Ready for Review Halcyon


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Halcyon
Type: Planet
Consolidation Thread: NA
Description: A jungle world situated at the Expansion regions (Grid Coordinates: J13).

  • Location:
    Halcyon Frontier.png
  • Cluster Type: Star System
  • Star System:
    Halcyon System.jpg
    • Star A: Akelos (White Dwarf)
    • Star B: Fovos (Main Sequence Star)
      • Planet Name: Halcyon
        • Orbiting Elements: Orbital Station T-33
        • Planetary Vergence: Neutral
          • Nexus Intensity: Powerful
        • Atmosphere Type: Type I Atmosphere
        • Gravity: Average
        • Climate: Temperate
        • Terrain: The planet is predominantly covered by feral jungles and high mountain ranges, with some oceans also existing. The largest proportion of the planet's water surface is covered by flora too, while the water on the planet is dark in shade, almost black on certain areas, and highly poisonous.
        • Point of Interest:
          • Blackhill Mountain Base

            Serving as the centre of command for the planetary governor, Blackhill Mountain Base was the first and largest Sith colony on the planet. Established by Darth Eosfor in 11 ATC, Blackhill Mountain Base initially was established as a military-scientific encampment, expanding rapidly to facilitate a massive slave camp which served in building the awe-inspiring Sith Temples. By 23 ATC, the Blackhill Base had become a massive temple and academy complex, with a large Imperial Army base and pre-fabricated curtain wall protecting both.
          • Temple of the Living Dead

            The Temple of the Living Dead is the most sacret sight for the Blood Tribes. Believed to be a site of apotheosis, the Temple of the Living Dead has multiple alien glyphs and sculptures of what could only be speculated to be antediluvian origins. The stone used to build the structure which is entirely embraced by the ravine its situated in, is black in shade and carries an unknown red shade which had been its original colour, during an era unknown.
            Inside the Temple, there is a powerful holocron that drains any living organism that enters the limits of the temple. There are numerous remains of decaying cadavers of both beasts and Blood Tribes pilgrims, which appear to remain in a perpetual state of decay, swollen and mutilated by it, yet remaining in a limbo of unlife state. The few scientists that have studied the site have claimed that the Temple was built in veneration of an ancient deity of the Blood Tribes.
          • Terror Valley

            Terror Valley was a large plateau South of Hellmouth. Its name derived from the times of the Halcyon Civil War, during which several elements of the Imperial Guard revolted against the two Dark Lords of Halcyon, Darth @Eosfor and Darth Azra. The majority of the fighting took place in Terror valley, where the Imperial and renegade forces had also to face rogue cyborg elements from the classified scientific bases deep in the plateau.
          • Black Spire

            A structure that resembles the dominant position of the Sith over Halcyon and the Kantiir Sector, the Black Spire was an ancient structure of Sith antiquate architecture that was built atop a high mountain peak on Halcyon's northern hemisphere. When the Sith discovered (or re-discovered) the planet, Darth Eosfor renovated the site and used it as his personal stronghold.

- Feral World. To launch an invasion on Halcyon would be to risk a multi-front engagement against guerillas, renegades, foul weather and significant Sith forces.
- Powerhouse of Darkness. The Sith have established an Academy on Halcyon's Blackhill Mountain, which allowed them to raise entire armies of Sith to the support of the distant sector the planet is situated on.

- No civilian population. Halcyon remains a semi-holy world for the Sith, with little to no civilian population migrated to the planet. This makes the Sith colony being heavily dependent on extra-planetary supply lines to remain in operation.
- Anarchy beyond the Wall. The planet is a haven of feral tribes, renegade Imperial elements and guerilla pockets of rebel slaves, making venturing beyond the limits of the heavily fortified Sith colonies a rather dangerous affair.

Historical Information
Halcyon is a jungle world with ancient structures burried across the foresty surface. Populated by beasts and strange primitives, the majority of the planet's water reserves have a mysterious black shade, lethal for most creatures when consumed and source of severe irritation and allergic reactions, if brought to contact with naked skin.

