Approved Dunwyn City


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name: Dunwyn City

Type: Capital City
Position: Dunwyn Province, Oirtheroch Country, Eirelunn
Consolidation Thread: NA
Architect: Built somewhere during 5th-6th Century AWH. The physical architect's name has been lost through time.
Description: Dunwyn City is a large settlement at the very centre of the Eastern Eirish Coast and the beating heart of House Ulfbitenn.


  • Main Stats
    • Defence: High
      • Defensive Elements:
        • Stone walls of six meters height and three meters depth, reinforced with stone battlements and machiculations.
        • High roofed towers providing additional support against enemy assaults.
        • Deep moat around the Lower City.
    • Offense: Low
      • Offensive Elements:
        • Ballista Turrets.
        • Artillery emplacements on the Upper city curtain walls.
    • Durability: High
    • Scarcity: Unique
  • TvM Requirement: 3vX

- Centre of Power. Dunwyn City is the capital of the Kingdom of Eirelunn and thus serves as a wealth, political and military headquarter for the entire Eirelunn.
- Jewel of Oirtheroch. Being the largest and richest city of Oirtheroch, the city of Dunwyn is an industrial centre, hosting also the shipyards of the Eirish navy.

- Port City. Although ports usually provide wealth and expansion to a settlement, when it comes to the Eirish Sea, they also provide access to the many Kraken Sea pirates and foreign invaders craving to feast on the Eirish capital's riches.
- Haven of the Underworld. Due to its size, Dunwyn hosts a variety of underworld guilds and folk that unofficially control entire districts of the great settlement, making certain parts of the city highly risky to visit, while others, outright self-governed in all but name.

Historical Information
Built by the Old Empire, the city of Dunwyn served as a credle of civilization in the otherwise feral land of Eirelunn. As the eons went by, the city became a distinct beckon against the barbarian hordes and feral monsters that craved its destruction, with the many resources mined from Dunwyn province being brought to the city, for extraction via ship transports across the Eilean Sea, to other parts of the Empire.

A prefect of the Old Empire's garrison of Dunwyn, Adrius will take charge of the remnant troops and volunteer levies, after the Duke of Dunwyn, Gaius Marcus Desolus, abandoned the province after the Imperial Decree that declared its withdrawal from the Isles.
Adrius managed to unite the peoples of Dunwyn, threatened by a Goidel invasion, and established a new, independent Duchy under his rule. His death came in 672 AWH, when he was butchered by a drunkard while he walked the streets of Dunwyn, at night, having retired from his rule in favour of his son.

Adrius, the Wolf-Bitten, was the first ruler of Dunwyn, and marked the beginning of a long history of champions and heroes that led to the modern day Eirish Kingdom. A fair and just ruler remembered for his kindness and determination, although some, darker tales, have the old Duke reappear after decades. In these stories, hushed by the House Ulfbitenn, a mighty villain in the face of a werewolf was slain by Adrius' grandson, Duke Adalus. Upon its dying breath, the monster shapeshifted to its human form, which Adalus recognized as his grandfather, Adrius. Whether that was a real event, or work of fiction meant to stain the legacy of the great ruler, remained a mystery.
After Adrius' reign, many monarchs succeeded the throne, with each adding their own changes to the great city that kept expanding, as the Ulfbitenn influence, wealth and territory grew, eventually becoming one of the largest Eirish cities, and beating heart of the House Ulfbitenn that held sway over Dunwyn province for the better part of three hundred years.
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Heya @Dreadheart looks like a mighty fine city

You did seem to miss a few things:
Architect: Has been left empty, credit should be given for such a cool city
Offence: (Choose between Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme) You seemed to skip straight to the elements of offence
TvM: 3vX, gonna need to be a real number instead of X
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