Work in Progress Alice Carndous

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Alice Carndous
Name: Alice
Surname(s): Carndous
Age: 24
Title(s): Advisor to High Queen Noemi, Inventor of House Bel'yea
Nickname(s): The Mad Inventor, Miracle Worker, The Clock-worker, The Mad Dog of Bel'yea
Sex: Female
Appearance: Alice is a young woman with striking red eyes that come from her time working with certain chemical, that she desperately tries to keep all the royal family away from. Part of her black hair is stained white from it as well, and it is these chemicals and fumes that are the source of her madness. She has two fang like teeth made of metal that she uses as a weapon to bite at any who might harm the royal family. As is the reason for her nickname the Mad Dog. However such nicknames are an unfair label for the gentle girl who main focus is the Queen and her families happiness and safety.
Magic Affinity: Average

Telekinesis: Alice is a skilled user of Telekinesis, but not in combat situations. She can usually be found using it to pick up large parts or keep a bunch of small ones floating in the air around her. She is more likely to pick up one of her wheellock or flintlocks and shoot an attacker rather than throw anything at them given her belief in the superiority of machines over magic... unless it is the Queen's.

Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Biography: I will write this out later as usual... just trying to get a basic framework up
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