Approved Drakkar Longship


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Ship Name: Drakkar Longship

Type: Seaship
Purpose: Warship
Consolidation Thread: NA
Architect: Northern Sea Nations
Description: The Drakkar longship, a Viking vessel of renown in the Kraken Sea, boasts a sleek and sturdy design. Its slender, curved hull, often adorned with intricate carvings, is typically around 70-80 feet (21-24 meters) in length, with a narrow beam and a high stern. The ship's sail is triangular, with a long yard and a single mast situated near the center of the vessel. The oars, typically around 20-30 on each side, are arranged in banks and are used to propel the ship through calm waters. The Drakkar's sharp bow and stern, as well as its high sternpost, give it a distinctive appearance, making it an imposing sight on the open sea.

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: Low 1
      • Defensive Elements:
        • Wooden keel.
        • Shield holders at port and starboard sides.
    • Offence: Low 1
      • Offensive Elements:
    • Durability: High 3
    • Scarcity: Provincial
      • Can be built in the following provinces:
        • Aberron
        • Fornear
        • Northumber
        • Jorshire
        • Holdaria
        • Beema
        • Ostfeld
        • Urkenjar
        • Lus Aslen
        • Manna
        • Levsha
        • Inismor
  • TvM Requirement: 2vX

- Fast Vessel. Due to their design, the Drakkar are fast and highly manuveurable vessels
- Multi Purpose Vessel. The Drakkar can sail in both sea and rivers.

- Only one Sail. Should the vessel loses her sails, she drastically loses her momentum and manuveurability.
- Open Deck. With the absense of superstructures, the Drakkar's deck is fully exposed to outside weather, eyes, and ranged attacks.

Historical Information
The Drakkar were ships built by the Kraken Sea North Tribes who invested in piracy. Using the Drakkar's smart design, they were able to transport significant numbers of troops across the Kraken Sea, and continue their raids inland, by sailing upstream the many rivers that carved the Erovan landscape. It is custom that the figurehead of the Drakkar is dedicated to the Great Serpent, or other deities that are believed to offer protection to sailors, with many builders modifying it to allow them to cast loud noises that either heralded their presence, or assisted communication between viking crews after thunderstorms, in which time regrouping could mean navigating across dozens of miles before finally meeting up again.
The Drakkar became a symbol of the Kraken Sea pirates after the large scale raids against the Isles and Gallia.
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