Character Aymer Piloter

Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Aymer Piloter
Alias(es): Aymer Belyea, “Errant” Aymer
Age: 49 (b.943)
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vethonny, Pottaun

Physical Information
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Tanned
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 187 lbs.
Brief Description: Aymer is often described as the “average man” at first sight. He is not tall nor short, fat nor skinny, brown hair and brown eyes. The only thing that stood out about him is a well maintained beard.

Social Information
Corsaires, Belyea Legacy
Ranks and Titles: Vox Maris (Voice of the Sea)
House: Belyea
Skills: Diplomacy, Naval Tactics, Swordsman, Sailing
Aymer is the bastard born son of the weakest branch of House Belyea without the blessing of name and title Aymer quickly learned how to sail and fish. His uncle even taught him how to lead ships in time of war. Eventually however his lowborn status limited his advancement. As a result Aymer started to work outside of the structures of government forming a pirate company known as the Corsaires. Under Aymer’s leadership the group has raided and pilfered up and down the coasts of Pottaun, Sparnia and the Brython Islands.

Holdings / Possessions: Angelus Oceani, flagship of the Corsaire fleet
Kills: TBD
Threads: TBD
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