Approved Coisarmurtrom

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Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Coisarmurtrom
Credits: Header
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: The Coisarmurtrom, or "Noble Armoured Hammers" in Eirish, are the warbands made of spawns of the nobility, mainly lesser, who are eager enough to demonstrate their worth in battle. Dressed with the colours of their houses, they walk to the battlefield almost exclusively in the vanguard. The Coisarmurtrom are covered in chainmail and heavy coifs, with their limbs or chestguard often times further reinforced by steel armours.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: High
      • Gear:
        • Chainmail Armour
        • Lamellar Armour
        • Leather armour
        • Gambeson Undergarment
        • Heater Shield
    • Speed: Average
    • Melee: High
      • Weaponry:
        • War-Pick, Mace or War Axe
        • Longsword or Shortsword
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Average
    • Size: Low (12 members)
    • Number: Regional
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: The Coisarmurtrom are rather difficult to replenish, due to the fact that they are all nobleborn. Although highly trainned and well-geared, these noble champions are precious to any army they serve under, making their loss a highly costly and time-consuming process.
  • TvM Requirement: 3v3

+ Juggernauts. Heavily armoured and armed, the Coisarmurtrom are extremely durable in the field, while their skill in combat allows them to hold their lines even against overwhelming odds.
+ Armour-piercing weaponry. The Coisarmurtrom equipment is capable of facing armoured units with significant effectiveness.

- Limited Numbers. Being the social elite, the Coisarmurtrom units are usually few, being equal to the level of their settlement's Defenses.
- Vulnerable against Cavalry charges. Although heavily armoured, the Coisarmurtrom thrive in hand to hand brutal engagements. However, regardless their heavy gear, they have little defence if faced by a cavalry charge, with their lines turning vulnerable, should the charge manages to pierce through their ranks.

Historical Information
The Coisarmurtrom tradition holds for the better part of a hundred years, being born in a time of constant war and religious strife. With the danger of the noble spawns turning "weak" to the eyes of the overlords, and to ensure the Noble House maintains a large number of champions, the Eirish established the practice of the Coisarmurtrom. Almost every Noble House, lesser or high, follows the tradition, with the Coisarmurtrom, in times of truce, or without a campaign ongoing, finding themselves banding to pursue quests that can vary from hunting brigands and bandits, to harassing neighbouring or foreign settlements and villages, seeking to challenge themselves in a trial of arms.
Alas, the warmongering nature of the Coisarmurtrom usually results to isolated engagements between bands, usually ending with unconcious or wounded nobles retreating, with deaths being rather uncommon. Although they won't hesitate becoming lethally violent against peasants and levies, when fighting their own, it is said that they do not engage eachother with intent to kill, instead, they perform chivalrious duels and small-scale "battles" until one side is exhausted enough to flee the field... Ofcourse, killing or wounding significantly an opponent Coisarmurtrom, would result to tension rising between the two Houses, which is not something that will not attract unwanted attention from higher nobility or even worse, regional overlords...
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