Unit Name: Abyssal Drones
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: Amputated long decomposed bodies that should in no way still be functioning, augmented with additional limbs and other grotesque modifications made of minerals mined from the depths of Terra Firma, to assist these foul servitors in serving their demonic masters. Although the tissue is long dead, their souls trapped within them in a glass flask burns, granting the body's unlife in its perpetual torment, planted inside its caverns where the intestines once were.
- Main Stats
- Armour: Low
- Gear:
- Bare flesh.
- Seeded spores grown within the body.
- Gear:
- Speed: Average
- Melee: Extreme
- Weaponry:
- Obsidian talons implanted into the limbs.
- Sharp metallic or mineral prosthetics.
- Weaponry:
- Ranged: NA
- Morale: Extreme
- Size: Low (4-12 Members)
- Recruitment & Replenishment: To create an Abyssal Drone, Demonic magicks are used to
- Armour: Low
- TvM Requirement: 1v5
+ Mindless Drones. These slave-soldiers carry no will of their own and are fully controlled by their demonic masters, making them immune to fear or panic.
- Rotten carrions.
Historical Information
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