.

- Additional Notes:
The Shard of Ashla, sometimes called the Seer's Stone, is most powerful when used by those who are pure of heart and strong in their dedication to the light side of the Force. It resonates with the natural energies of the universe and enhances the connection between the user and the Living Force.
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