Ready for Review Elvasar Harvester Hives


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Name: Elvasar
  • Designation: Sentient, Hive-Mind
  • Origins: Elvasar Nebula (to the galactic east side of Akelos System, where Athys is situated)
  • Average Lifespan: Unknown, believed to be around 200-300 years
  • Estimated Population: Scattered. The Elvasar operate in Conclaves, which may number from hundreds all the way up to millions. They are fleet-based society which seeks to collect resources from planets around their Nebula. Why? This is unknown. OOC: Their Hive Mind is decaying due to the nebula's influence and thus, the Elvasar try to perpetually repair and repatch their machines, ships and hive mind, in order to keep it alive. A slow grind to an inevitable end.
  • Description: Tall, thin seemingly skeletal posture with rather humid thin white-transparent skin. They are all cybernetically enhanced with what seems to be their suits, without the ability of extracting them without tearing their internal organs. They have up to 6 long, six-fingered arms and their legs are up to twice their torso size.
  • Breathes: They require air of over 75% oxygen in order to breathe without technological enhancement.
  • Average Height of Adults: 3-4 meters tall
  • Average Length of Adults: Rather thin
  • Skin color: Transparent pale
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: Strangely long limbs and unbalanced palm anatomy. They may be found having up to six arms, and they all have a very long neck.
  • Races: Elvasar
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Harvester Horde. When moving out of the Elvasar Nebula, they sail in huge hive fleets that number hundreds of vessels and potentially millions of Elvasar troops. This phenomena is known, to the nearby systems, as a Harvester Horde. When such event occurs, several systems are under attack and, if unable to hold back the Harvesters, the Elvasar will take all kinds of resources and living creatures onboard, before returning to the Nebula, leaving only barren wasteland behind them.
  • Fleet-based civilization. Their homeworld is an artificial planet-like behemoth of several conjoined space ships. Due to the nature of the Nebula, sailing through it would cause excess damage to any vessel, which makes the ultimate defeat of this species a matter of time, until their Hive Mind finally collapses.
  • Emotionless. The Elvasar do not share emotions such as empathy, pain, love, or hatred. They operate as a huge host of robot-like behavior, seemingly fully controlled by the Hive Mind. They never show any ensignia or symbol that could identify different factions or sects within their ranks.
  • Fragile. After a Harvester Fleet is defeated in battle (which means a large proportion of it is destroyed) then the Elvasar withdraw back to the Nebula where they spend decades of isolation, rebuilding their numbers before they are able to launch another Harvester Horde.
  • Inevitable End. The Elvasar seem to be at the brink of extinction, as the Nebula clearly grinds their technology as well as themselves. It is believed that, should the Elvasar are contained and their harvester fleets constantly defeated, it would take no more than an eon, before their ultimate end. Ofcourse, should several Harvester Fleets return to the Nebula victorious, could signal a whole new threat for the sector...
  • Diet: They liquify a mixture of several resources they gain through raiding neighbouring systems (beginning from ash and rocks, all the way up to whole living creatures, and crystals) which they inject to their bodies. They consume tremendous volumes of water, which makes oceans a primary target. Depriving an Elvasar from water would lead to the body being hardened, eventually killing the alien within days.
  • Communication: There has been no reference of these aliens using spoken language. It is highly speculated they are all operating under the Hive Mind's control, thus communication is not required.
  • Technology level: Their vessels are built with very advanced and complex technology, which is heavily based on physical force. Although they themselves are fully unable to use any form of strength, their sophisticated machines provide the missing muscle, allowing them to process durasteel and develop powerful plasma shields that allow their ships to carry huge wing-like blades, that they use to engage enemy vessels. Cannons and artillery is based almost exclusivelly on crystal-like formations.
  • Religion/Beliefs: NA, hive mind.
  • General behavior: Very hostile towards all possible encounters. They do not seem to share any form of diplomacy or tactic, as oppose to other races. Instead, they base their strategy in sheer force of numbers. By the time a certain proportion of their fleet is destroyed, they retreat to easier targets, or to the very Nebula.
Elvasar Nebula has been off the charts for several eons, indicating that it may be a relativelly new celestial phenomena. Due to the resourceless nature of the Nebula, no interest was ever drawn to it. The populated regions around it seem to have either been well-fortified, or destroyed and repopulated throughout the eons. It is often these Harvester Fleets to aim a single star system, without spreading beyond it, even if the harvest is successful. It is speculated that the Elvasar aliens come from a long lost civilization that engaged high tech, resulting to the very creation of the Nebula. Unable to move the Hive Mind without destroying it cause of the Nebula, the Harvester Hordes were developed in hope of the Hive Mind being so well-fortified that it would survive a journey through of the Nebula. As far as the speculations go, the entire Elvasar race is an artificial product of whatever or whoever is in control of the Hive Mind, as means to gather resources for the fortifications, as well as the maintenance of their nest deep in the Elvasar Cluster. This theory is further supported by the findings of the studied aliens found in battle aftermaths. There is no sign of reproduction organs, or complete dygestion system, which indicates the Elvasar as a race are a product of bioengineering, just like war-droids would be, with their physical needs simply covered by the excess level of technology they sail with. As the eons pass, more and more scientists tend to believe that behind these unnerving alien raiders hides a mad mind, or minds, who were trapped in a turmoil of their own making, resulting to the need for resources.

These alien races have been plaguing Akelos System and the nearby regions with seasonal Harvester Hordes that emerge every several decades. Several worlds of these systems if not entire star systems have been reduced to stone, due to their attacks, although the past three eons most incursions have been defeated, causing the Harvester Hordes to make less and less appearances.
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