Character Caoilfhionn

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Caoilfhionn
Name: Caoilfhionn
Surname(s): N/A
Age: 102
Title(s): Elder of the Moon Druids
Nickname(s): The Seer
Sex: Female
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 1,76m
Weight: 80 kg

Magic Affinity: Extreme
Illusion Magic:
Voodoo Magic:
Suggestion Magic:
Magic Missile:

Strengths: (Will write out later)
Weaknesses: (Will write out later)


Caoilfhionn was born in Hiberranoch in 670 ME, as a member of the Azyrhysh Marauder Tribe, during a night over which a Full Moon shined. Rare as it was, a child born under the full moon was believed to be blessed, by the Dark Gods worshipped by the Azyrhysh, and as such, the child was brought to the tribe's shaman, who blessed it with an offering of blood. Alas, blessed or not, the birth heralded calamities the Tribe could not foresee.

Before the young child counted breath of ten winters, the tribe migrated North, as the onslaught of the near-legendary Marauder Chieftain Sragga, the Scarred, pushed the Azyrhysh to a near-extinction. The tribe will make its way through Talathair, where they will be faced by the Goidel natives who will commit in exterminating the invaders. In 683, Caoilfhionn found herself an apprentice to the Shaman, who introduced her to the dark sorceries and practices of Druidism. She grew to respect nature, for it was who provided answers, where there were none, and who offered ways, where there were but stone boulders.

The young shaman's first great deed will be when she was driven off the main tribe, pursued by a Goidel contingent along with a few tribesmen. In hostile territory, the few Marauders were lost in the snow-laid highlands in Western Talathair. Caoilfhionn, kneeling under the moonlight before the white soil and praying to the primordial hosts of Gaia for guidance, was met by a white deer... A deer, which seemingly spoke a tongue only she could hear in her mind.


Following the guide of the deer, Caoilfhionn was brought before the ruins of an ancient site, buried under the dense woodland. An altar that was dedicated to the Night Tyrant, entity worshipped by the druidic Circle of the Moon.

Caoilfhionn will enter the ruins alone, and what transpired within, will remain a mystery. However, upon walking out, she bore the Black Marks on her cheeks, symbol of the Moon Circle, now embraced by the Circle as one of their own mystics. What she encountered outside, however, was much to her shock. The warriors around her, were unaware of the magics that drove the young shaman. Unbeknownst of its importance, and having spent several days in the wilds, the warriors slaughtered the deer and feasted on its flesh, before abandoning the young shaman they thought had died...

It will be a decade later, when she made an appearance to the Tribe again, followed by a pack of wolves, and wearing a crown of horns. Her time spent in the wilderness had turned the shaman feral, while her initial compassion for Man was corrupt by the bestial toll suffered by the magics she wielded.
No longer were Tribes, or Realms, or mortal ties important, to Caoilfhionn. None mattered. For she had discovered much greater worlds hiding beneath the shadows. Her journey had brought her to the Circle of the Moon, to be initiated in the ancient magics. And so she did.

In the cruel world of the Moon Druids, where the night spoke tales and the day tore pain, Caoilfhionn was seen for the strong Magic Sensitive she was. Conallcuim, the Druid who had nurtured her powers ever since she was discovered, had finally decided to unleash her true potential...

Now, before the tribe she once called her own, Caoilfhionn walked, speaking riddles and prophecies that called the tribe to unite, for the great task at hand. There were several tribesmen who denied the woman's authority, seeing her as an outcast. All, were soon silenced, by the wolf jaws. The Shaman's authority in the tribe was absolute.

The Azyrhyshh tribe begun a long march across Eirlun, making their way to Dunwyn's westmost border, Heithhenn Mountains...

In 700 ME, Caoilfhionn led the Azyrhyshh Marauders into Heithhenn Mountains, where the mighty Mountain Tribes had already settled, and the Goidel Highlanders saw both, as enemies. Caoilfhionn's war in Heithhenn region lasted for long years, during which one after the other, her champions battled the rival Mountain Tribes, as they made their own seat in the Western fringes. The Azyrhyshh Tribe slaughtered the rival bands in the numerous engagements, driven by their zeal about the Eternal Night, prophesised by Caoilfhionn's visions. But the war of Tribes, was not the only battlefield the Shaman engaged... Unforgiving as it was, the world of the Moon Druids was one of chaotic schemes and sophisticated plans. Some saw Caoilfhionn's visions for what they were, according to her. Heralds of the future. Moon Sight. Alas, there were those, that saw her as a seed of corruption, and sough to challenge her onslaught. The Circle of the Beast, was one such entity...

Goidel tribes and rival Mountain people alike rallied in defiance of the Azyrhyshh, wounding many defeats for the tribe, while the Beast Druids tainted their champions and troops in manner most horrid, for Caoilfhionn's magics to be unable to match...

Bleeding men and her powers rivalled by many, Caoilfhionn was finally cornered in a mountain range. Unable to match the enemy numbers, or powers wielded by the druids that supported them. She prayed to the Moon for guidance, as she always did... And the Moon... did answer...

It was then, when Realta Folaithe revealed herself to Caoilfhionn. A figure she was quick to recognize as the very leader of the Circle of the Beast; A darkest druidic organization... The bargain between the two remained unknown. However, the following night, the vast enemy camp was attacked by what could only be described as Shadows... Entities that could not be recognized as anything made of Man....

Several druids were slain, while most of the enemy force was scattered, leaving the Azyrhyshh Tribe as the strongest, among the Mountain Tribes, and Caoilfhionn established, as the very Elder, of the Moon Druids...
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