Work In Progress Dagger Tip Troop Transport

May 13, 2024
Galactic Credits

Vehicle Name:
Dagger-Tip Class Hekate Starfighter
Vehicle Type: Starfighter Support Craft
Vehicle Class: Hekate-Class
Manufacturer: Hekate Industries
Affiliation: Obsidian Court
Crew/Passenger Capacity: 2 pilots 12 passengers
Length/Height/Width: [Physical dimensions of the vehicle]
Armor/Defenses: Uses a thick hide as much as a dark energy shielding, powerful shields comparable to most troop transports, but often needs a double tab once the shields are down as well to penetrate it’s thick hide.
Weapons Systems:
- [Primary Weapon]: Twin blasters out of either side and tip of the blade allowing a maneuverability to shoot from two directions.
- [Secondary Weapons]: A bomb and missile shoot out of the length of the blade.

- [Defensive Systems]: Using dark energy and nightsister and sith magic the hide of the craft is thick with dark energy and nearly impenetrable even once the shields are down. Often pilots feel comfortable using the blade as a physical weapon in close quarters.
Propulsion/Power Source: An adaption of the Twin Ion Engine design that cultivates dark energy for it’s design. This saves cost on fuel and electricity and power requirements but requires regular recharge from a greater source of dark energy such as a capitol ship refueler or a world with high dark energy.
Speed/Maneuverability: A surprisingly fast and agile craft the can pirouette in the air. Reaching speeds of 12000 kmh in atmosphere 105 MGLT an acceleration of 4150 G
Special Features/Modifications:
- [Special Feature 1]: Like all Hekate Engineering the Dagger Tip runs on dark energy forged and molded as much as constructed on the world of Malachor V. It uses this Dark energy to power most of it’s functions and systems as opposed to fuel and electrical cords. The draw back being it requires regular recharging of this dark energy usually from a capitol ship most pilots don’t like to leave it uncharged for more than a day and it will shut down after a week tops.
- [Special Feature 2]: Forged hardened skin. The Dagger tip relies on it’s tough hide as much as dark energy for it’s shielding to the point of pilots using the blade as a melee weapon against other ships in close swarm tactics. The danger is the sweetspot of the central bridge which the pilots and deck holds a red ball of dark energy. If a pilot hits that bridge in a lucky or accurate shot there is an instant chain reaction.

Strengths/Weaknesses: -Range:The Dagger Tip has no Hyperdrive. It must be refuelled atleast once a week from specific dark energy conduits.

-Weak Spot: If a lucky or accurate shot hits the bridge the glowing red centre it causes an immediate explosion.

+Maneuvarability: The Dagger Tip is highly maneuverable able to pirouette in the air at a moment in a skilled pilot it’s almost as if it’s dancing.

+Sturdy: The Dagger Tip’s blade can be used to cleave through other ships in a melee attack.

Sicarius Hekate wanted a ship that was a versatile troop transport fierce in combat while still being practical for mass production. When forging the Dagger Tip she wanted maneuverability, speed and power. She also knew she wanted a ship that could cleave through other starfighters. The weakness at the bridge was an annoying fall back for having a ship with so much power, but she believes the sacrifice worth it.

Dagger tip is the next ship Sorcerors and Alchemists use after completing Necrocraft to satisfaction.

Variants/Upgrades: Some versions can switch out blasters for missile tubes and higher artillery making them bomber function and troop transport leaving the starfighting to their fellows.
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