Character Aveline Brinon

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Full Name: Aveline Brinon
Name: Aveline
Surname(s): Brinon
Born: 899
Title(s): Knight of Bregeur
Appearance: Aveline is a tall well built young woman with rust-colored red hair. She is almost always in her armor and armed. Her face is quite often dirty, however when she takes the time to clean up she can be a pretty young lady.
Magic Affinity: None
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Aveline is the eldest child of House Brinon and first cousin of the Baron of Naodaron. Her father was more big brother to the Baron than uncle so House Brinon spent nearly as much time in the baron’s castle as they did at home in Neunthal. Life was pretty simple growing up for Avaline. She may have been a bit of a tomboy, but she was treated like a princess. That lasted for about ten years until her first brother was born. A year later a sister and a year after that another brother. The worst came when the Baron welcomed his son and heir. The days of Aveline being the princess of the castle had now passed. She was more becoming an aid to her mother and her cousin’s Lady wife.

At fourteen Aveline’s parents gave in to her begging to train as a knight. Her little sister was only three so all the doting that used to go to Aveline now went to her siblings. She needed something to do. She trained hard and was a squire to a rather prestigious knight by the time she was sixteen. At eighteen she was knighted, though that didn’t account for much change in her life. There was no war or even a simple rebellion in Naodaron, so Aveline continued to train and occasionally compete at tournaments.

When she was nineteen her sister was too ill to make the trip to visit her cousin the Baron and Aveline was given charge of the home and told to watch after her sister and youngest brother, who had thrown a fit against traveling. A week into her time in charge, her brother’s constant pestering led to a trip into the nearby woods. Despite instructions to stay at her side, her brother wandered off and was lost. Aveline looked and looked, but there was no sign that the boy had even been in the woods.

Upon his return Aveline’s father banished her from the House until his son had been safely returned to him. For two years Aveline lived in those woods searching and finding nothing. Finally she gave up and retreated from Albbadon. Abandoning the island, Aveline stowed away on a ship and traveled inland until she arrived in Surdris in the province of Varracas. She quickly proved her value in a tournament and was hired as the bodyguard of Raîne Courtenay.

Since then she has been a loyal member of House Courtenay, even though word came from Naodaron that her brother had been returned to his family with an unbelievable tale of abduction at the hand of terrifying monsters. Aveline has been in contact with her family, and relays the stories that come to her charge and best friend, but she has no intention of returning home.
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