Character Damian Matthias LeBlanc

Damian M. LeBlanc

King of the Demons
Jul 24, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Damian Matthias LeBlanc
Name: Damian, Matthias
Surname(s): LeBlanc
Age: Two-Hundred Twenty-Two (222), Born 700 AWH
Title(s): King of the Demons, the Selfborn, Leviathan
Nickname(s): Matt
Sex: Male
Appearance: Damian retains the appearance of a young nobleman. Pale as the moon and a clean complexion. He stands at a respectable 5’10” and possesses a slim physique. Usually garbed in lavish clothing of varying sorts.
Magic Affinity: Extreme
  • Limited Immortality - Damian is immune to the passage of time. Ten years or a hundred, he will retain his youthful appearance until his death. Can still be killed in battle or through a number of different means. i.e, magic, poison, etc.
  • Ice Magic - Damian is considered peerless in Ice Magic, trespassing on the domain of the Gods. He is limited by his imagination and finite energy.
  • Demon Physiology - Anomalous or not, Damian possesses an enhanced physiology compared to regular Humans. He can compete with a freshly fed Abhartach in terms of speed and strength.
  • Driven - Damian will not stop once he has set his eyes on something. It is simply a matter of when, not if, he will conquer the rest of the world.
  • Holy Element - Those powered by divine energy will have an easier time injuring him. Damage from this type of magic or weapon is automatically doubled.
  • Holy Sites - Churches or sites of biblical significance weaken him physically and magically. This weakness can be compensated for by corrupting the environment.
  • Holy Objects - Artifacts, those of divine nature, act as something of a repellent. It causes genuine distress depending on the deity represented by the object. Weaker deities or those of a similar nature do not impede him.
  • Fire - Being a user of Ice Magic, a sufficiently powerful Fire user can give him a run for his money. It would take someone that is either in the same classification as him or a tier below.
  • Rage - Stemming from the loss of his parents, Damian possesses an unholy rage that threatens to consume him. His one curse from being born of an anomaly.
Biography: Born a Human without magical potential, Damian lived a simple childhood in the countryside. He was brought up by a humble farmer and his wife. Everything was idyllic well into his early adolescence. Toward adulthood, things took a turn for the worst. Raiders were spotted traveling across the province and torching everything that they came across. Damian’s parents refused to abandon the farm.

Confrontation became a foregone conclusion.

Damian was forced to run and hide, watching from as a distance as everything he had ever loved was burned to the ground. The event triggered a downhill spiral into despair. He sunk to such an emotional low that it triggered an evolution. Brought about by the abundance of Magic in the environment, previously a boon to food growth, Damian joined the ranks of Demonkin. He became the first to earn the epitaph; ‘Selfborn’.

He was not the product of a fallen deity or outside force, being birthed through an anomalous method.

Damian’s power grew exponentially over the course of his first century. Those of his kind respected strength above all else and they flocked to his banner. Before reaching a hundred and fifty, Damian possessed a legion of loyal followers. It was only a matter of time before he came in conflict with the previous King, Belial. Their battle took place in the sky above Darkholme, the seat of Damian’s power, lasting for seven days and nights.

Finally, the Selfborn emerged the victor.

He started his reign with an iron fist, rooting out the few that remained loyal to Belial. No longer would Demonkin be content with allowing the rest of the world to continue untouched. King Damian Matthias LeBlanc had a dream. A dream to rid the world of evil as defined by his once Human nature. Not out of some twisted desire to save people, no. It was simply to punish the wicked and do as he pleased.

Considered a top tier existence, few can hope to oppose Damian on his future conquest. Even fewer with the resources to combat the demonic army at his back.
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