Not long after the treaty of Coruscant, the Sith Empire begun a scientific expedition to an unknown planet. By using the minor Imperial Outposts of the Unknown Regions, the Imperial Expedition Force colonized an uncharted world they referenced as "Halo-7". Under the guiding hand of Darth Aittitous, a renown Sith Inquisitor and skilled alchemist, a colony ship was soon repurposed as a scientific orbital station, allowing the Dark Lord to devote to his studies of the primitive creatures and mysteries that lurked in the dense forests of the feral world.

The Reign of the Two Dark Lords
The planet served as a hidden imperial outpost during the time of the Second Galactic War. Due to its distance from Sith Imperial territories, Halcyon was a strategic world that could not be used, due to the neglection of the Empire over its isolated and ill-supplied location. This was bound to change, when the Two Dark Lords came...With grand visions of turning Kantiir Sector (Halcyon Sector, as the Imperials refered to it) into their very own domain, they usurped the hidden world from Darth Aittitous. It is yet unknown under what circumstances this change occured, but it is believed that the two Dark Lords launched a surprise strike, before any Imperial principle could react. Now lords of Halcyon, Darth Eosfor and Darth Azra, brothers and leaders of the Kaasian House Kata, begin to develop the planet under extreme secrecy, establishing hidden hyperlanes connecting the sector with outer rim colonies of the Empire. In time, several factions of the sector gradually favoured the Sith Empire, with Darth Azra's Sith Academy of Halcyon secretly providing Sith warriors for the factions' war effort, while the 6th Imperial Fleet, commanded by Darth Eosfor promised a decisive conquest of the entire sector. In time, tensions rose enough for the Republic to deploy scouting fleets in search of the "unknown" imperial outpost in the sector. This forced Halcyon to become more and more cautious, leading with the 6th Imperial Fleet becoming unable to deploy ships in the region, due to high Republic presence... Without the warfleet of Eosfor, Azra was left to face the Republic's navy unsupported...

The Republic Storm
The Republic eventually discovered the location of the hidden outpost. Under Vice-Admiral @Adetfelia Kenivar 's briliance and her alliance with a Grey Jedi Master, Alkaaron, the Republic managed to pinpoint the location of Halcyon. The two organized a well-planned and multi-front offensive meant to break the local Imperial forces and encourage a pro-Republic sentiment in the neutral worlds of Kantiir Sector. After months of communications blackout and Sector-wide blockade, and without the support of the 6th Imperial Fleet, the Sith of Halcyon's power gradually waned. With a sudden onslaught, the republic launched an invasion on Halcyon and quickly assumed control of the planet, laying siege on the Orbital Station which was initially used by Darth Eosfor as a fleet command station. Within two weeks, the planet was overran and Blackhill Mountain was put under siege, with little hope of withstanding a prolonged engagement.

The Imperial Counter-Attack

With the sector fallen and the hidden outposts now compromised, Darth Eosfor's moment had come. Having the Sector's control in debate, the Dark Lord mobilized the entirety of the 6th Imperial Fleet and recaptured Halcyon, killing thousands of Republic troops along with two hundred Jedi, who made a last stand on the planet. Having the chance to materialize their promise to their local allies, and little alternative, the two Dark Lords initiated a long campaign to usurp the Kantiir Sector and enforce imperial rule. Darth Ignis, Eosfor's greatest champion at the time, led an invasion on Kathalla, in support of Kardia, the city-state allied to the Empire. The Campaigns on Kathalla escalated when the Republic dispatched a fleet to counter the Imperial offensive. Against Vice-Admiral's objections, the Republic Fleet engaged Eosfor's fleet commander, Lord Qyasiq, who won a great victory in orbit, concluding the war for Kathalla by moving her navy in atmosphere to support the efforts of Lord Baal, commanding the 3rd Coalition Army Corps.

The Two heads of the Snake
Having military superiority, Darth Eosfor's fleet broke in two long campaigns. To the south, across the Kathallan Run Trade Route, the Imperials captured the space city Iron Void, and pushed south connecting with the Dread Slayer Horde; Ruthless corsair cultists and close allies of the Kata. The second wave, more powerful in strength, was led by Darth Thea, Eosfor's warmaster, who invaded and captured Agrilon, dying during the Orbital War, while Darth Atrox led the ground invasion.
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