Work in Progress Captain Yavanna Vor

Yavanna Vor

Captain, Engineer
Sep 17, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** [Yavanna Vor]

**Alias/Nickname:** [Captain Yavanna Vor]

**Species:** [Human]

**Gender:** [Female]

**Age:** [35]

**Homeworld:** [Alderaan]

**Affiliation:** [Knights of Pantheon ]

**Rank/Position:** [Captain]

**Appearance:** Yavanna Vor.jpg

**Personality:** [Kind, Hot tempered, Risky, Stubborn, Loyal, Strategic, Methodical, Opportunist]


Yavanna Vor


Yavanna is the younger daughter of the Vor family. Third child of a Smuggler and a Jedi. She has two older brothers, Trasken and Regus. She has her mother’s hot tempered behavior and she is risky and an opportunist.

Early years

As the younger child, Yavanna was under her family’s protection and attention. Her older brother, Regus was sent on the Jedi academy on Tython. So, Yavanna grew up with Trasken most of their youth. The two siblings were undivided and Trasken had the responsibility to protect her. They were meeting Regus when he was visiting Alderaan for a while. Then was the time when the three were spending some time all together.

Yavanna was growing and becoming a pretty young woman. Many on Alderaan were attracted to her, but she wasn’t interested in relationships. Trasken had the role of her bodyguard to keep away the persistent ones as her older brother. Yavanna was often in trouble through her mindset and her temper. However, she was always managing the situations. Her skills on driving speeders and piloting vehicles made her well known. She has won some legal and illegal speeder races and also, she started loving the mechanical engineering. She was always able to understand how a machine works without too much effort. Because of that, she studied engineering and became one known engineer of the city.

Adult life

Engineering was something Yavanna loved but her curiosity about the world made her uneasy. She was sure that one day she would leave Alderaan and travel across the galaxy, like her mother. When she became an adult, she decided to expand her work as an engineer off world. She took an old freighter and renovated it on her own making the necessary upgrades. With that freighter she was traveling on nearby systems to fix vehicles and other machines. The income was decent but not enough for her. So, she decided to expand a bit her business. She started to create her own improvements and upgrades for starships and deliver them on the clients on her own. The income grew a bit but the transportation gave to Yavanna more ways for more money. Step by step from an engineer, she became a freighter captain and partially a smuggler.

She started her expansion on Corellia where she got some serious money. Then was the time she sold her first freighter ship and bought a new one. An XS freighter model. Of course, she could not keep it as it was from the factory and upgraded as much as she could. The business was growing but the Corellian underworld was bothered and Yavanna faced some serious threats and violent attempts against her business. Even she managed to overcome these, it was clear to her that she could not stay on a place for long. She transferred her business on her new ship and managed the orders from her clients via holonet. She left Corellia and traveled on Coruscant to find more customers. Her services were unique and very fast she got more customers and more money. She wasn’t spending anything on transportation because she was managing them on her own and she never stayed on a planet again.

Yavanna was often returning back on her home on Alderaan with the hope to meet her brothers again. They were though heavily occupied with the Jedi Order and the Republic army and with her limited free time she couldn’t meet them. Their first meeting after their youth took place on Alderaan after their mother’s death. She passed out due to an accident on one of her journeys. After a fight with pirates, her ship’s core exploded killing all the crew. All 3 children and their father were devastated on the mother’s funeral but Yavanna was more affected than the others. Her mother was her hero and her loss cost more to her. From that moment she changed. She became more careful and crafty. Also, she tried to keep more frequent connections with her family communicating with them via holo and started transferring goods and making engineering upgrades for them.

Their last meeting was on their father’s funeral who passed away due to old age. The siblings promised to each other, not to spend such long time apart again. Their home on Alderaan, a huge estate among the Alderaanian mountains with a small river passing by, transferred to the older sibling, Regus. Trasken and Yavanna didn’t need a specific home to stay. Trasken’s home is every military camp he serves on and Yavanna’s home is her ship.

For Yavanna, her family remained united and this is something filling her hope for the future and she knows that any difficulty will appear against her, she has her brothers’s backup to deal with it.

**Skills/Abilities:** [Expert pilot, Expert navigator, Expert mechanic/engineer, Sharpshooter]

**Equipment/Gear:** [A pair of improved blasters, Scope improved Sniper rifle,]

**Ship/Vehicle:** [Corellian XS light freighter modded]

**Goals/Objectives:** [Protect and assist his siblings, Make money, Modify vehicles and items]
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