Approved Guild Submission Bazaar Eternity

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Nov 6, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Bazaar Eternity
Type: Traveling Circus
Brief Description:
Lemuel Warren Osborne was once the heir to the noble Osborne family in Phalwesz province of Ostronnia. He would have been one of the wealthiest men in the Iron Cult. There was a problem however. Lemuel loved magic and all things fantastic. Instead of following the his family's desires, Lemuel made off with a large some of money and started a traveling carnival.

Bazaar Eternity is many things. During the daylight hours great wholesome fun is had. Animals, fortune telling, acrobats, and magic shows suitable for the whole family are on display. When the sun goes down things in the carnival also get a bit darker.

As time progressed Lemuel procured a gladiator troop (more specifically a trainer and several slaves that were made to fight). This proved to be a good way to generate capital to continue Lemuel's true vision. Finding the great mysteries of Erova and putting them on display.
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